Just a Little Magic Ch. 11


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- "You're an angel. But that's not everything, is it?"

She shook her head. "No. My Dad has been ... difficult. It's Mom's fault. She was telling him that she'd met you, and Dad got angry because he hasn't, and because Mom is claiming that she's closer to me. They're ... re-visiting old battlefields."

- "And you're caught in the crossfire?"

- "Sometimes."

I reached out to caress her cheek, and to brush back her hair. Her forehead was warm to the touch. Too warm.

- "Do you have a thermometer?"

- "Why?"

- "Because I want to take your temperature."

- "Pete - I'm fine."

- "Prove it. Let me take your temperature."

She finally gave in, and submitted to my examination.

"You, young lady, are running a fever. Bed - now."

- "I feel fine."

- "You do not." I said. "Bed."

Sophie didn't really have the energy to fight me. She felt like crap, and was actually a little relieved to be able to give in and let me take care of her.

Her fridge was full; she'd been preparing to cook several meals for us. There were a few ingredients missing, though. I made sure she was resting, and then slipped out. I visited the drug store, and then a grocery store. I got 3 varieties of chicken soup, chicken stock, then a whole chicken and some vegetables.

My cooking skills are right up there with my dancing ability, but I called Mom and had her walk me through a basic chicken soup recipe.

Sophie slept through most of the night. She was exhausted. Unfortunately, her temperature was a little higher. I called on Dr. Google for help. She didn't have a stiff neck, or shortness of breath, or any other worrisome symptoms.

- "Rest." I said. "Rest and fluids. Including Dr. Grey's famous chicken soup."

- "Famous?" Sick as she was, Sophie grinned at me.

- "Okay, first. But you have to try it."

She did. "You made this?"

- "I had some help."

- "It tastes wonderful. Thank you."

- "Anything for my girl. I love you."

Oops. That just popped out.

Sophie grinned again. "I know you do."

She sweated through her sheets that evening. I made her get up and have more soup while I changed her bed. She seemed to sleep a little easier after that.

She was much better the following morning, but still weak. As it was a Monday, I called in sick for her. The receptionist (or whoever answered the phone) wished Sophie well, and told me not to worry about it.

Sophie's phone rang an hour later. I'd used her phone to find her workplace number, so I recognized the digits when they showed up. I decided to answer it.

- "Sophie?" said a male voice.

- "She's ill." I said. "May I take a message?"

- "I want to speak to Sophie. Put her on the phone."

I didn't like this guy's tone. "She's asleep. Recovering from a fever. She won't be coming in to work today. Who are you, anyway?"

- "This is her supervisor. You tell Sophie that a hangover is no excuse for a day off. I want her here ASAP."

I hung up.

Was this one of the reasons that Sophie was so tired?

- "Was that my phone?"

- "I took care of it, Sweet."

- "Who was it?"

- "Your supervisor." I said. Then I did a bad thing: I read my girlfriend's mind.

Disgust. Revulsion. She didn't want to talk about him.

"Is he hard to get along with?" I asked her, further priming the pump.

Domineering. Crude. Sexual harassment. Abuse of authority.

I made Sophie comfortable, got her to drink a bit, and encouraged her to rest. Then I looked up her workplace, and did an internet search of Dr. Robert Dallaire.

By noon, I was the lab where Sophie worked. I asked the receptionist, Suzanne, and the security guard about Dr. Dallaire, and read their minds. Confirmation.

I was incandescent with rage by that point, but I managed to control my emotions. Suzanne was willing to follow my instructions; she went off to tell the supervisor that 'Sophie's boyfriend' was waiting to see him.

He kept me waiting for almost an hour; these 10-cent dictators are all so predictable. He was looking forward to a confrontation, secure in his position, his multiple degrees and his high salary.

Dallaire was tall, dark and handsome. He smiled smugly as he saw me, and came to a snap judgment. I was so much beneath him.

- "Dr. Dallaire." I said. "I'm Peter Grey."

- "The card trick guy?" he said, with a sneer.

I didn't bother with a clever comeback; I simply unleashed Janine's bladder control spell. Dallaire pissed his pants.

His eyes went wide with horror as he wet himself. The supervisor ducked sideways and quickly entered his office, so that no one could witness his embarrassment.

I followed him, and shut the door behind me. I snapped a photo of him, so that he wouldn't be able to complain that I'd assaulted him.

- "I'm not just the card trick guy." I said. "I'm your fucking nemesis. I really can read minds."

Dallaire just goggled at me.

