Journey to St. Jeanne Pt. 01

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Les Trois Soeurs - The Paradise Islands of Naked Women.
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Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/01/2021
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I'm not sure exactly when I made up my mind to go. It certainly wasn't straight away. The offer was very generous and it was an amazing career opportunity. But it would involve quite a significant lifestyle change and I wasn't sure I would be ready for this. I had developed quite a good reputation for product design and in particular wearable technology. The more minimal the better. I had a very good grounding in technical possibilities and, without meaning to brag, a keen eye for style and proportion. In some ways I loved my job, I had the opportunity to create cool things and get them out into the world. But in other ways, I didn't feel sufficiently valued, neither in terms of the salary but more importantly in terms of respect. I hate to moan as this is something many, maybe most young women face in all sorts of industries. I would watch as my ideas were first ignored or dismissed, then outright stolen and repackaged, all credit to the thief. This sort of, to my mind, blatant conman trick was not only permitted by the structures of the organisation but positively rewarded. I saw lesser-qualified, lesser-talented men, and it was invariably men, promoted over me. So I suppose I was primed to accept a new challenge.

The offer came at the right time in more ways than one. If I was slightly disillusioned with my career progress, I guess you could say something similar about my life outside work, relationships, my social life. They say, if you are tired of London, you are tired of life. Maybe, or maybe you're just tired of London. I shared a small basement flat with my boyfriend Terry. We had been together for just over three years and in some way, perhaps I felt a little stalled there too. He was a good guy and we got along well, though over the years a certain bland comfort had settled in. Out with friends he was effusive and we would have fun and interesting conversation in the group. Everyone thought we were a great couple. But we had settled into a certain tolerable drudgery of a routine. Get up early, rush out to work, get home, rustle up some dinner and watch some tv shows. At first we used to watch together, then at least we had something to talk about. But over time we found that neither of us was that crazy about the other's preferred type of show so it was easier to watch different shows, one of us on iPad or Laptop, the other on the tv. The flood of communication between us we enjoyed at the beginning of our relationship had trickled to something considerably less substantial. We didn't argue and we got along well but maybe I felt something was lacking.

It was an unusually bright February morning when I took the call. By chance I had occasion to pop out of the office to grab a coffee, it had been an early start, the presentation was over and we were told to grab a break, run it into lunch. The cynic in me, subsequently vindicated by the next week's payslip, figured this was a ruse to avoid paying extra hours for the early morning overtime, but the meeting had gone well, the sun was shining and I was in a good mood. I sat on the bench by the duck pond and sipped at my flat white when my phone started buzzing. It was a name I dimly recalled but could not place.

"Jenny Greene?"

"Yup, Tim?"

"That's right, Tim Handsworth, HRR Recruitment? I don't know if you recall, we met at a trade fair last year. You said you might be interested if something came up."

That was it. It had been maybe six months and I had completely forgotten. I had been a little pissed off to learn of yet another undeserved promotion so when Tim approached me at the fair I was primed to talk to him. We chatted briefly and I gave him my details and I hadn't heard from him since.

"Ah, yes, I remember, how are you?"

"Never better. More importantly, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm good"

"Good, but could be better?"

"Haha, you could say that!"

"Don't tell me, some guy is repackaging your work and claiming credit for it and the higher-ups don't care."

"As if that would be possible in our equal opportunity workforce!"

"Do I detect a note of sarcasm, Ms Greene"

"You're a perceptive guy Mr Handsworth. So what can I do for you?"

"Well, maybe it's a case of what I can do for you. Are you familiar with Jeann-Tech?"

"Of course. They are the gold standard for our industry."

"Well, you have popped up on their radar and they asked if I could approach you on their behalf."

"You're not bullshitting me Tim I hope?"

"I swear."

"Jeann-Tech is an amazing company. I absolutely love their work."

"I would love to put you in touch with Karina Munier. She's identified you as a talent they would love to acquire."

"Oh, wow."

"Look, you should be aware that this position will be in their headquarters on St. Jeanne. There is a very generous salary and a resettlement package. There would be no issues with visa and the tax regime is favourable there."

"But it would mean moving to St. Jeanne.?"

"Yes, that's where all the magic happens."

