Just Gay for Me Ch. 04


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Cheyenne felt the clear and distinct fidgeting of her friend, comparing it to the kind of thing a person does when they are trying to find a comfortable position to rest in. "You ok? You know, you are moving around a lot, did you pull a muscle or something?" she asked, trying to sound lighthearted.

She heard a loud sigh and a moment of silence right after. "No, nothing like that." the curvy brunette answered.

Granted, Cheyenne was brand new to lesbian lovemaking, but this didn't seem to fit the warm feeling she usually experienced right after a particularly big orgasm. Shit, that was it. While she felt the satisfied glow of great sex, Jocelyn had focused all of her efforts on her and had not attended to her own needs. What should she do now? Uncertainty crept into her mind, disturbing the peace that she had been basking in for the last several minutes.

Suddenly the enormity of reciprocating what she had experienced terrified Cheyenne, because on some level she could say she enjoyed what had happened, but could at least claim to still be straight because she hadn't crossed that final line sexually? Oh fuck, what do I do now? Let her grind on me like she did before? Finger her? Actually go down on her? Do I even want to? What if I am shitty at it? she said as her mind started spinning.

One thought that finally stuck in her head came out of her own experiences masturbating, something Cheyenne resorted to a lot, and usually ended with licking her own fingers. She had never admitted it out loud to anyone, but she loved her own taste. Not liked, not tolerated, but loved and even enjoyed it. That just made her wonder what Jocelyn's pussy tasted like, if it was similar to her own, or even better? What was the harm in trying right? In reality she had stopped caring about the difference between straight, bisexual and lesbian, pretty much right after her first same-sex experience. She didn't want to make it sound like she owed her or something like that, but it didn't seem fair somehow. She hated it when Chad had his fun but she was left to fend for herself. And what would going down on her be like anyway? Kinda wondering about it now, I can always decide it's not for me, right? she told herself.

"Okay, I am guessing you are all tense because you haven't cum." she said, playing with her hair.

Jocelyn found herself giggling at hearing Cheyenne use the word cum in a casual conversation with her, even though they had been having sex moments before. "Wow, you should become a therapist with insight like that. Looking into my soul now?" she eventually replied.

"I'm serious, Jos, you have given me the best sex ever in my life. Ever! Even with me getting weirded out at first. Now how can I help you?"

"Okay, but only if you answer a question first?" Jocelyn said, enjoying how her not-so-straight friend was playing with her hair.

"Fine. What's the question?" the blonde asked.

"Okay, but be honest. Has any of your previous lovers ever asked you that? Even once?" Jocelyn asked, starting to play with her friend's hair now.

Cheyenne's eyes went upward as she searched her memories to see if she could remember anything. Her eyebrows curled up. "Come to think of it, no. Not even once. Why do you want to know?" she asked.

Jocelyn didn't think she had to hard sell the benefits of sapphic pleasure, particularly right after mind-blowing sex for the girl. Still, she wanted to reinforce a point she hoped would stick out in her memory every day after that one. Leaning in, she placed a kiss on Cheyenne's lips, still fresh with her own taste. "Well, I'm not a man hater or anything, but that's the difference between sex with a guy and sex with another woman. We care about the other person's pleasure, and we have the motivation to ask about it too." she answered, kissing her again.

Two kisses led to more, leading to caressing, which prompted Cheyenne to roll Jocelyn on her back and cup her breasts while her eager lips kissed and sucked on them. Finally, she paused after planting a particularly wet kiss in the valley separating them and kept her face nuzzled there. "I want to go down on you." she said, softly, as if testing the waters a bit.

Jocelyn pulled her face up to look at her. "You have no idea how much I appreciate that thought, it's a beautiful offer, but a pretty big step for a first timer. You don't have to do that, I can cum in other ways." she said, surprise soaking the syllables she spoke.

Cheyenne ran her fingers up and down her friend's flat tummy, her eyes remaining fixed ahead. "Well technically I am a second-timer. You fingered me and ate me out a few weeks ago."

"Ok, you got me there, yes."

"Seriously, I want to taste you, if I don't like it or something we can do something else to make you feel as good as you made me feel." Cheyenne said with a wink. When the other girl made no objection, she pushed her body facing upwards.

Jocelyn started breathing rapidly as she felt the girl she had longed to have between her legs actually put herself there, apparently ready to taste another woman for the first time. She started to fear that any second now she would wake up and find it had all been a dream.

Cheyenne stopped several inches from Jocelyn's womanhood, studying it a bit to get familiar with the territory. She had never been so close before, her own was impossible to see from that angle, but it looked so delicate, her outer lips full and plump, and her inner ones delicate and inviting. Reaching up with her hand, she extended her index finger and ran it along both sets of lips, feeling them warm and slick. A tremor rocked her friend's body in response, a sharp intake of breath filling her ears.

Fascinated, she probed around a bit, then found the girl's slick opening and slipped her finger in until it completely vanished inside her. Without warning, Jocelyn's vaginal muscles clamped down on her finger, not painfully but with enough pressure to make her jump. Clearly what she was doing made the girl's body respond so powerfully, making her get chills in response. Knowing what she liked being done to her, Cheyenne started slowly moving the finger in and out, making her friend squirm even more.

"Oh fuck, girl, for someone who says she has no idea what to do, you are pleasing the shit out of me." Jocelyn moaned.

Encouraged by the praise, she began moving it in and out faster but in a gentle manner, pulling it almost out and then sinking it back in up to the second knuckle. As she was picking up the pace, she felt hands slip on her head, pushing her face to the hot wet valley between her new lover's legs.

