Jerry and Londy, A Lifelong Bond

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A brother and sister's bond grows stronger.
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/23/2021
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My name is Jerry Amstell, I'm 33 and have lived in Ashton my entire life. Ashton is a smallish town of about seven-thousand residents. I grew up here with two loving parents and my favorite sister, Londy, short for London. My only sister, actually.

Mom and Dad are both from Ashton but were unaware of each other until college. They attended separate schools but both took trips to London for spring break the same year. It's a classic tale of two strangers hailing a taxi, both assuming the one that stopped was theirs. They split the fare and the rest, as they say, is history. When the idea of marriage became their focus, Mom insisted that one of their kids be named London. It had been a dream trip for them both, and the fact they met and fell in love there set the fate of one of their future children. I think it's a cool name, one that demands a particular personality and my sister definitely has it.

I was two when Londy was born. We were close from the very start. Sometimes she would cry and fuss for hours, leaving my parents at a loss for what to do for her. Once, I recall Mom sitting on the couch in tears, trying to quiet her. I went and sat next to them, talking to Londy, playing little piggy with her toes. Within minutes, my sister's cries had turned to giggles. Several similar events later, Mom realized there was something special between Londy and I, even at our young ages. She once admonished Dad for calling my sister Londy instead of Lond, the name she and Dad always used.

"That's Jerry's special name for his little sister. I'd rather we didn't take that from him, sweetie. We always call her London or Lond. Let's keep it that way, okay hon?"

"Sure babe, I understand," Dad said.

I don't know if he really understood, but he knew of Mom's intuition about certain things and trusted her judgment.

Like any other siblings we had our differences, some turning into full on wrestling matches our parents had to break up. At times we never wanted to see each other, much less be in the same room. Just the same, we were always there for one another when one of us somehow knew the other was down. Mom understood us way more than Dad, though he did try because he loved us and wanted to understand.

Throughout grade school, our 'connection' grew. It was nothing so esoteric as unspoken communication. Individually, we were quite different, but very often we thought and acted the same. What it meant was indiscernible to us at such a young age.

It wasn't until we were in high school that we started figuring things out. By then, I had girlfriends, and Londy had boyfriends and girlfriends. Talking about sex was as natural as any other conversation between us. There were never any cautious hints attempting to broach the subject without humiliation. Embarrassment didn't exist between us. We shared everything about our dating experiences, no matter how disappointing or salacious the details, certainly knowing all the words and terms.

Londy and I never hid our closeness. Other than in conversation, nothing sexual had transpired between us, yet being in high school, the rumors blossomed like dandelions in summer. Most rumors we found amusing, Londy often wanted to feed the frenzy with empty hints at our alleged activities. In the end, we agreed doing so would stir up more shit than either of us wanted.

The only time I ever got pissed about any of it was when Troy Beckett started hammering me for details one day. I had a bad day at school and baseball practice afterwards was a bitch. Troy had known Londy since the eighth grade and had the hots for her from day one. She let him know then she couldn't stand him and it pissed him off, knowing he never had a chance. Her rejection angered him, fueling his pursuit of her. Failing still yet, he took a different approach by joining the rumor mill. Sometimes leading it, trying to shame Londy and myself.

Anyway, Troy and two of his friends caught me walking home from school that day and Troy started in on me. As I walked, he circled me, digging for details of things Londy and I were rumored to be doing. His friends followed behind. My refusal to play his game pissed him off, prompting him to get in my face, hitting me in the chest, hands flat, pushing me back a step.

Troy had a history of believing he was bigger and tougher than he was, often failing in any attempts to prove it.

"Come on, man, you gotta give me something. She has got to be the sweetest pussy around!" he demanded.

"Okay, Troy, you want something? Here it is, just for you buddy."

BAM! Nailed him square in the face. He staggered back a bit before crumbling to the ground, his nose bleeding.

Not forgetting his buddies, I inquired about their immediate needs.

"Is there anything you two fuckers require? Please, don't be shy, I'm feeling quite generous today. Anything, anything at all?"

"Hey man, we're cool. That guy's a grade A asshole. We only hang with him because he gets us beer and weed. We're sorry."

"On your way then, fellas, don't let me keep you. Do yourselves a favor, find a better class of friends. When you hangout with shit, you become part of the pile."

