Just Beth


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Wednesday Beth was nervous as hell. I'd come in with a white rose containing a note that said I loved her more today than the first night I had proposed to her. Not as good as some of my other ones but I was trying. We had a nice dinner with the kids and afterwards I was told to clear the table and she'd take care of the kids. A board game, a little television, and they were upstairs getting ready for bed. I guess Beth didn't want them wound up or wild tonight. I kissed them both goodnight and headed to our bedroom.

A quick shower and I was in bed waiting on my wife. I was about to search for my bride when she finally came into our room.

"I'll be out in a minute," she said going into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. Five minutes later she came out wearing something blue and transparent. "You like?"

"What's there not to like? Why don't you come here so I can get a good look it," I replied throwing the covers back and reaching for her.

"Now so fast, this is my night and we need to slow down a bit," she instructed, moving onto the bed. "Let's take this one step at a time, unless you're in a hurry to get this night over with?"

My brain screamed at me, "Not a chance in hell do I want this over with in a hurry." Beth moved over closer to me.

For the next twenty minutes nothing but lips and tongues were allowed. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make love with your wife without using your hands? More than once I was warned but it was difficult.

I guess you could say we reconnected that night. I got reacquainted with her body and found that she still loved to be eaten slowly with a lot of saliva and soft tongue action. Beth let it be known that she was still fully in charge when she told me to quit teasing and to get her off. Who was I to argue?

She bit her lower lip and put a pillow over her face when she started to get really loud. When she was peaking I moved between her legs and eased into her. I didn't need any damn foreplay because I'd been rock hard for the last half hour. After a few slow deep strokes I quickened my pace and just took over. She was warm, wet, and tight as I pounded away taking charge. With her legs wrapped around me I was going in as deep as I could and getting way too close.

No matter what you read, most guys don't last for a damn half hour once they get inside, at least not the first time anyway. It had been barely a couple minutes when I felt it coming and there was no stopping it. "Oh God," I said to myself as I let loose and coated the inside of her. I didn't stop or let up until I was totally drained and then some. Resting on my hands and slowing moving my shrinking dick in and out of her sloppy pussy I fell out and rolled over onto my side pulling her on top of me.

I started to say something but she stopped me saying, "Don't talk, just lie here quietly with me." For the next five minutes we just lay there holding one another listening to each other breathe and come back down to earth.

"I've got to pee," she said bouncing up and running to the bathroom. I continued to lie there. "Here catch," I heard a voice call out from the dark bathroom. I was hit with a warm wet washcloth. I wiped here and there and tossed it back into the bathroom hopefully not hitting her. I heard the toilet flush, the water run in the sink, and watched my naked wife make her way back to our bed. "How was that for our first date night?"

"Not bad, not bad at all."

"What do you mean not bad?"

"Like I said, not bad but mine will be much better."

"Steve, what do you have planned for next week?"

"Sorry, you're just going to have to wait and see." That started a week of interrogation on what I had planned for the two of us.

The truth was I didn't have a fucking thing planned just yet but I didn't want her to know that. I teased her all weekend asking what she thought of handcuffs and leather. You should have seen the look on her eyes when I mentioned whips but there was to be none of that, at least not this week.

My note with the rose on Monday said for her to get a lot of sleep because she would need it. Tuesday's note said she'd better shave close and apply lotion so she wouldn't get too chaffed. I didn't have my plan totally put together but had most of it and would wing the rest.

I dropped off an overnight bag at my mom's. She would be picking the kids up from school Wednesday afternoon. I told her I'd pick them up for school the following morning. I left work early and on my way home purchased a few necessary items. With the two bags of Hershey's Kisses I made a heart on the center of the bed. With the red licorice I formed the words, "I LUV U" in the center of the heart and decorated the inside of the heart with blueberries and strawberries. Finally, I put the bottle of White Zinfandel on ice and waited for Beth to come home.


"Beth, if we stay over a little, we can finish the Thompson proposal," Carl said at about five minutes to five.

"Can't stay tonight Carl, Steve and I have something planned for this evening."

