Kate Pt. 01


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"Of course," Sarah readily agreed, "Holy shit."

"I love you, Mark," Kate replied, holding me tightly, "Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'll always be safe when I'm with you."

"That's right, my love," I softly replied, gently kissing her lips, "Always..."


When we got back into the house, I looked at Sarah and told her, "I want you to go home and pack a bag. Then I want you to come and plan on staying here where it's safe until all of this shit blows over."

"Come on, Mark," Sarah said, "What could they possibly do to me?"

"Several things," I told her, "But I'm not willing to take that risk, that's why I want you here with us."

"I want you to call your mother, Kate," I told her, "Tell her that she needs to come over here tonight, because I want to talk to her."

"I can do that," Kate smiled, "But what's she going to say when you tell her what you're going to do?"

"I'm not going to tell her anything about that," I knowingly smiled, "We're going to send your Mom on a much needed vacation; something along the lines of a cruise, or something like that. What do you think?"

"I think she'll love you for it," Kate smiled, "I know that I sure do."

"Good," I knowingly smiled, "In the mean time, I've got to go into town to pick up a few things. Will you be alright here by yourself until I get back?"

"Yes," she good naturedly chuckled, "I'm a big girl, Mark; and I can take care of myself...well, for a little while anyway, just don't be gone too long."


While I was out, the very first place I went was to Zales Jewelry store, out in Hendersonville. It might've been quite a ways from where I lived, but I knew that I could, with all certainty, find exactly what I was looking for when it came to picking out an engagement ring for my beautiful Kate, I wanted something that was most certainly beautiful, but also the only one of its kind.

It didn't take long before I found exactly what I was looking for, and exactly what I knew would enhance Kate's already striking beauty. It was a one and a half karat; marquis cut diamond with another full karat of smaller diamonds surrounding it, all on a platinum mount, which sat atop a twenty-four karat gold band. The wedding band consisted of a half a karat of diamonds which encrusted the top of the band itself, matching the engagement ring.

I knew from looking at one of Kate's rings, while she was in the shower, that she wore a size five and a half, and much to my amazement, I like to look at it as being a blessing; the ring was the exact same size. I also knew that by the time I got back to the house, that Kate's mother, Carolyn, would be there waiting for my return.

I took my time going back, stopping to pick up a new pair of boots for me, as well as a new dress for Kate. I also checked her dress size, too. It was your classic "little black dress" only it was a deep shade of blue, which just happens to be my favorite color. I didn't want Sarah to feel left out so; I bought her a gold necklace when I bought Kate's ring. I just hoped she liked it.

And for her vacation, I made certain to stop by a travel agency, which was more or less on the way to my house, to make the arrangements for Carolyn's cruise. I was told by the lady at the travel agency that the tickets, as well as the cruise information would be sent to my house no later than that coming Tuesday, and that the cruise ship was scheduled to leave the following week. It would be gone for ten days, which was more than enough time to execute our plan. The only wrinkle that I foresaw, was having to deal with Tyler Martin's little punk ass; but that wasn't really going to be a problem, especially once Sarah had filed aggravated rape charges against his stupid ass, and leave us not forget Kate filing aggravated assault charges as well; both of which are felonies.

I knew that as soon as his bond was posted, Tyler would more than likely try to jump bail. That's where I came in; making sure that he would spend the time between his making bail and his court appearance, in the hospital, waiting for the compound fractures in both of his legs to mend. One might think that to be a bit harsh, considering that people in this country are supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and I agree. However, I was simply going to perform a public service of sorts, making sure that whoever he got to post his bond wouldn't be out of however much money it was going to cost to keep his fucking ass out of jail.


When I got back to my house, I was delighted to see not only Sarah's and Kate's cars in my driveway, but also Carolyn's car as well. After all, because Kate's father, and mine, were no longer with us, I was going to need Carolyn's permission to marry her daughter. To be totally honest about it though, I couldn't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when I got down on one knee to ask for my beautiful Kate's hand.


"Hi, baby," Kate smiled, as she greeted me at the front door, "I missed you."

"Hello, my love," I grinned, gently kissing her lips, "I missed you, too, but I've got a surprise for you."

"Mmm," she purred, hugging me, "I like surprises, Mark."

"Good, I grinned, handing her the box that contained her dress, "Then you're going to love this...here, open it."

