Katie's New Life Ch. 07


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Sally sighed "Daddy maybe white shirts aren't the best for mealtimes," the T-shirt now covered and unlikely to come clean.

John smiled, "hmm well she's ready to help paint then,"

Kate heard this and looked up. "Me help?"

"Well it's your room and I'm going to make use of the child labour" John smiled and ate a pastry.

They finished up breakfast and Sally did her best to clean up Kate's face and hands. John cleared the table and they all headed up stairs. Sally found some old dungarees and put them on. John noticed she had put nothing else on and couldn't help but get turned on by this look.

John knew Sally kept doing this on purpose, trying to turn as many situations as possible, into an all-out sex fest. It took John a lot to keep it in his pants sometimes but knew it made Sally more sexually changed.

Kate's new room was all covered and two walls masked up to paint. John left Sally to do this with Kate, who was in her strawberry stained T-shirt and diaper. They set about painting the two remaining walls with a pink, that complimented the red wall and white furniture.

The paint was poured out into a tray and Kate handed her a brush. Sally picked up a roller and they both started to paint. It didn't take long for them both to start painting each other, Sally thinking it was a good idea to lift Kate's T-shirt, paint her small perk breast and then stamp them on the wall.

Both laughed and rolled around, Sally kissing Kate's naked tummy and blowing raspberries, till John walked back in and coughed lightly. They both giggled and got back up.

John then watched Sally try and keep the paint on the walls with Kate, while he put a pink fabric canopy over the bed. John finished the canopy, made sure the bed, crib and changing table where in place. He then put a few shelf's up for toys and books. Sally and Kate had finished the walls and done a good job, but where both covered in paint.

John sighed then laughed. "Looks like you two need a bath. Oh, and watch the carpets."

Sally lifted the paint covered t-shirt, off Kate and left it on the floor. She stepped out of her dungarees and took Kate's hand. "Pity Daddy's got to clean up and finish the room, he won't be able to join us," she smiled and went to leave the room.

John never missing the opportunity to put Sally in her place, slapped her bare behind with the hardest single swing he could. Sally jumped in the air screaming out, Kate jumped at the shock. There was a clear, raised red handprint forming on her cheek. "Oh, that looks like it hurt."

Sally nearly swore at him but couldn't deny, it was what she deserved and offered him an opportunity to good to pass up. So, she settled for sticking out her tongue and carrying on to the bathroom with their new little. John set to work finishing the room.

Sally set Kate down on the floor of the bathroom and passed her the bath toys to play with while she ran it. Sally took the opportunity to pee and when she finished, removed Kate's wet diaper.

The bath was ready, and Sally helped them both in. Sally laid back in the bubbles while Kate played with the fish and boat. They relaxed for ages, while Kate, lost in her little world played with her toys. Sally realising the water was starting to cool, took the shower gel and a cloth and started wash the paint left of Kate's face and body. Kate wasn't best please to have been taken away from her toys, but Sally just carried on.

When they were both nice and clean, Sally let the water out, got out and wrapped herself in a robe. She picked Kate up, wrapping her in her new robe and carried her to the bedroom. Sally laid her on the bed and then opened Kate's robe. She carefully lifted her bottom and slid a fresh diaper under her, taking time to sooth her sore ring with lotion and apply powder.

Once she was diapered, Sally removed the robe and carried her to the other side of the bed. They got comfortable and Sally opened her robe, revealing her breasts. Kate lay on her lap as she watched the nipple guided into her mouth. Kate latched on and started to suck. She was sad that this action didn't fill her tummy, but still it made her feel little, safe and a little aroused.

Sally left her to suck for 30 minutes before repositioning her on the other side, where with little help, Kate latched on and continued sucking. Kate was in a fully relaxed state, occasionally closing her eye or playing with her Mommy's other nipple. Sally was realising her nipples, while loving the attention and skin to skin bonding, were becoming sore and would need some relief.

John walked past the bedroom and noticed his girls. Sally caught his attention and managed to mouth, "cream from my bag," then pointing at her breast, "I'm sore."

John nodded and set off to find the cream. He returned after a few minutes, Kate now lying beside Sally and an iPad set up with a Disney movie. John gave Sally the cream and a kiss on the head, leaving Sally to massage her sore breasts and relax with her little girl.

The two of them didn't move or say much but stayed cuddled up together watching the film. As it neared the end John returned with lunch for them both. A plate of cut up sandwiches and veggies for Kate and chicken salad for Sally.

John handed Kate a sippy cup of water. "When you two are quite finished lounging around, someone has boxes to unpack and a room to finish."

Sally went to speak, but Kate beat her two it, "Yeah, yeah daddy, in a minute."

John, taken back, lost for words, finally laughed. "Mind your manners little lady or I'll give you handprint to match Mommy's" he smiled as Sally rolled over to show off the still red and visible handprint. Sally blew him a kiss, Kate looked worried, and John left smiling.

