Journey to St. Jeanne Pt. 11

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Les Trois Soeurs - The Paradise Islands of Naked Women.
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Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/01/2021
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There were no bags to fetch, I carried everything I needed with me in a tiny handbag. We were able to stroll through the pretty town centre towards the quays, along the harbour to the ferry terminal. Roni stopped off at a deli and bought us some sandwiches for the trip. There was a gust of wind and it blew my hair up as I stood and looked over the sparkling blue sea and watched the various boats and ships traverse the bay. The warm wind wrapped all around my body, between my legs and I felt embraced. How had I not considered coming here before? I knew about this place, dimly I suppose but some reticence prevented me from exploring further. And yet it was fantastic here.

An archipelago of beautiful islands. St. Jeanne awaited but St. Colette itself was stunning and so welcoming, being naked was liberating, it was not a restriction as I had lazily assumed. Far from it being something on the debit side of the column, something you had to weigh against the myriad positives about being here, some compromise we women would have to endure in order appreciate the many benefits of these island. Far from that, it turned out, it was the first thing on the credit side of the ledger. Les Trois Soeurs, where if you are lucky enough to be female, you get to be naked and utterly free the whole time you are here.

I skipped across to Roni and we made our way to the terminal. Roni checked us in and we waited for the boat to come to shore, I could see it on its way, its deck full of eager naked passengers. Colettas returning home from who knows what exciting adventures, some of them with guilty secrets to keep from their men no doubt, others with exciting tales to tell. And Jeanettes visiting their sister island, a few of whom no doubt inclined to sample some of the burgers on offer here.

There was a lower deck of cars, bikes and trucks too. I was reminded that this ferry was a main artery between the two islands. There were commercial ships for most trade between the islands as evinced by the stacks of shipping containers just visible around the corner alongside the commercial port but the ferry provided a vital transport link, particularly given that the only airport was on this island.

When we eventually boarded, Roni led me by the hand to the uppermost deck. We stood looking back at St. Colette but when we got moving we would be facing towards the open sea and eventually I would get my first sight of St. Jeanne. It didn't take long for everyone to board and I felt the ferry unmoor and slowly reverse out of the dock. I looked around and all I saw was naked female flesh. I hadn't arrived on St. Jeanne yet but in another sense I had.

Everyone on board was naked, everyone was female. All shapes, sizes, colours, ages. I saw two teenage girls bickering, one of their moms deliberately ignoring them and looking out to sea while her wife played peacemaker. They weren't the only family travelling and I remembered that St. Jeanne, though all female, was a full society with every household type you would find elsewhere. I had this pleasant sensation of sisterhood, it was instinctive, I felt a sort of warm glow inside. Roni turned to me and winked, raising her eyebrow as if to say "See?"

The crossing didn't take long and I savoured the mild sea breeze, the crystal blue waters. I felt at ease with the world. London had been my home and I enjoyed living there but I never felt relaxed. There was always something to disturb that sense of peace of mind. I just knew that would not be the case here. I hadn't even started work at Jeanne Tech yet, I hadn't even landed on St. Jeanne but I felt more and more that I wasn't just trying out something to see if it fit me. I felt like this was a new chapter in my life. I had left Outremer a very short time ago but it felt distant to me now. Here, on the sea, travelling from St. Colette to St. Jeanne felt like real life, vivid, meaningful in a way that much if my time in London did not.

St Jeanne's hills hove into view. So verdant. It was a brush of vivid green even through the heat haze, set off by the sparkling sea and then the glinting white cubes of houses, villages and a denser massing of St. Jeanne-Ville, our destination. My heartbeat quickened. I was finally arriving. I looked around again and I remembered that I was leaving the world of men behind and yet this was almost an afterthought. A few weeks ago I couldn't have imagined living somewhere entirely bereft of men but now it didn't bother me in the slightest. On the contrary I was eagerly looking forward to seeing what this place would be like.

The island loomed bigger and I made out buildings, windows, people, palm trees, vehicles. The hustle and bustle of Jeanne-Ville carried on, blithely unaware of, what to me personally was momentous, my arrival on the island. We docked and Roni turned to me.

"Let's go, I cannot wait to show you St. Jeanne."

She led me by the hand down the gangplank and to the harbour, my feet touched the cool slightly damp stone of the paving. My reaction must have been noticeable. Ronu clarified

"Barefoot comfort is paramount on Les Trois Soeurs but particularly here. Stone choice, shading, irrigation, and regular cleaning ensure we can walk anywhere in the town in comfort and without worry."

We walked along the quay from the ferry port and the beauty of the town took my breath away. It was so pretty and elegant. Little shops with awnings projecting out, cafes, restaurants and houses in between with myriad potted plants on the paving outside. Roni took me to a cafe just around the corner on Le Cirque, the main "square" of Jeanne-Ville, though it was circular in shape, entirely ringed by buildings with stucco facades and then parallel to that, just past the seating areas for the restaurants, an inner ring of palm trees. It was stunning.