Jeann-Tech are pioneers, the gold standard. All things being equal, this is the company I would want to work for. And I would have no fear about under qualified underlying passing me out. Jeann-Tech is an exclusively female company. But this is because St. Jeanne is an exclusively female island. It is a unique place. I've often thought about visiting Les Trois Soeurs, the tropical islands dedicated to female beauty. Just idle thoughts really but it was the larger middle island St. Colette I imagined visiting. On that island, like its sisters St. Jeanne and St. Josephine, all women are naked at all times. There is no female clothing allowed on any of the three islands. I've seen the photos and it looks like a fun sort of place if you're comfortable with that sort of thing. St. Colette is a liberal democracy and the main transport hub, it's the only island with an airport but crucially, it's the only island with normal conventional relations with the rest of the world or "Outremer" as they call us on Les Soeurs. St. Colette is a member of the UN and due to the relationship between the islands and France, has equivalent status for travel and trade as EFTA countries. There is a reciprocal trade agreement between St. Jeanne, St. Colette and St. Josephine so the other follow de facto EU rules, but they are held at arms length because St. Jeanne is a gynocracy and St. Josephine is an androcracy.

St. Jeanne is a liberal free diverse country in all respects except for the fact that males are not permitted on the island. It is the only all female country in the world. Jeannette woman who are pregnant with male children are not allowed to remain on the island for their pregnancy and if they carry to term must give the child up for adoption if they wish to return. On St. Josephine, men and women both live on the island but only men have rights. Women may be traded as property under their system and effectively live as slaves under various restrictions. It is an authoritarian state, quite unlike St Jeanne and whatever chance St Jeanne has of normal relations with Outremer once they get the rest of the world to accept that excluding men is not inherently unfair, there is little chance that the rest of the world will accept St. Josephine's slavery system. There's some irony in the fact that in its treatment of women, St. Josephine is not all that different to many places in the world.

On all three islands, women remain naked at all times and this was the spark for Jeann-Tech's inventions. Prior to their development, there used to be complicated ledger systems in every shop, restaurant, business, for Jeannettes and Colettas who do not wear clothes and do not tend to carry handbags. They invented the Retina-card eye scan system so that women on Les Soeurs can verify their identity and pay by simple retina scans. Their bracelets, watches, earrings with embedded phones and assorted devices are revolutionary. It was incredibly flattering to be picked out by such a prestigious company and I felt thrilled, vindicated and a little giddy. But I really couldn't imagine St. Jeanne would be for me.

"Look, I know moving to St. Jeanne can be an intimidating prospect but everything I've heard is that everyone who has ever visited has fallen in love with the place."

"Oh, I've no doubt, but it is a radically different place than anywhere I know!."

"For sure, but remember, St. Colette is just a short boat trip away."

I felt a little frisson when he said this, not least because both of us were imaging me being naked on a boat travelling between two sultry islands. But also because presumably the main reason I might want to travel to St. Colette was to get dicked down hard. This remained unspoken between us, thankfully. I was blushing enough as it was.

"Ok, look, let me think about this. It's a bit overwhelming."

"For sure. Look, let's say you think it over and maybe we can schedule a zoom call with Karina over the next few days and she can let you know what she was thinking?"

"That sounds good. yes, let's do that."

What did I have to lose? The very least I could do is hear the woman out.

"Thats great, listen it's been great catching up with you Jenny. I'll get this set up with Karina and we'll touch base soon, ok?"

We said our goodbyes and I sat in stunned silence as my coffee cooled. This was a lot to take in. The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Some emails, a follow up meeting, a program for a new project. I seemed a little more attuned than normal to the preening egos of some of my colleagues and being honest tuned out a few times and wondered about what it would be like working for Jeann-Tech. I knew I couldn't. It just wouldn't be possible to uproot my life and go and live on some weird all-woman outpost. How bizarre. But it didn't hurt to mull it over and if nothing else, it was nice for my ego to have been noticed by a company of its reputation.

I got home and Terry and I shared a pizza in mostly silence. He was looking at his phone and to be fair so was I. I was googling travel guides for Les Trois Soeurs, St. Jeanne but also St. Colette which looked like a fun place. Maybe it would be nice to visit one day. Assuming I could get at all comfortable being naked in public, my body on display for all sorts of strangers. Then again, at least I wouldn't be alone. I would be in the same position as every other woman.

It was a typical evening at home in our little basement. Dark outside but still plenty of footsteps passing our high window. There was always a reminder of how close we were to a busy street. I watched some reality show about cooking. Terry was watching one of his foreign crime shows I think. Though he could have been watching porn for all I knew because he closed his laptop pretty quickly when I went over to kiss him before leaving the room. For some reason I felt like taking a shower and just getting to bed early. I was tired from the early start and my head was a little muddled from all that had gone on that day.

I lathered and rinsed and enjoyed the hot water on my skin. There was a knock on the shower door. Terry was standing outside naked.

"Mind if I join you?"


I had a feeling I knew where this was going but I didn't mind. It had probably been over two weeks since we last had sex, we were probably due a decent romp. If I had any doubt of his intentions, he cleared things up for me pretty quickly.