"Hey, Sarah," I smiled, handing her a small box, "I brought you something, too, little sister."

"Mark," she scolded me smiling, "You know that you shouldn't have done this, but thank you anyway."

"Hush up," I teased, "That's what big brothers are for."

Before I could hand Carolyn her cruise info and confirmation stub, I head Kate say, "Oh, my God, Mark. This is beautiful, baby," as I turned around to see her holding her dress up against her body, the way all women do, "Thank you, I love it."

"I'm glad," I smiled, "Why don't you take Sarah to the back so that she can help you try it on?"

"I think I will," she girlishly giggled, "C'mon, Sarah," and before I knew it, the both of them were up and gone.

"Here, Carolyn," I smiled, handing her the cruise information, "Kate told me that this has been a long time coming for you."

"Before I take this, Mark," Carolyn began, smiling as she stood up, "There's something I want to give to you, sweet boy," and then, with happy tears streaming down her face, she took my face into both of her hands, and firmly kissed my cheek.

"That's my way of saying thank you, sweetie," she sniffled, "I haven't seen my daughter this happy since way before her father was killed in Vietnam; and you're the one who's responsible for it."

"I love her very much, Carolyn," I gently told her, taking her hand and making her sit down next to me on the couch, "Because you're both her mother and her father, I need your permission before I ask her to marry me tonight."

"Oh, sweetie, yes," she began to cry, holding onto me for dear life, "Yes, you can marry her, and I hope you two give me a bunch of grand babies to spoil."

"We'll sure try," I smiled, handing her my handkerchief, "Here, hurry and wipe those pretty eyes so Kate won't think something bad is going on."

"Oh, my lord, what's this?" Carolyn asked, when she looked into the envelope I'd handed her, "Goodness me, boy. You didn't have to do this."

"Yes, I did," I teased, "Your daughter told me that you won't do it for yourself so; I did it for you. Besides, who knows...you might meet a hot guy aboard ship, and get lucky?"

"You rascal," she giggled, "What am I going to do with you, huh?"

"You've already given me permission to marry Kate," I happily grinned, "I'd say that's more than enough," however, before she could reply, Kate came squealing back into the den smiling and wearing the new dress, which I must say, looked absolutely ravishing on her.

"Well?" she asked me, "How do I look, baby?"

"You look beautiful," I smiled, standing up to kiss her, "But then again, you've always been beautiful as far as I'm concerned."

"Thank you for the necklace, Mark," Sarah smiled, hugging me with it on, "I really like it."

"Let me see," I smiled, holding her at arms length so that I could look at her wearing her gift, "It looks really pretty on you, little sister."

Then I got on one knee, in front of Carolyn and Sarah, and with the box containing her rings, I took Kate by the hand and told her, "Kate, you live in every molecule of my body. Would you come to live with me as my wife?"

Oh, God, Yes," she cried, even though she knew it was coming, just not so soon, "Yes, I'll marry you, Mark, I love you so much."

And when I placed the engagement ring on her finger, she gasped and said, "Oh, God, Mark. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," and then she threw her arms around my neck and began to cry all over again.

"I love you, Mark," she wept, "I'll always love you."

"I know you do, baby," I warmly replied, holding her in my arms, "And I love you, too."


Once everything had settled down, Carolyn smiled proudly at her daughter and told her, "I suppose you want to get married in the gazebo behind the house, sweetie."

"Yes," Kate giggled, "I've only been dreaming about it since I was a little girl."

"Good," I knowingly grinned; "As soon as your mother gets back from her vacation you can start planning it."

"Which reminds me, Mark," Carolyn smiled, "Why would you do this for me? I know that this cruise package cost you quite bit of money."

"It doesn't matter," I grinned, "I wanted to do something nice for you. Is that okay?"

"Of course," she said, "But you most certainly didn't have to go to this extreme, Mark. A dozen roses would've been just fine...as well as a lot cheaper."

"Okay then," I impishly teased her, "Consider it a retainer for your services then, if it will assuage your conscience."

"You little devil," she giggled, "If you were younger I'd take you across my knee and paddle your little butt."

"My Mom already tried that," I laughed, "She stopped doing it when I was ten because she found out that I liked it."

Carolyn simply shook her head smiling while Kate and Sarah fell into fits of girlish laughter.

