Junction Pt. 05


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The White Dragon Queen smiled in her human form. She had not predicted what Jace would do, but he gave her everything she needed in one brilliant move, "The 4 guards for the Bronze King should return home now. As what is left of that former Royal family will be in turmoil over this.

They will likely try and get in with the other Bronze family. Not that they share much or offer much more than their genetics. But to save their own lives from what is coming from neighbors. You can believe they will need your support."

The 4 Bronze Dragons left the room, as they were escorted out by the Gold Kings guards.

She called out, "This meeting is adjourned if there is no other business that needs to be conducted. I am assuming they are accepting me as the head of the RECD now?"

They all shook their heads at being outplayed by this 'human.' Finally they all nodded in resignation.

Jace bowed to the Gold King, "Your Majesty, I will wait in your throne room."

The Gold King nodded, "I will be there shortly."

The Gold King did not know what to make of Jace's move. He played them all with their own rules. He used all of those recordings to perfection to prove who he was and that he was made her champion. He was fucking tactile and brilliant in his move today.

He helped him to save face, like he knew what would happen, even though he had no clue as to what Jace was going to do. He returned to his throne room and then waved Jace into a side room.

Jace scanned the room but activated his stealth field just in case, "This room appears cleared, Your Majesty. Mission 6, I created an EMP over 100 meters up and focused it out, it spread over 5KM out and impacted the security systems to the building; the ones on the upper level.

Brought their security systems to a halt and let us do that highly successful mission. Earned me my first Royal Favor from you even. They were expecting us on that mission, likely that Elven General's doing. An early attempt to kill my commander I am betting. I took the gloves off after seeing what we were facing. I cleared the upper area of hostile snipers but I took a different vantage point.

In short, I did my job in reading the battlefield. The Commander was pinned down by the aerial fire. I brought it all to a halt. I hit the Bronze King with one that was localized to his body and killed and fried all of his technology. Something I learned on my own, likely from the 874 DNA, but ran through magic, Your Majesty."

The Gold King nodded, "You could have killed dragons left and right for years including me. Likely escaped the palace the day you took those manacles off in that meeting if I took action against you. Speak freely."

Jace sighed, "I wanted better for humanity as a whole, and not just myself. Everything I have done has been a part of that goal. At first, it was with the realization our ancestors were part of the problem that created this world.

I did not want to downplay our involvement in history, or humanity's need to destroy itself written in its history. Again, remember who was teaching me. I wanted better conditions for humans. Then that was a false narrative cooked up by Dragons and Species 874, equally so they could get what they wanted. We saw that at this meeting.

The fact they were modified humans muddied the waters further in the blame department, but that was done against their will even, like the things done to me. They had no say in the matter. These constant threats to all of the races by Species 874 need to come to an end.

I told them they would have to work in a spirit of cooperation with the other races. I understand their attack, but their methods need refinement. I will be speaking with them about this. I should go. I am trailing blood everywhere, Your Majesty"

The Gold King nodded, "You have stayed true to me, even with the extremes I had them put you through."

Jace sighed, "Your Majesty, details you did not know. Would you have done it differently? Questions we can guess at in the long term, but for what purpose? It made me who I am. Work some of the changes for humans into your human population.

It is not weak to say mistakes were made by all sides in this. It is weak to try and cover them all up and bury them. Especially when we can make effective changes to improve lives. We are no longer batteries.

That alliance will help to shore up your borders. She uses her 874 entitled race to aid in that while some of her entitled race continues to live here for now and work in your Marshal Service, and Army even in joint Operations to protect both City-States."

The Gold King nodded as Jace bowed to him and left the Palace. The Minister of defense spotted Jace leaving covered in blood and went to see the King. The King played him the entire meeting.

The Minister of Defense was shocked, "He mated with her? He killed a royal dragon!? The head of the RECD even?!"

The Minister of Defense received the message exchange Jace and the Gold King had traded, "I knew it but did not advise him. I did not inform the RECD. He boxed me in then gave me an elegant solution out of the box in that meeting to shore up our protection.