Turning to Troy, laying on the ground and still leaking a bit. I bent over, grabbing his shirt, and pulled him to his feet. Without letting go, I pulled him closer, capturing his full attention.

"Troy, lets face it pal. You're a dick, a self-made man if you will. London told you two years ago she wanted nothing to do with you. I seem to recall something about making her skin crawl. Any bells ringing? So, what did your stupid ass do, you spent all your energy chasing a prize that would never be yours. I suggest you end this silly bullshit and move on. If not, next time, I'll let my baby sister stomp your ass and she's just as proficient at it as myself. Any questions? No? Good. By the way, you should go wash up, you've got some 'ick' on you face and you look like shit."

Neither of us were ever bothered by Troy again. I'm not sure if it was my actions that day, or the threat of getting stomped by a girl.

My senior year of college was also Londy's sophomore at the same school. By then we were well aware of each other's physical attributes, often pointing them out with mutual admiration. More and more, that mutual admiration became littered with bits of teasing and subtle innuendo.

I stayed fit playing sports all throughout school, always playing soccer and baseball. Londy wasn't the sports freak I was, but always stayed in good shape. She was always active, never one to just sit around. When her friends were over, they'd spend hours playing music and dancing in her room. I spent a good chunk of my weekends at one practice or another, so if Mom or Dad had something going, Londy was always right there helping out. She started swimming a lot in her last two years of high school and then entered competitive swimming in college. Between her swimming and the exercise to stay in shape for it, Londy had refined her already gorgeous body into a work of art.

Dad made good money owning a few upscale apartment complexes. This allowed us to live in a big house. Nothing ridiculously huge but large enough, with plenty of room. When I started showing an interest in sports, Dad had a home gym built in the basement. Londy and I used it the most, but we all made use of it. From time to time it became another place for Londy and I to have one of our 'talks' while one or both of us worked out. The gym was enclosed with its own environmental controls.

During finals that year, I often did my studying late at night. The house was quiet and I could concentrate. One particular Thursday night my brain was buzzing from study and I couldn't sleep, so I decided a workout would take care of that little problem. It was about half past midnight. The basement was dark except for a little light coming from the gym door window. Opening the door I heard controlled but labored breathing, and the rattle of weights on a barbell. It was Londy on the weight bench, doing some presses.

The bench faced away from the door and in her concentration, Londy didn't hear me enter. I stood quietly watching her work out. She was a thing of beauty in her jogging shorts and sports bra, her sweaty auburn ponytail hanging to one side of the bench. She had her eyes closed, but I knew all too well the chestnut gems hidden there. I watched as her entire body worked to lift the weights above her. Arms taut but fluid in motion, her toned legs splayed, maintaining her balance under the strain. Maybe an unattractive description, but when Londy worked out, it was like watching a steel cable flex. A steel cable with all the right bumps in all the right places.

I shifted my stance as I watched, bumping into a rack of dumbbells, breaking her concentration.

"Who's that?" She asked, resting the barbell, and sitting up to towel off.

"Sorry Lon, didn't figure anyone would be down here this late. I'll let you work."

"No no, it's okay Jerr. Please stay."

"Please? Anything wrong?"

"Well, I came down here to burn off a little frustration, but now I'm sweaty and frustra..., jeezus Jerr Bear, are happy to see me or do you smuggle zucchinis now?"

Her sudden outburst pointed out something even I had not realized. Apparently my cock enjoyed watching Londy work out as well. I had on bike shorts, leaving nothing to the imagination.

I don't believe I've ever had a hard-on, for Londy, before. I uttered a weak apology, but she interrupted, pointing a finger at me.

"Don't! It's us, and it's okay," she said with a smile.

I smiled back and went on asking about her reason for working out so late. Clearly she needed one of our talks.

"So, what's got you frustrated, bunky?"

Londy sat straddling the head of the weight bench, patting the other end for me to join her. We sat facing each other.

"You know I've been dating Adam for about six months now, right?"

"Yeah, are things not so hot anymore?"

"No, not really. Adam's not satisfied with BJ's and hand jobs anymore. He hasn't gone down on me in over two weeks, much less put his hand down my pants, or any random titty play. Hell, I can't remember the last time he laid a hand on my ass."

"Been pressuring you for more, I suppose?"

