Jessica's Change Management Ch. 22


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"Here I thought you made your cunt a bigger trout pout than your mouth to direct our attention to your fuckholes! My bad!" He mercilessly mocked me. "You don't want that cunt tackled?"

Nooo! Of course, I wanted the touch to my coochie! Yesss! Of course, I wanted that dirty shoe gone from my most precious and sensitive cherry spot.

Goosebumps! Consultant-me proclaimed although subdued. An orgasm is better than no orgasm, right? A touch is better than no touch, right? Bimbo-me argued, which took its time and kept me from responding.

"Besides, I thought a pornstar always does what her fans want. It's all about the closeness! Ain't that true?" Merc Dawg reasserted when I didn't reply at once.

Oh wow! That sounded kinda logical. Still, the feeling of the dirty sole totally crept me out. So much so that I grimaced and showed my face of disgust while pressing my pumped-up pussy against the shoe, nonetheless. Oh dang! Even though I had been yearning for it, I couldn't even enjoy scratching my itch.

I know I had promised to go along with the douchey dudes. Still, this was way too filthy. It was way too far. Kinda uncertain, I finally put my forefinger on my lower lip, or more like my long fake pornclaw on my plumped-up dinghy lip.

"I guess you're right, sorta." I pondered with the sole still on my coochie. "I mean, an entertainer's, like totally, nothing without his audience, ain't he? You know, a good entertainer's always gotta, like, hold her audience, right?"

"Ahahaha! The bitch thinks she's some kinda actress or shit. Ahahaha!" Jetset Dawg commented while the other dudes joined his laughter.

"You think your cunt deserves more than a dirty boot from your fans?" Mr. Mercenary asked.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. No way! You know, fan closeness 'n all." I rationalized.

"Though, hold on there. You're saying you're, like, a fan of me?" I blurted out a spontaneous idea.

"Hehehe! Look at the tackle dummy! I definitely ain't no fan of Jessica Addams after all the shit you pulled on us." He huffed. "I might become a fan of Assy Carr, though, if she's a good obedient whore."

"After all, they've already thrown you out of the sexpo like yesterday's trash, haven't they? You can't be that good a porn whore then." He added.

Oh boy! If I hadn't been grimacing from the filthy shoe on my coochie already, I would have totally whined noisily now. So nasty! So demeaning! As soon as Merc Dawg put his foot away, though, I was whining for real 'cause that maddening itch was back in a flash. Holy shoot!

"Heyheyhey! Still gotta get back to your big announcement, Assy!" Mr. Alum quickly prompted me. "Before that, don't you wanna pay proper homage to the alpha dawg who treated your cunt that nicely?"

Even though the reptile dude had used his usually sarcastic tone and framed it as a question, I knew he meant it as a demand. Anyway, I totally knew what he wanted me to do. Kinda unwillingly, I lowered myself on hands and knees and puckered my puckered lips. Tihi! Bending my head down, I kissed the tip of Merc Dawg's shoe to properly thank him. Shame burned on my cheeks and basically everywhere on my body. However, the excruciating itch made me kinda thankful for the previous touch to my pussy.

"Oh righty!" I giggled all apologetically when Mr. Alum reminded me once more to finish my talk. "You know, forgettable 'n oblivious 'n easy to distract 'cause bimbo. Tihi!"

"So alpha dawgs, if you, like mostly, want me to apologize, you know, in person 'n all, just give your boys a holler!" I concluded, cupping my boobies and pushing them up like some kinda tray in an inviting gesture. "I guarantee, after that, you're, like totally, gonna be a fan of me, I mean Assy Carr. Fer shure!"

"Tsk! You wanna make them fans with all that stupid prattling, Porny?" Mr. Alum snorted. "No porn whore's ever made fans by chatting endlessly 'n talking like a waterfall..."


Without warning, Merc Dawg grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down. Caught off guard from the sudden rudeness, I fell onto my knees with my hands flailing around.