Put her at the top of the RECD in the process. Tactically a brilliant move to be allied with this powerhouse in genetics and technology. What he did to the Bronze King has them all thinking of what Jace could do.

What an army of that race could do if they had to. But Jace wants us to work together. This was his way of forcing some cooperation to get the security we needed in place to help protect his family here, without moving them. A tactically sound strategy.

To show he was a magical powerhouse to kill a dragon and take no damage in the fight. The Bronze King underestimated him like many others have...including me. He is still loyal, even with everything I had directed CGR to put him through...so many horrors. Then Spec-Ops, and he still became this warrior of humanity who still supported us and our entitled people."

The Minister of Defense sighed, "The sword rarely complains to the smith that forged him in how it was made or how it was used. He is just extremely talented. Multi-talented even, Your Majesty."


Jace teleported to his community and them home. He tracked blood everywhere and Renee saw it first and got The ladies in the nursery, "Jace is home and is trailing blood through the house! A massive trail like he went swimming in it."

Rayne led the way and saw the quantities of blood and went to the bedroom and the on-suite shower where he stood under it rinsing off his armor, face, and his hair. She looked at Jace, "I am showing you unharmed."

Jace nodded, "Our fifth wife is now the head of the RECD."

Rayne's eyes went wide, "What the fuck happened?!"

Jace sighed, "LonUblin is being sacked, people gathered and moved, the banks and patients were taken and an EMP waiting to go off from the ship over the area. The head of RECD, the Bronze King, wanted me dead.

I accepted his challenge to a dual, slipped the dragon cuffs, and summoned on my armor and weapons. He is dead now. I spent time and told him about the attack I did against his Kingdom years ago. I did not say who did the enchanting on my necklace, they likely assume it was the White Queen."

Jace turned on the stealth field. "Mission 6. We had 4 aircraft and 8 drones working to pick us apart. They had our attack patterns and entry vectors. Likely that Elven General in hindsight. Regardless, I took the gloves off as I got pissed and launched raw magic.

100 meters up that went out 5 km. It destroyed all the craft, fried security systems, and saved most of our team. The mission I got my first royal favor from. I set off a directional EMP that destroyed their electronics above 50 meters. I took down the forces that had my commander pinned down. Their security systems were listed as being on the fifth floor. It fried them and sealed them inside of the facility.

He had never seen a spell of that nature before. But I cast it and he had no way of describing it at the time other than a magnetic wave to bring them all down. Likely something from Species 874.

I also announced my 5th wife if you will. The White Dragon Queen. She is now the head of RECD and I am her champion husband. The Gold King is working Alliance paperwork to seal what she stated to me into a formal arrangement with her Kingdom."

He replayed the entire confrontation for them all to watch as he dried off his armor and then burned that suit as it was a lost cause. Pam sat there shocked, "You killed a dragon, not just a Dragon but a King and the head of the RECD without injury. They all know you are fucking dangerous now. Extremely dangerous."

Jace nodded, "Also that Species 874 picked me for a reason."

She nodded, "True."

His crystal went active and he sent the feed to his holo-display. The White Queen smiled, "I watched the whole thing. Repeatedly. You were brave, smart, tactical, and even saved the Gold King some humiliation by forming it as an Alliance from the message you recorded from me on that matter. I did not realize I chose my words so carefully in my response. I was romanticizing it, but you took it literally and used it. You are my champion and you were brilliant, my husband."

Tawney shook her head and smiled, "You played by their rules. You took them on their ground and showed them what you are fucking capable of. Gods that is hot!"

The ladies laughed at that. Rayne asked, "When did you marry her?"

Jace smiled, "Technically with a Royal Dragon, there is no ceremony involved, other than mating. Until she told me she wanted to marry me, I had married Tawney and Pam already by that point, We were not married, yet. She told me she wanted to marry me.

I accepted her proposal formally before going to the meeting. In case violence broke out, I had a few more cards to play into the game and get my wife what she wanted. She was the Royal, also a Female Royal is required to make the declaration.

I took liberties with it by accepting it before the meeting. I saved announcing it until the message was given to all of them at once. I also ensured her ring to this commitment carried her communication crystal. I just finally accepted her offer before the meeting."

