Jean: The Box Cutter Murders Ch. 06


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My life fell into a routine. I kept my eyes on the ground when I was around the other whores. I was either sleeping, bathing, fucking Jose, being washed by Jose, eating or servicing an endless stream of Johns. I didn't have time for anything else. I had little time to contemplate my situation. The few times that I thought about my previous life as a law student, I laughed at my foolishness. I only went into law because my asshole dad was a lawyer, and I wanted to prove myself worthy of his love. Even if I had been smart enough to get my law degree, I certainly wasn't confident enough to make a success of the profession.

Julie never let me off easy again. She worked me hard from around eight at night until the traffic slacked off around three or four in the morning. Julie and Rosie would quickly wipe me down for the next customer. It was all a blur to me, and I was surprised when they said I was doing at least four customers an hour during the peak times.

Herod was overjoyed with my performance. "I've decided to move to a larger place so the new girls can work from home as well. Your pulling in four times what my best girl does on the street. I plan on sending my final payment for the new girls tomorrow. Damn, life is good."

Herod gave me a kiss on my forehead. He said, "You know what is amusing? Jose offered to buy you. He thought twenty-five hundred dollars was a fair price. Hell, you bring in that much in two or three days. He offered double that amount, and I still laughed."

I looked at the calendar and realized it had been eighteen days since I had gone to the Velvet Groove to interview Herod. I did a quick calculation and realized I should be starting my period today or tomorrow. I assumed when it started I would get a few days off; surely no customers would want me. Then it hit me. Since I had been taken, I had avoided thinking about anything other than what I was currently doing. Now, I couldn't avoid the fact that I hadn't used any birth control the whole time I was working for Herod. The peak of my fertility had come while I was being broken. Any number of men could have impregnated me including Herod, Scav, T-bone, Jose's father and many others I didn't even know. Unfortunately, Jose hadn't started fucking me until I was well past my fertile period.

The badly scarred Staff Sargent Woods had also helped break me. At least he had been kind to me since I accepted my fate. He had become almost as regular as Jose and often paid for extra time with me. The right side of his body might be hamburger, but there was nothing wrong with his mind or his big black cock. If I was going to have anyone's baby, I preferred the Sargent's.

I tried not to worry. The next day I started my session with Jose by bending over the upholstered chair that Herod had added to my Spartan room. My student was very enthusiastic, but I got bored after taking his hard thrusts for what seemed like half an hour or more. I had Jose lie down on the bed, and I introduced him to the cowgirl position. When I pointed out that he could rub my clit in this position, he went straight to work. I screamed so loud the first time I came; Julie came in and gagged me once again.

After his lesson concluded, he bathed me in what had become our daily ritual. Julie came in and said she needed to shave my legs and pussy. We were both surprised when Jose begged to shave me. I was nervous, but he was very gentle and didn't nick me once. He held my robe for me and walked me back to my room. He had another present for me.

I opened the wrapping on a small box and squealed in delight when I saw the diamond earrings. They had to be at least a karat each.

I said, "Jose, I love the earrings, but you don't have to bring presents. I'm just a whore. I get paid for my work and don't deserve anything so nice."

Jose put his hand on mine and said, "Don't ever call yourself a whore again. You're a beautiful woman, and I love you. I want you all to myself."

"What about Alissa?"

Jose's face crumpled, and he looked at the floor. His grip on my arm tightened. "Alissa's dad sent her to the University of Mobile to attend their summer bible camp. It's a Baptist college in Alabama, and he's enrolled her full time. She won't be coming back. She managed to get a note to me. She said it's God's will and I shouldn't wait."

I put my arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Jose, I'm so sorry. You're a wonderful man, but you knew all along it was going to be hard to get the minister's permission to marry his daughter. I don't think she would be happy if she had to run away with you."

The next day I woke up to a loud argument in the kitchen. Herod had turned down Jose's offer of five thousand dollars for me. Jose was angry when he gave up and came into my room for his next lesson. I had noticed that our time together had changed. Jose wasn't fucking me anymore in our lessons. He was making love to me. I wasn't sure how to handle the happiness I felt when he was around. I was just a dumb whore. The only thing valuable about me was the money I could earn by Herod selling my cunt.

After my bath, Jose had another present for me. He gave me a pair of slippers so I could avoid slivers from the worn hardwood floors. He also had several bottles of nail polish. I was surprised at the joy he showed on his face as he painted my nails.

After Jose left, I joined Herod and his women for dinner. After we ate, I said, "Julie, my period is late. I'm haven't been on birth control since I started working for Herod. Before I started taking birth control pills, my periods were always less than twenty-eight days. Today, it's been thirty-two days. I'm at least four days late. I think I might be pregnant.

Herod said, "Krystal, we'll take care of you. Your health is important to me. Julie, call the doctor and have him make a house call tomorrow."

