Junction Pt. 05


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As they stood there a special report was being released from the Palace...but not the Gold King's Palace. This one was the Red King from BoYork. Who was not in the RECD Executive Council...they were too far down the list. It outlined what he had learned but it also went into the persecution of humans and how that was a lie put in place centuries ago.

That civil unrest was occurring on this world between 2 alien species, one being Species 874 and the others being these Lycanists. Between their actions, they had formed Junction. The details placed the blame squarely on Species 874 for using the device built by the other race without knowing how to properly use it.

Humanity had played no part in the matter, other than being one of 2 worlds targeted and it was the one race that these 2 races both wanted to have available for genetic experimentation upon. Species 874 having been taken from that world and made into what they were today.

Now they were trying to fix themselves with the aid of these humans. They were now working to force this change and now held this world hostage with the aid of this White Dragon Queen and Jace Rivers.

This was sent out from multiple members of the RECD on their news channels but they were almost verbatim in the wording. Battlelines appeared to be in the process of being drawn now.


Jace took his bride her wedding ring and was talking with her when the next set of reports came in. Doppel stood there, "34 City-states have sent this out and it is now being picked up by others. We should destroy them."

Jace groaned, "No! We do not destroy them! I told you we would have to come to work with them. You pushed extremely hard on them. They pushed back. You attacked, they attempted to attack me in the RECD Executive Council. Now they are going after public opinion. Now we counter with public opinion.

Violence is the last action, not the first. Again your group mind and acting like your creator. You are proving my case that the Hivemind was a very bad idea. You also continue to lie to me!"

Doppel looked at Jace, "How do we lie to you?"

Jace threw up the image of the meeting in the pit, "The world bombs were one method of destroying this world, not the only method you had available. You have these ships captured by your creators, yet you have not imparted that knowledge to us. They are other means of destroying this world. How many methods of destroying it do you have?"

Doppel looked at him, "Just the 2."

Jace shook his head, "Lie. Another fault in your possession of these clones. You cannot lie to me using them. I can read your human body like a book. How many methods and how do we know you won't use them? Dragons are alpha predators, I am an alpha predator, and your species are alpha predators. Time to be completely honest."

Species 874 was now worried and wondered what Jace would do. Doppel tried to avoid it but sighed, "We have hundreds of ways of doing it if we wanted. The bombs were the first and most likely method. The ships were another method."

Jace picked him up and held him to the ceiling with a Judge pointed at him, "Can you feel fear?"

Doppel looked at him, "Yes, but not in you destroying this body or this lab. Fear in losing ourselves."

Jace put him down, "You have already lost yourselves."

Jace placed a hand on either side of his head. He had never tried telepathy before. He started casting and worked to read Doppel's mind. Thousands of minds in one voice as he went through it all as paralyzed them one at a time. It would not last, but it would last long enough as he did one thing after another until Jace was finished and looked at Doppel and the other 2 human clones, "You will turn those ships over to the EEHSE in her City-State. We will know how to use them from now on.

You will continue to do your work for the other 3 timelines, but you will stop creating them for this timeline. Giving us your knowledge. You know you have failed and you can move on to the other timelines and take that approach with them. I will protect this world. One way or another."

Doppel sighed again, "You do not know what you ask."

Jace nodded, "I do. Your memories will live on here, not your personalities, as the Hivemind is tainted in its approach to things. Your creator ensured it was tainted for any others to use. All roads lead to violence, not cooperation. One genetic race, yet you have 2 going, knowing you do not want us to succeed without you.

You cannot succeed in those bodies as your minds do not have it in them in how to be individuals. How to have sex with a willing partner without being disgusted by it. To do magic to be able to maintain the Weave is your goal without the other races, but you cannot do that with the Hivemind.

Your plan is flawed and will fail in those other worlds. It was the trap built into you by your creator. You could rebel, but you could never go back and you could never let go of that flaw. You have to be at the top of the chain and work to eliminate anything different from your ideal of perfection.

Let me ask you. What does your Hivemind feel about your new bodies? They are broken. They are weak. They are repulsive. They are unfinished. That you Doppel are too flawed now. Tell me I am wrong? What were your options with how I dealt with you?

The problems I highlighted? Your thoughts on the way I handled the RECD Executive Council? All solutions you were astounded by because you do not have the creativity and you cannot handle Magic the way that I can. You live off the remains of your creators as they took creativity from you. The way these new bodies are supposed to function for this world.

You succeeded in building your replacements. They are free of the defects that you cling to. To teach others how to do it. Making the slight modifications needed to existing tech to use life force you had to have the White Dragon Queen do for you as you could not create it! Your genetics knowledge will carry on here, that is your success. Not that you will continue to do so, that is just a fear of dying.

We will become this new race and the Alphas but with a goal of cooperation across this world. A goal you are hard-wired to avoid with that Hivemind. Run the numbers. Successes vs failures. Which of us is more successful since your return here? It's just the 3 of you right now. I paralyzed all of the others for the next few hours."

Doppel looked at the 2 females that remained here. He contemplated for close to an hour.

