Katherine's Friend


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"Fucking us up the ass?" Martin interjected snidely.

"Being unreasonable," she returned icily. "The whole world has seen me naked now. That's a bit risky for my career. Promotion is grueling, demoralizing, work for a star. The hot lights, lack of privacy, people clawing at you and asking questions...all of it is a gauntlet that can drive a person mad. No matter how carefully you organize things, I'm going to be navigating Lyonesse through a meat grinder.

It's alright for me. I know what I'm getting myself into, but she doesn't. An hour in, her chest will be knotted up with fear and her head will feel heavier than the world itself. Add in a completely new environment she's never seen before. New streets, cities, people, and home on the other side of the world! Does that sound like something you want to put a person through?"

"No," Martin conceded quietly. "But I have a job to do and we have employees to pay. If record sales don't continue, the business may fold. Are you willing to risk that for one person?"

"One flight isn't going to ruin your business. Things here aren't quite that dire."

"You'd be surprised," Matt mumbled darkly. "Fine then. We'll fly you out there. We'll announce the winner in one week, unless you want to do that, too," Matt sniped.

"I'm beginning to wonder if this is worth three million dollars," Kat sighed, getting up to leave.

"So am I," Lydia grunted at her, impatiently drumming her fingers on the table.

Lyonesse bounced up and down in her sturdy, queen size bed, with all the energy of a hyperactive, six year-old, boy. She wore nothing but her plain, white, cotton, panties and an eccentric smile. Excitement didn't quite cover what she was feeling. She was giggling erratically and panting a mile a minute. Her heart was beating wildly, at least twice as fast as normal, and her arms were covered with goosebumps, the hairs standing on end. Her chest was locked tighter than a treasure in an RPG, but the secret rattled around frenetically, dying to find a way out. Tiny beads of sweat sat on her forehead. Somehow, the impossible had happened. She'd won! Kat McNamara was coming to Australia. Coming halfway around the world for her! Feeling like a live wire, Lyonesse replayed the call in her mind.

"You'll arrive at The Sydney Hotel at nine a.m. sharp Australian Eastern Standard Time. You'll be photographed arriving, and at various places in the hotel. Plan for that to take about an hour. Once that's done, you'll get five hundred dollars you may use to shop, eat, and entertain yourself for the day. Do not expect to see Kat at all that day. Clear so far?"

"Crystal," Lyonesse had replied breathlessly, barely able to keep the phone from shaking. Her voice went into a high squeak, and she was ashamed of it, but the gentleman on the other end droned on, seeing not to notice or care.

"We'll cover your hotel room for the night, as well as up to two hundred dollars of room service. In the morning, you'll meet Kat in the lobby for a photo op. Please don't go too near or touch her unless she gives you permission."

"I understand," Lyonesse replied.

"Good. If you do anything to upset or endanger Kat, the date will end, and appropriate legal action will be taken. You'll have breakfast together, and afterwards, you'll attend a special performance at the Sydney Opera House. Try not to fall asleep, miss.

"Beside Kat? That's impossible," Lyonesse laughed, finally steadying her hand.

"I hope so. The concert will be livestreamed, you'll be front and center, and the cameras will be cutting to you often."

A cold chill ran up Lyonesse's spine at that revelation, dancing up the sections like a winter wind. The world, the whole world would be watching her. She was about to become something of a celebrity. People around the world would see her face, learn her name. Maybe even masturbate to her, too. It felt odd, sharp, and a bit frightening. But Lyonesse drew up her resolve and determined to soldier through.

"You'll head to beautiful Bondi Beach afterward, where we'll take more photos. That's gonna be a theme here. Lunch will be waiting for you at a cafe, and you'll be on your own with Kat for it. There'll be a shopping spree afterward, and we'll cap things off with dinner. Once that's done, you'll say goodbye and go home. Do you understand the sequence of events, miss?"

Lyonesse had replied in the affirmative, and the call had ended. And from then on she'd been sailing on cloud nine. She couldn't make herself settle down or focus on anything. Eventually, hoping sharing the news would calm her down, Lyonesse logged on to Themyscira.

"YAY!!! I won! I won the date with Kat!!!!" she typed breathlessly.

"Woohoo!" came the first reply.

"Maybe you can trap her in your basement!" came the second.

"That's incredible!" a third person added, posting a gif of fireworks a second later.

