Journey to Another Life Ch. 05


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Ed moved closer. He should have been seen. If her eyes weren't closed, she would have noticed him by now. Maybe she didn't want to see him, he thought, feeling sick to his stomach. His failure to embrace her suggestions had finally frustrated her enough to act on her impulses, he decided as hopelessness descended on him. He continued his silent approach, unsure whether he craved proximity to break the group up or to witness events more clearly.

The man massaging her back slid a hand to one of her breasts and held it while his other hand continued to travel along her back. The move prompted her eyes to open and when they did, she locked gazes with Ed. Her initial surprise morphed into a naughty gleam in her eye at being caught. But upon registering his panic—she'd never seen him so pale—she understood immediately what needed to happen next.

She immediately disengaged from her dark admirers. The two men exchanged confused looks and mouthed some sort of protest to Nikki, but she insisted that she had to leave. Ed couldn't hear the words but the body language told him everything he needed to know. She grabbed her virtually meaningless bikini top and put it on quickly as she made her excuses to the men. Ed wanted to dance in response to the joy that coursed through him but merely stayed shielded behind the trees until she made her way to him. He didn't want the two men to see him.

"Are you okay?" She asked him the moment she knew he could hear her.

"I'm not sure."

"You look so terrified. Oh, Ed, I'm so sorry!" She threw her arms around him.

"I didn't know where you'd gone..." He said into her neck.

"I thought you saw me move to the beach. I thought you understood what I was doing." She pulled away from the embrace, looked around quickly, and then put her hand to his swollen crotch. "You did understand what I was doing?"

"Once I saw it, yes but thats down there, I couldn't .. I just didn't." he was lost for words.

Her eyes bore into his and he knew he was being read. "But you saw me with those two before you found us here. What were you thinking? What were you feeling?"

Her palms massaged his cock through his Bermuda shorts. Between what'd he'd seen in the cove and her masterful touch, he was harder than granite.

"I don't think this is the place to discuss it," he said, raspy with both a strange desire and anguish.

He had nothing to cover his erection with this time, but somehow, it didn't matter. As they headed for the villa, he wasn't aware of much of anything outside the world of Nikki—the scene of her with the two black men, the view of her perfect ass as she led the way to the villa, the delights that awaited him there.

Once inside the sanctity of the villa, he removed the bikini top she'd so recently put on. Those luscious tits were his once again, the threat of the interloper gone, at least temporarily. When she was topless, she gave him a lopsided smile and unbuttoned his shorts before she tugged them downward. His cock tented his briefs and the ooze from his tip made the point transparent.

"That's wonderfully obscene," she purred, fingering the wet spot.

She liked it so much that she knelt before it, peeling away all his clothing before she nuzzled her way into his sac, then snaked up toward his hardness. He watched the top of her brunette head, occasionally catching a glimpse of her licking tongue. For more than a few seconds, he imagined her lavishing such attentions on a big, black slab of meat, one that would be so thick, she'd have to slurp and stretch her mouth to its limits to take all of it in. His knob became that of a random black man as he fucked her mouth with it. And as she sucked it, he got harder, even fatter, and pumped her lips as he pictured the big black man would do.

Would she have gone this far with those two this afternoon? Could he ever bear to find out?

After she'd sucked his dick for a good five minutes and sensed he was close to coming, she rose from her knees and led him to the bed. There, she sat him down, stripped out of her bikini bottoms, and straddled his lap. Nikki's body felt warmer than usual and her cunt juicier. She became the Seductress Extraordinaire, hair wild from the beach and a faraway but focused gleam in her eyes. She brought skill to the moment, as always, but what transfixed him now was her aura—that hungry, insatiable, driving force that threatened to consume as well as satisfy him.

With one leg on each side of his torso and her arms wrapped around his neck, she impaled herself on his cock. His needs vied with her own and he found that he was no longer content to let her guide the proceedings. He scooped her up by the ass and began to control how and when she rose and fell on his dick.

Would she swoon like this with a black man? Could a black man with an enormous schlong send her eyes to the back of her head like Ed could? He heard himself grunt as she slammed down hard on him. What would black lips look like sucking one of her nipples?

And was she thinking these thoughts, too, as she squealed with his cock inside her? Was she wishing for ebony hands grabbing her tits and holding her hips? A dark-skinned, hairless chest against her own as she felt the force of cock pushing its way up inside her?