"How are you and Mr. Asshole getting along now, anyway? Is he still demanding you do things his way?" Carl said with more than a bit of sarcasm.

"We're getting along a lot better. We had a long talk and set up rules for each of us and that seems to be doing the trick."

"I tried that with my ex, but just like the cunt she is, she never followed any of them." He was starting to get angry all over again.

"If I was you, I'd dump his ass now and get it over with. He may act like he's changing, but in the end he's going to fuck you over. Why don't you stay, we'll finish this up and afterwards I'll take you to dinner—my treat."

"Carl, I can't. I promised Steve I'd be on time tonight, maybe some other night," I told an irritated boss.

"Whatever. Go home to your hubby, but mark my words, you're going to be sorry."

Working with Carl was getting harder and harder by the day. He was becoming more demanding and more than once I thought he was actually hitting on me. His divorce was said and done, just waiting for it to be finalized. He didn't get totally raked over the coals, but was furious about losing anything to his ex especially when she got a piece of his 401K. "Maybe he'll settle down when it becomes final," I thought because I wasn't sure how much more I could take from him.

I was running about a half hour behind and made a quick call home as I walked out the door of the office. This would at least give Steve an idea when I would be home. I wasn't sure what he was planning for tonight but was looking forward to it. Last week had been fun and tonight I knew I had no control over what was going to happen. There were butterflies in my stomach. It almost felt like I was going out on a blind date, with my husband no less. I purged the conversation with Carl from my mind and thought of only one thing, my husband, and making this night memorable.


I wasn't happy about her being late, but wasn't going to let that spoil our evening. Instead of having dessert after dinner, tonight we'd have it first. I had joked to myself about buying some stupid outfit but got that out of my brain. Why spend the money on something I would or wouldn't wear but once, unlike Beth's little blue outfit that I'd enjoy over and over again. Just thinking about it started to make me hard.

Looking at my watch I started my plan. I lit the candles in our bedroom, opened the wine, and took a quick shower. I met Beth at the door in only a pair of running shorts.

"Where are the kids?" was her first question.

"At my parents for the night." That brought a huge smile to her face.

"You mean it's just the two of us?" she asked putting her arms around me and giving me a very wet kiss.

"Until the farm animals are delivered," I said before retracting my statement and told her I was just kidding. I guess she still wasn't sure what I had planned.

"Steve, what do you have planned for dinner, I'm starved?" Beth questioned me looking around at an empty kitchen.

"We'll talk food later, right now I have other things on my mind." I reached in my pocket pulling out a blindfold. "Put this on and our night will begin," I told an unsure wife. With her blindfold on, I led her up the stairs. When I opened the bedroom door I realized two things. The first, I'd lit way too many candles, just under thirty, because it was hot as hell in our room. Second, don't use aromatic candles; the room reeked of lilac. However, one more click of the ceiling fan took care of both issues.

I slowly undressed her trying to use just my teeth but quickly gave up on that idea. So instead I caressed, kissed, and licked each bit of exposed skin as it came to light. With her standing there naked, I told her she could remove her blindfold.

The room had a golden glow about it and smelled like flowers. The first thing she noticed was the heart on the bed. I saw a little tear and when she turned around and kissed me, I knew I'd done well this time.

"I figured we'd start with dessert and if there is any room left afterwards we can have dinner." I reached down to grab a few pieces of chocolate.

"Don't mess it up just yet, I want to take a picture because no one will ever believe this." With the picture taken we took everything off the bed and had a glass of wine. "To us," was all that was said.

This Wednesday, as opposed to last Wednesday, there was a lot more hand and finger action along with lip mashing with tongue exchanges. This wasn't tender love making more so hot passionate sex. The flavored oils I was applying only enhanced what we were doing. Beth had given me oral sex before, but tonight she was taking it to a new level. She must have loved the citrus taste of the oil because I swear to God I thought she would swallow my cock more than once before I gave up everything I'd stored up. Afterwards with a tiny smirk she drove her tongue halfway down my throat.

