Jennifer and Slave Sarah


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"But I'm not with Sarah for most of the week. How is she going to ask me for permission?"

"Give her one of those cheap mobile phones that can only make phone calls and send text messages. Have her send you a text message if she wants to ask for your permission about anything. And make it a rule that any text messages sent in the middle of the night won't be answered and will incur a punishment for disturbing your sleep."

"I don't think Sarah is likely to be wanting to have an orgasm all that often," I muse.

"Then you must make sure that she wants to at least three or four times every day. But only give her permission to orgasm when she has done something to deserve a reward."

"That sounds cruel," I say.

"Not in the least. You are both willing participants in your game. And it's a game where the only boundaries are the limits of your imagination. Your most powerful sex organ is your brain, and you don't need to be together for your brains to work in unison. She'll soon find the denial just as pleasing as being allowed to go all the way. I suspect Sarah is capable of playing a much deeper game than you've been playing so far. You said that she's been pushing your boundaries. How about pushing hers? She'll soon let you know if she has reached her absolute limit."

"And how am I supposed to know whether she has obeyed me if I deny her permission?" I ask.

"Tell her that if you ever catch her disobeying your command then you will stop playing the game. I think you'll find that Sarah would rather face the frustrations of being refused permission than risk ending the game altogether."

"And what about Adam?" I ask. "I can't expect him to obey my no-sex rule indefinitely. I've already had to punish Sarah three times for breaking the rule. Not that they've had actual sex ... Sarah just gives Adam a hand job."

"Sarah clearly regards what she and Adam have done as sex," says mum. "She wouldn't confess to breaking your rule otherwise. How well do you think Adam would respond if you punish him as well as Sarah for breaking your rule?"

"When Sarah and I drew up the slave contract he said something about wanting me to be his dom as far as his relationship with Sarah goes. Why?"

"Two reasons. Firstly, Sarah shouldn't be the only one punished for breaking your rule. Adam must be equally responsible for her disobedience, and you don't know whether he is encouraging Sarah to disobey you. Secondly, it's important for your own well being that your own sexual needs are satisfied. Being a dominatrix is a very powerful position, but it also carries a great responsibility. You are operating in a highly charged and emotional situation. It doesn't matter whether it is Adam or Sarah ... or someone else entirely ... who satisfies your own needs, but you will make mistakes if you are sexually frustrated."

"Are you suggesting that I have sex with Adam and Sarah?" I ask in surprise. "Most mothers discourage their daughters from having sex before marriage."

"Yes, having sex is what I'm suggesting you do. Most daughters aren't a natural dominatrix," replies mum. "You are an adult now, so your life is yours to make or break as you see fit. I don't mind you having sex as long as you take sensible precautions to avoid STDs and, of course, an unwanted pregnancy. I wasn't a virgin when I met your dad, and things turned out okay."

"So, who was your first sex partner?" I probe, not anticipating an answer.

"His name was Robert. He was my sub for a while. All I can really remember about him was that he had an enormous cock."

"Sounds a bit like Adam," I reply. "He has this tiny pair of leather briefs and the pouch at the front always looks as though it's about to burst apart. His cock must be a real monster."

"If you are that interested in Adam then you should definitely have Sarah share him with you."

"Oh, I couldn't steal Adam from her. I wouldn't go behind Sarah's back like that."

"I'm not talking about going behind her back. Have her watch while Adam satisfies your curiosity about his monster. And watch for Sarah's reaction. It will give you a clue about how deep she is willing to go in your game."

My conversation with mum on Monday alters my plans for later in the week. Fortunately this week and next is the mid-trimester break, so I've no lectures and only a few assignments to complete. I've more free time than usual.

I go round to Sarah's house as usual on Wednesday evening. I change into my black vinyl outfit, and Sarah and I perform our usual greeting ritual. For once Sarah has no misdemeanours to confess. We settle down to eat the meal Sarah has made for us. Although Sarah has done nothing wrong, I order that she eat her food from a bowl on the floor. She looks surprised but doesn't protest. She fetches a bowl and transfers her food from her plate. Without being told, she gathers her hair high on her head and fastens it into a high pony tail. The result is both practical and sensual. It leaves me with good access to her neck and back.

