Just a Walk in the Park


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Rick just listened as we walked, holding my hand and squeezing lightly when I paused, or my voice shook. "And today...?"

"Today was the first time I ever went anywhere as Kelli. I guess you could say it was her, or my birthday." I smiled at him.

"Can I give the birthday girl a kiss?"

"I'd like that." I let him pull me close and press his lips to mine, losing myself in the moment.

A dog barked and scratched at the door. We had walked to Rick's house, not my apartment. Brewster wanted to say hi. I smiled again, letting Rick free for just a moment so he could open the door. Brewster rushed out into the yard, relieved himself and then came to me, not Rick, me, to get his ears scratched and his tummy rubbed.

"At least I was his second choice." I laughed and smiled at Rick again. This all felt so right. Kelli, Rick, Brewster, being right here, right now, in this moment.

Brewster ran back inside and looked back at me. "Well, are you coming?" His eyes called to me.

"Would you like to come inside?" Rick made the more formal invitation.

"Considering I have no clue where I am, do I have a choice?" I took Rick's hand and let him close the door behind us.

There were no preconceived notions about what his house would look like, but it fit Rick. It was warm and open, inviting, decidedly masculine but with a soft touch. There were books everywhere. I recognized a lot of them; Science fiction, Fantasy, Lord of The Rings, that kind of stuff, but scattered here and there was a cheesy romance novel, Nora Roberts, even Danielle Steel. I smiled; I had read a ton of the same things.

There were also inspirational books, Carnegie and Kiyosaki, and medical journals, "What exactly do you do anyway, besides read, I mean?"

"I'm an HR specialist for a group of clinics that serve special needs clients. Not independently wealthy, but I do alright, and as you mentioned earlier, I do sort of used Brewster to get girls. Is it working?"

"Brewster is probably ahead on points, but I think you're still in the race. He's got those eyes and that face, but you kiss better."

"Oh, really. I do, do I?" Rick just had to prove it. I didn't complain.

"All those things you told me on the way here. I never truly understood until now. I mean, I knew, but I didn't fully understand. I've talked to people before, but the things you explained, I'm sorry you had to go through all that growing up. There should have been someone there to help you, to explain what was going on to your mom, to help them understand."

"You're just easy to talk to. I don't think I've ever told anyone most of that before. Thank you for listening." I lifted on my toes and gave him a quick kiss. "What now?" I knew what I wanted the answer to be. I wanted to scream Meg Ryan's line from Top Gun; 'Take me to bed or lose me forever,' but also wanted him to seduce me, to prove to me he wanted me like that.

"I've got a car. I could drive you home, or I've got a spare room..." He still hadn't let me go. Our faces were mere inches apart, our hearts beating in a single rhythm. Once again, he left that last option unspoken.


"Or." He smiled and kissed me again, this time picking me up and carrying me through the house. "Are you sure? I got the impression you've never...."

So many implied meanings. So many unspoken expectations.

"When I left my apartment today, I wanted to find out if Kelli was real, if this was who I truly was. I wanted to find myself. I'm glad my first time for so many things has been with you. It would make me happy if you wanted me like that, too."

He set me down gently and grabbed the hem of my dress, pulling it over my head. I trembled as his eyes bore into my soul and my hair fell back across my shoulders. The hunger in his eyes told me I had made the right choice when I went with the sluttier option for lingerie.

"My god you're beautiful." He licked his lips.

Stepping out of my sandals, I unbuttoned his shirt, salivating in anticipation. This was my ultimate test, the ultimate answer. In my mind and in my fantasies, girls liked boys, but I'd never done this before. To be true, I'd never done it with a girl before either.

Pushing his shirt up off his shoulders, I let my hands slowly wander across his chest, stopping to tweak his nipples, continuing down across his stomach. My stomach flipped, my knees weakened, my heart fluttered, and my breath got quick and shallow.

Rick's belt came undone and then the button on his pants. Trembling, I found his zipper with my delicate fingers. The red on my nails looked so perfect against the faded blue of his jeans. Not baggie and not tight, but snug. I had noticed all afternoon how they showed off his tight butt. I had to work to get them down his thighs, and when they fell to his ankles, I looked back to see the bulge in his boxer briefs.