"Endlessly, and I've explained over and over how I feel about fucking at this point. I've been trying to keep him drained with hand jobs and blowing him every chance I get. You know how much I love sucking cock."

"I believe you've mentioned it," I said chuckling.

"I mean, shit, I jacked him off in the theater tonight, and then tried to blow him behind the Anderson's shrubs on the way home, but he refused it. He said he wasn't going to settle anymore."

"Do you think he's looking elsewhere?"

"If he's not, I'm sure he will be before too long. In the beginning he said he understood my feelings, but now they mean nothing to him."

"Well I'm sorry, hon, but if it's been six months and you're not feeling like there's the slightest chance he's the one you want, I'd say it's time to cut the fucker loose. Especially if he doesn't understand or respect your feelings anymore."

"Thanks Jerr Bear. I had already decided so, but just needed to hear you say it too. We're on a wavelength you and I."

"No sweat, Lon, I'm always here for you. Think you'll be able to sleep now?"

"Nope, still frustrated. I was all revved up for a mouth full of cock before bed tonight, but dickhead wasn't interested."

"Anything I can do to help?"

Realizing how aroused up her workout had gotten me, I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Though we never discussed being together sexually, the thought of it now, was quite enticing. Apparently for us both.

Londy slid forward on the bench till our knees touched. Then proceeded to slide her hand along my inner thigh, searching for the bulge she admired earlier.

"Why yes there is big brother, I'm so glad you asked."

"What do you need?" I asked. My head was spinning in a rush of desire for my sister.

Still rubbing my reinflated dick, Londy leaned closer, whispering in my ear.

"I need this fat cock in my mouth, and the thrill of my Jerr Bear's load sliding down my throat."

"Londy, are you sure?"

Nose to nose, her beautiful eyes stared into mine as she answered.

"Jerry, I've never been more sure of anything in all my life. When I saw you earlier, I realized something. Watching me work out aroused you, you were hard for your baby sister. Admittedly, Jerr, the moment I realized it, my nipples stiffened, and my pussy twitched a bit. I don't want to ignore this. I've often wondered if a sexual connection was going to be an aspect of our life. I love you Jerr Bear. How do you feel about it?"

"I love you too, Londy. I want this too. It all makes a little more sense now, doesn't it?"

I took hold of her beautiful face, kissing her in a desire to deepen an already amazing bond. The salt from her sweaty lips further seasoned the luscious flavor of her mouth.

Short of breath, Londy sat back, pulling off her sports bra, revealing her softball size tits topped with lovely brown nipples, standing fully erect. With no thought of restraint, I pounced on her, grabbing one to squeeze and toy with, whilst latching on to the other like a newborn, hungry for their first meal of the day. My sudden lunge at her put off any ideas of sucking my cock.

"Oh fuck Jerry, hurt my titties, make it sting."

Londy's outcry pushed me to please her. I knew she loved a little proper pain, and I was not about to let her down. I squeezed, pulled, and twisted her tits like I'd never done with anyone before, driving her into a frenzy of pain and pleasure. She rolled up her sweat towel, twisting it tight before shoving it under her crotch so she could do a bit of cowgirl grinding.

"Oh jeezus Jerr Bear, I'm cumming you gorgeous fuck, please, beat my titties!"

I stood beside her, one hand on her neck, the other slapping her tits, one at a time, stinging the already swollen nipples. Her cries of painful pleasure turned to guttural moans as her orgasm rocked her from head to toe. Londy hunched forward, grabbing the sides of the bench, grinding her virgin, cloth covered pussy hard against the twisted towel, drenching it yet again in another orgasm. A flood of nectar mixing with the sweat wiped from her taut, steaming body.

Still breathing hard, Londy sat silent, resting with elbows on knees, her eyes closed. I knelt next to her, caressing her still reddened tits, trying to soothe the pain I inflicted moments before. Though a modicum of pain gave Londy immense pleasure, the brother side of me never wanted to see her in any kind of pain. I grabbed a fresh towel, wet it with cool water, and returned to her side, holding it against her burning flesh.

"Wow, aren't you the total package? You work a girl over then hang around to bind her wounds."

Knowing she was only teasing, I still struggled with mixed feelings about hurting her. I just hung my head, unable to look at her.

