Julia Enjoys March Madness in May!

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She has fun on trip to see her daughter, until she sees her!
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Traveling South in Oregon on the Pacific Coast Highway, Julia Whitcock couldn't help thinking about another trip she'd made on the same route heading North. It was nearly four years ago, an impromptu solo trip she'd added to her main reason for being in Oregon at all, escorting her daughter Cara to the University of Oregon in Eugene. Now Cara was about to graduate and Julia had talked her into making a road trip back east, one last mother-daughter adventure before she started Grad school.

Julia was looking forward to spending a week or so with Cara, but she was also glad she'd arranged her schedule to have a few days on her own. She didn't want to take Cara away from her last few days of partying with her friends, and she hadn't had an extended solo trip since that trip along the coast after helping Cara get settled in. She was on schedule to arrive in Eugene the day before Cara's graduation ceremony.

When she passed the state park where she'd stayed on her previous trip, Julia couldn't help smiling. She'd never in her life had an adventure to compare with the crazy night she'd spent there, either before or after that fiasco. At the time she'd mostly been embarrassed; never in her life had so many people seen so much of her, pretty much every inch of her! She had come to think of the events of that night as a never to be repeated but also a never to be forgotten experience, safely in her past. Still, whenever something she saw or heard triggered her memories of that night, her reaction was sometimes to blush, but always to smile!

Reaching the inn she'd planned to be her last stop before meeting Cara, within an hour's drive of Eugene, Julia couldn't help noticing how different it was from the state park. The entire inn would have fit into the day visitor parking area at the park, and the beach was a small fraction of the beach at the park. She laughed to think about how the vast size of the park's beach had been one of the things which got her in trouble! The inn here wasn't even on the same side of the road as the beach. "If you want to go down to the beach after dark, just bring one of the LED lanterns with you," the woman who checked Julia in said, pointing to a shelf with a dozen small lanterns, "to cross the road safely and also to mark the end of the path down to the beach." She pointed out a break in the stone wall with a sign simply reading, 'Beach Access'

Fairly tired from a couple days on the scenic but twisty Coast Highway, Julia didn't bother driving to the next town to find some sort of dinner, putting her faith in the excellent Yelp reviews praising the inn's own restaurant. She wasn't sorry; the salmon entree was the best meal she'd had in almost a week of travel! She settled in to her room and relaxed, binge watching Netflix.

Waking to the sound of waves crashing against the rocky areas at the beach, Julia dressed and kept things simple, walking the 20 yards from her room to the restaurant. Her French toast and bacon did not disappoint, and on her way out she took her waitress's suggestion to take one of the snack bags at the door if she was planning on staying down at at the beach most of the day.

Back at her room she gathered in a tote bag everything she'd need for a long visit to the beach; towel, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, book, phone, room key, snacks, iced water bottle, inflatable pillow. She changed into one of her brand new swimsuits, a bright yellow bikini Cara sent her after Julia had sent a few photos of the suits she already had, asking for advice on which suits she should bring.

"Definitely bring the new bikini, that shade of yellow looks great on you, and you'll look hot in it," Cara had told her, "As for the other two, I have to say, 'please don't'; the black bikini covers way more than any bikini ought to, and the one piece with the little skirt just screams, 'Grandma'. Order one of the ones I'm sending you a link to!" Some of Cara's suggestions took Julia's breath away, looking, she imagined, more like something you'd see in a strip club, briefly worn by a stripper, than at a beach, worn by her, a 47 year old Mom! She did eventually talk herself into ordering one of Cara's picks, a strappy one piece thing she could just about imagine herself being seen in, despite the vast areas made of mesh and the almost nonexistent back!

Carrying her things all together in a tote bag, Julia couldn't help being wildly self conscious while waiting to cross the highway while wearing the tiniest swimsuit she had ever owned, let alone worn out in public. "How on earth did I let my daughter talk me into being seen nearly naked like this? I swear, we have washcloths at hone with more fabric than this outfit!" She was thinking of going back to her room to get the cover-up she'd left behind when a long horn blast from a truck passing by both heightened her awareness of how much of her was on display and gave her ego a nice boost. She decided she could do without the cover-up.