"Eat me," she now demanded. "I want you to eat me until I can't stand it any longer." Hey, wasn't this supposed to be my night? Whatever, I did what she asked anyway.

Dripping a little cold wine on her slit made her both jump and get hotter all at the same time. Spreading her own lips and slipping a pillow under her ass, made it easier to get at all her treasures. God, she was wet. I don't know if it was a combination of the wine, oil, or her bodily juices, all I know was that between my tongue and slipping in two fingers I met with no resistance.

With my tongue working her blood engorged clit and both of my hands on her breasts and nipples Beth was in a world of her own as she raised and lowered her hips fucking my tongue. As her movements increased I started sucking and nibbling on her clit while now working two fingers in and out of her hot hole.

"Oh, fuck," was my only warning that she was starting to climax holding my head still while she moved her pussy up and down against my tongue and nose leaving a coating of fluids on them. The final release was something out of a good porno as she gave herself totally to it screaming and shouting. There was no pillow over her face tonight. Whatever she yelled out, I was just thankful our kids were at my mom's.

When she started to come down, I flipped her onto her stomach, raised her ass up in the air and drove my dick home in one long stroke as she opened her mouth, probably trying to scream something but nothing came out.

I pounded her pussy hard for the next four or five minutes before giving her the mother load. As I said before, this was fucking at its best. I would have loved to have had seconds but my dick was sore and if my dick was sore, I can only imagine what her pussy felt like. Yet I continued pushing in my shrinking dick, squeezing out every little remaining drop.

Beth fell forward onto the bed hugging her pillow. I rolled over onto my back and then on my side to look at her.

"I'm never going to move again," she said laughing into her pillow. "Just throw the damn sheet over me and let me be for the next couple of hours."

"No can do, babes, I've got dinner waiting for us. So get your ass up and meet me in the kitchen," I said slapping her cute and well-worn ass. I jumped up, washed my face, swished around a little mouthwash and slipped back on my running shorts. Heading for the kitchen I reminded her that she had five minutes or I'd eat without her.

Beth came gingerly down the steps dressed in her short robe. On the way home I had stopped at an Italian restaurant and picked up a double order of lasagna along with a salad. With some warm garlic bread we had a fast easy meal. I ran upstairs, got the bottle of wine and glasses and refilled them in the kitchen.

"To the hottest wife I ever had."

"Steve, I'm the only wife you ever had or will have," she corrected me.

"As I said, to the hottest wife I will ever have." With that I walked over to the refrigerator, got out the rose and handed it to her. "To my wife; the most important thing in my life." I leaned down and gave her a kiss. "All right, let's eat, I'm starved."

The lasagna was out of this world and the garlic bread was warm, soft on the inside and just crunchy enough on the outside. The only thing missing was dessert, but we had chocolate and fruit if we were still hungry.

"Well, how did I do?"

"Not bad, only if you're thinking about round two forget about it. I'm going to need a day or two to recover. But I know something that's smiling on the inside," she said taking a bite of bread.

I did playfully chase her around the house that night before we finally ended back in bed. There was a lot more kissing and even though she teased me and said 'maybe' we only did it that one time before falling asleep next to one another. Date Night was a rousing success.

For the next couple of weeks we each tried to outdo the other. Date Night got crazier and crazier. Our weeks started to center around Wednesday night and even our kids realized that there was something special about Wednesdays. Then something happened.

Beth had to go out of town Tuesday and Wednesday. She got home Thursday and as soon as she walked through the door I could see something was wrong. I got the customary kiss but it felt cool not the type of kiss I would have expected.

"You want to do Date Night tonight?" I asked.

"Steve, not tonight. I'm tired and it's been a long week all ready."

The following week was her turn and for once there was nothing planned and she begged off saying she thought she was coming down with something. When I made an innocent comment about work and Carl she about took my head off.

"Relax, babes, I was just joking," I told her but that set the mood that night and for the two nights there after. Something was definitely wrong and it must have happened on her last trip out. I let it slide for two more weeks and when Date Night wasn't even mentioned I took the offense.

