John, Loise and Josie Too


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"Of course we can," he said. Bob wouldn't mind, in fact he'd probably go with them but he happened to be out of the office that afternoon " come on, we deserve it, " he told her as he slipped his jacket over his shoulders.

The Red Lion pub was just three minutes away and at that time in the middle of the week it was quite and they found a table in a secluded corner. John bought a beer for himself and wine for Josie. Two hours later they had both drank more than they had intended, but the company was pleasant and conversation was easy.

"You know; I never thought it would be like this, the job I mean," Josie said "I thought that you only employed me because I'm pretty, but you're all really nice."

"No we didn't and yes you are," John said.

"Yes I are what?" She said and giggled at her terrible grammar.

"You're pretty, very pretty," John said.

Josie giggled again "pretty? I'm fucking gorgeous!" she declared. And when John laughed she stared at him "what? You don't think so?"

"No it's not that, you are pretty and fucking gorgeous. It's just that Louise said almost the exact same thing a couple of weeks ago."

"What? She said that I was fucking gorgeous."

" mean she probably would have done...but she meant herself, that she was gorgeous," he explained, feeling a bit whoosey from the alcohol.

"Oh," was the only reply, and John felt obliged to clarify the situation

"She said you were very nice and that you liked me," and even though he was half drunk he regretted his choice of words.

"I do like you, you're lovely," Josie said.

"No, she said you really like me," and he slapped his hand over his mouth as though he had revealed a naughty secret.

Josie laughed and blushed slightly. John noticed and suddenly felt awkward, the beer had loosened his tongue and he'd revealed too much. What he'd said now sounded like a sleazy chat up line and had embarrassed her, it made him feel like a pervy old man and he hated the thought that she'd think bad of him.

"I...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I'm not trying to hit on you, it was just something my wife said," he explained with difficulty.

"Its okay, don't worry, I'm a big girl, I know what you mean," she said, laying her hand on his thigh and squeezing reassuringly. John smiled sheepishly and nodded his understanding "besides, she was right; I really do like you," she added, and stood to go to the ladies, briefly wiggling her bottom as she walked away.


By tacit mutual agreement no more was said, at least for the moment. But the cat was out of the bag, the die had been cast, and although they both carried on in a strictly professional way at work, there was a definite undercurrent; fingers touched when handing over papers, eyes lingered just a second longer than normal, they smiled at one another for no apparent reason. And it was a week later when Josie broached the subject.

"Are we going for drinks tonight?" she said,

She was leaning back in her chair, her hands clasped behind her head and arching her back slightly. The position stretched her shirt tight across her chest, emphasizing her breasts and causing her nipples to poke clearly through the thin fabric of her bra, something that John couldn't fail to notice when he looked up from the document he was reading.

"Drinks?" He said.

"It's Wednesday! Our drinks night," she explained.

"," John said. They had only been once before, did she really think it was a regular event? He certainly didn't want to get into the habit of drinking after work, but he saw no reason why they shouldn't reward themselves once in a while.

"I think we need to talk about it, don't you?" Josie said.

John didn't need her to tell him what "it" was, and he inclined his head and shrugged his shoulders as though he didn't mind either way, but inside he felt a strange excitement.


They sat in the same seats in the same pub as the last time, and drank the same drinks; John a pint of ale, and Josie a glass of white wine. They talked about everyday things for twenty minutes or so until John finally asked "so...What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Josie placed her glass down and leaned forward with her forearms on the table and looked him in the eyes "you're attracted to me, I'm attracted to you, but there are reasons why we shouldn't," she said, as though she were presenting a design problem at work.

John placed his own glass on the table. Josie's statement had taken him by surprise: even though he guessed it was the reason they were there he didn't expect her to be quite so blunt. He adjusted his tie, buying himself time to consider his response "because I'm married?" he said.

"I was thinking more about the fact that we work together," she responded.

"So you don't mind that I'm married?"

"There's that too. I did say "reasons" plural," she pointed out.

"I'm not sure that I want to cheat on Louise," John said staring at his beer.

"I'd be disappointed in you if you did," she said.

"So you suggest we come here to discuss having an affair, but you'll be disappointed if I agree?" John said, puzzlement clearly etched upon his face.

"Who said anything about an affair?" She said.

"Isn't that what you were talking about?" John asked in return.

"An affair sounds so tawdry, like two people sneaking around in secret," she said.

"So what exactly is it that you want?" John said, he was having trouble understanding why they were having this conversation.

"Nothing, I was just pointing out the obvious; I just thought it was something we needed to talk about,"

"I don't know what you want me to say, so we're attracted to each other, but you don't want an affair and neither do I. I certainly wouldn't want to cheat on Louise so I can't understand what we have to discuss," John said.