A few minutes later, having made it across the road and down the winding path to the beach, she could feel the tension brought on by standing by the road wearing nearly nothing draining away. As advertised, the beach was small, but it truly was a gorgeous spot. The sound of waves masked the sound of traffic 50 feet above, and there wasn't a building or anything else man-made in sight. The middle of the beach was sandy, with large, random boulders scattered about at either side.

Though small, the beach didn't feel at all crowded. Julia had only seen a handful of cars at the inn, and she saw no more than seven other people scattered around; a couple who looked like they were in their late twenties, a trio of young women and an elderly couple she guessed to be well beyond 70 years old. None of the beachgoers seemed to be paying any attention to those outside their own group. She set herself up at least 15 feet from the closest other people, the elderly couple, exchanging greeting smiles and nods but not starting a conversation.

Julia set her towel out and stood next to it, slathering her exposed skin with sunscreen, no small task with the suit she was wearing, then lay down on her towel, facing down, propped up on her elbows to read her book. A few minutes later she remembered her hope to avoid developing too many tan lines. She unhooked her top's back straps and untied the straps at the back of her neck; she made a mental note to remember she was no longer wearing her top as much as resting on it! Once she resumed her propped up to read position, her boobs were barely in contact with her top at all, but she thought her arms and her book would probably provide enough cover.

Once she'd given the back of her body an hour of sun, Julia switched to lay on her back, holding her top with one arm as she rolled over. Trying to do what amounted to a one-armed push-up, her arm supporting her buckled; she brought her other hand down to keep from doing a face plant, successfully getting herself upright, but losing all contact with her suit's top! She scrambled to get the cups more or less in place, only noticing after she had covered her boobs that the white haired man was smiling and giving her a thumbs up salute.

Julia's first reaction to having just flashed an old guy was to blush, but when she saw his wife laughing and playfully covering his eyes with her hands, she couldn't help laughing herself! "So they saw my boobs, I've certainly had worse happen," she thought, then without giving it any thought, she let the tiny yellow top go, dropping it on her towel again. Sitting up, she made no move to retrieve it, and was rewarded with two thumbs ups from both seniors!

By noon the elderly couple had soaked up about all the sun they wanted. They packed up their gear to leave and made a small detour to get close enough to Julia to have a conversation. The wife approached Julia, who was still lying down reading her book, but sat up to talk. Raising herself to a sitting position more gracefully than she had before, Julia managed to use one arm to keep her nipples and most of her boobs covered. The older woman said, "I'm Linda and this is my husband, Alan. I just wanted to thank you for making it worth my husband's while to spend the morning on the beach; I can stay on a beach all day, but it's not his favorite thing to do, at least not usually!"

"Uhhh, I'm glad I was able to help," Julia replied, impulsively leaning back and supporting herself with both hands to give her new friends another look at her wearing only her bikini bottoms.

Linda smiled an said, "Oh my, even better up close, don't you think, Alan?" Alan was speechless, but his smile and vigorous nodding of his head made it clear he agreed! "He's too shy to say it, so I will; considering what God gave you, why not have a little fun with it?"

Without mentioning her skillful plastic surgeon's part in giving her the sensational breasts they were admiring, Julia simply said, "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!"

"We're not the only ones who agree," Linda said, pointing down the beach, where two of the three young women were in the process of getting their tops off, and the female half of the younger couple was already topless and applying sunscreen in new areas! "You seem to have some followers; if I was your age I'd join your little movement!"

After Alan and Linda said goodbye, Julia sat down and had some of the snacks she'd brought from the restaurant. Fortified by the muffin, banana, chips, and small bottle of water, she reapplied her sunscreen, this time including the skin previously covered. By the time she'd worked it all in the handful of other people on the beach were either already leaving or starting to pack up. Within few minutes Julia had the entire beach to herself.

She wasn't sure where the impulse came from, but with absolutely nobody else in sight, Julia suddenly felt like having a dip in the ocean.