In no time, my face landed in that steely dog bowl. In no time, my head was getting dunked into the vile liquid. In no time, I was burbling and blowing bubbles in the piss pool. Remember? It was the xxl version! So ewww! Totally ewww! Ultra ewww!

When Mr. Mercenary eventually pulled my head back up, I was spluttering and puffing galore. I was also gurgling and burbling abundantly. So messy! Totally messy! Ultra messy!

"See, no talking like a waterfall but piss running down that cunty face in waterfalls. That's how you make fans, meat puppet." Merc Dawg enlightened me.

"So... with all that slurred driveling, we didn't understand shit. You wanted to tell my alpha dawgs what exactly?" Mr. Alum picked off where he had left off as if nothing had happened.

"Just tell me yes or no, Assy. That should be easy enough." He prompted me. "Are you a bimbo?"

"Oh yay! Total bimbo here!" I quickly replied. "Walking around all pretty 'n teasiiieee..."



Right in the middle of my reply, Merc Dawg grabbed my head and dumped it into the piss bowl. So ewww! Totally ewww! Ultra ewww!

"Walking around all pretty 'n teasy, that's so way more satisfying than sitting in an office all staid 'n boring." I finished my sentence when he eventually pulled my head back up.

That was easy! I mean, it was totally obvious anyway.

"So much for yes or no." Jetset Dawg mocked my digressions anyhow. "Are you a pornstar, Jessica?"

"Um... sorta..." I more like argued with myself, only loud and audibly. "I mean, you're kinda like filming my naked boobies... at an adult convention. Duuuhhh...



Same procedure as every time. Of course!

"So porno bimbo for real." I elaborated. "Way more exciting 'n lots more variety than unpaid extra hours 'n stuff. Hihihi!"

By now, my face was dripping from all the pee sticking to my cheeks and my hair was getting matted. So ewww! Totally ewww! Ultra ewww! By now, I really wanted that dirty shoe back on my pussy 'cause itchy. So degrading! Totally degrading! Ultra degrading!

Besides, admitting this stuff wasn't easy! It was totally demeaning and devaluing. If I liked it or not, though, fucking dudes was part of my job as special consultant nowadays. So in a way, Mr. Jetset was right. I was earning money with my body.

"All that talking's nice 'n shit, but don't you think my alpha dawgs need a first impression to know what you're offering, Assy?" Mr. Alum suggested. "Show them what you deserve."

Uh-oh! I knew what he was getting at. He was looking for some kinda punishment thingie, wasn't he? At least, that was what I thought or concluded or whatever. Anyhow, I quickly grabbed my boobies 'cause I was totally committed.

"Sir, I'm, like, so super sorry for boring you with all my talking 'n stuff." I addressed Mr. Mercenary after scurrying over to him on my knees.

While looking and talking directly into the smartphone camera, I started squeezing my tear-shaped fleshglobes with a hand each. I really put my hands around my titty meat and pressed it together forcefully until my fingerprints were imprinted on my fake-tanned skin in the most aggressive crimson color ever. Ouchie!

"Sir, I'm, like, really sorry for slapping you in public. I totally know that now. It so wasn't my place, 'n you know, I shoulda stayed in my lane 'n all." I apologized profusely while I continued basically squashing my funbags.

"Can I please, like pretty please, punish my boobies to make up for it?" I asked obediently. "Can I, like mostly, make my boobies hurty, you know, 'till I cry fer shure?"

Oh my gawd! Oh my owww! I was way too greedy to reach my climax, so much so that I was ready to do whatever. Releasing my juicy juggs, I grabbed my nipples and pulled on them. I didn't just grasp them, though, but pinched them with my super long fake nails. I was really digging my pornclaws into my most sensitive parts. Gasp!

Holy moly! The pain shot from my nippies through my titty flesh and exploded across my entire body. The hurt! The agony! It was so excruciating that I almost toppled over and fell onto the concrete. I totally felt tears forming in the corner of my eyes, which wasn't really surprising, what with me tormenting my own nipples as if I was possessed or stuff.