They came simultaneously, shouting and trembling through it. Ed felt dazed, even flustered, but Nikki was ready for round two. With his cock still inside her, she pushed him gently onto his back, then sprinkled kiss after kiss over his chest and shoulders, then finally on his forehead and cheeks.

"I will never get enough of you," she whispered.

He wanted to say "me, too." He also wanted to say "I'll never get enough of you, either, but I know that I'll never be able to break out of my fantasies and actually watch you with a black stud because it would kill me." He wanted to tell her she was the hottest woman he'd ever known and that he was the luckiest man in the world,and he would never share her with anyone but everything ran together in his brain. He hugged her closer, instead.

Her hunger demanded another orgasm and that's what she extracted from him. She rode him like a bronco, complete with bucking and lurches. A thin film of sweat coated her face and chest. Her breathing was heavy but short. She diddled her clit and stared down at him while she rode. He inhaled her cream and felt it spread over his balls. He took handfuls of her breasts and thrust his hips upward to drive himself as deep inside her as he could go. As deep as she could accept. As deep as she'd need to be for a black man.

She needed three orgasms before she could finally lay beside him and rest. She had drained him in his first two comes, leaving no spurts for the third, but that didn't diminish his pleasure. He must have fallen asleep because he stirred at the sound of her voice.

"We have to talk about what happened today," she said.

"Do we have to do it now?" He was only half joking.

"Seems like now is perfect. Sex won't derail us." She smiled.

"Speak for yourself," he replied. He knew from experience that a marathon sex session with Nikki never precluded another one.

"Tell me what you were thinking today when you saw me with those guys. I really need to know."

"You mean when you were in the pool?"

"Yes. But there was some guy talking to you, I think."

Ed recalled his reaction when he'd first seen her with the two men. "I was scared but curious. And hard," he added, a little reluctantly.

"That's what I thought."

"But now I have to ask you a question, Nikki. Would you have gone through with it if I hadn't shown up on the beach?"

"I don't know. I really was winging it. I had faith that you'd find me and that I'd know what to do when I saw you. Turns out I was right." She grinned and squeezed his arm. She lay on her side now with one arm propping up her head. "They were awfully nice boys, though. I liked them."

"That's reassuring."

"Oh, Ed, you know what I mean. They weren't threatening or dangerous. That's why I felt comfortable doing what I did. No, wait. I didn't feel comfortable—not entirely. I felt a bit slutty, to be honest."

"Not turned on."

She frowned. "No, I was also turned on."

"This isn't easy to pin down, is it?" He asked, grateful that her emotions ran the gamut nearly as much as his did.

"No. No, it's not. But hey, I wanted to ask you who that guy was you were talking to at the pool. He wasn't bad looking, either!"

"Oh, right! Well, it turns out that he's an acquaintance of sorts. Charles Baker. He crewed on the losing boat at the Whitbread sailing race a few years back. He remembered that my team won and he even remembered me. Nice guy. I didn't really recall him, though."

"You made a good impression, I guess. Or your helmsmanship did. Is he here on vacation, too?"

"No, turns out he lives here. Has a restaurant or a cafe of some sort on the beach. Gave me his card. Promised us a good time."

"Do you want to go?" Nikki asked.

"Sure, he seemed to genuinely want us there. I tried to introduce you but you'd already left with your friends." He turned to her to give her a look of mock chastisement.

"Well, then, let's go. You can prove to him that I exist and maybe we'll get a yummy meal."

Ed agreed. Meanwhile, the day's events lay in the bed with him like a fetid, unwanted fish that nobody wanted to touch.

Kingfish, despite its colorful atmosphere and delicious aromas, was not likely to be a place where Ed would have taken Nikki under normal circumstances, especially not on their honeymoon when he wanted every meal to be memorable. But it was lively and Charles greeted them warmly, which made the couple feel special and welcome.

Charles was even blacker than Ed remembered. His kind face and humble manner made him instantly likeable, yet Nikki seemed uncharacteristically short with him.

"What do you think of St. Martin, Mrs. Stewart?" Charles asked after he'd taken a temporary seat at their table.

"Very nice. Warm."

"Perfect for a honeymoon," Charles said knowingly but with respect.


"Charles, dinner was superb. What kind of fish did you say it was?" Ed interjected.

"Kingfish, of course!" Charles said, prompting chuckles all around.