It was a late night. I tried not to think about anything while I entertained the largest number of customers I had ever had in one night. Herod had told Julie to work me hard in case I had to take some time off for health reasons. I managed to get five hours of sleep before the doctor arrived at noon. Julie and Rosie had gotten even less sleep. Julie helped me into the kitchen. I sat on a wooden chair naked and filthy from my night's work. Rosie brewed a pot of coffee while the doctor gave me an exam. At the end of the exam, he gave Julie several sample packs of antibiotics to treat an infection I had acquired. He asked if there was any place private where I could lie down. Julie led me back to my bed. Rosie had changed the sheets, but the room still smelled of sweat and cum.

I said, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to give you a pelvic exam, so I need you lying down. It may be a little painful, so I'm going to give you something to relax you."

I watched the doctor pour a liquid onto cotton cloth. I tried to protest when he put it over my nose, but I passed out.

Julie was giving me a bath when I woke up. I felt a cramp in my abdomen. I clutched my stomach and moaned.

"I don't understand. What did the doctor do to me?"

Julie was kneeling next to the tub. She put her arms around my shoulders and pulled my head to her chest.

"The doctor took care of your problem. Herod doesn't like his girls pregnant. It's bad for business. Don't worry, the doctor knows what he's doing. You won't have to work for a few days. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Listen to some music. I have a romance novel you might like."

I stared at Julie for a moment before I began to sob on her shoulder. No one had asked me about having a baby. I didn't know if I wanted a black baby with an unknown father, but to have it taken away with no choice was horrible. If there had been any doubt that I was a worthless whore, having my baby stolen so I could continue to earn money for Herod put an end to any questions about my worth. God, I hated Herod. At some point, I ran out of tears.

"What about Jose?"

"I already told him you were sick and couldn't have any visitors until you weren't contagious."

"Did you warn him that he should see a doctor? I don't know why I am taking antibiotics, but I think he deserves to know."

Julie kissed me on the cheek. "Ok child, I'll let him know. I doubt it will change his love for you. The poor boy has it bad."

I spent most of the day sleeping. Julie brought me dinner in my room. I was too sore to get up except to go to the bathroom. After dinner, I listened to some of Herod's blues albums. I put Billie Holiday's album 'Lady Sings the Blues' on repeat and tried to read Julie's romance novel. I gave up on the book. Who was going to love a stupid whore? The only man interested was a drug dealer eight years younger than me. I knew he would leave me once someone better came along. I cried myself to sleep.

In the middle of the night, I woke up. The gag was in my mouth, and I was blindfolded. I tried to struggle, but my arms were forced behind my back, and my wrists were bound. Once my legs were tied together, I was thrown over someone's shoulder and carried down the stairs. I was tossed into the trunk of a car. It was slammed shut, and I lay there listening as the car was loaded with stuff.

I was terrified. Someone was abducting me. I could only imagine that things would get worse. I had a moment of hope when I wondered if Jose had taken me. He had been angry enough when Herod laughed at his latest offer to buy me. I heard muffled voices. People were in a hurry. None of the strange voices sounded like Jose.

The car started up. The driver must have been in a rush since I was bounced around as the car hit pothole after pothole in the ghetto streets. We drove for a few minutes. It couldn't have been more than a couple of miles. I was carried up a couple of flight of stairs and dumped on a carpeted floor. I heard people rushing up and down the stairs. I heard the banging of metal followed by the flapping of sheets. I was picked up and laid down on a bed. The hard mattress was familiar. My blindfold was removed. I looked around and recognized Herod's friends Scav and Sargent Woods among the men coming and going in a hurry. The ropes on my wrists and ankles were replaced by the familiar padded chain securing my ankle to the bedframe. Julie came into the room and placed a couple of pillows on my bed and propped me up.

Julie asked, "Are you Ok?"

I nodded.

"Sorry, I have to leave the gag in for a bit until everything is moved in, and we can close the door to the apartment. We're disturbing the neighbors as it is. I'll get you a glass of water as soon as we can close the door. I think it's almost time for your antibiotic."

I made some noises in my throat and shook my head toward the door.

"I imagine you're wondering what's happening. Herod likes to move regularly to evade his enemies. He heard Samuel was looking for you. Those two hate each other. I wouldn't want to be around if Samuel found Herod. Likely, this time one of them would kill the other. Also, we need more room for the Moldavian girls who are arriving tomorrow. Why don't you take a nap? I have to help with the move."

Julie hurried off. Everyone seemed like they knew what they needed to do. I guess they were used to Herod's regular moves.

She returned later with a glass of water and my antibiotic. She put some Count Basie on the record player and handed me a couple of romantic novels from her collection. I guess even whorehouse madams have dreams of romance. I tried to read, but my heart wasn't into romance. I fell asleep only to be jolted awake by Herod shouting at Julie.