"Sir, that's, like ouchie, how you totally shoulda reacted back in the dining hall. You knowww, like totally grab me by the nippies 'n push me on my knees 'n, like literally, nip my nippies! Hihi owie!"

Oh, darn commitment! I was really going overboard with the pinching and squeezing and all 'cause hope for orgasm. Tihi! However, tears were running down my cheeks in torrents now, so I guess I was doing an awesome job here.

"Sir, fer shure, it was super inappropriate, like ouchie, to slap you." I continued. "Can I, like owie, slap myself as redemption, you knowww, 'till I cum for you?"

You see what I did there? Yeah, I know! I totally put myself in a predicament 'cause slapping myself would be ultra demeaning. Still, I had added that climax part. So sneaky! So clever! Right?

"You can do that, Boobsie!" Mr. Jetset was the first to agree. "And you can hump my foot to get off."

Oh my gawd! He had noticed my add-on! He had totally twisted it to my displeasure. Now, I was in a real predicament. Getting your pussy blown-up was bad. Getting a foot put on your blown-up pussy was worse. Humping a shoe with your blown-up pussy to reach your climax was the worsest. So not sneaky! So not clever!


"Ouchie! Owww!"

Whatever! Surprisingly quick, I gave both my cheeks a resounding slap that stung epically. After all, I literally had bigger fish to fry, or more like cheeks to burn. Tihi!

"So awwwe-some, sir! So thanksies, sir!" I enthused, nonetheless. "You knowwww, I'm so happy, like totally, that you're letting me slap the bitch off my face, like for real!"


I added two more bitchslaps just for good measure. Darn obedient Bimbo-me! Without waiting for the douchey dudes' permission, I scurried over to Jetset's designer boot and pressed my body down. No matter what, I shuddered when my squishy, sensitive pussy lips touched the leather. Total crawlies! Total creepies! No matter what, the instant surge of pleasure was the bestest reward and gratification ever. Yeah! Oh yeah, yeah, yeah!

"I'm so sorry sir, like really sorry, that I was a super nagging, super grouching pain in the ass in college. I, like totally, deserve your pain in my ass for that. Tihi!" I continued pleading.


"Ouchie! Owww!"

Oh my! I was really on a roll here. I so needed to make the most of my chance. After all, it kinda felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity. That was why I wouldn't leave any kinda thingie to chance. That was why I greedily rubbed my coochie over the shoe despite the goosebumps. That was why I was babbling like mad while slapping my face even madder and humping the shoe the maddest.

"Now, I totally know what's important. For real! Like, I so know that I, like mostly, needed the bitch fucked outta me, like fer shure!" I continued prattling, totally forgetting to slap myself 'cause humping.

"I so know that I'm, like totally, my bestest when cum drunk, like literally. When my fuckholes are filled, you know, that's when my head's totally blank, 'n I'm really tolerable." I added. "That's why my bestest me, that's, like totally, bimbo-me pleasing men instead of annoying men."


"Ouchie! Yaaahhh!"

Oh my gawd! As I had gotten distracted by the sensations in my cunny and forgotten about the slapping, Mr. Alum had taken matters into his hands. Stepping forward, he gave my big, ole funbags two mighty slaps, as in massive blows. Totally hurty! Totally edgy!

There it was. I couldn't tell if it was my abysmal self-degradation or the perverse situation or the filthy surroundings or whatever. In any case, those two harsh and unexpected slaps pushed me over the edge.

"Ooohhh! Aaahhh! Yaaahhh!" I moaned and groaned enthusiastically.

The orgasm hit me so hard that I lifted my coochie off the designer shoe, fell back onto the mucky concrete, and slapped my cunny a coupla times. I was really outta my mind here! I was literally outta my senses, or more like all my senses were focused on my climax. That was why the slaps prolonged my cumming and sharpened my focus on the pleasure.

All while cumming, my eyes were rolled back into my head. When I reopened them, all three douchey dudes stood in fronta me with Merc Dawg still filming every little thingie. There was some different thingie, though. Oh yeah! Mr. Alum was holding the ring. Oh yay!