Lyonesse spent the next three hours going over every detail with her friends, talking about Shadowhunters and going over what she should say and wear. She asked her American friends for insights into their country, and replied to one answer with the message <takes copious notes>. At last, she set herself to the task of packing sensibly, considering she wasn't going far or for very long. When this was done, she checked her bank account and made a few arrangements of her own. Afterward, she made herself a prawn green curry, streamed Shadowhunters as she ate, and finally forced herself to go to bed, jittering all over.

When the day finally arrived, Lyonesse rose early and made herself a quick omelet and some bacon. She wasn't a big fan of coffee, but she downed a glass of orange juice, and it went a good way toward sharpening her wakefulness. Glancing at her smartphone, she noted the time, then dove into the shower, taking extra care to scrub every nook and cranny.

When she emerged, waterlogged but refreshed, she dried herself and donned heels and a smart, black, dress. Checking over herself, and all of her preparations, Lyonesse mustered every ounce of her will to get a handle on her excitement.

After all, it's just a few photos today, she told herself. All the real action happens tomorrow.

She called an Uber and loaded her luggage inside, crawling into the back with a sudden knot in her chest. Her driver had no idea who she was. All he'd asked her so far was if the radio station was okay. By this time tomorrow, sitting in the back of an Uber as she was, peacefully and unmolested, would be impossible. The second she stepped foot in that hotel, her life would never be the same.

The knot grew tighter as she considered for the first time whether meeting Kat was worth what was about to happen to her. She'd be mobbed whenever she tried to go shopping. Her social media accounts would be invaded overnight. People would try to hack her digital accounts. Her family would constantly be harassed. It would never end.

I can still turn around, she told herself glumly, but she knew as soon as she thought it that she would do no such thing. Meeting Kat was a once in a lifetime opportunity she had overcome incredible odds to win.

"I'll just have to take precautions," she mumbled as the car pulled up.

In front of the elegantly modern hotel, whose windows glistened prettily in the morning sun, stood a tall, raven-haired, woman in a skirt suit holding a sign that bore Lyonesse's name. When Lyonesse saw her, she approached at once.

"Hello, miss," the woman began in the friendly, professional, slightly artificial, tones of a tour guide. "My name is Jodi. May I see your ID please?"

"Sure," Lyonesse replied a bit shakily, digging in her purse and producing a smaller pouch. From this she drew her ID card and handed it over to Jodi with trembling fingers.

"Congratulations, Lyonesse," she said with slight warmth, glancing at it briskly and handing it back. "Come with me, and I'll get you settled in." And she started off toward the hotel entrance. "I know this all feels a bit overwhelming," Jodi said, turning back suddenly. "This is my number," she said, handing over a business card. "If you have questions or problems or just want to talk, give me a call, alright?"

"Okay," Lyonesse replied gratefully. "Thank you very much."

Jodi nodded and called a bellhop over, and soon, he had a large, brass, cart beside the Uber. Deftly, he lined up Lyonesse's valises and hung her outfits from the overhanging bar. As the bellhop swept all her belongings upstairs, Jodi led Lyonesse inside. Lyonesse took in her surroundings with interest. They were clearly designed to impress.

Highly intricate carpets covered the floor along the walls, dazzling most, including Lyonesse, with their brilliant colors. Each vibrant pattern had been painstakingly hand woven by a famous family of women in Afghanistan. Even the hotel's most conceited guests could not help commenting on its beautiful design. As she passed them now, Lyonesse could see why, and she lingered in the reception area for a few moments.

On top of one of the carpets was a long, white, cloth sofa that customers found unbelievably comfortable. It felt like fine silk to Lyonesse's touch, but the hotel's furniture was made of stronger stuff than that. There were two matching chairs, one at each end of the carpet, and round, glass end tables sat on either side of the sofa. These bore gorgeous porcelain lamps that sometimes shimmered in the artificial light they produced. A glass coffee table was just in front of the sofa, standing on wonderfully curved, brass, feet. The entire thing gave the impression of sophistication. Lyonesse , who was certain that an impression was all it was, had to resist being sucked in by everything as she noticed the lights surrounding the sofa. Jodi led her to a small makeup station, and a team of young girls worked with a skill that belied their age.

"The most important thing to remember," a Black girl with almond eyes intoned as she gently applied blush, "is that Kat puts her panties on one leg at a time, just like you. You do makeup for a while, you get to realize famous people are just people more people know, you know?"

