Justine Ch. 21


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Justine sat quietly as the makeup was being applied. True to his word, she didn't look like a circus clown. She could tell that she had makeup on, but it was subtle and as he said; he had enhanced her eyes.

The red flames flickered in nervousness and excitement. At that moment, she wasn't a queen but a woman about to marry the man that she loved.

"Are you okay over there?" Justine called to her mother.

"Nervous; but I'm alright. How about you?" Josephine called back.

"Nervous." Justine replied.

An hour later, they were ready to put on their dresses. Pam helped Justine while Zoe attended to Josephine.

Justine looked at her reflection in the mirror taking note of how the dress looked on her.


The white, off the shoulder design complemented her full figure. Normally, she avoided styles that showed her shoulders and arms but, this dress seemed to be made just for her. Even the small white beads that adorned the bodice looked and felt right. Initially, she hadn't liked the beads but now...

The skirt of the dress accentuated her smallish waist but downplayed what she considered to be hips that were too wide and an ass that was too big-points on which she and Quinn disagreed.

"Jussie..." Pam breathed. "You look amazing!"

Justine fingered the pearl drop necklace and then touched her ears.

She had to agree... she did look amazing.

"Josephine looks as amazing as you do." Pam added as the first strains of music began to play.


David slowly dressed. In less than an hour, he was going to be married in the human world. The thought that he didn't deserve Josephine and the happiness he felt crossed his mind.

"This is a new day." He murmured as he put on the dove gray suit that brought out the gray of his eyes.

The gray flames danced and crackled nervously as he tied the gray tie with purple pinstripes in it. As excited as he was, there was a hint of sadness as he acknowledged that they could have had this day years ago.

"But it's happening now." He said softly.

His heart rate jumped when he heard the music begin to play... it was almost time to begin.


Quinn danced around exhilarated that the day had finally arrived. He was nervous, but not as nervous as David. He like David was wearing a dove gray suit and tie. The difference was that his tie had red pinstripes in it.

He was dressed early because he wanted a word with his friend and priest James Montgomery. James was a good man and priest but had the tendency to get carried away when he performed wedding and other ceremonies. Quinn wanted to remind him of his time limits.

Quinn left the suite whistling an unknown tune. When he was almost to the garden, he slipped on his sunglasses.

Less than an hour to go.


Reverend James Montgomery walked around the indoor garden amazed at the variety of plants and flowers that grew there. He was even more amazed to be performing the ceremony.

He had known Quinn when he was a drug addict who had been scraping bottom. Even then, he saw potential in Quinn and worked to cultivate a friendship with him. He remembered the many nights that Quinn ended up sleeping on his sofa after stumbling to the rectory in a drug induced haze.

He thought that Quinn was turning around when he got married and had a child, but that didn't last. He suffered with him when Quinn's wife left him taking the baby with him. He drove Quinn to the inpatient rehab, called and prayed for him daily.

As he walked around the garden, James said another prayer for Quinn. He prayed that this time, Quinn could and would make it. He talked to Quinn several times on the phone surprised in the difference in his voice. He heard something that he had never heard before. Control and confidence.

"Tell me about this young woman of yours." James said when Quinn called him about the ceremony.

"Her name is Justine." Quinn replied.

"You know that I must meet with you and her for pre-marital counseling for several weeks before the ceremony." James said. "When would you like to start?"

"How about next week?" Quinn replied surprising James. Quinn had fought tooth and nail the last time.

They had gone through the sessions leaving James satisfied that they stood a good chance at succeeding. The only thing that bothered him was when they both insisted on wearing sunglasses indoors.

He shrugged off the memory and continued his tour of the garden.


He stopped and turned toward Quinn's voice.

"Quinn! How are you?"

"I'm good." Quinn replied. "I just wanted to touch base with you about a couple of things. First, no sermon... just do the ceremony and the vows. Second... thank you for doing this. Justine and I appreciate it."

"Thank you for asking me." James replied. "I'm happy for you."


At six pm, the first strains of 'Pachelbel's Canon in D major' filled the air. Quinn, David and the minister were already in place patiently, but impatiently waiting for Justine and Josephine to make their appearance.

Lottie looked expectantly toward the entrance point and closed her eyes. The notes of the music washed over her. Justine had asked her for a music selection and she had chosen this one. To Lottie's delight and surprise, Justine went with her selection.

There was a collective murmur as everyone stood.

The processional had begun.