"Make sure and wash your arse out babes."

I raised an eyebrow and made sure he could see me reaching back, soaping into my asshole, couple of fingers inside and then a good rinse out.

"You are so romantic Terry Murphy, did anyone ever tell you that?"

"Oh I can do one better than that."

"Go on then."

"Jennifer Greene, my beloved, I wonder if perhaps, as a little amuse-bouche before our lovemaking, you might do me the honour of permitting me to urinate into your mouth?"

This was his favourite thing to do. God knows why I ever agreed to try it "just the once". But I did, a few weeks after we had started dating when my head was still in the clouds. I mean, I don't really mind it. The taste is something I've completely gotten used to. In the early days I used to get off on how nasty it was. But this is something he's done to me a million times. I don't hate it but if I never did it again I would not be disappointed. But it really gets him going. I sank to my knees.

"Ok then, just don't get my hair wet."

"Don't worry, everything is going into your mouth. You've been a good girl and you deserve a full bladder."

"I was thinking of the shower but ok, thanks I guess."

I opened my mouth.

"There you go, Oh yeah."

He began to piss and I went into autopilot mode. I could do this in my sleep. He fills my mouth, I swallow, he fills it again, I swallow. He really doesn't want any pee "wasted" so he always pauses to give me time to swallow before filling my mouth again. I find my mind drifting off and I'm thinking about being naked on a beach and I look round and there's only naked women there. Different sizes, different colours and they are all beautiful. It is a surprisingly pleasant image. I'm distracted abruptly from my reverie by Terry's cock pushing its way into my mouth. He's got a few more dribbles left and he usually prefers me to suck the last drops out. I comply and I go into a different autopilot mode and start sucking his cock until it's fully erect.

"Good girl, oh yeah, you are such a great cocksucker and a fantastic pissdrinker"

He loves this sort of stuff but it leaves me cold. I mean, yes I'm good at sucking cock and yes it seems I'm good at drinking his piss but I don't particularly think of myself as a "cocksucker" or "pissdrinker". But I don't want to wreck his buzz so I thank him for his compliment. He lifts me to my feet, we dry off and repair to the bed. He lays me out on the bed and I know exactly what he's going to do next.

He kisses me full on the mouth and then each nipple in turn, then my abdomen, my pubic mound and finally my pussy. He laps between my lips until he finds my clitoris. Its not unpleasant, far from it but I find that allowing my mind drift enhances the sensations. I feel a jolt as he applies cold lube to my asshole. He works it inside me and slips two fingers up my ass. This is again, not unpleasant, but it is exactly the technique he uses all the time. I drift off again and I'm back on the beach. My pussy is being licked though and I imagine being there on the beach but Terry's not with me. He's not allowed. For some reason, that turns me on even more and in my mind the tongue between my lips is female. I look down and see this beautiful woman eating me out. It's maddening. Its been a while since I drifted in this direction but maybe something got reawakened in me today. Usually I'm imagining a guy maybe more exciting than Terry, darker, fitter, more adventurous. But in that moment I wasn't picturing a Tyrone or Julio, it was a Lisa maybe.

It's almost enough to bring me off and I find myself reaching this plateau but for some reason I'm brought back into the room. I'm not sure what it was, maybe some noise on the street outside, maybe a grunt from Terry but whatever it is, my beach mirage evaporates and each time I try to recall, it makes me more aware of the fact that I haven't come yet and Terry's working so hard. I just know I can't come so to move things along I let out some moans and tighten my ass hole in spasms. It makes Terry think I've come and it really turns him on. He rises and his cock is staring right at me. It's big, purple and aggressive with a little drop of precum hanging from the tip. I know where he's about to put it. As if to confirm, he rubs my asshole a little more, working the lube inside.

"Oh babes."

He puts his cock at my asshole and pushes in. I feel this full sensation as he works his way slowly until he is balls deep inside me. It is intense and I gasp which he assumes is from pleasure.

"Oh yeah, you like that, don't you?"

"Oh yeah baby.

I mean, I don't hate it. I actually don't mind anal sex at all. It might even have been my idea to try in the first place. But Terry really really likes it and it's much more enjoyable if he thinks I love it just as much as he does so I let him think that. I wouldn't mind it if we mixed things up in a while but Terry's pretty fixated. Once we had anal sex the first time, and this was in our first few weeks together, it became our default lovemaking pretty much straight away. A couple of times we tried vaginal sex but Terry either couldn't get or couldn't stay hard so we just stopped trying. He's pretty good at fucking my ass and there have been plenty of amazing sessions, especially in our first year together. He's very careful with me and has never hurt me from being too vigorous but for a long time I would have liked for him to make a better attempt at "ordinary" vaginal sex. At some point I just stopped caring and I just went off my birth control pills.

