Just Once, Hell Yeah I Do Mind

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My finish to Kalimaxos' story Just Once... If You Don't Mind.
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Kalimaxos' had an interesting story idea, "Just Once... If You Don't Mind" about a wife who plans and executes her adultery in another country, under the auspices (unkowingly) of doctors without borders and writes her husband a sort of dear John letter... This is my ending, way, way, way over the top. As usual, no one under eighteen, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is ridiculous. This story is a fantasy, try not to drag too much reality into it. Tongue in cheek. If you don't enjoy what I write, I invite you to write something yourself, or read something from the countless other aspiring authors in Literotica. Try to have fun with it. Keep your comments civil please. Keep all hands and feet in the ride...

Just Once, Hell Yeah I Do Mind

I'm reading the letter. The fuck me letter that she wrote me to let me know about her pre-planned adultery. After all these years... my marriage was in ruins. Funny about perception versus reality. I thought things were ok in my house and marriage. My perception... completely wrong! Why? Because one half of the marriage was basing her infidelity on incorrect or incomplete information. And she believed that I would never be so crass as to divorce her cheating ass. That's her perception versus my reality check for her. She is going to have difficulty cashing that one! She's been a very bad monkey! I'm going to fire her as my wife. Of course my emotional brain wants to fix everything back to the way it was. I think my emotions and my rational thought process was in flux and in a battle for my soul and heart. A battle that could not be won, but only fought. In romantic terms, the heart wants, what the heart wants... reality has a way of fucking up hopes and dreams. She had thrown her version of an IED (improvised explosive device) into the heart of our marriage; I was gonna have to do something radical to stem the blood from this emotional wound. I needed an emotional tourniquet, as it were. No use mucking about. I needed to face her and her paramour and not kill them... much as I was so sorely tempted to do so!

I looked at the woman my darling wife had "given me" as a consolation prize. My open marriage reward, or more likely, a way for my soon to be ex wife to assuage her own huge guilt! Lovely Leslie was staring at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. None of this shit was her fault at all. The fact that she had a crush on me was nice and flattering, but she was not my wife. I was so filled with righteous indignation I was gonna explode. But I should not allow my anger to spill over and hurt this woman who obviously has some real feelings for me, married or not! Hell this poor woman was taken advantage of twice, once by her husband and then by my wife. I was not going to hurt her further. I might revisit this lovely woman on my return, depending upon the outcome of my marriage mission.

Well fuck this shit. The time for action was at hand. "You will have to excuse me Leslie, but I gotta run. Say hi to your husband for me. I beg of you, if you hear from Marcy, say nothing to her about me, will you? I am sorry for bringing you into this mess. You have been nothing but kind, loving and beautiful! When I return, perhaps... we'll see what transpires. Too many 'ifs' at this point, so plans are impossible. But thank you so much for your help and loving kindness." I hugged her and she kissed me again and again! I showed her to the door. She spun on her heels and hugged me and kissed me some more. I automatically kissed her back without thinking. She was soft and supple and her big fat tits were smooshed into my chest. I could not help my instant physical reaction. I was hard as steel, and she ground herself against my dick, moaning a little. She dropped to her knees and pulled down my zipper. My steel hard dick betrayed me. She wanted me very badly, her husband be damned! Into her hot wet mouth I went. She was an expert cocksucker. She deepthroated me with ease. To be truthful, I wanted to fuck the shit out of this incredibly beautiful woman, but I had to know for sure 100% that my marriage was dead and just needed to be buried! The fact that she was married gave me pause as well, even though she and her husband seemed very ok with her fucking me. Questions for another day. I shot a huge load of sperm into her happy willing mouth. She made a show of her swallowing my spunk. She had a huge smile on her face.

"Be careful! I really do want to fuck you in the worst way. I know you have to do what you gotta do...but still be careful ok? Please come back to me, I really want you. No, more than that... I NEED you!" She kissed me in the way that only a woman in love can. She was crying. She touched my face gently with her hand. Her eyes were locked on mine. Tears fell down her cheeks. She turned and left. Her ass went this way and that as her perfect behind did that thing women do, that drives men crazy, and men just love it! I could watch her walk all day! She had a gorgeous behind! I watched her leave and close the door softly behind her. She looked back at me through the glass door and blew me a kiss. She was gone. I sat in amazement for several minutes. I was recovering from the delightful blowjob. Well, I guess I am no longer lily white in this mess.