"Right," Lyonesse answered, realizing that despite the last bit, that made a lot of sense. "I'm just a bit nervous about more people knowing me."

"Yeah, that comes with the territory, and it sucks," the girl returned warmly. "I won't lie and tell you it doesn't get bad, but you get used to it, and Kat is an awesome person."

"You've met her?" Lyonesse asked, with clear interest in her voice.

"Yup," came the reply. "I'm her personal makeup assistant. She seems very interested in you. Your letter made a good impression. And you're done. I hope you have a wonderful time. Jodi?" she called, and the woman led Lyonesse to the sofa.

For the next hour, she was posed and positioned in front of the hotel, on the fancy sofa, in front of the marble topped receptionist's desk and oak paneled walls, and inside the massive, elegant, restaurant the Sydney housed. She lost track of how many times the flash filled her eyes, stinging them until the tears ran down her cheeks. The photography crew was apologetic, but the shoot went on. By the time the hour was up, Lyonesse was exhausted and wondering whether she should spend the rest of the day asleep.

Instead, she decided on a walk around the neighborhood, mostly, she told herself, to clear her head and relax. In reality, some ten blocks from The Sydney, was a high-end auction house for video game memorabilia. It was a favorite hangout of Lyonesse's, though she had never been inside. She loved to peruse the wonders in the display window: rare games and consoles that were as valuable as gold. About six blocks before she reached the building, a creepy guy in black jeans and a polo, turned a corner, clearly trying to follow her surreptitiously. She walked directly toward the first officer she saw, and her pursuer reluctantly broke off pursuit.

Lyonesse pointed him out to the police, and the officer shook his head and grunted.

"Paparazzi. That guy's always poking around the hotels when celebrities are around. I'm guessing you're the one that won that contest. I'll keep an eye on him, but you should be careful out here."

"Thank you, Officer. I will be," Lyonesse sighed. I can't even walk anymore!

As much as possible, she tried to focus her mind on her upcoming date, and cling to the tiny bit of hope it afforded her.

Eventually, she arrived at a block that was practically dripping with affluence. Every building featured impressive aesthetic touches like elegant hanging plants and outdoor torches. They were blessed with a clean, modern, look that was somehow appealing, despite the fact that everything in them was ungodly expensive. Lyonesse smiled when she saw the auction house and the treasures that lay within. She knew from personal reconnaissance that the cheapest thing in there was eighteen hundred dollars.

The Golden Leaf Electronic Entertainment Auction House was a striking building made with gold flecked, black, marble. The name was written in letters of gold above the brass handled, glass, doors that lead inside. Lyonesse didn't go inside, but gazed through the windows. There, upon elegant stands made of brass, sat rare games like the gold Nintendo World Championships cartridge. Beside the games were other wonders: an Animal Crossing themed Gamecube, a Neo Geo MVS arcade cabinet. Lyonesse gazed upon the splendor, wishing as always that it could be hers, but she had spent heavily on Aerith cosplay last month, so her dreams were unlikely to come true. Sighing softly, she was about to head back to the hotel, when a clear, strong, voice called out to her.

"I've always loved Animal Crossing myself, Lyonesse. I think I'll put a bid on the Gamecube."

Lyonesse turned at once and saw a nondescript, black, SUV, the kind a soccer mom might use to haul her kid around. But the woman smiling from the rear passenger seat was no soccer mom. Resplendent in a black Spider-Gwen graphic tee, she was none other than Kat McNamara in all her glory. Lyonesse started horribly, and for some time, she was completely speechless.

"Now don't be nervous. Remember, you've seen me naked. I hear you've had a bit of a rough day."

"The...well, the cameras were a problem," Lyonesse replied slowly, moving toward the vehicle. "But I thought I wouldn't see you till tomorrow."

"You honestly thought I was gonna leave you to deal with this shit on your own?" Kat replied slyly, opening the back door for her. "I can't actually go anywhere today because the Playboy people don't want anyone seeing me before tomorrow, but the windows are tinted, the car's a regular one, and we can at least talk for a little bit. Sorry about the creepy guy. I paid him to keep an eye on you and find an opportunity for us to meet a bit early.

"Well, I appreciate the effort," Lyonesse replied, getting comfortable and trying to tamp down her awe."