"You're thinking of calling the security guard, but you're afraid that he'll see that you've pissed your pants. Besides, Francois is having a smoke outside."

"Now you're thinking that you'll charge me with trespassing. But Suzanne knows that I politely asked to see you, and your security cameras will only show you darting into your office, and then me calmly following you."

His mouth was moving, but no words were coming out.

"Let me spell it out for you, Doc. You touch Sophie - anywhere - and I will ruin you. I mean it: you'd better not make physical contact of any kind with her - or with any of the female technicians, or Suzanne - or I will end your career."

"The first thing I'll do is to visit your lovely wife, Julie, and your daughter, to tell them about what you get up to at work. Julie will immediately remember that case in Quebec City - what was her name ... Chantal?"

Dr. Dallaire pissed himself a little more - and I hadn't cast another spell.

"If you say or do anything inappropriate to Sophie - or to any of your female employees - I will fucking end you."

At this point, Dallaire had suddenly begun to believe in magic. I was reading his mind (despite the tremendous concentration and energy required) so that I could spit out secrets and bits of inside knowledge as fast as he thought of them.

"And if you annoy my girlfriend in the slightest degree, Bob, I'll tell your wife about Yvette ..." (whoever the fuck that was) And then I stopped reading the Doctor's mind, because some kinks and degenerate hobbies should never be discussed. Or even thought about. I wanted to go home and wash out my mind.

He was breathing heavily, leaning on his desk, bathed in sweat (and urine).

"I won't have to come back, will I?" I asked.


Sophie took Tuesday off as well, on the recommendation of her supervisor. She was feeling better - enough to sit on her couch and watch a movie with me. It was difficult to concentrate, though, because her phone kept buzzing and ringing, as the calls and texts flowed in.

- "Okay, Mr. Innocent." she said. "What did you do?"

- "Me?"

Sophie gave me the look.

"I might have had a short conversation with your supervisor."

- "What? Why would you do that?"

I gave Sophie the edited version of Monday's events, beginning with her supervisor's phone call.

- "You did that for me?" she said.

- "I did that for us."

She leaned her head against my shoulder. "My hero."

I showed considerably more courage later that week, when I agreed to meet Sophie's father and his girlfriend.

They say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In Sophie's case, I could only hope that she'd fallen from the tree, bounced down the hill, and rolled into the river - to be swiftly carried many (many) miles from her point of origin.

Her Dad was ... a complete dick.

Despite that, we had several wonderful days together after she got better. Actually, I would have to say that my chicken soup brought us closer together, too.

I didn't want to leave her, but I was dealing with my own version of the Prime Directive.


#2 Elodie Brugges, Belgium.

Sammy came with us on the European tour. I didn't want to leave him behind again, and there were only two women left on the list, so Lillian (or Janine) would only have to run interference twice.

We did shows in Dublin, Liverpool and Manchester, then a few more in London. I wasn't sure why we used two weeks before hitting the continent - maybe it was to make some money - I wasn't exactly sure how much we cleared from each appearance.

Amsterdam. Brussels. Brugges.

Elodie's girlfriend 'won' tickets to our show. She was a bit shy (I was doing my usher bit so that I could examine her at close range.

Elodie was ... presentable. Big hair, concealing much of her face, maybe 5'7" ... she was the type of girl you wouldn't give a second look. She was a professional student, working part-time in a retirement residence. I got the impression that she was kind, and patient.

I gave Janine a qualified thumbs up, so that Elodie was called up as our second volunteer. She did fine. I didn't get much more than the basics from reading her mind. But I did give her the magically charged handshake.

I did a creditable acting job, feigning surprise - my face must have looked much like Elodie's.

We were pretty sure that she wouldn't hang around after the show. She didn't. That was fine, because Lillian had done her research. Janine and I were well prepared, sitting in the cafe where Elodie and her roommate had their morning coffee.

Elodie and her girlfriend came into the cafe, hand in hand. They hadn't caught sight of us. Then Elodie turned to her friend / roommate ... and kissed her on the lips.

Yeah ... it was a real kiss. I love you, with tongue.

I turned to Janine, who was staring at the two Belgian girls.

'Houston - we have a problem', I thought.


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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Honestly I would have been shocked if one of the girls on the list wasn't a lesbian. Though I had assumed interference had been ran beforehand to break up any girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife beforehand. Maybe that was just a decoy with some of the previous "targets" to throw us off.


This series is...interesting...It keeps me just enough involved to keep me coming back...