Jace went to a terminal and looked over the data and then made changes to things while they worked on answering him and he had the others disabled. Jace finally finished what he wanted. "Those 12 bombs were wired with communication crystals.

I destroyed them all remotely after I destroyed the device that allowed them to communicate with your ships. Something that was done hundreds of years ago with the aid of dragons. Those ships could communicate inside of the Weave because of those modifications, but not through it.

Another lie you told the RECD. That makes them unique to The Weave communication issues, fixed by dragons millennia ago, at least inside of the Weave. Your 'primary systems' work outside of the Weave. They never connected them for you. You knew this, but you never thought to ask them to fix that.

You did not share that knowledge until I took it from your human mind. Ship Mark 17 is at the new City-State location with the others. It is the only one with a functional Reality drive, but all of the weapons are encrypted upon it. The other ships all have new command codes and the reality drives are disabled.

The self destructs on those ships are disabled. Tillman turned me into a master hacker of your Lycanist Operating System. You did not know that. You don't understand it enough to break into what I just did. Those ships will check for any that return, attempt to communicate with them, and disable them if they come here.

I am giving you a one-way ticket to another reality. I will transmit codes to allow the ship to be fixed once it is has left this world. To do what you want to do. You don't need the species to be Weave capable, just space survivable as you will never live in these worlds. You will destroy the other races, destroy the Weave, and die. You will all die eventually."

Doppel looked at him, "The others have confirmed it. You have control of all of the ships. Except for the one. You gained access to our hive mind through me. I am now a bigger flaw and problem in our continued existence. They have all become reanimated as you paralyzed us all to do your sabotage."

Jace nodded, "You failed to be honest with me, repeatedly. I also disabled all of your hand-held weapons and your access to this facility. All I asked of you was honesty and to protect this world in the process. Both of which were omission or outright lies. Who was more successful? You never answered the question."

Doppel sighed, "You were more successful in the handling of the other races here. The latest broadcast occurred because of our approach. We will take all of ours and go."

Jace sighed, "No more lying. You will take them all."

One of the women spoke, "We will take them all."

Jace shook his head, "You are lying. I can tell with a human body. Just like I could read a human mind. Something I could not do with a Species 874 mind. You became the weak links in your species Hivemind by inhabiting those bodies. Now you know that and have no way back, except by transferring back into another clone of a clone copy aboard that one ship."

The third spoke, "Fine, we will all go."

Jace nodded, "We will be scanning the world, in case you change your mind. Those left behind will be destroyed. I also took over your connections to all of the satellite feeds. Two ships will follow you out of the Weave. They will transmit codes to you to enable your other systems once you are out and away from the planet."

They watched them depart and the White Queen looked at him. "What have you done?"

Jace sighed, "Got rid of the monsters they were turned into. Not all genetic experiments were the same. They were broken, created to lose most of their creativity, only some that existed with the genetics knowledge remained. But they lacked creativity. Everything to them was foreign. That was why they needed human geneticists in the beginning and then elven and dragon geneticists."

Jace grabbed The White Queen's head and worked to share with her what they were doing and what their plans were. He activated his stealth shield, just in case he missed anything. She pulled away and started crying, "They would have killed us all!!"

Jace nodded, "What I said about them and telepaths was true. They could not tell I was in their mind as they did not know how to actively shield their mind in a human body. That was why I put them all to sleep or paralyzed them one-by-one if you will. I was in the human mind they now inhabited.

History recorded that Dragon Telepaths could not breach their minds. Something from their creation. To protect them from when they lied, omitted, or misled. I never read a mind before today.

I am more of a generalist than people would realize. I have just been focused on certain aspects of magic all of my life because of my training. The Lycanists pulled the switch and they did it on purpose to get both worlds, not knowing of magic.

In the chaos, Species 874 rebelled and took over many ships. Their creators wait for them to die to return and destroy us. I gave them a one-way ticket to death instead. They just don't know it, because they could not tell when I would lie to them."


Jace monitored them leaving the lab and gathering at the site.

Jace took the White Queen with him and teleported to the entrance to the outer gate for a change. She was shocked he brought her here, but this was where the press was located. Jace had them both shielded. Jace moved to go through and the reporters could not get near him or block him.

Jace walked over to a Marshal's car that had been set to block the entrance. Jace climbed on top and helped the White Queen to stand next to him. Jace sighed as he held out his hands to signal that he wanted them to all shut up for the moment.

Jace looked at them all, "Let us start with the fact vs the fiction. The things we discovered and the actions we took."

As he said this one of the ships decloaked over the area to stress his point. "I am controlling that ship. They are mostly automated and I directed this one here to decloak. It is shielded from teleportation, space worthy, used by Species 874 but built by a species they referred to as Lycanists. Like all Species 874 technology, it was not created by Species 874. It was captured by them when they rebelled against their creators."

Jace and everyone looked up as hundreds of explosions occurred far into the night sky. Jace sighed, "Species 874 has been eliminated from this world, other than samples in research labs of their DNA. They planned to destroy this world. This was the reality they had planned.