"What happened to the woman who felt way underdressed while wearing both pieces of her bikini," she wondered, "or the one who was so freaked out when her boobs were briefly in view?" She stood next to her towel and scanned the entire area of the beach, including the path up to the road. She couldn't find any sign of anyone else nearby. "Is being completely alone here enough to make swimming naked safe," she asked herself, "probably not, if anyone was to show up, considering I'll have to be at least sixty yards away from my clothing to reach water deep enough to hide my nudity?"

Julia looked around one more time and decided that all the things that might go wrong were more than outweighed by this unique opportunity! She already had her thumbs hooked into the sides of her bottoms and could feel her heart racing as she began to pull them down.

Julia's pounding pulse skipped at least one beat when she caught sight of three guys windsurfing just offshore, parallel to the beach. She yanked her suit's bottoms back up, but couldn't tell if they knew what she had been on the verge of doing; she had no doubt whatsoever that they could see that she was topless. All three waved as they passed by, and she waved back, but to Julia's surprise they kept going past her section of beach. Less than a minute later she saw a possible explanation for their not at least pausing; two girls about the age of the guys, trailing them, who also clearly noticed the semi-nude woman but didn't wave to her.

After her near miss at showing her entire naked body, Julia decided to just have her dip in the water while wearing the bottom half of her suit. She waded out until the water was around waist high, then dunked herself completely below the surface and bobbed around for a while. "I'm sure doing this with nothing at all on would be even better," she thought, "but this is already pretty fucking good!"

Julia was still floating aimlessly when she heard voices; she tipped her head up and saw the same group of male windsurfers, either heading back to wherever they'd started or, she preferred to think, coming back for another look at her!

Julia dropped her feet to the surface below the water and stood up, her boobs just a few inches above the water. It occurred to her that when they'd passed by before she'd been about to drop her suit's bottoms; now that she was partly hidden by the water, for all they could tell she might actually be nude! She wondered what they might be wondering, and didn't have to wait very long for the answer, as one of the guys coasted to a stop no more than 10 feet from her and asked, "did you get the rest of your suit off?"

"Did I what?" she replied.

"When I first saw you it looked like you were in the process of taking you bottoms off," he said, "I was just curious if you finished the job once we were out of sight?"

Answering him wordlessly, she dove down head-first, doing a handstand on the rocky surface below, and raised her legs, her toes pointed up and her lower torso just above the surface. The three young men didn't let any disappointment they might have been feeling at Julia not being completely nude interfere with their enjoyment of the the sight of her mostly uncovered ass rising up from the water! They had to look fast, as Julia couldn't hold that position and her breath very long.

Once she'd returned to her upright topless wading position, Julia saw that the two girls were about to arrive. Before their girlfriend's could arrive and urge the guys to move along, she asked one guy how old they were.

"I'm 21, and these two losers are both 19," he said, "and the girls are both 18, I think. How about you?"

"Take a guess," Julia asked, smiling.

"32? 34? 36 tops," he replied.

"Thanks, I'll take that," she said, giggling. Her smile took a long time to fade. Though she'd be embarrassed to tell her daughter about almost anything she'd been doing that day, she got a serious thrill from receiving so much attention from guys younger than Cara!

After her conversation with the windsurfers, Julia played around in the water a while longer, but felt like having a little more sunbathing time resting on her towel. Still topless, she looked forward to evening her tan some more before going back to the inn. Still alone on the beach, she was becoming at least as comfortable without a top as she had been when she was wearing it.

Trusting the hourly chime of her phone to keep her from overdoing it, she reapplied sunscreen, trying to use less in the areas of her body she'd not given a chance to tan at all before that day. She put her sunglasses on and covered her face with her hat as she lay down. Her preparations for a tanning session followed her normal routine, but the feelings brought on by the combination of being topless and unable to see if anyone was around were anything but normal!

Despite some nervousness about being so exposed without knowing who, if anyone, might be looking at her, the sound of gulls calling and waves gently breaking eventually lulled her to sleep. She had been dozing for nearly an hour when a different sound began to rouse her from her nap. Voices. A man and a woman. Getting closer!