There was a fountain in the middle that was set flush with the pavement with huge jets of water that would momentarily pause and crash to the ground immediately draining away. Teenagers were slaloming through it on their skateboards and skates, timing their route to coincide with the pauses or causing ripples of laughter when they were soaked by the water jets. All around observed by a pleasant mix of locals and tourists. Everyone, teenagers, tourists, locals, families, urban professionals, waiting staff, passersby alike, was female and each one of us was nude.

Roni and I sat down at the edge of the seating area under a tall palm. We had a great view of Le Cirque and silhouetted beyond, Jeanne-Ville's gentle tree lined hills dotted with white cubic houses. Beside us was a pair of blonde girls chatting, hair tied into high ponytails. I didn't need to look too long to determine that their friendship was platonic, sisterly even. Something about their body language gave it away and this was then confirmed when they were joined by a tanned brunette who beamed from side to side as she arrived.

Her curly chestnut hair hung loose but, without any deliberate action on her part, seemed perpetually shy of concealing her breasts. She had this lovely casual air about her. The way the first blonde looked at her and the way this look was returned I knew straight away that there was burgeoning romantic connection between them. She pulled up a seat beside the blonde and there were countless instinctive comings together, hand to thigh, shin to calf, toe to toe. Something about this reunion affected me. I envied them. I don't remember a time when I felt such a connection with anyone, certainly never with my supposedly current boyfriend.

I sipped my café cortado and took in the sights, near and far. It was heavenly here and I must have had a big smile on my face.

"So what do you think?"

"Oh, it's lovely."

"You haven't seen the half of it yet!"

We dallied a little and soaked up the vibe and then it was time to move on. My new apartment was not far and Roni was keen to show me. We walked past the pretty streets to a section of more industrial looking buildings. Big handsome brick structures with large steel framed windows.

"This used to be the industrial part of town up to thirty years ago before they completed the Park of Science and Industry. It used to be a run down part of town but artists moved in and it became trendy. Then the developers realised that these warehouses and factories could be converted to shops, galleries, workspaces and apartments."

And I could see bakeries, restaurants, galleries. There was this huge mural on one gable wall. St. Jeanne rendered in a sort of retro-1930s style. Naked, gleaming, eyes looking out to a distant star, a futuristic moonscape behind her enveloped in a huge glass dome. Roni beckoned towards it.

"St Jeanne colonising the moon!"

"Now there's a thought!"

"So, here we are."

I looked up and saw a tall framed brick structure, with large glass windows and projecting steel balconies. We walked through a local lobby saying hi to a gorgeous black woman just about to leave. She had dark flawless skin, her breasts and bum almost with a blue sheen. Her hair was in cornrows which leant an air of serious business but this was offset by her pretty oval face and pleasant smile. She allowed us to pet her cute beige poodles. I guess she would be one of my neighbours and I was looking forward to getting to know her. We stepped into the steel cage lift surrounded by concrete stairs and arrived at the top floor. Roni led me through into this amazing space.

It was vast. You could roller skate around it. It was all one space with a screen at the end which Roni informed me was where the toilet was located. There was a hammock down one end with a large double armchair stroke bean bag beside it and then a large bed on a low platform. Just for sex I remembered and I wondered if I would have a chance to use it while I was here.

In the middle was a pair of sofas and a blank wall with a tv and then at the opposite end a big oval table with six chairs a large island counter and a pretty impressive looking kitchen behind it. The fridges had glass fronts and I saw that one was filled with delicious looking produce and the other plenty of bottles of wine and beer.

"Roni, I, I, I don't know what to say"

"I hope you like it."

"I love it!"

The place was so bright, there were huge windows but the balconies protected the space from the harshest midday sun. There were no blinds. I noticed a glass bathtub just between the sitting and sleeping stroke sex area and then out on the balcony I saw the shower.

"The shower is on the balcony?"

"Yes, so you can enjoy the view while you wash!"

I stepped out and took in the view. Below me lay the trendy street and below there I could see over the rooftops past Le Cirque to the right out to the glittering sea and just about in the distance the vague silhouette of Mt Colette on our neighbouring island. It was paradise here.

"If you look over to the left."

Roni pointed over in that direction and I saw lush hills of trees with patches of grass between them and then low slung pavilions.

"That's the Science Park, it's where Jeanne-Tech is located. Wait til you see it. You'll love it. Best place I've ever worked."

"Can't wait"

It was like a dream. There was something surreal about being completely naked with a beautiful naked girl in this incredible apartment of my dreams getting ready to start the job of my dreams. There were no clothes here and no men. Was that really a problem though? Did I really need either? Could I have a fulfilling life without men or clothes? Maybe I could. One way or another I was going to find out.

"Let's explore the neighbourhood, there's lots of cool things nearby and then maybe we can get something to eat?"


"There's a really nice Turkish restaurant not far from here. It's run by this lovely couple Cansu and Aysun. Their lamb chops are ridiculously good."

I had no clothes to unpack so there wasn't much involved in settling in. I did feel a little sticky from travelling so maybe it was an opportunity to brave the public shower. I stepped out onto the balcony and there was a warm breeze. I ran the shower and stood under. I soaped myself and as I looked across the street I could see daily life in the various loft apartments. A couple sitting down at a table, one blonde, the other brunette, there was a woman out on her balcony checking out the street scene. She caught my eye and waved over to me. I waved back a little sheepishly.