Missionary is his favourite though doggie works a bit better for me. I like to ride him too but it's been a while. He pounds me and rubs my pussy and it's not bad but the moment was lost back when I was daydreaming. I'm enjoying the sex and the physical connection between us but I'm only mildly turned on. The fact that he's in my face grunting, makes it impossible for me to drift off so I hold him close to me.

"Oh yeah, Terry, sodomise me. I love the way you fuck my ass."

"Oh yeah, I love the way you're such an anal whore."

There he is again with it but I don't say anything. He's getting more and more turned on so I know he will come soon. He thrusts harder, thankfully I can take it and I feel it before he does.

"Oh babe, I'm going to cum."

"Oh yeah, babe"

I know what's coming. I get ready for it. He withdraws and comes up to straddle my face.

"Open up honey, I'm gonna feed you."

I open my mouth dutifully. He loves to "feed" me. Every time we have sex, he comes in my mouth. He did it the first time we made love and I guess it set a tone. I don't mind it. I swallowed the first time I gave him a blowjob to completion and I guess he pegged me down as a swallower. It's not a turn off but it is predictable. he's never come on my back, on my tits, inside my ass or, after the handful of times he was there, in my pussy. But I guess Terry Murphy's a creature of habit. He ejaculates and fills my mouth. He is careful to make sure I get every drop. I'm grateful for his reminder to wash my arse as I suck his cock clean. It taste of lube and sperm and the faintest hint of soap, nothing dirtier than that this time thank God. He squirts the last drops and collapses on the bed beside me

"Oh man, that was good"


I haven't the heart to let him know that it was just ok, not "good" and that I didn't come. I like that he is in a good post-coital mood. He falls asleep straight away and as soon as I hear him snore, I start touching myself. I can return to the beach and I am reunited with "Lisa". We are pressed together, our soft flesh touching, skin against skin. Her breasts against mine. Her legs wrapped around me. I paint this vivid picture of our tryst which involves me eating her out and bringing her to orgasm before she returns the favour to me.It had been such a long time since I fantasised about a lesbian encounter and it was so vivid and exciting. My orgasm is intense and has a completely different flavour to it. What started off as a mediocre sexual encounter, by dint of Terry's slumber, ended up with probably the best orgasm I had enjoyed in years. I drifted off to a pleasant sleep with more beach dreams.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why is it that so many women believe they are discriminated against in the workplace when the evidence for it is only anecdotal? When the research evidence is analysed the discrimination disappears.

Triona_BTriona_Balmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you very much! :D

BiggaluteBiggalutealmost 3 years ago

A good story with a nice flow and lots of interesting elements that leave me looking forward to reading the other chapters, 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thank you for the story, but also for the comments on your motivations behind it - I read the comment first, and it really set my mind for reading it. LIked it! Going to have a look at the next chapters, curious how Jenny's life develops from here :-)

Triona_BTriona_Balmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks so much!

"What an inconsiderate SOB"

Haha, yes, in my experience, lots of inconsiderate SOBs are blissfully unaware of this! I wanted to capture that situation that a lot of young women are in: relationships that are not really good enough to satisfy their needs and deficient on so many levels but are not actively awful enough, or perhaps the awfulness has arrived by a million tiny increments, to prompt them to leave and it would take a big wrench to change course.

"I am really enjoying your story. It took a bit of a turn halfway through, didn't it? :o)"

Thanks you so much! :-D and yes, I have to get a few of my personal kinks in there! Plus I like the idea of eroticising that sense of dissatisfaction mentioned above so that the "reluctance" typically associated in stories with with someone being put into a new situation of degradation is actually embedded already in her status quo relationship.

"As a very small, "cute" female in a male-dominated professional field, I can understand your heroine's frustration and desire for change.

Yes indeed. I know of what I speak!

"As for the Les Trois Soeurs, I'm looking forward to experiencing them. I would live on St. Colette. I have nothing against living exclusively with women, but I do like to have men around. They have their uses. However, there is a part of me that would choose St. Josephine."

Oh for sure. I would move to St. Colette in a heartbeat if it existed. And I too feel the draw of St. Josephine and am looking forward to writing that journey in the next story. But I felt compelled to start with St. Jeanne. I love world-building and I love the idea of exploring how a society like that would work. I very much enjoyed the comic Y: the Last Man which posited an almost male free world. But we will see that men still have their uses for Jeannettes who often visit St Colette and I will go into detail in future chapters about how St. Jeanne couples go about procreating given that they generally spurn IVF

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