Quinn and David each saw the same thing as their mates approached them. They each saw the most beautiful woman in the world. Josephine, carrying a bouquet of Daffodils stood by David's side while Justine, also carrying a bouquet of Daffodils stood next to Quinn.

The minisrer started to speak and then stopped. He began to blink rapidly as he looked into four pairs of eyes.

"It's fine." Quinn murmured. "Go ahead and start."

"What?" James asked.

"The ceremony." Quinn prompted.

James began the ceremony forgetting about the eyes of the two couples. In fact, he would never remember it.

The minister struggled to keep to the time restraints given to him. Several times Quinn had to give him a gentle reminder by way of a mental push. Finally, it was time for the vow and ring exchange.

Pam slipped up to the front, took the bouquets and quickly moved away.

The two couples faced each other and held hands as the priest navigated though the rest of the ceremony.

"James..." Quinn murmured when the priest began to digress.

Quinn and Justine exchanged vows and rings first and then David and Josephine.

When the vows and rings were exchanged, James took advantage of the closing prayer making it longer than he usually did.

Finally, he announced them husband and wives and the recessional music began. Before they began the recessional, the two couples joined hands with each other. A pulse of power rushed through the room and was gone as quickly as it came.


By four am, the couples were at their respective getaways. Quinn had made reservations at a vampire owed resort in Suriname, South America. He made no plans other than to keep Justine in bed.

As soon as they were in the room, he stripped them naked and had her on the bed.

"You were and are gorgeous." He said as he kissed her.

His lips made a trail from her lips to her shoulder alternately licking, kissing and nipping at the skin.

Justine's skin tingled and her nipples tightened into hard pebbles as Quinn teased the skin of her shoulders and a hand rubbed the tips of her nipples. Hearing her sharp intake of breath, Quinn turned his attention to her nipples.

He teased them with the tip of his tongue and then pulled it into his mouth. He moaned with satisfaction as the already hardened nipple hardened even more. He gently bit down on it and flicked his tongue across the tip.

"That feels good." Justine moaned as she pushed her chest toward him.

Quinn's hand skimmed the soft skin of her stomach drawing obscure designs on the soft skin. The sensation made Justine shiver and then moan with pleasure. He released the nipple with a suck and a kiss and moved to the neglected one.

This one, he didn't tease; but sucked on it as if he expected it to give him milk. His hand had moved to between her legs and was cupping her damp mound. He moved it back and forth several times before he slipped a finger between her vaginal folds.

He sucked the nipple even harder as he rubbed her nub.

"Come for me." he thought to her.

Justine felt as if a bolt of electricity had gone through her body, but instead of pain; there was only pleasure. She moaned and then screamed as Quinn bit her nipple and pinched her clit.

Before she had fully recovered, Quinn's face was buried between her legs. He kissed and licked her inner thighs as he opened her legs revealing his target. Without warning, he latched onto her nub and began sucking it as he slid three fingers inside of her.

The second orgasm wasn't long in coming. Justine came with a scream that shook the walls. Any insects and wildlife had gone silent in the wake of her scream.

Quinn's cock ached for relief. His balls were pulled up tight against his body and he knew that if he didn't do something, he would come as soon as he was inside of her.

He closed his eyes and dimmed the sensations that his cock was feeling. After a few seconds, he was back in control.

He raised himself to his knee and froze. Red sparks were dancing above Justine's face. They moved as if they were dancing to a waltz of some kind.

"Quinn?" Justine called as she reached for him.

Quinn felt his hips surge forward almost of their own volition. The closer his cock got to Justine's waiting entrance, the less control he had. Just as he entered her, green sparks left his eyes and joined in the intricate dance that the red sparks were doing. They watched as the sparks began to join together, hover and then vanish with a pop.

Quinn began to pump in and out of Justine with wild abandon, all control gone. They came together just as the last of the sparks, joined and vanished.

Exhausted, Quinn pulled his sensitive cock out of Justine coming again when he did."

"Damn! What in the hell was that?" he asked when he could talk.

"I don't know, but I'm not complaining." Justine replied looking into his eyes. She gasped at what she saw.

With a thought, she summoned a mirror and handed it to Quinn.

"What?" Quinn asked taking the mirror.

Quinn looked into the mirror and then at Justine. His eyes now had red flecks floating in them. The green flames were now had tinges of red. Justine's eyes had also changed. Flecks of green danced across her pupils and her red flames were tinged with green.

Instead of questioning what it meant, they held each other and fell asleep.