None of us had anything to hide here. We were on full view. I knew that the trend on Les Soeurs was for women to be hair free below our heads but I could see this for myself readily. The woman waving to me had a clearly depilated pudendum just like mine, her coinslot camel toe easily detectable. She was utterly carefree about this. Proud even. I wanted to reach that level as soon as I could but I was not there quite yet and was blushing profusely at how exposed I was.

My neighbour stepped out on to her balcony as I turned the water off. I stood dripping as she greeted me over the railing. She introduced herself as Alexandra or Lexy for short and told me she worked in Finance. I explained I was about to start working for Jeanne-Tech and she seemed impressed. She had something about her indefinable. She was slender, athletic even, tanned all over with sparking blue eyes and curly red hair. She had small breasts but these incredibly puffy pink nipples that I couldn't stop staring at.

"Are you from St. Jeanne?"

"Haha, you can tell I'm from Les Soeurs?"

Her accent was even more pronounced as she spoke of her homeland.

"Something like that."

"Almost true. I'm actually from St. Colette but I moved here for work two years ago."

"And how do you like it here?"

"Oh I love it. I mean, I always loved visiting here ever since I was a little girl but I wasn't sure I could like being here full time."

"Due to the lack of men?"

"Haha, well, I don't know if I care that much about that but I suppose yes, I thought that maybe here might end up being boring longer term. I mean, I had only ever been here for a week or two at a time. I didn't know what a longer stay would be like."


"Oh it's certainly not boring. In fact, it's even better living here than visiting. You'll see. Look, maybe you can come over one of the evenings, we can have a glass of wine or three and I'll tell you about all the cool stuff you can do here."

"Oh, I would love that!"


And with a swish of her red hair she was back inside her apartment and I was a little bit drier. I passed through the door into the apartment and was greeted by the warm air curtain integrated into the surround. Roni was waiting patiently and probably getting hungrier. I pictured the lamb chops and my own tummy started to growl.

"Shall we?"

"Lead the way."

We strolled around the streets nearby and I felt like this must be the coolest neighbourhood in the world. I mean, nobody wore clothes and yet they were all so stylish. I wasn't sure how but I just sensed it. Haircuts, nails, tiny little choices of earrings or jewellery. Everywhere I saw naked women just going about their normal business without a care. So much flesh and yet it was so natural. Breasts, bums, bald pussies everywhere I looked. I wasn't the only one baring all. There was a different atmosphere here. It was palpable. There were no men looking at us.

I mean, the men on St. Colette were very respectful, the locals anyway, but still, they looked. Here it was all just us girls and something about that felt so reassuring and welcoming. There were couples walking hand in hand, there were groups of friends. It was a youngish neighbourhood but there were a few families too, an older married couple with a couple of daughters in tow, probably not local residents though but just in from the suburbs to visit the galleries or restaurants.

One figure caught my eye. The first thing I noticed was a mass of curly blonde hair piled high which caught the light. And as she walked, it was if there was a spotlight on her, the rest of the crowd fading away somewhat, even parting to allow me a better view. There was something mesmerising about her. As we walked towards the restaurant, she was heading in our direction.

She had this lovely hourglass figure with a tiny waist that made her medium sized breasts look huge and bouncy and emphasised her curvy round ass cheeks. I saw toned thighs and calves, slender but firm arms. As she came closer my eyes were drawn between her legs and she seemed to me to have the most beautifully proportioned pubic mound, smooth and tanned with this discreet little slot at the base and this pleasing gap between her thighs. I looked up and she was stunningly beautiful. She had bright green eyes and this cute dimple on her left cheek and it seemed she was looking right at us. I saw her pretty face break out into a smile.

"Hey Roni, hola! How was St. Colette?"

She and Roni embraced and I could see their breasts squish together. I felt some sort of stirring, a blend of envy and arousal.

"Eugenie! so nice to see you. Oh it was great, I was just welcoming Jenny here to the islands."

"Jenny, I'd like you to meet Eugenie. She's an old friend."

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WoodencavWoodencavabout 1 month ago

Oh dear I do hope this is not going to be the last of this storey, it’s been so good, please continue writing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Triona_BTriona_Babout 2 years agoAuthor

I'm so sorry!! I tend to get bursts of inspiration (and free time for writing!) and knock out the chapters very quickly and then I go fallow for a while and other things intrude. This story is definitely not concluded and there's plenty more to come and I also have some more stories on St. Colette and St. Josephine to come too. But we will return to St. Jeanne very soon...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This series is wonderful - apart from one thing: It's not finished yet! I know real life has a nasty habit of intruding, but do know that you have fans eagerly awaiting parts 12 onwards when you can write them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hurry up, please. I have been waiting with bated breath since last October. I second Namidaboshi's remarks. Ian

namidaboshinamidaboshiover 2 years ago

It is so very well written that I had to give this entire series 5 stars. Hope you cam continue this story as the 4 month gap is a bit worrying.


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