There was someone banging on the back door. I thought Leslie had come back to torment me some more with her curves and super willingness to fuck my brains out, but it was Jenny Harshly with her big boobs and blonde hair. She had been crying. I apparently have the superpower to make women cry, not an ability I wanted at all! Her mascara was a mess and her eyes were puffy. She looked at me and she was lusting for me from the very first instant.

"Jenny, what's the matter? Did your ex come back to hit you again? Why the tears?"

"I'm crying for you Rick. I work at the hospital with your wife. I'm not the type of person that butts into other people's lives, but I can't stand by another second. Rick, your wife is having an affair with one of the doctors. I have had only circumstantial evidence up until the other day, but I caught them fucking in one of the empty patient rooms. I videoed it for you, secretly. I think she is planning on being with this fucker when they do this 'doctors without borders' thing. They may be saving lives, but I have a great suspicion that they are going to fuck each other the whole time away from you! I picked up some of their pillow talk, and they were very disrespectful of you Rick. I don't think your wife even loves you anymore. I am so sorry... I went through much the same thing with my ex husband. Here is the memory stick with the evidence on it. I think your wife and my ex husband are a lot alike. He claimed he loved me, but took out a second mortgage and took off with all the money! I think I might lose the house. Could you rent a room for me and my two children? I could do the chores your wife won't be doing when she leaves. There is one last thing. I have really strong feelings for you Rick. I will do anything for you. Anything at all!" She wrapped her arms around me and lips and kisses and then she was on her knees begging me and all of a sudden my cock was in her mouth and she was going to town on it! Her head was bobbing up down very fast as she was going to suck my gonads through my dick. Her shirt and bra were off and her huge tits were amazing, jiggling this way and that as she skullfucked herself with my granite hard dick! Her and my pants vanished someplace, and I was shocked as she had me on top of her, and my rigid dick was going to burst inside her tight little cunt. She was coming again and again on my cock. She pushed a huge nipple into my mouth and I went crazy sucking on her huge tits. I was going to come!

"Gonna COME!" I warned her. She didn't slow down at all! She WANTED my come. She wanted me. She was a lifetime younger than me, but she didn't give a shit about that at all. She gave herself to me unconditionally.

"Shoot it in my hot cunt! I want to make you happy with a baby! Or maybe two! Fuck me Rick! Oh yeah! Oh my god, coming again! I love you Rick. Oh my god, I should not have told you that." She held me close as we basked in the aftermath of the wild fucking. I think Jenny is quite sincere in what she said. She can't wait to fuck me again. I think she might love me, at least a little. What the hell, she probably loves me a lot. She won't stop kissing me and she seems to be trying to fuck me to death!

"So will you take me and the kids in? I will never treat you badly, never disrespect you. I will love you until I die. I know you like my kids and they both like you. What do you say? Ditch the bitch, I'll take care of my man forever!" She gave me a look that melted my heart. She was no gold digger. She was gonna give herself to me totally. How did this happen? She and I had barely known each other, but she had apparently wanted me for a long time. What a wonderful woman.

"Jenny, that was pure amazing. But... I have to give her one last chance. I'll make a call to the bank. I'll buy your mortgage note, and we will discuss the other things. Think about this. Could you or would you, be able to share me with another deserving woman, or maybe even two? I doubt that she would be long term, and maybe you might even find a young man who would interest you more than me. I am just trying to be honest with you here. There is a young woman who needs my help as much as you do." She was not liking my admission at all.

"But before all these plans take place... I must try to get my wife to listen to me, one last time, to see if we can get back to where we were. If not... Well, we will discuss this some more. Get your mortgage paperwork for me and I will make a call. I'm going to be gone for a few days. It's really important for you to know... if anyone asks I'm going to a friend's house for a poker game ok? That's all you have to say, ok? Promise me you will cover for me please! It's vitally important to me, ok? By the way, you are fantastic." I kissed her, and she almost devoured me! "Here is my lawyer's private cell number. Call him in about an hour, see if he needs any information. He's going to fix things with the bank. Well, I am gonna ask him to do so, and I pay him lots of money, so he probably will get it done." Jenny attacked me and kissed me again and again at least a few hundred times. She was on her knees and trying to blow me again. I lifted her up and kissed her.