"And I appreciated your letter," Kat replied sincerely.

"Thanks, but I just wrote down how I felt. It was kind of long..."

"Yeah, but it was light on the bullshit, you know? You start making money, and finding sincere people's kinda hard. Everyone's trying to feed you a line. But your letter was simple. Full of heart. It made me smile."

"It did?" Lyonesse returned, a bit unsure of what to say. "That's awesome. I've been following you for some time now. Your career, I mean," she added quickly. "Obviously, I haven't been stalking you. That's a fantastic shirt," Lyonesse finished, trying to paper over the awkwardness. I love Spider-Gwen."

"Me too. Who would you cast to play her in the MCU?"

"I've always thought Emma Stone would be a good fit. She was an excellent Gwen Stacy in the Amazing Spider Man movies."

"Yeah, that's a good choice. Emma's smart and hot. I bet you'd like to see her naked, too."

"Well...I..." Lyonesse gasped, clearly embarrassed.

"Just a little joke!" Kat chuckled.

They talked about movies, comics, and fan casting for the next hour, and then the conversation switched to Australia. Lyonesse described several wonderful places she wished she had time to show Kat. The celebrity seemed intrigued and genuinely interested. The longer Lyonesse talked, the more engrossed Kat seemed to become. Soon, she was talking about her life in America, and Lyonesse listened with rapt attention to her tales of coming to California for the first time. It was nearly four in the afternoon when Kat finally said she should probably drop Lyonesse back at the hotel.

"If we're missing for too long, the Playboy people might get nervous, and believe me, they're already on edge. I had a nice time talking to you."

"Me too, Kat. I guess I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast." Lyonesse replied.

The remainder of the day was uneventful, but a small bit of excitement filled the night. Lyonesse touched herself slowly, sensually, imagining kissing her new friend as casually as they'd talked to each other.Her hands slid down her ample curves, sending sensual sensations tripping through her body. She moaned gently into the cloudless night, joyously writhing in orgastic pleasure.

The next day found Lyonesse in one of her most impressive dresses, a fashionable, cream ensemble with soft, golden, highlights. Added to her hair and the subtle curves of her face, it made her look like she belonged on television, which was good. She didn't know what one usually wore to meet the fabulously rich and famous, but it was about the best dress Lyonesse had. She tried to call the previous afternoon to mind, to mentally prepare herself for the day ahead. As she got on the elevator and headed downstairs, Lyonesse reflected that she simply could not allow anything to go wrong.

In the center of the lobby's elegant, marble, floors, spangled with flecks of gold among the silver and ivory swirls, was an impressive fountain with wide lights beneath the water, and in front of that stood Kat McNamara. She wore a long, black, strapless dress, and sexy heels, and she smiled warmly, despite the myriad cameras in her face. Her hair shone crimson under the bright lights.

"Lyonesse," she cried joyously when she saw her. "Come over here!"

When Lyonesse complied, Kat pulled her into a hug, and the blonde could see what the celebrity had done for her yesterday. Kat didn't feel like a stranger to her, some person cloaked in awe that inspired nervous fear. She felt like a friend. As the heat and pressure of her grasp washed over her, she felt something like comfort fill her like a well-made meal. There was a flash, and then another. Kat looked up at once, highly annoyed.

"Could we get one moment of peace before you go wild with those cameras?" she questioned coldly.

"Sorry, Ms. McNamara," a rain-thin, sandy-haired, freckle-faced, boyish, pale-skinned, young man with narrow eyes and a crooked nose replied with empathy, "but we're on the clock here. You and your date have breakfast to get to in half an hour."

"He's right," Martin replied, walking toward them stiffly in an ash gray suit. "My name is Martin, miss, head of marketing. Congratulations, " he added quietly, extending his hand.

"Thank you," came Lyonesse's reply.

Kat broke the hug reluctantly, and Lyonesse quickly shook the offered hand. Expertly, he positioned the women and got them to smile gaily as Samson, the man behind the camera, snapped away with obvious eagerness. More than once, he surreptitiously focused his lens on their tits, feeling his cock stiffen slowly at the gentle bounce of the women's mammaries. But Samson was a professional, and in moments, he had several excellent shots.

"And that's that," he said at last.

"Excellent," Martin replied briskly. "Then on to The Blue Devil. There's a limo waiting for you two just outside."