"No, I agree, so let's just drop the subject hey? What about another?" Josie said holding up her empty glass.

John made his way to the bar, and Josie took the opportunity to visit the ladies room. Once they were seated again they both were very quiet, it seemed that conversation had dried up until Josie asked the question on both their minds "So, what do we do about it?"

John placed his glass on the table and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth "what can we do? We both have jobs to consider," was he imagining it or was Josie really suggesting getting together.

"Not to mention Louise," she reminded him.

"You're right: not to mention Louise," he echoed her, and then he sighed and said "actually we haven't been close for a long time."

Josie looked at him and he felt compelled to explain "I can't remember the last time we had sex, she just pushes me away now," John felt guilty betraying Louise's trust, even though there was a grain of truth in his words.

"I'm not going to be a mercy fuck," Josie said.

"No, that's not what I was suggesting. I don't know why I told you..." He began but shook his head and went silent.

John sat hunched over, his hands either side of his beer glass. Josie shifted her position and placed her hands over his "don't wreak your marriage just for a fumble with me," she told him with sympathy. She didn't doubt he was honest but neither was she prepared to be his bit on the side "look, I think we should go home, take some time to think about things when we're both sober," she concluded.

John lifted his head and smiled "how come you're so much younger but a hundred times more sensible?"

"Because I'm a woman," she said, and she laughed while John frowned.


The following day at work was awkward to say the least: neither Josie nor John willing to mention the previous evening, but both unable to forget. Little interaction was made until late in the afternoon when John returned from a meeting with his boss, Bob Stevenson, he turned into the open doorway just as Josie came out of his office. Neither were really concentrating or looking where they were going, and so they collided. John jerked back while Josie, being smaller and lighter, stumbled and threatened to fall. By instinct John reached out to grab her, pulling her to his chest.

She looked up into his face "sorry," she said, then laughed because John said exactly the same thing at the same time.

When they calmed Josie realized they were still standing close, she glanced at Johns hands, which maintained a grip on her shoulders, and he loosened his hold. But rather than letting her go he pulled her toward him and their lips met.

It was unplanned, pure instinct and lust, and they stood, half in the office and half in the corridor, kissing deeply and passionately, then after a minute they broke the kiss but immediately repeated it.

Eventually Josie pulled away "not here," she said, and taking Johns hand she pulled him across the office, kicking the door shut on the way, and into a small supply cupboard.

It was cramped, and with the door closed John felt like a teenager fumbling in the dark. In the confined space it was impossible not to stand pressed up against one another, and immediately their lips seemed glued together. Josie gripped John's arse and pulled him in tight, her hips writhing against his erection. He eventually broke the kiss and trailed his lips down her neck, at the same time fiddling with the buttons of her shirt. He pulled the sides open to expose her red lace bra, her soft breasts looked ready to spill over the top and her skin looked unnaturally white in the subdued light. Josie pushed her chest out invitingly and John stared, his fingers hovering, tantalizingly close. Then, as if a switch had been flicked he groaned and physically sagged.

"I'm sorry, I, I can't..." He said, and carefully, so as not to touch her breasts, he pulled her shirt back into place.


"I'm sorry Josie, it's not... I don't know..." He was standing by the window, looking out but seeing nothing. He rubbed his palm across his forehead, his other hand pressed against the glass as though supporting him.

"It's okay," she said. She stood by the open cupboard door tucking in and straightening her shirt.

"I'm sorry," he repeated "it's not fair on you or Louise. It's... It's just not fair."

Josie walked up behind him, resting her hands on his shoulders. She could hear the guilt and uncertainty in his voice, and she suspected that he also felt it was unfair on himself "don't worry, it's alright, I'm glad we stopped," she said. He turned to face her and gave a bashful smile "it was a bit tawdry really, wasn't it?" She said "when it happens I want it to be clean and pure, not in a cupboard...and you need to be sure about it, that it's really what you want."

John watched as she gathered her papers and left to complete her original errand. He turned back to the window, thoughts spinning through his head; could he continue to resist the temptation? Would it really hurt...just once? Louise had even suggested he do something like this, though he doubted she really meant it. But had he already crossed the line by what he'd just done? Josie had indicated her willingness by what she had said, it was up to him to decide exactly what he wanted; he wasn't looking for an affair, but God knows he needed something, just a meaningless fuck to relieve the frustration "is that so bad? Is that too much to ask?" He said out loud to himself.


That night he again tried to entice Louise, but in truth it was half hearted, and he wasn't surprised when she yet again turned away from him. And so, in a final bid to inject the passion he was missing he planned a romantic date night for them both and an evening of seduction.


June 1st.