Long tan legs, not too much hair, but just enough. I slid my hands up his calves and thighs, exploring the taut muscles just under the skin until I reached the bottom hem of his shorts. Almost panicking, I slowly drew my fingers over the soft cotton, running my right hand up his rigid shaft while the left slipped around and grabbed a handful of that perfect ass, each finding the band or his briefs at the same time.

Pulling slowly, I saw it for the first time. Not just his, but anyone's except my own. I had no comparison, but it was beautiful. It flinched and a drop of clear liquid escaped from its tip. Without thinking, I leaned forward and caught it on my tongue, smiling up at Rick as I did.

His shorts joined his jeans. He kicked off his shoes and stood before me in only his socks, which, in that moment, struck me as oddly fair as they probably had about the same amount of material as my bra and panties.

Sitting back on my heels, I looked up at him, taking in all of him, his muscular legs, his flat abs, cut stomach. Rugged good looks, blonde hair, blue eyes. He was gorgeous. Everything in me told me this was right; this was what I wanted. Tentative first steps, I reached out with one hand and gently cradled him in my palm, wrapping my fingers around his girth, admiring the bright red of my nails as my hand lingered. Red nails were just so sexy.

My other hand fondled his balls. I had imagined this moment. I had dreamed of what I was about to do, wondering if it would be my truth or stay a dream. Licking my lips, I moved forward, letting the very tip of his glans touch my lips.

First my tongue, just the tip, drawing a thin line along the small crease in its tip, then swirling around the soft head. Rick moaned softly, running his fingers through my hair, leaving his hand on my cheek as my lips parted, inviting him into my mouth. I was exploring, venturing forth into uncharted territories, relishing the excitement of each new discovery.

It was odd at first, tasting a man, smelling his arousal, feeling the soft skin of his shaft with my tongue while the contrasting hardness threatened my throat. In and out, slowly at first, my free hand busy fondling his warm balls as his moans grew louder, more insistent, and my lips glided along the slippery beast.

Sucking, stroking, fondling, my arousal escaped from my tuck, my little cock straining against my panties, leaking pre cum. It was my first time, my innocence and inexperience fading quickly as the pleasure of what I was doing took control.

Taking him from my mouth, I kissed and licked his shaft from tip to base. Before reversing my path and taking him as far into my mouth as I could.

Rick rocked his hips, matching my efforts. I could sense his body tense.

"Kelli, nnnnggghhh. Fuck." He exploded into my mouth as I exploded into my panties. He grasped my head with his hands, holding me in place as he finished, his legs going weak as tremors of pleasure ripped through his body. I knew what he was feeling because I was feeling the same things.

Savoring the salty, bitter taste in my mouth, I took more and more of his softening member into my mouth, using my tongue to lick and tease, twirling it around his softening shaft, finally slipping it free and kissing its tip, smiling up at Rick as I sat back on my heels.

"You've never?" He smiled down at me. I shook my head no.

Rick helped me to my feet, pulling me into a passionate kiss as he led me to his bed. My soiled panties and bras finding the floor along the way.

"You are amazing." He held me at arm's length and admired my body. "Even your little friend, so cute, so perfect on your body. And your butt." He lifted my arms and twirled me like a ballerina in a music box.

The look in his eyes, his entire demeanor, had changed. No longer caring and compassionate, it was hungry, animalistic. I was his prey, and I liked it.

Picking me up, Rick laid me on the bed like a small child, his tenderness fighting the hunger in his eyes, the prince in his heart, the beast in his loins. Climbing slowly on top of me, he began his assault, kissing, caressing, touching, nibbling, biting his way across my body finally finding his way to my tiny soldier, kissing, and licking it, taking it in his mouth, sucking, teasing it with his tongue. It didn't take long for me to erupt in his mouth.