"Wow! I didn't know women were able to be topless in public in Oregon," the male voice said.

"Lucky you," his companion answered.

Awake enough to follow the conversation but not enough to realize the quickest way to get the newcomers to move on was to pretend to be asleep, Julia answered, "I have no idea if it's legal. I dropped my top accidentally and nobody seemed to mind so I thought,'why not,' and just left it off!"

The woman, startled that Julia was awake, tried to remember if either she or her husband had said anything rude when they didn't know she could hear them! "Oh, you're awake," the woman said, "we didn't mean to bother you!"

"Not a problem, my phone would've gotten me up in a few minutes anyway," Julia said as she sat up and set her hat aside. Seeing the attractive couple attached to the voices, in their late twenties if she guessed correctly; she smiled and continued, "Welcome to my little experiment!"

"Thanks," the woman said, introducing herself, Lori, and her husband, Kevin, then asked, "were there any other participants in your experiment. Right now you seem to be a sample size of 1!"

Julia introduced herself and told Lori, "yes, and though it's actually a super casual survey, not long after I took my top off for good there were more women going without a top than there were still wearing one!"

"Peer pressure to free the girls," Lori laughed, "I love it, but I'm curious, what ages were involved in your study?"

"Considering the small sample size, it was fairly varied," Julia replied, "The youngest participants looked to be 18 or so, while the oldest was 47."

"So," Lori asked, "at 28 I'd be somewhere in the middle?"

"Yeah, you'd fit right in," Julia answered, "Do you usually...?"

"Do I usually go around in public naked above my waist," Lori finished her sentence, "No, but there's a first time for everything, right?" Seconds later Lori had her cover-up and her bikini's top off! She handed the two garments to her shocked but delighted husband, to be put away in their tote bag.

Lori hadn't applied any sunscreen yet, so she started now, but soon switched to covering Kevin's back so he could get himself covered as soon as possible. He was still working on it when he realized he hadn't helped her do her back. He paused and asked, "can you turn so I can do your back?"

"I would," Lori whispered in his ear, "but I think you should get yourself into the water as soon as possible!" She stood with Kevin facing her and Julia behind her; she brushed her fingertips lightly across the front of his suit, giving his hard-on a quick squeeze. "Maybe I can get Julia to help with my back," Lori whispered.

Lori's teasing of Kevin only made it harder for him to act casually; when he saw his wife enjoying having Julia's hands all over her back, and if he wasn't mistaken briefly reaching the sides of her boobs, he reluctantly trotted to wading depth water.

Without Kevin nearby to tease, Julia and Lori had a more ordinary conversation, chatting about where they were from,what kind of work they did, what brought them there, and their children. They agreed being apart from them was hard. Lori admitted to having missed being able to occasionally have some time with just she and Kevin. Julia told Lori how different her relationship with her daughter was now that Cara was an adult used to living independently. Hearing Julia was the Mom of a nearly 22 year old daughter, Lori became the second person that day to underestimate Julia's age by at least a dozen years!

Not wanting their conversation to get too serious, Julia switched gears, telling Lori, "I have to admit, I saw that little squeeze you gave Kevin's dick! His suit couldn't hide how he was feeling; I can see why you'd want a little 'alone' time with him!"

Lori blushed, but smiled and said, "Well, there IS that!"

Seeing the sun getting lower, Julia excused herself, saying, "Time for this old lady to have a short nap before dinner!" She gathered her things, put on her sunglasses and hat, and headed up the path. The traffic at the crossing to the inn was lighter than it had been earlier, so she didn't need to wait as long to cross the road. She'd just reached the opposite side when she crossed paths with the same three young women she'd seen on the beach earlier. Getting a closer look at them, she guessed they were about Cara's age. Getting a closer look at her, one of the trio said, "Damn! You're hard core! I was nervous about having my boobs out on the beach, no way I'd be out here like that!

Though she actually hadn't even noticed she was still topless, and her initial instinct was to try to cover herself, for some reason Julia wanted to live up to the impression this random girl had of her. She just shrugged, smiled and continued to her room, 40 yards beyond the road, just as she was!