The last couple of chapters have been well-developed; each of the ladies is so different from each other, making them 'accessible'...if that is the right term...yet...Indian girl (Kalia)...bitch extraordinaire...still, fits in with the story (somewhat).

As another commenter has pointed out, no magical tendencies shown by any of them...that is kinda off, in my mind...how are the offspring going to be "special"??


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Was wondering if one of the prime directive might turn out to be gay... Interesting twist.

I really hope at some point someone brings up the whole magical aptitude. Supposedly Pete's father has singled all these women out because the carry the aptitude for magic and they were all born during a full moon.

So, why then is Janine the only one that has any sort of magic? I was sort of hoping at least one of the 13 would catch onto him reading their minds. Ah well.

Great story, loving it so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fuckiing hilarious ending to this chapter...!

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

Frankly, your reach here kind of exceeds your grasp...the world tour is 3 chapters of wham bam thank you mam....which after 3 or 4 of these rather inane episodes all run together in a meaningless drivel. You would have better served to have 3 or 4 rather than 13... and spend a great deal more time on character development...or use the 13 and just run an overview chapter and get it out of the way... it really does not contribute squat to the story line... and just gets in the way.

Still... you are an excellent story writer....but you need to focus your editors on RIGOROUSLY PARING your drafts and seriously look at the meta story development in a simpler and more direct manner. This one is simply too long and could have been better served in 7 chapters.

KJay15KJay15about 3 years ago

Yeah I'm just skimming at this point, move about, sleep with the girl, rinse and repeat.

Just want to get to the end so I can see if I'm right in thinking the Lillian and janine are behind everything with the evidence strongly suggests

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 3 years ago

"the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

Classic, the way you handled this. Never seen it quite done this way. I loved it.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 3 years ago

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, I'd walked into hers. "

BRO! You know your classics... well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I think this is quite superb, good story line and build up to wwhat I think will be an exciting end.

Rounding_ThirdRounding_Thirdabout 3 years ago

You have made a creative story with a great main character, but it is starting to lose me a bit. And the more that Peter goes along with deceiving these woman and sleeping around behind their (and particularly Sophie’s), the less likable he becomes. Him being conflicted about it doesn’t make it any better after a while. He’s not trying to think of other ways that could save them, he’s just mopey now. I’m looking forward to getting to the conflict, whether it’s with his father or it turns out that it was Lillian and Janine playing him, but I’m kinda passively skimming now until we get there. Became the more I read now, the more I hate Peter.

PriestOfIshtarPriestOfIshtarabout 3 years ago

When I first started this series, I thought it was mostly going to be the "countdown" stories of (mind control?) seduction, but there was a ton of build-up before we got here.

I have a pretty strong feeling about where this is going, and without airing my theories publicly, will say I really think Peter needs to be asking himself a few questions, as Lillian's plan is largely nonsense.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 3 years ago

I really like how he is learning to care for most of them and the conflicts that that presents. I like where this is going and look forward to more of this story. Thank you!

maxathronmaxathronabout 3 years ago
Yeah this story is kinda starting to drag...

I kinda understand that the author likes winding stories that twist and turn but lack any reasonable conflict: This is eastern storytelling; as opposed to western stories which have a more defined conflict, rise, climax, and fall.

But it is indeed starting to drag.

Some points:

1. Peter seems a wee too innocent in all this. In all honesty we have no idea if this is all a trick, that Lilian or Janine have ulterior motives that are not being shown, that this is a plot from either one of them or Peter's biological father, etc.

2. Thirteen was way too high of a number. I get Peter "wants to save the world", but a normal guy would call it quits after the fifth girl. We're predisposed to fall in love with our partner after a certain amount of time being around them. We're really not designed to try for a 'harem'. Humans want to put effort and settle down with a small number of partners, if they want more than one. I would honestly use that conflict to further character development.

3. Thirteen women means a lot of lying but a lot of that is explained away through travel. It would put more pressure on Peter if all 13 women were close enough to each other to know each other in passing. Thirteen is basically 13 different lives.

4. Is magic only just illusions, readings, and coercion of the mind?

ArilynArilynabout 3 years ago

How come not one of those girls actually knows magic? If they all have magical blood in them. How could they all be so ignorant? And it is seriously fuck up that Lilian broke down many relationships just to get them like Peter. And why haven't we met anybody who can do magic in the world tour even outside the girls?

fafhrd09fafhrd09about 3 years ago

Up until Chapters 10 and 11, I very much enjoyed the series, but the "countdown" chapters bored me to tears.

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