Hellen came in, "Coop is on his way home, provided he can get through the reporters at the gate. Word has it you killed a Royal Dragon, married another, and went completely overboard and ordered the destruction of LonUblin."

Jace contacted Coop and had them both watch what transpired. Helen sighed as he still had the White Dragon Queen up on the display and Rayne explained that part to her. Helen shook her head, "81 children?"

Jace nodded, "In 20 eggs."

The White Queen looked over, "They just hit LonUblin with the EMP. They had deployed hundreds of Species 874 with weapons and got what they needed. Those that tried to stop them were disabled with EMP weapons or vaporized. The ships then created a 50-meter deep crater on the Royal Palace and all major research facilities and businesses...just to be sure nothing valuable was left behind.

They shot down several aircraft that attempted to enter the area, including other dragons who came in to try and attack before we finished claiming what was ours. 3 other ships appeared in the area and held them at the border until we were ready.

Dragons were heavily damaged or killed. They were from Black dragons from RanDabalon. They quickly retreated because of the firepower over the area. The Bronze Dragons were allowed to flee the area with only what they had on.

They were headed for their kin further North to flee those that would mean them harm. Most teleported away with the eggs of the young they had. Species 874 did not try and stop them, following my direction. We pulled plenty from them. 22 trillion+ DC's in credits and another 124Trillion in DC's that were off the books they pulled from the Palace.

Not counting anything hidden in other Kingdoms Banks, but we have the records for those. What they might have taken from the palace, if not for the fact the King trusted nobody with that vault including his own family. Species 874 got into it with no trouble.

It took forever to get them all moved to chips at the bank, in 100,000DC cred-chips denominations. Available only to Dragons for transfers from one bank to another for Dragons. They were shown the message declaring the loss of the Kingdom to me and had no choice to comply at gunpoint.

Including caches of crystals, ore, food, and stockpiles of Ki units. I will use the Ki units with my new army for now just to empty them as they get trained up. We pulled all existing weapons and military craft as well. I need Telepaths to go through them and find any foreign agents."

Jace nodded and forwarded the request to the Gold King to help clear her new 'conquered' people. Jace smiled, "I forwarded the request to the Gold King to help clear your people of spies and those disloyal to you and our Alliance."

The White Queen smiled, "Thank you again, my husband. You played that beautifully. Even Species 874 was impressed with your strategy. They had not pictured you doing that, or the localized EMP on the Bronze Dragon. They now have efforts on trying to figure out how to shield those items from EMP and still be functional. That is research taking off in every Kingdom!"

Jace nodded, "They would have to work electronics into crystals instead or incorporate tons of shielding. Weaves of mesh to dissipate them but it would not work well with cranial implants that have to be exposed. The easiest method for ground troops is shielded suites, with helmets to shield them. You need to work the augmenters and cybernetic interfaces for them to switch over to LF now.

The fact I have access to an entire area of magic, or a spell effect or two anyway, they do not have access to is troubling them. It might not be available to them unless they have Species 874 in their DNA. Only time will tell. I will be by to see you soon, my wife."

She smiled as Jace ended the call, "I need to speak with Doppel and the others in person again on their methods."

Coop walked in and shook his head, "You made a big fucking statement! I nearly ran down 20 reporters who tried to block the entrance to the complex. Some teleported to the other side and the extra guards had them detained for trespassing into this community. The local police are on their way to pull them back."

Jace nodded, "I was not given a choice. I was boxed in and they wanted to kill me. It was time to reveal that they had no clue as to who in the fuck they were dealing with. I was given the green light to take the gloves off by the Gold King if needed. He did not know what I would unleash, or that I could get into his palace armed. He found out as the others did."

Jace finished getting dressed and then teleported off to The Deep.


Levaransin was on comms with the Minister of Defense, "How much of this story in the news is true? Did Jace just destroy LonUblin?"

The Minister of Defense sighed, "No, the White Dragon Queen of TriMarka who is aligned with Species 874 destroyed them. Jace did kill their King in a duel, but he did it as her champion. She is Jace's 5th wife. She stated she carries 81 children from Jace.