With the kids in bed and Beth bouncing off the walls I grabbed a Corona, a glass of wine, my wife, and corralled it all out to the porch.

"You either tell me what happened on your last trip or I call Carl right now and ask him." Beth could tell by the tone in my voice I was serious.

"Steve, nothing happened. I'm just a little stressed out that's all."

When I grabbed her planner and started dialing she grabbed the phone from me.

"Steve, please don't, I can take care of this myself."

"Take care of what?"

"Take care of my problem. Please give me just a little more time, that's all I'm asking for."

"All right, twenty-four hours, then I get involved, you understand?" she nodded her head and came over to kiss me. I could tell from the look in her eye that this wasn't a small little problem either. Something had happened on her last trip and she didn't want me to know what it was. My brain went into overdrive.

I slept fitfully that night but she didn't seem to sleep at all. Several times I looked over at her and could tell she was still awake. I fell back to sleep and by the time I awoke she was already dressed and making breakfast for the girls.

"Steve, be a dear and get the girls off to school this morning for me, will you?"

"Sure hon, no problem." She then walked over, gave me a big kiss and told me that she loved me. Something was definitely wrong.

I got nothing done all day long. All I could do is watch the fucking clock waiting for five o'clock to come. I almost called Beth a few times but fought the urge. At five I was out of the office like a bullet out of a gun heading for home. I almost ran into the house tripping on the doorsill. Beth was finishing up making dinner and said we'd talk later.

Her eyes never met mine all through dinner. When the table was cleared and the dishes done I put in a DVD for the kids and grabbed my wife.

"Okay, spill it." I wasn't being very diplomatic tonight.

"I quit my job today. It was getting to be too stressful and pulling us apart. You and the girls are the most important things in my life and no job is worth the three of you." Stunned doesn't even come close to describing what I was feeling.

"You were doing so well, and we were okay, weren't we?"

"Steve, I just didn't want to take a chance. This isn't something that was easy for me to do." I knew that much. She'd spent years studying and working for what she had achieved. Was she really giving it up to keep our marriage intact or was there something else? I suspected she wasn't telling me everything.

"How much of a notice did you give them?"

"None. Today was my last day there. Steve, I can always get another job, especially one that doesn't involve travel. I thought you'd be happy."

"Beth, you loved that job, it makes no sense."

"Steve, I love you and our kids more." She came over gave me a kiss and just held me for the longest time. I could have sworn that she was crying on the inside.

"Jill, I need your help," I told her the following morning. "I need you to find me the name of Beth and Carl's boss at Anderson and Phillips and set up a meeting on the premise of doing more business. Tell him any story you want, I just need to talk with him outside of that office."

"Steve, what the hell is going on?"

"Beth quit her job yesterday and I want to find out the reason why."

"Can't you just ask her?"

"Did that. I don't believe what she told me. Something happened on her last business trip and I want to know what."

"Steve, I'll do my best, but we usually go through their sales manager."

"Tell them that you understand the designer you've been working with has left their firm and you need assurances they will be able to continue to give us the same quality. Hell, tell them that you're going to pull your business, I don't care what, just get him to come here."

"I'll try, but what happens when he gets here?"

"I'll take over from that point. I have a bad feeling it has something to do with that asshole boss of hers, but I can't be sure."

"Give me some time, I'll get back with you. Just don't do anything stupid." I told her I wouldn't and truly hoped I could keep that promise.

"The CEO's name is David Terose. He will be here at three thirty tomorrow. He's also bringing the sales manager with him."

"Great, you keep the sales manager busy and I'll take care of David."

"Why don't you talk to Beth again tonight? Talk, don't yell, and just maybe you'll find out what happened. Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No way, that's how this all started. She was discussing our private life with her boss, Carl. Hell, the son of a bitch's wife divorced him and he was the one giving Beth advice. If I didn't know better, I'd swear he had eyes for her."

"Steve, talk to her and for Christ's sakes don't forget the damn rose tonight. At least she'll know you truly care and trust her."