Her pierced nipples have healed now, so she has attached the two larger rings I gave her to the 'D' rings on her nipples. Although I require that she wear the large rings in my presence, she may remove them when I'm not here. However I think she wears the large rings most of the time, even though I haven't changed my initial instructions regarding them. The rings are too large to fit into a bra, so Sarah isn't wearing one. The rings also mean she must be selective about which tops she wears during the day.

"You may start eating, Sarah," I command, having added the requirement that she must wait for my permission before eating in my presence. "And no mess unless you want to be punished."

"Thank you, Domina," replies Sarah. "I'm sorry if I have displeased you."

"Why do you think that you've displeased me?" I ask.

"You are punishing me, Domina. I must have done something wrong."

"This isn't a punishment, Sarah. I simply like to see you eat from a bowl on the floor. In future your punishments will be much more severe. I think I've been too soft on you so far. Don't you agree, Sarah? Would you like you punishments to be harder? A whipping perhaps?"

"You may punish me as hard as you desire, Domina," replies Sarah as if by rote. "My body is yours to do with as you wish. I am your devoted slave."

"I know that, Sarah. But my question is would you like it?" I reply.

"Yes, Domina. I would like harsher punishments very much."

I look hard at Sarah to see if her words are simply an act, but the telltale signs in her posture and body language suggest that she is ready and willing for a harsher regime. I'm still not certain I can deliver a whipping though, despite my words and mum's careful training.

"When did you last have an orgasm, Sarah?" I ask when she joins me in the living room after completing the washing up.

"Um ... last night, Mistress. I pleasured myself when I went to bed."

"Dirty little slut," I say in mock anger. "In future you are not to have an orgasm unless I expressly allow it. Do you think you are capable of obeying that rule?"

"Oh, Domina! I ... er ... I will try. Am I forbidden to ... um ... masturbate?"

"You may masturbate but you must stop before you have an orgasm. In fact you must frig yourself at least three times a day. But under no circumstances are you allowed to have an orgasm without obtaining my prior approval. You will keep a written log of when you perform your dirty act. If you have an orgasm without my permission, then you will confess your disobedience on Wednesday evenings. Be warned that the punishment will be severe for failing to control your slutty urges."

I give her the small pre-pay mobile phone of the type mum suggested, and I go through the rules which I had discussed with mum. I wait for Sarah's reaction.

"Thank you, Domina. I will do my best to please you."

"So let's give it a try now," I say. "Lie back on that chair and frig yourself. Send a text to my phone when you think you are ready. Remember that if I give you permission then you must complete your dirty act within two minutes or my permission expires."

"In front of you, Domina?" says Sarah with some trepidation. "I've never pleasured myself in front of someone else before."

"Then this will be a new experience for you," I reply, not revealing that this will be a first for me too. "Do it, Sarah. Now!"

She sits on the chair as I instructed, licks her fingers and reaches between her legs. At first she tries to hide what she is doing from my view, but after a few moments she's too aroused to care. My attention, however, is on her face. Mum told me to study her body language and facial expressions as she gets closer to reaching her peak. As mum predicted, Sarah's breathing pattern soon changes and her eyes start to roll. I can almost tell the exact point at which Sarah is going to send me a text, and sure enough she does so.

I wait a few seconds before responding by text. It is interesting to see Sarah's struggles to hold herself back while she waits for my reply. She can't risk losing her arousal as the two minute time limit may be insufficient for her to bring herself back to a peak. And peaking before she receives permission will warrant a punishment.

"Oh thank you, Domina!" squeals Sarah has her body is racked with the exquisite pleasure my text has authorised.

Again it's her body language and facial expression which I study rather than what is happening further down her body. She collapses in relief a few moments later. I walk over to where she is slowly coming back to her senses.

"Now you should thank me properly, Sarah," I say.

I'm acting on mum's advice and being deliberately vague about how Sarah should thank me. Her next action should give me an indication about how willing she is to play this aspect of our wider game. As her Domina I can simply order her to do this or that, but giving an order won't tell me how willing she is to play. Sarah promptly kneels in front of me and leans forward to place her lips on the surface of my vinyl panties. I feel her tongue lightly licking the vinyl as though probing for my clit. Of the range of responses that mum said were possible, Sarah's action indicates that she's very willing to play this new game.