She is establishing a new City-State and an Alliance is being put together between us and them. Jace arranged it. She is looking for some Telepaths to aid in clearing the population of any embedded spies. With this alliance coming into play, did your people wish to take part in clearing this population of enemy spies to our Allies?"

Levaransin sighed, "Jace married a Royal Dragon?"

The Minister of Defense smiled, "A Royal Dragon offered marriage to Jace, he accepted. A Royal Dragon can offer marriage to anyone, a non-dragon could be challenged by a member of her dragon line for bringing impurities.

She is the last of her line so that challenge is not coming. She is his 5th wife. With no other dragons in her line, she could choose to marry anyone. By destroying LonUblin, they gained their population, wealth, patents, and a lot of resources for building up this new City-State.

She is now the head of the RECD because Jace was challenged to a duel. Though the Bronze King likely did not realize that is what he did or what Jace would do. All in the RECD Executive Council meeting and Jace accepted it and fought as her husband and champion in the matter.

He cast one spell, two if you count sending his swords flying in a sword staff configuration straight into his screaming mouth to cut off the Bronze King's head. The first spell he cast destroyed all of the technology in his opponent and sent him screaming in pain.

The RECD Executive Council leader wanted to go to war with him and Jace showed them that was not a good idea. They all knew he was a Mastro97A asset. They all knew he was dangerous. He just tempered his actions before to keep from crossing a line.

Until he played by RECD rules and killed the Bronze King. Jace accepted and left it to the Bronze King to back down. He then goaded him into wanting to kill Jace by discussing a previous mission into his Kingdom. The Bronze King was furious and did not back down. It cost him his life as well as his City-State by Jace being married to the White Dragon Queen.

Nobody knew that fact until the Bronze King was dead. He is now known as an Enhanced Entitled Human Spliced Entity (EEHSE), he is creating a race for Species 874 to keep them from destroying this world.

Another entitled race under this White Dragon Queen. Both Species 874 and EEHSE are entitled to her City-State. Jace is still a citizen here, but the Alliance allows for that as Alliances are bound by marriage. Jace is not human, but the founding member of a race that has undergone a metamorphosis.

He is no longer the only one either, wives 3 and 4 are also in line with him after being resequenced, but with different dragon species." He sent her those two files and the wedding photo from Dr. Bowman. "What he did not want to build with CGR is exactly what Species 874 wanted to be built. They returned in force and Jace holds the keys to keep this world from being destroyed.

The 81 children she has coming from him, she plans to turn into EEHSE members. She is a geneticist with their level of skill. You had 2 taken to get this knowledge, she already possesses it and a hidden research facility filled with Species 874 hardware, at least one, in The Deep."

Levaransin sighed, "I will work to get 10 of my telepaths to find telepaths in her new people. Get them cleared so they can do the rest of the population. I will get Kindra to lead this effort as Jace trusts her. Does he gain any title with this marriage? How is he addressed now?"

The Minister of Defense shook his head and laughed, "Jace Rivers, Commander San Angeles Marshal Service for now. Husband of the White Dragon Queen I suppose as he is not of Royal Blood, she is of Royal Blood.

You would call her the White Dragon Queen if you will unless she gives you another name. Not Your Majesty. That is reserved for our Royal Family. Jace still calls the Gold King, Your Majesty. Jace calls her, his wife."

The Minister of Defense ended the call and Levaransin sent for Kindra and Brandialshane. They arrived and she played the message back to them, having gotten rid of the Gold Kings Monitoring Device with the Gold Dragon Bodyguard after clearing her people. The Gold King had done the same to remove several layers of corruption but more stealthily and over time.

Those 2 arrived, having watched the news and she played the information from the Minister of Defense.

Kindra shook her head and sighed, "I will do as you ask, Your Majesty."

Brandialshane shook his head, "Jace is coming into his own and challenging Dragon society while using their own rules. A dangerous game, but he has 2 Dragon Royal Families now watching over him with the technology superior Species 874 helping to lead the way."