When they were finished, Sally put on some clothes and partly dressed Kate in a hoody and long socks, but as usual, leaving the diaper fully on display. When they both entered the new room, it was amazing how much it had changed. Kate couldn't believe what was in front of her eyes. She had seen pictures of the furniture and even helped paint the walls, but now everything was uncovered and in place, it looked amazing.

The bed and crib looked like they belonged in a child's nursery, only adult size. The canopy now had twinkling lights in it. The walls had shelves for her toys and things, as well as a big wooden toy box, big enough to get in and a changing table long enough for her and ready to be stocked with diapers. Kate said nothing but turned to John and squeezed him with all the strength she had. Once she was done with him, she kissed him and did the same to Sally.

"Don't get to excited Katey, you have got to unpack, and Mommy's got to make your bed and crib. You two have a busy afternoon, if you need me, I'll be downstairs watching the F1."

He walked out and heard, "thank you Daddy, love you" and it made everything worthwhile.

Sally sighed, "right little miss, let's get the beds made, then we can tackle your boxes."

It took a while to make the beds and get it right, mostly because Kate insisted on "helping" by climbing inside everything. This both made Sally laugh and sigh with the effort it took to complete simple tasks. Finally, it was coming together, her new unicorn and tiger where in the crib ready for bed. Sally put all the new pacifiers and wipes away, unpacked the diapers as well as a set of locking mittens and gag.

Kate enjoyed filling the toy box with the new toys, Sally helping a little to take the packing off and then, this just left the boxes. Kate filled the shelves with stuffed toys and her keepsakes, while Sally hung up clothes that would fit over her diaper and made her look little enough. The remaining clothes and make up would be stored in the master bedroom for when she was allowed to be big.

John came up with the remaining items, which had been left around the house. The diaper pail and rug, as well as a Sonos speaker for her room. The room was nearly there.

Sally lent into John and thanked him for bringing Kate in. She whispered. "Hmm I think we need a chair in the corner so I can nurse, or you can feed her?"

John agreed and added this to the list in his head. "Right, I'm cooking, what do you fancy?"

Kate looked up "umm, can you do curry?"

John smiled, "hmm not with what I have in the cupboards, but I know a man that can."

John went off to order, Sally and Kate joined him downstairs soon after. John had set the table and the girls where in the kitchen, chatting like adults with a glass of wine. Kate had slipped out of her little space, drinking wine from a sippy cup and Sally enjoying the conversation.

The doorbell rang and John called Kate over. "Here's the tip for the driver, go and get dinner."

Kate looked shocked, she was in just a hoody, which didn't cover anything below her waste. "But...but..."

"Look at me Katey," the use of the name helping her to slip back into her little space, "you are a little baby, one who wears diapers. You don't get embarrassed, because you're too young to know, so off you go and do as Daddy has asked."

He held her a hand a second and whispered, "this is going to be soooo embarrassing for you, but you like that don't you," he popped her pacifier in her mouth and Kate smiled shyly as she walked away, feeling her pussy tingle at the thought of this.

"Crawl baby," Sally added, and Kate dropped to her knees and crawled.

She got to the door and rose to her feet, slowly opened the door and the delivery driver started reading from his order form, looking down. "Err delivery for...well...it says baby Katey?"

He lifted his gaze and was met with a young women, blushing, with her hair tied up in bunches, in just hoody and he couldn't believe his eyes, a massive diaper sagging between her legs and sucking a pacifier.

Without removing the pacifier from her mouth, she shyly said, "um, dats me."

The driver mesmerised by what was in-front of him, slowly handed over the bag of food. Kate handed him the tip as John shouted from the other room, "come on baby, we need to change your soggy diaper before dinner." this sent Kate over the edge, and she went bright red.

The driver looked shocked as Kate forced the money into his hands, tried to say thanks through the pacifier and shut the door. She ran back to the kitchen to her Daddy.

"Oh Mommy she's all embarrassed," John mocked.

Sally took the bag to kitchen to dish up. "Hmm she seems it, but I bet if you let her, she would love to hump your leg."

John looked at Kate, "is that right little one. Do you want to rub you excited; soggy diaper covered pussy on my leg till you cum?" The redness didn't fade from her cheeks as she slowly nodded.

John smiled, "I didn't hear that Kate. What do you want to do?"

Under her breath, through the pacifier she said, "Daddy please me rub my diaper on you and have cummies?"

John looked at her, "hmm well dinners here and we don't want it getting cold. You have till Mommy brings it in to get yourself off."

Sally laughed at this as Kate didn't hold back but jumped on to one of his legs and started to rub her diaper as hard and fast as she could. John helped her stay upright and Sally made a point of shouting across how far off she was from walking in "I'm just finishing the plates and getting the chutney."

This was all the time Kate needed, "please Daddyyyyyyy," she squealed.

"You better be quick Mommy's coming," but she only need two more seconds and she panted and screamed through the orgasm. She fell into John's arms and rested in his shoulder.