Now the onus is on me to respond to Sarah's gentle probing with her tongue. I've never been in this situation before and I can only rely on my natural impulses. The last few minutes have given me a huge power rush which has heightened my own body's senses. I surrender to my instincts and pull my panties to one side so that Sarah can see beneath. She needs no bidding to probe my exposed slit with her tongue. It's only my self control and my tug on her raised pony tail which stops her from going much deeper.

"Perhaps another time, Sarah," I say gently. I don't want to lose my control of this situation, and I don't doubt Sarah's tongue could drive me wild.

Feeling pleased with the outcome of that scene, we move on to our next game. This is our revised version of pirates and captured princesses. We used to play the game with a couple of ropes, but this version uses the full range of treats in Sarah's treasure box. Once I have Sarah well and truly trussed, we settle down to our usual girl talk as I continue to tease Sarah's body into an even higher state of arousal.

"Are you seeing Adam tomorrow night?" I ask.

"Yes, Domina," sighs Sarah, responding to the effect of my hands. "He's calling round here about seven o'clock."

"Are you going out or staying in?"

"We always stay in on a Thursday night," replies Sarah, trying hard not to lose control of her senses. "We play a version of the game we are playing now."

"Pirates and captured princesses? Who plays the pirate?"

"Neither of us. We pretend we are runaway lovers who have been captured by a cruel pirate. We comfort each other while we are awaiting our fate. We set each other challenges to kiss the other while we are locked in restraints."

"It must be hard to play that game without a pirate," I observe.

"Yes, Domina. It's difficult but not impossible. We just pretend that the pirate comes to torment us every now and then."

"Well I'm free tomorrow night if you want a pirate to join in your game."

"Oh! Would you do that, Domina? That would be wonderful. Adam has been pushing me to ask you, but I knew you did your university assignments on Thursday evenings."

"It's the mid-trimester break at the moment, so I'm free for the next couple of Thursdays. I think I might like to join you and Adam as long as you are sure you don't mind sharing Adam with me. And assuming Adam agrees."

"I only exist to please you," sighs Sarah, reciting a stock phrase while she is getting close to an orgasm. "Everything I have is yours. I'm sure Adam will agree, but I'll check with him tomorrow."

Again I check for any tell-tale signs that her agreement to share Adam is against her real wishes, but there's nothing to suggest that she doesn't mean what she says. I guess I will find out for sure tomorrow.

"I'll be here at seven o'clock tomorrow then," I say, noting how close her arousal is to a peak. "Now, we are running out of time if you are to complete your two remaining dirty acts tonight. I think now would be a good time to try."

"While I'm bound, Domina?"

"Yes, Sarah. You're nearly there already, and don't pretend you haven't previously performed your slutty act while you've been in bondage. You said Pete used to make you sleep in bondage, so I don't believe you are a stranger to the task."

Sarah makes no further protest. She twists herself into a position where she can reach, and begins her task. Before long I can see she is meeting with some success. She asks me for permission when she reaches a critical stage.

"No, Sarah. You've haven't earned another orgasm yet. Stop now."

I can tell Sarah is desperately torn between obeying me or giving into her base desires. Her obedience wins the battle.

Chapter 12: A Pirate's Prisoners

I arrive at Sarah's house on Thursday evening to find Adam and Sarah are already dressed in costumes which make them look like a well-dressed couple from some 18th century drama. I've arranged to stay the night here and Sarah has prepared the same bedroom which I use to change into my black vinyl dress on a Wednesday. Today I find a costume laid out ready for me. It consists of a white off-the-shoulder blouse, satin corset, black knee length skirt, fishnet stockings and boots. A bandanna and a few ornaments with a skull and crossbones on them complete my costume. I doubt any of the costume is a realistic replica of 18th century wear, but the overall effect is still of a lady pirate.

I go downstairs to find Adam and Sarah kneeling side by side on the floor in the position Sarah normally adopts on my arrival on Wednesday evenings. We call it her 'greeting posture'. Behind them is a large cardboard box with what I assume are the props for tonight's game.