"Soon Jenny. I gotta bunch of things to do. Here is his phone number. Call him if he doesn't call you. See you soon."

"Ok Rick. I will take care of you when you get back. If I must share you, I will, but it would be great not to! I want you to be happy Rick. Happy with me!" She beamed. Damn she is a very beautiful woman that wants me to have her for my own. I gotta make those phone calls. First thing, I called the lawyer and told him what I wanted to happen. This is right up his alley, and I know that he can fix it. I have other things that need to be done STAT. The lawyer got his orders and promised to get it done. That's why I pay him so dearly. One less thing for me to worry about. My guy costs a bunch, but he is worth every penny I pay him.

I dug out my special phone and checked it. Battery was still charged! I made a few calls to Washington and Langley. Time to call in some big favors. Then I needed to talk with my friend Robert in the pentagon. We had to discuss my itinerary. I hope the charger was working for the encrypted phone. My plan was coming together very quickly. I can't help thinking it's a really stupid plan, but I don't have time for perfection here. This has to be done as soon as humanly possible if I am actually going to save my marriage. I'm not sure anything that I can do will save it, but I am a fucking Colonel in the US Army. If I can't get it done, then it is impossible.


"Rick, the only way I can get you there that fast is with a halo jump. It seems kinda stupid to risk it for this bitch. And you are not exactly a spring chicken anymore Colonel. Why bother?" Rob said with no emotion. I was talking to my friend in the big five sided building.

"Shock and awe. Hit first, hit hard, get out. Plausible denial. I want to be back in the land of milk and honey before the local cops even get the first call. I am trying to give her one last chance. If she takes it, fine. If not... Well, there are other plans in the works. Either way, I gotta be back at your weekly poker night by midnight or so, at least on paper. Can you make this happen?"

"Of course I'll get it done. There just happens to be a ghost in the very same hotel as your spouse on a...different matter. Do you mind bringing back a case with you?"

"Straight to Langley?" I asked.

"No, I am gonna get one of their spooks to pick it up. Your old girlfriend Deirdre Kline. She can take care of it. She is in the game. She takes my money now and then."

"What about my extraction?" I needed to know.

"Marine chopper to a private airport, and a jet back to Washington. My car will be at the airport. Don't lose my keys! Get to the game and prepare to lose your money. I feel lucky. Try not to spatter yourself on the halo jump." Rob sounded genuinely concerned. "Rick, we could do this by chopper instead."

"No time, and I would be seen. Twice as much chance of getting caught. One chopper flight out is much easier to pull off. And you know there are some idiots that have missiles that can take out a chopper very easily. I am trying to minimize the risk here, not maximize it!"

"Rick, this isn't a video game. If you fuck up the halo jump-" he started to say.

"-Well if I do fuck up, you know that I won't complain at least!" I said jokingly.

"I think you should reconsider Rick. Is Marcy worth risking life and limb for? I will support you no matter what, but my heartfelt advice? Ditch the bitch."

"I gotta do this. It has to be now. I am sorry to ask you for all this help Rob, but you have always been one of my 'go-to' guys. I will owe you big time." I thanked him.

"Hey, you're bringing the case back, it helps me with the spooks and I am happy to justify everything that you need for that. They might pin a medal on you. They should have given you the Medal of Honor for the way you saved me and the other guys! And you sent a bunch of those fuckers to 'Fuck-you-stan' heaven." We had been in too many close calls and tough scrapes to count. It was a miracle that we were both alive.

"I was just doing my job. And I got to return all that C4 to those bastards who were using it on us. That was very rewarding! By the way, what's in the case?"

"None of your beeswax. None of mine either. But it must be something interesting for them to do this and not blink an eye. You know how they are. For all we know it could be a ham sandwich and a big test of loyalty." The CIA was very weird about some things, but not loyalty. That was sacrosanct. Where lives hung by a thread, who could you trust really mattered.