"Oh fuck babe, eat me. I need to feel that sexy pink tongue of yours on me!" Jocelyn cried out.

Cheyenne felt the urge to taste her again, and this time gave in completely, plastering her lips against the wetness in front of her. Using her tongue to mimic what her finger had done moments earlier, she pushed it in deeply, finding the taste even better than her own. Pulling her tongue back, she tried sucking in the juices, almost feeding off of that wet pussy. The scent combined with the taste was heady and erotic, delicious and savagely addictive, none of which she could have said about doing the same thing to a guy.

Jocelyn grabbed Cheyenne's sexy willing face and pushed it against her pussy with a gentle insistence, grinding into her mouth as if hoping to infuse some part of her inside the body and soul of the girl making love to her. "Oh yes yes yes fuck yes eat me, eat my pussy, ok don't stop." she squealed, body writhing, surrendered to the girl between her legs.

Cheyenne felt Jocelyn's body start to tense up, and in that instant, her mouth was filled with something sweet and warm, which she lapped up and swallowed as best she could, desperate to get whatever she could of it. Something about it made it feel like she was tasting her lover's essence, her soul, and now was joined with her forever, inside her.

Jocelyn awoke with a start the next morning, uncertain where she was for a few moments, the room looking quite unfamiliar. She felt the bed sink as someone sat behind her, and handed her a steaming mug of hot coffee. Looking back she saw Cheyenne in a faded robe, and her hair a thoroughly disheveled mess, and then the events of the evening flooding back into her conscious mind.

"Well that's sweet and very thoughtful, babe." she said, taking a sip and realizing too late that it was hotter than she thought.

"What can I say, I like doing nice things for people I care about." Cheyenne said with a smile.

Jocelyn sat up, covering her bare body with the sheet, being modest for some strange reason. "Well, you are still here so you must not be scared shitless after last night." she said, sitting the coffee down to cool off.

The blonde girl laughed melodiously. "I got all that out of my system before, so no, no regrets or worries. I love what happened and enjoyed every last damned second of it." she answered.

Jocelyn wrinkled her forehead, sensing something she couldn't quite put her finger on. "Is there a but in there somewhere?" she asked, now worried.

Cheyenne sighed and shrugged. "Kinda, but not the way you think." she said after apparently struggling for what to say.

Uh oh, here it comes, Jocelyn thought.

"Well, I loved, loved loved what we did last night, and before you ask, yes I would love to do that again. And again. As long as you are up for it." her friend answered.


"Well, I thought about it when I woke up about an hour ago. I might still want to sleep with guys, but, well..." Cheyenne said before continuing, "...and yeah I find women attractive, but I don't want to fuck them. I think I am just into you, if that doesn't sound completely crazy."

Whoa, well I sure as hell didn't see that one coming! Jocelyn thought to herself. "Well there's not a thing wrong with that, not in the slightest. There's a word for that, I think?" she said aloud.

"Yeah? What's that? Sexual schizophrenia?"

Jocelyn chuckled heartily. "Nice try, but no, the word is pansexual. Basically, it means you are attracted to a person not a specific gender." she explained.

"That makes sense." the blonde said in response.

"Or you could just say you are gay, but just for me. Yeah, that's it, gay for me. Just me." Jocelyn said, now laughing so much that Cheyenne just pounced on her and kissed her.

"Okay then, Jos, I am just gay for you then." she laughed.

Oddly enough, that ended up being true for the most part. Cheyenne dated guys off and on but the only woman she ever slept with was Jocelyn. In the succeeding years, Cheyenne moved away to attend medical school, so the two of them were separated for a while.

But of course, the future holds infinite possibilities!

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a strange, somewhat unhappily ever after, but hey, Chayenne was young and doesn't quite have the emotional or mental capabilities yet to really come to terms with her feelings for Jocelyn. Oddly enough, I was a bit disappointed that Cheyenne didn't choose Jocelyn and just commit to her but I understand it's all about the gradual seduction and not necessarily reality.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6435 months ago

Great build up, great story!

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Excellent, Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Well, Christa P.....I would love to tell u infact request u to create a series of lesbian stories of strapon sex....

slide_fire1slide_fire19 months ago

Very nice work! You did an excellent job of developing these characters and their emotions. This series has alot of possibilities! Keep up the nice work!

MarsPatrolMarsPatrol11 months ago

Great series. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Incredible — hopefully we can see what the future has in store for them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Whoa, well I sure as hell didn't see that one coming!"

I guess not. Well done.

_Be Creative

metroalmametroalmaover 1 year ago

One of the bright spots in Literotica recently. On the favorites list and hoping for more. I love the way you have voiced each character in such a way as to make them readily identifiable in most cases. Sweet sexy and well written 5 stars, 6 if we could.

Nurse_TwistedNurse_Twistedover 1 year ago

Beautiful ending to a beautiful tale. I can't say enough good things about this. Genuine feelings, a an excellent pace, and volcanic heat. I'm sorry to see the story end, but I will consle myself with the hope that you'll write something else.

MigbirdMigbirdover 1 year ago

Your earlier Elena and Tamara love story did not need an Epilogue — the mutually whispered “I love you” enough, but I’m glad you added it. Likewise, the ending to this romantic seduction is enough; we have active imaginations and you did say that the future holds infinite possibilities. Loved this intensely erotic series around two believable characters, so if you ever decide to explore future possibilities, I’m on board.

toesucker1toesucker1over 1 year ago

Tender, delicious and HOT. This was such a good series! And I liked the ending, too.

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