Their creators had a shared Hivemind. It was flawed or more accurate to say it was booby-trapped. The Hivemind was geared to do one thing, collective thinking to create a singular species in which to master all technology.

All roads to this creation led to violence. Genetics, Space flight, space stations, weapons, and the one that eluded them with the mistakes made to create Junction, Magic. Species 874 and or their creators the Lycanists created Junction. In this reality, it was the Lycanists who did it and they did it to both worlds on purpose. Species 874 rebelled and drove the Lycanists off-world, a world that Lycanists could not communicate off of anymore."

Jace pulled up his holovid display and played back the RECD recording showing the beginning of life in this newly joined world. The threats made by Species 874 the dragons that fought them and the governments they lived under now being formed and dictated by Species 874 based upon old feudal systems from Earth.

Jace sighed, "The first RECD meeting if you will. Many fell to the wayside in those early years until you had 84 City-States and societies settled. The myth of humans causing the creation of Junction became the facts this society was based upon.

Species 874 were humans once, genetically altered by these Lycanists until they rebelled and nothing good of humanity remained, except a genetic foundation from which to build upon, remained in those creatures.

Species 874 gained the technology they needed from humanity to work the genetics, to start their creators' work over because Species 874 had flaws, they were sterilized in the efforts, sterilized samples that they touched in trying to work genetics themselves.

Classified as defective, their creators planned to start again, bringing the rest of humanity to their world. History is written by the victors, the Lycanists intended to bring both worlds here in one shot, as they had over 80+ worlds. Lycanists, in this reality, were the ones who pulled the lever.

In other realities, it did not necessarily occur on those planets, but every planet in each reality had a chance of changing because of the technology they used it could have changed them or destroyed them. Species 874 wanted to take the credit and keep their creators out of the discussion. Some escaped this world and we should watch for them."

They noticed more explosions in the sky and Jace smiled, "They may have been watching. The virus I sent out on the 2 ships that escorted out the Species 874 ship transmitted to every Species 874 or Lycanist ship it could reach. It sent their power cores critical to destroying the ships. I did not let them escape to come back and terrorize us again.

They will remain in orbit and repeat this process for years to come. There are 200+ of these ships inside of our atmosphere, they will eventually be sent out further in this system to do the same thing. To keep either group from returning to this world or this reality. These remaining ships are under my control now, which means they are under the control of the White Dragon Queen.

She is my 5th wife. It will also benefit her Alliance partner who benefits from this arrangement. The San Angeles Gold King where these ships will work to protect the people, as I have always done for this City-State, in the military, and as a member of the Marshal Service. All through an Alliance, they are working to put into place. Now how did I do this?"

Jace played the video from the Lab from where Doppel wanted to destroy the 34 City States who were broadcasting this news. Followed by the exchange they had. There was a section cut out by Jace as he had his eyes closed or he worked the terminal.

Jace looked over, "Two pieces of time in those files were cut out. One was an hour-long session with my eyes closed as I held Doppel's head and read his mind and disabled the others to give me time. This is how I know what I know of their past. The other was my action to hack their operating system, change command codes disabled weapons, and disable reality drives on the other ships that remained.

In short, I hacked them, something my military training allowed me to do was hack their operating system, or should I say the Lycanists Operating System. I also hacked their Hivemind and effectively paralyzed them to give me time to do what I needed to get done. I did things they did not understand how to fix. Species 874 did not create those things.

They were focused on genetics to try and fix themselves. They had some knowledge of some things. Not on everything, by their creators' designs and to live in space, not to live here. Not originally designed to be genetic 'experts' either.

They just retained a lot of knowledge and applied basic scientific research methodology to the problems. They did not create the Life Force gear, the White Queen designed that as they could not fix that but knew to appease her, it needed to be done. It was a means to an end to deal with the dragon population, in particular, the White Queen.

You saw my discussion on this species and the inability of Dragons to read their minds. Built-in by their creators. They did not know how to shield the Hivemind in the new clones. How to hide the fact they were lying.

A biomonitor can be used as a lie detector by those who know what they are doing. I search for the hidden and the half-truths and then work to find the truth. They were to share their knowledge, but they left everything about the beginning of the RECD and these ships out of that data to us. Half-truths.

They were being honest in only what they wanted to share. They revealed there was more and when confronted they folded as I took it from them. They had hundreds of ways of destroying this world, or the sun we rely upon. They were a threat to my family and this City-State...to this world.

Now every City-State and every species in this world has benefited from my actions to keep this world from being destroyed. If you can find fault in that, then I would ask you what steps have you personally taken to address this threat?

This is especially true of the other Royal families who started this rhetoric, the only thing you bought was aiding me in finding other hidden truths from Species 874. The destruction of LonUblin was in line with the RECD Executive Council rules.

A duel was held with myself representing my wife, which they were unaware of our marriage, and against the King of the Bronze Dragons of LonUblin. I fought as her champion in this duel."

He played everything in the file up to before the fight started. Jace sighed, "The actual duel can be released by the Gold King or the other members of the RECD Executive Council at their choosing. If they want to show how I, a non-dragon, killed one of them.