Nikki barely made eye contact with Charles either during the meal when he checked in with them or afterwards, when he sat down for a drink with them. Ed was baffled by her behavior—he'd never seen her be the least bit rude to anyone unless provoked, and Charles had done nothing to provoke her.

As they walked along the beach to return to the villa after dinner, Ed asked her about it.

"Did you like the dinner?"

"Oh, god yes! That meal was easily as good as anything we've had in the fancier places. Did he come up with those recipes himself, I wonder?"

"I don't know. Why didn't you ask him?" Ed asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I didn't think about it at the time."

"It seemed like you didn't care for Charles."

She stopped walking. "No! I liked him very much. He's incredibly nice."

"But you barely spoke to him. I've never seen you so aloof."

She looked down and then out at the ocean. "I didn't know what to do. He's so handsome, and after what happened today, I didn't want you to think I was hot on the trail of another experience with a black man."

Her words surprised him and he laughed. "I see you have changed your mind and are abandoning that fantasy just because I seemed a little put off by today's events?"

"Well, you were put off, right?"

"I don't think I was ready, not sure I ever want to be in my head at least?" he smiled.

"But your other head knew how to react didn't it darling?" she giggled.

" Yes unfortunately" he said with only a glimmer of mirth.

The familiar enthusiasm burned again in Nikki's eyes. "No! I haven't changed my mind. I was just trying to put the brakes on because you thought I'd gone too fast."

They resumed walking. "It's true that I still don't know how to do what we've talked about. I'm still confused by my reactions but I can honestly say that watching you with those guys turned me on."

She took his hand. "I'm glad."

"But I'm confused about this," he continued. "I really don't feel that I want to go ahead with this fantasy, I get turned on but also feel terrible?"

She hesitated. "why?."

" Because I love you, because I want only you, because your my wife now?"

" That wouldn't bother me if it wouldn't bother you. It's just that those guys today were kind of ... disposable. Nothing to do with love and forgettable. What we have is different."


She stopped walking again and took his other hand. Staring directly into his eyes, she spoke. "I felt a very strong attraction to those guys. Even stronger to Charles actually, but it doesn't feel right to play games with you anymore. You have the fantasy darling but you are too afraid of the reality, I think you would enjoy it and I know I would especially with someone as hot as Charles but I think as much as I know you would enjoy it that I am afraid too. Afraid that it might hurt you and hurt us because of that. I suppose I have the same fears you have only that my fears are about your fears"

Now it was Ed's turn to pause. "Nikki, are you saying you have a crush on Charles?"

"Maybe a little one. But maybe it's just because he fits my fantasy to a T."

Speech eluded him. She noticed his dejection and explained what she was feeling. "If I have a crush on him, sweetie, it's nothing compared to the passion I feel for you. Its nothing anyhow because I don't think we should push this any further. We have better things to push" she smiled seductively.

Though he wasn't hard when she planted that first kiss on his lips, by the time she maneuvered him to the sand, he was. They made love under the moonlight until he was convinced that her love for him knew no bounds.

"I think one day we will go further," he announced.


"Its my little head, I don't know him that well , he seems inclined to want to do nice things for me, and if my big head can get in synch. I think that's an unbeatable combination." he couldn't understand why he said it. Why didn't he let it go?

She laughed. "Okay. You're the boss. Next time something crosses our path if your two heads are together, we'll explore the possibilities!"

The fates conspired quickly to bring their decision astray. The very next day, Nikki ran into Charles as she strolled along the beach. Ed had to make some business calls and she had been restless. She didn't want to get into any trouble so soon after yesterday's debacle, so she opted for a simple walk on the beach. She recognized his imposing frame from several yards away, even though he carried a bunch of marlin on one shoulder and a bucket in the other hand.

"Charles!" she exclaimed when they were close enough to converse.

"Hello, Mrs. Stewart," he said, smiling politely. She saw that he was more formal now than he had been last night. She wasn't sure whether to ascribe that wariness to not wanting to be with her in Ed's absence or fearing more the same cold shoulder she'd given him the night before.

"Oh, please, call me Nikki," she said. "All my closest friends do."

"Nikki. All right. Did you enjoy your dinner last night?" The sun brought an appealing light to his dark skin, like chocolate in a display case.

"Oh, it was wonderful! The only thing that could have made it better would have been more time with you."

Alarm crossed his face. "Oh, well, I tried to spend some time at your table--"

"That's not what I meant," Nikki said, tilting her head with a coyness she hadn't allowed herself to display since meeting Ed. "I'm sure you get invitations all the time, Charles. A handsome man like you with his own business—women must be throwing themselves at you all the time. Why should I be any different?"