"Pull our knees up." He leered at me. There was no other way to describe it. There was nothing in his eyes but lust. My pulse raced. I knew what he wanted. I knew what he was going to take. Sighing deeply, I did as he asked. I had decided ages ago it was his to take. No, it had been only minutes. Time lost all meaning as new and wonderful feelings danced across my body.

Using his arms to lift my body, he buried bis face between my cheeks, licking and sucking on my rose, driving me wild with his efforts. Fuck, it felt so good. I never knew it could be so sensitive back there. I could feel myself getting hard again. I had never come three times, but I knew I was about to.

Rick knew exactly what he was doing, driving me mad with lust and desire. I wanted, no, needed his to let me finish, to sate the craving emanating from inside me.

"Don't move." I didn't think I could. My body was awash in confused feelings. It was so taboo, so electric. I need him to keep going. When he returned, his fingers replaced his tongue. Cool and slick, they slowly invaded my body. One, two, three, my god, what was he doing to me? I knew, of course. I knew he was getting ready to take my virginity from me, and I was going to give it to him willingly.

It hurt at first, but slowly, the pain replaced with a wonderful feeling of fullness as he thrust deeper and deeper inside me. A warmth grew alongside it.

There was a spot. I could tell when he hit it, surges of warmth became charges of electricity coursing through me, more and more intense. My cock erupted, my body shuddering as the feelings of pleasure moved through me once again. And then again, but different, my little balls were empty. There was no sense of release, only the incredible surges emanating from that spot deep inside me. It didn't stop. Rick was a monster, ravaging me, using me, fucking me like a beast possessed. Each thrust massaging that spot, creating another surge of energy, their intensity growing stronger and stronger.

I could hear my moans turn to screams as he thrust into the depths of my bowels, harder, faster, finally letting out a massive grunt as he drove his cock as far inside me as it would go. As he pulsed inside me, my body froze. I couldn't move, tremors and surges of something amazing shooting through me, searing my soul, branding me forever.

Rick collapsed on top of me, slowly sliding from my aching hole, moving next to me, pulling me close and kissing me passionately. Our sweat covered bodies merged into one as I turned into his embrace, letting him spoon behind me. All the wonderful feelings I had just experienced melted into a wonderful contentment, a satisfaction, a feeling of warmth. Falling asleep in his arms was better than the sex.

Someone was snoring softly behind me, their arm gently draped over me as if protecting me from some unseen monster of the night. Foggy memories of leaving a small cafe, a firm embrace, and my mother's voice fading in my head. Walking hand in hand, me talking. Rick Listening. The kiss. Him taking me to his bed. Me giving myself to him entirely. I remember now; I remembered it all.

A smile crept across my face as I thought back on yesterday. Everything that had happened, all the brief moments, all the little touches of perfection that made the day so special, culminating in my surrender to Rick. It had been a slow build, a marathon, not a sprint, a dance, a tango, slow and erotic, sensuous, each move building to the next, each turn more powerful than the last.

Brewster popped his head over the side of the bed, letting out a small whimper. I delicately slipped out of bed and followed him to the back door, letting him out to do his business. Rick would have to feed him when he got up. It took a few minutes to find all my clothes, and I had to borrow a washcloth to clean up some of the residue of our lust and passion before I got dressed.

Leaving Rick a simple note; "Thank you for helping me find my answer." I signed it 'Kelli' with a little heart over the 'i' and added my number. Laying it on the pillow where my head had been, I kissed him on the forehead and found my way home.

Maggie was on the stairs enjoying a cup of coffee and feeding some crumbs to a small flock of pigeons when I arrived, completing my walk of shame. "I take it you enjoyed the park?" She smiled at me.

"Very much." I smiled back and went upstairs to take a shower.

I had found my answer and discovered a whole new unexplored continent full of wonderful adventures yet unknown, and maybe, just maybe, someone to explore it with me, only time would tell.

I didn't hear from Rick. Maybe I had hurt him, or maybe he was giving me some space. Either way, I knew I would be alright. I spent the day reorganizing my room, moving my clothes around in my closet, taking my boxers and bagging them up for charity, replacing them with my pantie and bras. I stopped a few times to look out my window, hoping to see a man playing frisbee with his dog in the park across the street, but they weren't there.