"Does this place have a name?" Josephine asked as they walked hand in hand along the shoreline.

"It didn't" David replied pulling her closer. "But it does now."

"What did you name it?" she asked.

"Something that's going to sound rather cliché, but I've named it Josephine's Island. It will remain off the maps and is warded so there is no chance of accidental discovery."

"Thank you." Josephine said giving his hand a squeeze.

They walked along in silence for several minutes not speaking until the house was within sight.

"David, wait." Josephine said. "I want you to listen to me for a minute. When I'm done, I don't want or need a response. It's something that I want you to think about.

We've been through a lot together and we've been together for a long time at least in human terms. In all of the time we've been together there isn't a time where I didn't feel loved or protected. You may have been grouchy and impatient, but that was because you felt guilty.

All of this started with Jeremiah Mathers. He was the catalyst that started us on this path, but I know that even without him we would have found each other. You've asked Justine for forgiveness, she gave it to you. You've asked me for forgiveness, I granted it. The only thing left is for you to forgive yourself. I love you, but it's time to let it go."

David nodded, picked Josephine up and carried her into the house and straight to the bedroom.

"I love you Jo." He said using the name that only he could use.

Moments later, they were naked and lying face to face. David traced a line from her eyebrows to the tip of her nose before moving to her lips. Josephine caught his finger in her mouth and sucked on it nipping at the end of it with her fang. She licked away the drop of blood that formed and sucked harder.

David moaned in pleasure and approval that Josephine was taking the lead. He pulled his finger out, nicked it again and outlined her areola leaving a circle of blood around it. He nicked the finger again and this time covered her nipple with his blood.

Slowly, he lowered his head and took the turgid, blood covered nipple into his mouth and began to suck on it. His hips thrust forward when he felt Josephine's hand firmly but gently squeezing his cock.

David rolled on top of her and ground against her crying out when she bit a nipple. Josephine spread her legs to accommodate him. As soon as his cock touched her clit, she came with a scream that rivaled that of a banshee. She bucked up against him and ground hard against the underside of his cock.

David reached down, placed his hands under her ass and pulled her tighter against him. He crushed his lips against the pulse at the side of her neck and bit as his seed spilled out onto her mound.

As he drank from her, he reclaimed her.

"Mine, mine, mine." He thought to her.

He pulled back and looked down at her as he slid inside of her. Bright purple specks danced around them and were joined by gray ones. The faster he pumped, the faster the specks danced until when they came; the specks blended and became one. When they climaxed, the purple/gray mass popped and then vanished.

David didn't immediately slide out. He was mesmerized by Josephine's eyes. Gray and purple specks flitted to and fro and on occasion met.

Josephine was just as mesmerized by David's eyes. Like Quinn and Justine, they didn't question it. David moved to Josephine's side, pulled her tight against him and kissed her.

A few minutes later, she was asleep while he lay awake thinking about what she said about forgiveness. Finally, he decided that she was right and closed his eyes to rest.


Lorenzo, Maurice, and Mikhail sat around a table talking while the women supervised the post --wedding clean up.

"I propose that we take the time that the newlyweds are gone to spend time with our mates." Maurice suggested.

"I agree." Mikhail said. "Once they get back, we're all going to be busy as hell. I would also suggest that we take the time to come up with ideas for security for the gala. We'll meet again sometime in the next couple of weeks and compare ideas."

"A suggestion if I may." Lorenzo said. "I think that we need to include Edward and Thomas in on these meetings. They may have ideas that we haven't thought of."

A few minutes later, the group broke up. Each man went in search of his mate to spend some much needed time alone before they grappled with the next challenge.

The gala.

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Trinity71Trinity71almost 8 years ago

Thanks for the reference to my country of birth : Suriname, South America. :) Justine & Quinn will certainly enjoy the cuisine.

So I'm guesing the joining of the eye colors indicates conception?? That's the first thing that came to mind. I hope so anyway.

This story is such a wonderful journey. I love everything about it.

KinnReaderKinnReaderabout 10 years ago

I know these were posted a while ago but i hope you finish this story its soo good!!

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707over 11 years agoAuthor
please respond

Justine is complete.. Louise will carry over to Thorne.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
please respond

Have u completed the stories of Louise and Justine. I want to start reading each of them. zbut zcannot read if they are not complete.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Is this story complete? - NK

U are are a great writer and I enjoy reading all your stories. I wouldlike to know if this story is complete.

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