"You're married to Ed, Mrs. Stewart."

"Nikki. Please."

He looked up toward the villa. Nikki followed his gaze and they both saw Ed staring down at them. "I should get these to the cafe now. I hope to see you and Ed again soon at Kingfish." He nodded, smiled with no conviction, and took long, loping steps away from Nikki.

When Nikki returned to the villa, Ed promptly asked her about her time with Charles.

"I really don't think he likes me much," she said decisively.

"But why? You too seemed to be hitting it off famously out there." Ed's heart pounded.

"I think I may have flirted a little too strong," she confessed. "A man like him needs a subtle flirt and I'm afraid I might have been more like a pack of wolves!"

"Oh come on, now. I thought we decided we wouldn't go further?" Ed was slightly dismayed even as he felt a stirring in his loins.

"Seriously, Ed," she said, walking up to him and talking him in her arms. "I don't think you really want me to stop flirting do you? Thats not going further but just keeping things interesting isn't it? Do you want me to stop completely?" she pouted jokingly.

Ed's eyebrows came together and he shook his head.

"No that part I can handle any enjoy" he laughed "If you really did flirt with Charles he must have loved it unless he's not of that persuasion"

"Oh, I don't mean he's gay, it's just that I think he really respects you. I don't think he'd be able to flirt back to your wife. It actually felt a bit wrong to flirt with such a nice guy, especially to lure him into my silly game."

Ed kissed her and then broke away to make them some cocktails. As he prepared them, he thought about the situation and then replied to Nikki's assessment. "You're probably right. There are more than a few factors against him: his age, the fact that he's an acquaintance and may know people that we know, he strikes me as a fairly discreet fellow. You probably embarrassed him"

"But just because I like somebody doesn't have to disqualify them, does it? Besides I thought that you were not going further and now your encouraging me again"

"Its just fantasy Nikki I don't want it going further! Besides in my fantasy, you are with strangers and you're behaving like a total slut."

She raised her eyebrows and took her glass as he handed it to her. "Am I? Well, that's pretty hot." She clinked her glass against his and took a sip, never taking her eyes off him. "That's so hot that I think I need to show you how much of a slut I can be."

He stared at her, uncertain about her meaning.

"With you, mister," she added, leading him to the bedroom.

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TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 7 years ago

I'm out of here, hate it when I don't finish a story but this is to ugly to carry on. Why does some who loves you want to torment you, this is just mental cruelty. The fear of losing your partner always restrains you, the risk of offense to great. Just another stupid unrealistic story. TK

rphinneyrphinneyalmost 14 years ago
I Disagree with DQS

From earlier chapters, the wife has confessed an obsession with black men already before marriage. This is in direct conflict with her continued claims of love for her husband. It also makes her seem shallow, selfish, and racist in her character. That her husband shares the same obsession makes him equally shallow and racist, and bisexual or homosexual. And before the deniers get cranked up, a man being obsessed with other men of a certain type IS bisexual or homosexual.

As is often the case, what I seem to see from this story is a man with homosexual desires he is loathe to admit. Further, there is no explanation as to what drew the wife to the husband, unless she somehow guessed his sexual desires prior to reading about them on his computer. Now, she is using him to obtain financial security while still pursuing her sexual interests.

All the psychological posturing is nothing more than a facade to cover the unseemly and shallow story of two people pursuing sexual obsessions without any true emotional committments to each other or the others they plan to involve with them.

You can dress up a pig, but it remains a pig...

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1almost 14 years ago
Grabbed me despite myself

This is one of the best stories I've ever read about a man's slow descent into sharing his wife, or cuckoldry. It's one of those topics I'm not really into, but I have read a couple, only a couple, that I genuinely liked, and this is one of them - or this chapter anyway. It seems fairly realistic in the way it depicts a man who has fantasies but is afraid to see them made reality. I'm beginning to be sucked in by the desire to see if the protagonist is able to adapt to his wife actually having other men and can live with that reality, as a lot of men do in this world. Or, if this is going to be a tragic story that ends with a marriage destroyed because once the wife crosses that boundary and turns the fantasy into a reality, her actions and the things the husband sees will make it impossible for him to ever return to his old life.Like I said, this is a pretty good story and a good depiction of a life changing decision.

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