"What's so funny?" I smiled, feigning innocence, "It's the truth."

"Oh, I don't doubt that one bit, boy," Carolyn giggled, "You little shit."

"He's a shit alright," Kate smiled, hugging me from behind, "But God, I love him so much."

"I can tell," Carolyn sweetly but sadly replied, "And I'm so happy for you, baby," tears filling her eyes.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Kate suddenly asked, alarmed, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, baby," she smiled through her tears, "I only wish that your father was here to see this. He would've been so happy, and so proud."

"I know, Mom," Kate quietly said, hugging her mother, "I know..."


After Carolyn had gone back to her house, and Sarah had gone back to her apartment to pack her bag, Kate and I were lying together talking, in the oversized hammock that was mounted between two maple trees out in the back yard.

"Are you excited, baby?" I asked her, "I know that I am."

"Me, too," she grinned, holding up her left hand and gazing at the ring I'd just placed on her finger not more than an hour before hand, "I wanted to tell you how beautiful I think this ring is, Mark, and I'll cherish it for the rest of my life."

"Yes, it is pretty," I smiled, "But it's not nearly as beautiful as you are, my love."

"Thank you, baby," she tenderly replied, gently kissing my lips, "I want to be pretty for you...always."

"I understand, sweetheart," I smiled, "But you're the most beautiful thing I've ever known, or will ever know."

"I'm glad you feel that way," she told me, "Because it's very important to me that you think I'm beautiful."

"I don't just think you're beautiful," I smiled, "I know you are."

"I love you, Mark," she softly said, "I love you with all my heart and soul..."


Sarah got back to the house carrying not only a bag slung around her shoulder, but also two shopping bags full of food, staunchly informing Kate and I that she was going to be doing the cooking that night, and that we were to do nothing but sit back and enjoy.

"Oh, come on, Sarah," I grinned, "Can't you at least let me help you do the dishes when we're finished?"

"Hell, you can do all of the dishes if you want to," she giggled, "But I want you and Kate to leave me alone while I'm cooking, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," I smiled, standing at attention and giving her a military salute, "I understand, ma'am," making her giggle.

"Get outta here," she teased, "Besides, the military thing doesn't work for you, Mark. The long hair is a dead give away."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I teased, "Whatever..."


That night we all sat down at the table in my dining room, which was set beautifully, by the way, and enjoyed the best Veal Scaloppini that I'd ever eaten. Sarah even went and bought a couple of bottles of Chianti to go with it. For dessert we had some Spumoni Ice Cream, which was basically the icing on the cake.

"Holy cow, Little Sister," I smiled, leaning over and kissing Sarah on the cheek, "This is the best Veal Scaloppini that I've ever eaten. You did an excellent job, sweetie."

"Thanks, Big Brother," she sweetly beamed, "I'm glad you like it. This is my grandmother's recipe, and she used to make it for us when she was alive."

"It's excellent, Sarah," Kate sweetly told her, "You're going to have to give me this recipe, because I've never eaten anything that is this good."

"Thanks, Katie," Sarah smiled, "That means alot coming from you."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," Kate smiled, taking her hand, "I hope you know that Mark and I love you very much, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Sarah sadly smiled, "You two are the only family I've got left since my Mom died last year."

"Aw, Sarah, honey," I said, my heart almost breaking for her, "Why didn't you ever tell me that?"

"Because you were my boss when we met, silly," she quietly replied, "And I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me..."

"I don't feel sorry for you," I told her, "I love you, Sarah, and like you said, we're family you and me, and I don't ever want you to forget that...not ever."

"Thank you, Mark," Sarah smiled, getting up from her place at the table and coming over to where I sat and threw her arms around me, "I love you, too..."


Chapter Nine

After the dishes were done and the kitchen had been cleaned, the girls went and put their pajamas on, and then came back into den, joining me on the couch. Of course I was put in the middle, while they both took an arm and snuggled up next to me as we watched a movie.


That night Kate and I made slow and gentle love, totally embracing one another as our two individual souls momentarily became one. To this day, every time we've made love, bar none, it is still the same, hence just one of the many reasons we're still together.


The next morning we all sat around the table discussing how we were going to go about nailing Tyler Martin's ass to the wall, and in doing so, I could've sworn that I saw both Kate and Sarah, wearing looks on their faces resembling that of someone who was demonically possessed.