"Hey hey hey, what is it Jerr? I was only playing. Talk to me."

"I'm not regretting anything, and I know you like the pain. Just not sure if I can do it again. L I'm kind of struggling with hurting you. In the heat of the moment I didn't have time to think about it or I wouldn't have done it this time."

Turning towards me, Londy held my face in her hands, pulling my mouth to hers. Kissing me, she caressed my cheek with the back of her hand.

"Hey, look at me Jerr Bear. Please."

I looked up at my sister. Her soft chestnut eyes have always cut straight through to my soul, and this time was no different.

"Jerry, we've always been open and shared everything with each other, right?"


"Okay, I need you to listen to me. I believe this is the next step in the strange but exciting trip our life has been. I have no regrets, and I want this to continue. The pain you gave me is not a pain to feel bad about, it's what I like. It's an intense pleasure I can't begin to find the words for. And we both know what a smart bitch Londy is, don't we?"

"Yes, we do."

"You know I've been with a few of my girlfriends, right?"


"A couple of them really know how to pleasure the female form, in multiple ways, but no one has ever made me cum as hard as you did right here tonight. Both orgasms shot straight up my spine, ringing a bell in my head. I literally went deaf for a few seconds as you pushed me over the edge into a free fall of pleasure I've never felt before. Kind of like a full body orgasm."

"It wasn't all me Lon, that was a pretty hot grind you were doing. My dick ached watching you ride that towel. Is there anything left of it?"

"Yeah, but it's all lint," she laughed. "So, are you good Bear, no more bad feelings?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I guess it was my protector instincts taking over, after the fact. But if it gives you pleasure, I'll be more than happy to hurt your ass."

"Now there's an idea for next time. Let me just add, torture is not something I want all the time. The way you jumped on me before my bra hit the floor made it an automatic choice. I can't think of anyone else I'd like more to hurt me so good. It was our first time playing, and you rang my bell like never before, twice in fact."

"Thanks Lon, I feel much better, and am looking forward to any future adventures. It was a beautiful thing to watch you tonight."

"Working out or getting off?"

"Both, baby sister, both. I suppose we should try to get some sleep, it'll be daylight in a couple of hours."

"Yeah I guess you're right. You've got finals and I've got swim practice first thing. The pool should help your new toys recuperate a bit."

"Always lookin' on the bright side, aren't you?"


We cleaned up the gym and made ourselves presentable in case Mom or Dad were up. Walking out of the gym Londy slipped on something, almost falling. Being right behind, I caught her before she fell.

"Shit Lon, you okay?"

"Yeah, looks like something was spilled there. You go on up, I'll grab a rag and clean it up before one of the old folks breaks an ankle."

Before leaving, I couldn't resist grabbing her one more time for a passionate good-night kiss.

I love you Londy, good-night."

"Love you too Bear, good-night."

I grabbed a quick shower, hoping it would help me sleep, considering the events of the night. Getting out, I had a text from Londy.

"Hey Jerr, I know it's late, but could you come here for a sec? Got a bit of a problem. My room, Thanks."

I threw on a tee and shorts, then headed down the hall to Londy's room. Her room was at one end of a hall, running the length of the house. Our parents at the far end, and mine midway.

I opened her door to see her sitting on the edge of her bed, looking a bit agitated. There were no boundaries between us. Walking into one another's rooms without knocking or announcing ourselves was routine.

"Hey Lon, what's up?"

"Close the door, I have to tell you something."

I did as she asked, then took a seat beside her.

"Okay, what's got you all aflutter?"

"Shit, shit, shit, I don't know how to say it."

"Right out, has always worked for us, Lon. Just tell me, can't be that bad, hell we were just together twenty minutes ago. Settle down and just say it."

"Here goes. You know that wet spot I slipped on downstairs?

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I think Mom saw us, she was watching."

"And what, spilled her coffee?"

"No, I think she watched the whole show, and enjoyed herself. A lot!"

"First, what makes you think so?"

"Okay, when I started wiping it up, the wet rag gave off a slight vaginal aroma. A scent we both know very well. When I went to toss the rag in the washer, there was an unwashed pair of Mom's panties in there, and they were soaked."

I sat staring at the floor for a minute. Londy had been holding my hand the whole time as if comforting me through some bad news. She couldn't have been further off.