"What do you mean the doctor told her to rest for a week. I can't afford it. I had to borrow money for those damn Russian girls."

"Herod, it would be bad for business if the girl bleeds on a customer or heaven forbids pukes on him. She needs to rest."

"Fuck me. Ok, Ok, she can take a couple more days off. No way she gets a damn week. She can help you take care of the new girls when they arrive tomorrow."

I was sitting naked at the dining room table when Herod arrived with the girls from Moldavia. I was shocked. The oldest looked like she might be fourteen. The youngest looked barely twelve. I said something to Herod about how young they looked.

"Their passports list their ages as eighteen. Who am I to argue with the commie bastards who run Moldavia? I'm sure they know how to keep records. Hell, Inesa and Marian were also small. I don't think the commies feed their people well. I'm doing these girls a big favor. At least working for me, they'll get fed."

Julie led the three girls to the dining room table. They were all dressed in shabby dresses. When they saw me sitting there naked, they were shocked. It was becoming obvious to the girls that Herod wasn't going to find them jobs as nannies. They huddled together and cried when they sat down. Julie brought in plates and a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. Rosie brought in some garlic bread dripping with butter. I started to prepare a large plate of pasta for myself. I stopped and pushed the plate in front of the youngest girl. Julie filled another plate, while I filled another for the last girl. They were staring at the strange food when I took my first bite. Before long they joined me. I doubt they had eaten much in days or even years.

These girls spoke almost no English unlike my friend Marian. I'm not sure I ever learned their names. Julie asked me to help give them baths and put them to bed. It wasn't easy convincing them that we were going to return their clothes.

I went to bed around one in the morning which was early for me. I heard Herod come in. He got into an argument with Julie over money. She kept the books for Herod and paid the bills. Evidently, despite the money I was bringing in, he had borrowed heavily to buy the three girls. It was going to take some time to break in the new girls, and he had a payment due on Saturday. Julie suggested having me resume my sex education lessons with Jose tomorrow. A two-hour lesson would allow her to make the payment, and he would escape having his fingers smashed by his money lender. At first, Herod refused; he didn't trust Jose. He was afraid the young man would tell Samuel where the new apartment was located. When Julie suggested blindfolding Jose, Herod finally agreed.

I was excited about seeing Jose again. He provided the only fun in my miserable existence. Unfortunately, it meant that I would be seeing him after only two days recovering from whatever the doctor had done to me. I fell asleep designing a lesson that wouldn't injure me.

Jose showed up the next afternoon wearing a blindfold. He smiled at me when Herod removed it. As soon as he paid for the two hours in advance, I guided my date to my bedroom. I was proud of my new room. It even had a small window that looked out on the top of a tree. A small gap revealed a corner of the building across the street. He stood looking out the window while I got dressed in the robe he had given me. If I couldn't wear anything nice in the rest of the house, I was going to make sure I wore it for the kind man who had given it to me.

I gave Jose the best blowjob I knew how. We spent the rest of his time talking and kissing. I emphasized the importance of small talk and made him practice asking me about my life. He was surprised when I told him I had been taking law at Temple. He had a hard time understanding that I was at peace giving up something I had worked on so long. I didn't mention the sleep deprivation, water torture, beatings and gangbangs that resulted in my overwhelming sense of worthlessness. I just said I had discovered I didn't have what it takes to be a lawyer. I told him I was working as a whore because it was the only thing I was good enough to do.

A single tear ran down my face when he hugged me. Jose told me he loved me and promised to take me away from Herod. He begged me to be patient, but it wouldn't be very long. I smiled at him, but I knew it would never happen.

That night, Herod insisted that I get back to work. Thankfully, Julie made sure I had a light shift. She only let a few of my regulars know the new address. For once, I was asleep when Herod brought his street ladies back to the apartment and woke me with his usual noisy bluster. I had just gotten back to sleep when someone broke down the apartment door. Herod cursed, and a single shot rang out. A body slammed into my bedroom door and slid to the floor. Women were crying and screaming. I rolled out of bed and crawled underneath it. I curled into a ball and cried in fear. I hadn't heard anyone yell police. It had to be one of Herod's enemies. I feared for my life. Even if I survived, I would still be the property of a vicious pimp. Whether that pimp was Herod or some stranger hardly mattered. I was a whore and would stay a whore for the rest of my life.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
About time...well done!!!

Thank you for killing Jean and allowing Krystal to thrive in her proper place. This is everything her old self wanted, her old self needed, but she could never commit to becoming on her own. This was the perfect ending.

Even if Jose is coming to claim what is left of her from Herod, she will never overcome her training, the joy of all that forced sex, the loss of the innocent child she had carved out of her, her need to serve and please others no matter the size, shape, smell, age, one will ever be able to please her like a john does. Even a john like Jose.

Jean is dead. Long live Krystal the whore!

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