"Like any other porn whore, Assy Carr gets paid for her work." He explained into the camera. "Only, this two-bit porno bimbo's so cheap she takes a ring from the gumball machine as payment."

What the fudge! So not true! So truly degrading! As I winced, the humiliation must have been vividly displayed on my face 'cause Mr. Mercenary instantly zoomed in on it. Still, I didn't object or protest. I was way too close to the finish line to muck it up now. Besides, I had just experienced a super awesome, ultra epic orgasm at the hands, or more like feet, of these dudes. Bam!

As if taunting me, Mr. Alum had put the ring over his forefinger and was waving it in fronta me. Oh yay! I was getting the sales champ's gift. Finally! This was the equalizer! I had fulfilled daddy's assignment and scored the two pity points. In fact, I had evened the score for the out-please-ment center.

Despite my joy, I noticed that it was a super simple golden ring, just smooth and straight and unpretentious without any rhinestones or other fancy adornment. Kinda disappointing after all the hard work. Still, any jewelry was fine with me. Tihi!

"C'mon Assy! Show us your assets one more time. Show us your ass." The reptile dude prompted me before I could ask for the ring.

Even though I noticed the devaluing overtones, I quickly followed. Getting on all fours, I turned around. Shaking my booty, I reached back and spread my ass cheeks apart although my juicy juggs and burning face landed in the dirt. So motivated! So eager!

While Merc Dawg filmed my winking asshole, Mr. Alum was more hands-on. He ran his finger along the rim of my ringpiece, and eventually pushed that finger into my butt. With my ass muscle all lose and stretched out, he really pushed it deep and started fingerbanging my bunghole.

"Oops! Sorry Boobsie, I guess now it was me making an oopsie!" My fellow graduate suddenly mocked me.

"Looks like I lost something in my little porny!" He shocked me.

How? Cause the ring was up my ass! He had only worn it over his fingertip as it was too small for him anyhow. That way, it had slipped off when he had thrust his forefinger up my bunghole and fingerfucked me. Now, it was stuck up my butt! Oh no! Oh no, no, no!

Making matters worse, I couldn't get it out straight away. At least, the douchey dudes didn't let me push it out right away. Instead, I first had to turn around and bid goodbye to the alpha dawgs before Mr. Mercenary stopped the filming. That I did with a big wave and fake smile before blowing a kiss from my palm towards the camera like a movie star on the red carpet. Tihi!

*to be continued*

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Next chapter

When is the next chapter coming up??

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
When are the next chapters ?

So...since I quite like the story of Bimbo-Jessica, I'm hoping to read her ongoing saga...I hope very soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
My Idea

Why doesn't Jessica be appointed to run an adult entertainment Business, both as exec and participant in the actual "business"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
As always, just Fantastic !!

I really enjoyed every page of this new chapter. Jessica's internal battle seems to be over; she should now embrace her "Bimbo-me" persona...make her realise, in her stupid head, that life is more fun that way !! She would think that every little thingiie that happens to her is so much intense when she' s just dumb, giggling all the time ( I loved how you described that: Hiiii, Hiiii, Hiii ) and doing exactly what Men tell her.

I hope she gets fired really soon...but,at the same time, keeping her close to Ortega. He would become her top dominant alpha male: her Master perhaps?!! A man she just could not conceive of not follow is EVERY ordrer !!!

P.S.: I humbly think that this idea of MAKING her dye her hair beach blond is splendid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
And the star is...

I enjoyed the chapter a lot more than the previous one. Although some things were a little too extreme for me and it's kinda getting tiring that dominant disgusting assholes pop up all the time, the tour around the sex expo and Jessica's confession in front of the camera was really hot. So are we really gonna see her in the business at some point? It would also be great if she finally dyed her hair bleached blond and got that plastic surgery to complete her pornstar image.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
fascinating fantasy tale sequel ...

Thank You for keeping up your good deeds :-)

Again, a long well written new chapter full of fresh ideas. After a long pause I had really missed Your quality story. Even thought how it could progress.... But have to admit, You surprised me, again, with far superior ideas ...

All the best !

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