So it was that John sat on the toilet late at night, with his wilting cock in his hand, while his wife slept in the next room, and he considered fucking another woman.

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RanDog025RanDog0255 months ago

I'll pass. Way too much editing of all the dot dot dots so I can listen to Jennifer tell the story in Text Aloud.

graymangazergraymangazerover 4 years agoAuthor

I thought I should respond to the last anonymous comment.

Phallophobia is an illness not a disease and cannot be cured by medication. Medicine treats the symptoms not the problem. Therapy can help but it depends entirely on the individual.

I did my research, it appears you didn't, let's face it you can't even spell the bloody word correctly.

Also Phallophobia can be caused by a number of things, trauma amongst them, ie. Rape of sexual abuse, even unfortunate experience, that's why I ask to wait before condemning the characters out of hand.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It means the fear of seeing a penis or anything associated with it. So tell me why did Loise even marry John if she had this disease? There are ways to cure it-look it up. Cheating ain't one of them. Seems you are just like the others-the female is entitled to whatever. While the male species is kept either celibate or as a cuckold slave, or in this case as a slave to a femdom bitch.

LesbianloverslickingLesbianloverslickingover 4 years ago

I love it when you guys say I’ll leave a comment if you can’t take criticism don’t write no stories I just want to tell that before listen to your story

MaFreplerMaFreplerover 4 years ago
It needed to be explained up front

If she has a psych issue, then it needed to be talked about in the first chapter, and there needed to be a reason why she didn't go for therapy, and why he didn't insist on it. Without that, the reader is left floundering trying to make sense of what is going on.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago
Its either medical or a cuck story

Things happen in marriages that stop the sex. Anger, medical issues, trauma from some event. But in this case and since its LW, it can be that she has a man and her hubby is not allowed to have her. In which case, why is he worried about having his own lover. She gave him a green light. But my money is on some medical or trauma issue. If she was banging another man, she would not be upset if he goes elsewhere.

I guess we'll find out in chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So, is this a British culture thing?

I've seen it hinted, even stated in a few stories, that British culture embraces sexual liaisons that both spouses choose to ignore, for reasons of convenience, economics, or social image. Always has the overtone that marriage is rather shallow, eventually boring, and really gets in the way of having some great sex with a more interesting partner. Its almost as if getting married is like joining a very popular club. You want to be a member, but once you're in you don't commit much time or energy to it. The current stats indicate that marriage in Great Britain is at an all time low. Guess the club membership is losing its charm, especially if its going to end up being a sham.

Thanks for the effort in writing this story. Curious to find out what Louise's problem is. Couldn't care less if the asshole and the whore hook up. Why not, neither one is in a real marriage.

baulloyder68baulloyder68over 4 years ago
It's a real good start

I don't get upset about spelling, punctuation, or any of that shit. I just enjoy a good story but it really upsets me when an author knows that their story is going to be more than one installment and not tell the readers up front. If the story goes beyond that it needs to say ( To be continued) at the end of each segment and (The end) when it is finished. There are only a few authors that do that and I appreciate it immensely. I don't like to read a story until it is finished no matter how many parts there are and if I can't finish it in one setting it is my choice where to break no one else's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Put CHAPTER 1 in the damn title if it is to continue. There was no indication whatsoever it would be more than this boring 'chapter'. It just ended, not even a 'to be continued' at the abrupt end. So get off your high horse about readers condemning characters when it was YOUR fault.

robinhodrobinhodover 4 years ago
I didn't finish it.

Nothing wrong with the writing, I just got bored. Sorry.

graymangazergraymangazerover 4 years agoAuthor
Part 2

There seem to be a lot of people eager to condemn the wife and marriage, I say wait until you know the whole story before judging. Part of it may be my fault for not indicating that this is actually the first of a multi part story, I apologize and the second part has already been submitted, this time in the Fetish category purely because it involves some kinks, nothing outrageous so no need to blow it away, please just give it a go before judging.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveover 4 years ago
I am glad things will be explained

Because I don’t understand why his wife hasn’t gone to a medical or psych practitioner and why the husband hasn’t insisted she do so. Or to therapy for that matter for the both of them! From the title, I am guessing that they are going to be be all involved in a thoroughly modern relationship by the end ...

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 4 years ago
This situation is more common than might be supposed

And yes, it is difficult and things can go very badly wrong.

Incidentally, I hope we have a part 2, please?

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 4 years ago
She needs help

unless she is actually having an affair and her boyfriend won't allow her to have sex with her husband. Either way, it's probably time to move on and find a better woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
did I miss it?

Did I miss the part where it explains why the wife does not want sex with her husband? Is it she hates sex, painful, some past abuse, or is the husband just that bad at sex?

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