"I've got an idea," Sarah said, "Why don't you just beat the shit out of him, Mark?"

"I agree with Sarah," Kate growled, "It would serve that motherfucker right."

"Whoa, wait a minute," I told them, "We need to do this legally; otherwise the charges won't stick, okay?"

"I understand," Kate replied, "And although my bruises are all but gone, I still want to see that fucker get a dose of his own medicine."

"No, shit," Sarah firmly said, "I wish somebody would shove a broomstick up his fucking ass."

"Damn," I chuckled, "Remind me to never piss you two off."

"Seriously, Mark," Kate adamantly said, "He brutally raped Sarah, and he beat the hell out of me. How would you feel if something like that happened to you?"

"I know where you're coming from," I firmly told them both, "But if we're going to do this, then we're going to do it my way. If not, this discussion is over with. Are we clear on this point, ladies?"

"Yes," Kate quietly said, "But I don't have to like it."

"I agree with you, Katie," Sarah spat, "I sure as hell don't have to like it."

"Nobody said you did," I pointedly told them, "But you're going to have to trust me on this. If we're going to put these assholes away for good, then we're going to have to do it legally, okay? I'm trying my very best to help you two. Please tell me that you understand this."

"I know that you've only got our best interests in mind, baby," Kate sweetly told me, reaching across the table and taking my hand, "We're just upset, that's all."

"She's right, Mark," Sarah softly said, taking my other hand, "I'm sorry for being such a bitch."

"Don't worry about it, you guys," I smiled, "But if we're going to do this, then we need to move now. Kate, you did file charges against Tyler after he beat you, yes?"

"Yes," she replied, "The detective took my sworn statement when I was in the hospital."

"Okay, then," I replied, as I turned to Sarah and asked her, "Are you ready to go to the police station and swear out a warrant against this prick?"

"Under one condition," she replied, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill down her face at any given moment, "I want you guys to go with me, please?"

"Of course we will, sweetheart," Kate tenderly told her, "I'm your attorney on this matter so; it's my job to be there."

"Wait a minute," I said, puzzled, "I didn't know that you were an attorney, too. I thought you were just your Mom's secretary."

"That's because you never asked, silly boy," she knowingly giggled, "And the reason that I work with my Mom is because she's the best attorney that I know. Besides, I passed the bar exam five months ago."

"This is great," I smiled, gently kissing her lips, "And by the way, I'm very proud of you, my love."

"You'd better be," she giggled, "Because not only am I going to be your attorney, I'm also going to be your wife when this is all over with."

"I love you, Kate," I gently told her, "I thought you should know that."

"I do know that," she sweetly smiled, "And I love you, too."

"Come on, you two," I grinned, "Let's all go get dressed so that we can go downtown and file some more charges against Tyler Martin's dumb ass."


We got out of Kate's car in the parking venue on Second Avenue in downtown Nashville, and then walked the short distance to the Nashville Metropolitan Police Station, which is also part of the Nashville Criminal Justice Center.


"What can I do for you folks this afternoon?" asked the desk Sergeant.

"My client would like to file criminal charges against someone," Kate replied, showing her legal credentials, "Could you direct us to the proper desk, please?"

"Yes," he politely replied, "What kind of charges are we talking about here?"

"Rape," Kate firmly announced, "Aggravated Rape."

"Please," he cordially replied, "Come with me, if you would."


After Sarah had filed the charges, and gave an explanation to the female officer whom we'd been directed to, the officer looked at her and flippantly asked, "That was over a year ago so; why did you wait until now to do this? What's the matter did you and your boyfriend have a fight?"

"What's your badge number, officer?" Kate quietly seethed, "And what does it matter about how long she waited? There is no statute of limitations on this kind of crime."

"Who the hell are you to ask me for my badge number, young lady?" the officer angrily growled.

"I'll tell you exactly who the hell I am, officer," Kate growled back at her, showing the female officer her legal credentials, "I'm this young woman's legal counsel, and you are violating her civil rights just by asking her such a stupid and ridiculous question. For your information, it doesn't matter how long my client has waited before filing charges. All you need to know is that she's filing charges, and that's it. So, I suggest you get off your lazy ass and do your job instead of wasting the taxpayers' money by harassing my client; which, by the way, I will be informing your superiors about this incident. Is there anything else that you need from my client?"