Monday morning, there was no question about what to wear, no doubt about who was going to work. Capri jeans and a pink button down, unbuttoned just far enough that it almost hid the lace trim on my bra with the same tennies I had worn to the park, socks with lace trim, light makeup and the same bright red polish on my nails. I grabbed my purse and made sure I was at the bus stop in plenty of time to get where I needed to be.

Six of us sat nervously in the small room, browsing through things they had given us. One or two were trying to sign into their laptops, a few more played on their phones. I was looking at some papers about benefits, specifically the medical coverages. I had some major decisions to make. It would be so nice if their insurance covered them.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Richard Parks. I'm an HR specialist here and will run you through your orientation this morning. Welcome to Heredity Medical." He didn't even look at us. He just turned to the white board and wrote his name and added a few phone numbers and email addresses.

"You'll want to jot down these numbers and email addresses. They'll come in handy if you have questions later today. Now, let's see if everyone is here." He pulled out a piece of paper. "Raise your hand when I call your name so I can put a face with it, and please tell me if you have a nickname you prefer. For instance, everybody except my mom calls me Rick. Aston, Kelly?"

"That would be me." I raised my hand and smiled as he turned around. "That's Kelli with an I."

It was a tough call as to whose smile was bigger.

We took a break at ten for bathrooms and such.

I got a minute of Rick's time, "You didn't call me yesterday." I wasn't hurt, just curious.

"I figured you wanted a little space. Saturday was, well..." He grinned and winked at me.

"Yes, it was. It was kind of nice to have Brewster wake me up in the morning, too." I giggled.

He feigned being hurt, and we both laughed.

"Just remember, you kiss better than he does. Maybe we can grab some lunch later and I'll let you prove it."

"I'd like that."

"Hey Rick, Can I ask you something?" one of the other new hires interrupted and stole him from me.

I texted my mom; "All settled. Busy weekend. New job's great. More when I have time. Love you. Kelli."

The response was almost immediate; "Kelly, you know boys don't spell their name like that, right?"

"Ok, everybody, let's get seated. We have a lot to cover before lunch." Rick was looking right at me, smiling.

I took a quick selfie and sent it to my mom, "I know, mom. But girls do. Love You. Got to go."


I hope you're smiling. I always seem to be when I read this little tale. Leave me a comment and let me know.

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Djmac1031Djmac10314 months ago

Absolutely lovely. You paint an amazing picture, very vivid.

A wonderful and heartwarming piece about acceptance.

No matter our differences, we all have one thing on common; we just want to be seen and accepted for who we are.

Well done.

louie_S_loserlouie_S_loser7 months ago

Loved it. Lovely fantasy nicely told and expressed. Makes me want to get back "out there" again. Even if only in my deep fantasies. Thanks for this.

StrappySandalsStrappySandals8 months ago

The entire boys become girls thing is so new to me, but your writing makes it fascinating, interesting, and totally simulating!! I am finding myself extremely curious about gurls, and the transition of becoming one. I also find the concept of a beautiful girl with a penis very attractive. You are very good ShelbyDawn57!!! Also - 5 Stars for Kelli!!

SuddenlyMaddieSuddenlyMaddie9 months ago

Hi! It's me again. I always seem to fall in love with your characters and you always leave me wanting more of their stories. This is no exception. I would love to read more about Kelli and Rick's romance. 🥰

KellieskirtKellieskirtabout 1 year ago

Amazing story what a wonderful read hope to her more about how the relationship grows between Kelli and Rick.

mcseminolemcseminoleabout 1 year ago


Just simply beautiful.

ShelbyLover57ShelbyLover57over 1 year ago

So interesting, how each story has so much in common, but each one shows different emotions, and all have a happy ending.

Freebird6996Freebird6996over 1 year ago

Shelby, you are incredible and loving every one of your stories that have read so far and for the first time ever, have gone back and read a story for the second time, which is not me...Thank You

VetitumVetitumover 1 year ago

Oh so well done. Touche with a Touch of Eros.

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