"I'm your guest tonight, Sarah," I say. "You must tell me how you play your game."

"There are no rules, Domina," replies Sarah. "I set the scene with a story, and we take up the positions I describe at the end of the story. We simply make it up from there."

"OK," I reply. "You can begin if you are ready."

Sarah and Adam stand up and Sarah begins her story.

"It is the year 1764 and the lady Sarah and her young lover Adam run away from the safety of their families and buy passage on a merchant ship bound for the new world. Little do they know that the ship will be sailing through waters plagued by pirates. A week after setting sail, it is their misfortune to fall foul of the dreaded Black Witch, a ship captained by the notorious lady pirate known only as Domina. Her reputation for cruelty strikes fear and terror into the hearts of the merchant ship's crew. The captain surrenders his passengers to the pirates in exchange for the lives of his crew. It's a foolish betrayal as the pirates only spare the crew so that they can be sold in the slave markets of the Barbary Coast.

As for Adam and Sarah, their future is bleak. Chained in the hold of the Black Witch, the young lovers must endure Domina's torments while they wait to learn of their fate."

While Sarah sets the scene, she and Adam are busy applying shackles to their limbs. The box behind them contains an extensive collection of such stuff. I simply stand and watch while I wait for my cue to enter the scene. They have obviously played this game before and they have no difficulty in adopting their roles.

"You shall never break our love and commitment to each other," says Sarah, giving me my cue. "Torture and torment us as much as you dare, but neither of us will tell you the location of the treasure you seek."

I silently concede that Sarah has created a scene which provides ample opportunity for our game to go in many directions. The challenge is for me to play my part correctly so that we can all enjoy the game.

"We shall see about that, my ill fated lovers," I sneer in my best pirate's accent. "Before long one of you will betray your secret to save the other from their suffering."

"Never!" cries Adam. "Our love is too strong for you to drive a wedge between us."

"Brave words for a man shackled and at my mercy. Perhaps I should allow my crew to sample the delights of your wench while you watch."

"Have your crew ravish me, if you will," says Sarah. "But Adam and I have sworn never to reveal the location of the treasure, no matter what you and your filthy crew do to us."

"Or perhaps I should have your young man pleasure me while you watch," I continue, watching carefully for any adverse reaction from Sarah. So far she seems okay with my encroachment into her territory.

While we have been talking I have been studying the contents of the cardboard box. Very little of it would pass for 18th century equipment, but there are plenty of toys and bondage items to ensure our game won't lack for props. I realise that the box must belong to Adam. From the box I produce a pair of sturdy leather briefs designed to keep a male's genitals imprisoned behind a metal studded pouch. An inner section contains a steel ring which prevents his cock and balls from retreating from the pouch. I'm curious as to the effect the studded pouch would have on the wearer if he starts to get an erection.

"This is interesting," I say as I show the two of them what I have found. "I think your wench should help you put these briefs on."

Sarah seems keen enough, but Adam's reaction indicates that he wishes I hadn't discovered the briefs. He doesn't protest though, and it occurs to me that he could have removed them from the box before arriving if he wasn't prepared to wear the briefs. Even with his limbs shackled as they are, Adam should be able to put on the briefs unaided. However, my motive for involving Sarah is to ensure that she knows that whatever may follow doesn't exclude her from the game.

I watch carefully as Sarah and Adam comply with my order. I notice Sarah takes longer than necessary once she has removed Adam's trousers and underwear. I get my first glimpse of Adam's monster and it is every bit as huge as I imagined. Sarah's 'accidental' handling is giving Adam the beginnings of an erection. It would make it difficult to fasten his leather briefs if I permit it to grow.

"Focus on your task, wench," I growl. "If you want the feel of a male organ, then my crew will be happy to oblige."

"Yes, Domina," replies Sarah, torn between playing her part in the scene and showing proper respect to her Domina's order.

Adam manages to fit the steel ring on the inner part of the briefs into place, but neither of them can manage to fasten the outer pouch. It's a tight fit, which has only be made worse by Adam's growing erection. I step in to finish the task.