"Look Sally, she's so sweet and so pathetic, getting turned on by being humiliated," John felt Kate relax and then heard her let out a long loud stream of pee. "Well, I'm not changing you now, you'll have to wait."

Kate was still in a foggy state and just nodded as John placed her in the highchair, strapped her in and removed her pacifier. Sally returned with the food and set a plate before Kate with a mix of curry's, rice, and naan bread, as well as a sippy cup with her wine in it.

They all ate quietly, hungry from the day's work, Kate was still dealing mentally with what she has just done and coming down from her high. She was appalled with what her Daddy had just done, but mostly by the fact she was so turned on by it and just got off on his leg.

When they finished, Sally cleaned Kate up and John cleared the dinner plates away. Kate was lifted from her chair and put on the floor. John came back and looked at his little family. "Hmm I think it's movie time, come on then little one."

Kate looked happy and went to stand. "No little one, you need to get used to crawling." Kate nodded and set off after them and reached the sofa. She climbed up between her Mommy and Daddy and settled in.

John reclined the sofa and turned on the tv. "I think it's Mommy's choice today."

Sally thought and took the remote. "Daddy better get some snacks then."

John sighed having just got comfortable and left for the kitchen, calling over his shoulder "Mommy better change someone's soggy diaper then."

Sally sighed, knowing she had got the short straw and lay Kate on the floor. She found the diaper bag and removed the soaked diaper, cleaning up her cum and pee, then fastening a new one on. They both got back up on the sofa and made themselves comfortable.

John returned with the bottle of wine and glass, sippy cup, a beer for himself, some popcorn and a tub of Ben and Jerry's. He poured one glass of wine and Kate looked from him to Sally.

"Yes, you can have one" Sally smiled as she took her glass and John poured some in the sippy cup and handed it to Kate.

He finally sat down and was about to open the ice cream when it was removed from his hands by Sally. "I believe this is my tub, you ate yours the other night."

John hated it when she was right and handed over the spoon. He took the popcorn and sat back. Kate watched Sally open the ice cream and gave her puppy dog eyes. Sally started a romcom and took a spoon of ice cream, knowing Kate was there watching her.

A few minutes in and Sally gave in, "yes baby girl?"

Kate babyishly said, "me some pease," Sally smiled, finding it hard to say no and popped a spoonful in her mouth.

They carried on sharing the ice cream until they had finished the tub and Kate, knowing full well she had it all round her mouth, lent into her Mommy and kissed her, "tanks Mommy."

John laughed at the sight of Sally; her cheek now smothered in ice cream. Sally sighed and went off with the empty tub to get a cloth. She returned with a clean face and with over-the-top enthusiasm cleaned Kate's face. Both settled back in to watch the film, Kate now lying across John, pacifier back in her mouth.

The film came to an end and Kate was nearly asleep. Sally looked over to John, "carry her up so I can put her to bed."

John slowly got up, lifted the semi-conscious baby girl, and made his way upstairs. Sally switched the tv off and followed them up. John lay Kate on the changing table and was just starting to undo her diaper when Sally came in and swatted him away. "Let me do it, I want to try feeding her again."

John gave in and kissed Kate good night and left the room. Sally dimmed the lights, leaving only a starry night light on and removed her hoody and socks. Kate stayed in her sleepy state, while Sally removed her diaper. She took time making sure she was clean and rubbed lotion in before fastening a fresh diaper in place. She found a clean baby grow and struggled to get it over Kate's head, causing her upset, when her pacifier was knocked out, but it was finally on and fastened in place.

Sally picked her up and went over to the crib. The side was down, and Sally could just about get in and sit comfortably with Kate now lying on her lap. Sally removed her top and guided the sleepy little one to it. It didn't take too much persuasion for Kate to start sucking but Sally could see she was too sleepy.

After 5 minutes she swapped side and Kate latched on again, this time even more sleepy. She sucked for a minute or two, then just lay playing with her nipple in her mouth, like she did with her pacifier. Sally gave in, replaced her pacifier, and laid her down. Kate didn't open her eyes and let Sally tuck her in. Kate didn't notice Sally place mittens on her hands and secure them above her head before kissing her lightly on the lips and tucking her in with her unicorn. Sally left the room and closed to door, Kate already asleep.

Sally came into the master bedroom still topless, John sat up and working on his laptop. John didn't look up as Sally removed the rest of her clothes, getting into bed in just her panties. After a little fussing, Sally settled back with the breast pump attached and sucking away.

Sally started watching a sitcom, John trying to concentrate with the rhythmic noise of the machine and his semi naked wife next to him. Sally took it off after 40 minutes and rubbed cream into her sore nipples. She knew it was a long shot and may not work, but she was willing to try. John finished up what he was doing, and they fell asleep, Sally cuddling in to his chest.

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DiapermanDiapermanabout 1 month ago

I absolutely love this story and I hope eventually Sally will be able to actually start producing milk for Little Katey.

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