"Our's is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die!"

"Hey, no dying here Rick. For the record, I gotta say what you are doing is stupid. I could easily drum up some local talent and make them both disappear, or wish they were dead." I bet he would do it for me in a heartbeat.

"There is some local talent after them. A catch and release outfit that works for the cartel. Is that your doing?" I asked him.

"On the contrary. I've been paying for a heavy police presence to prevent this kidnapping thing from happening. Those cartel guys kidnap anyone that they think they can jack up for money. You would not believe how much it costs to get the police to do their own fucking job. There's a hundred guys in and around the hotel paid to keep doctor dick and your wife safe and sound. It costs even more when they go to do the operations in the field."

"Which is the reason I gotta do this stupid halo jump. I don't want to get caught. I don't want to even be seen. So I drop by my wife and the good doctor, we have a little discussion, you know... a bit of quality time! Then I get the case, and chopper out, transfer to the jet at the LZ, and come back to take more of your money at the card game. If all goes well, I'm never seen, except for my soon to be ex wife and her fuckface doctor. I really do want to give her one last chance. After that, well they will be in for a little adventure!"

"You're risking your life for this bitch. Is she gonna be worth it in the end?"

"Do you have a bathroom Robert?"

"Of course. Four of them in my mini mansion"

"In the morning, do you look into that mirror? What do you see?"

"Ok, ok. I get the point. You have to look yourself in the mirror. My question is still valid."

"What do you think I have been asking myself for the last twenty hours? We have many years together. She was a great mother to my children. I am still in love with her... well in love with the memory of her anyway. She gave me an ultimatum. I'm gonna return the favor, except I am going ramp up the consequences a million times. I will also offer her amnesty and a way back, if she wants to take it. That's for my conscience as much as for her. She doesn't understand her own situation either. I am not going to let her know about the kidnapping." I thought "Surprise!"

"Don't kill the doctor. He has been doing some very good surgical work. The company was very insistent on that. Plus it creates an abundance of loose ends. I hate loose ends."

"I understand. He will be able to continue to work. But he will be in some pain!"

"Perfect! Don't fuck up the halo jump. You do realize the guys that do the halo jumping are in their twenties."

"You'll know if the hotel gets a new skylight. Thanks for setting this up for me. I guess I better get goin' before I come to my senses." I got going. Stupid plan, but it was short notice, and I had to try one last time.

-Call ended-


The jet ride was pretty quick, even with the refueling in the air. The jump was at midnight and I was just a little bit scared. The hotel was a decent size, nine stories. But it was still not a big target. If I fucked up, then there was gonna be hell to pay. Plus I might get killed. The drop window was all of three seconds. Fuck it! No risk, no reward. The jump master asked me three times if I wanted to abort.

"Sargent, if you ask me that one more time, I'm going to make it a tandem jump and drop you first."

"I don't have a chute!"

"So it might be a bit painful. Just get me in the drop zone and forget that you ever saw me!" I said.

"Ok Colonel. Godspeed to you. Coming up to the DZ in thirty seconds. On my mark. Ten, nine, eight, check air supply and harness, five, four, three, two, Geronimo, bye bye Colonel." I was in pitch black with just my oxygen supply and freezing free fall. The rush of wind was crazy intense, My mask was iced over on the inside. Not good! I hit the blue button and the mask quickly cleared. I opened the suit wings. I probably looked like a flying squirrel! I aimed at the big building, but from sixty thousand feet it was a very tiny dot on my helmet screen. I might die doing this dumb stunt, but so what! Fuck it. I'm on the glide path twelve miles away from my destination. Computer says go, four green lights. Five minutes to get there. I used the laser at the building roof. I was getting a phone call. Now? I tapped the helmet. What the fuck? Probably trying to sell me something.


"Saw your beacon Colonel. Do you see mine?" There was a red dot on the building. It was my target. I was flying at about a hundred and twenty miles an hour. This was going to be very difficult and close. It was a dart game and I was the dart! Failure was not a good option.

"Red dot. Be there in a few minutes. Package ready for delivery?" I asked.

"Yes. As soon as your little tea party is over, the chopper will be here. They cannot and will not wait!"