Katja Pt. 15


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He kissed her once again, then he slowly slid his cock into her. They moaned from the pleasure they both felt as they mated for the first time.

Kendra shuddered with pleasure as she felt her mate's member slide into her. She put her head back moaning in pleasure as it went all the way in. It felt so good stretching her out, and as he went all the way in, she wrapped her legs around him and purred.

He broke the kiss and pushed himself up, then started to stroke in and out her slowly so they both could enjoy the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her. He had made love to other women over the years, and all over the world, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure he felt with Kendra. He found that the hardest part of making love to her, was almost cumming as he first went into her, it felt that good. It felt like he was wrapped in warm, oily, silk as her pussy gripped his cock. Then as she wrapped her legs tightly around his head explode with pleasure as she purred. It vibrated her whole body and it felt wonderful.

Kendra looked up and saw the ecstasy on her mate's face as they made love. He was not her first, but she could not remember anytime being more pleasing than this. She reached up and stroked his face, then his chest and arms, loving the look of pleasure on her mate's face as she did this simple thing. She felt him move a little and speed up stroking in and out of her. The she grinned as she ran her tail around his ass, and tickled his sack with it.

He jumped when he felt it, then grinned as he looked at her panting out, "I do so love that tail of yours."

Kendra looked up at him with her eyes filled with lust, "I know you do." She stroked him again and then he felt her tail wrap around his balls. He moaned in pleasure saying, "You keep that up and I'm not going to last long enough to give you pleasure love."

She pushed herself hard onto his cock meeting his thrust as she replied, "Don't worry about that my mate, just keep going, I want your seed in me."

He felt her tail tighten around his balls and he slid his hands under her back and pulled her up to sit in his lap as he pushed into her harder. He heard her moan and her legs wrapped around him tightened.

When he pulled her up, Kendra tightened her legs around him as she felt his cock rubbing against her pleasure node constantly now instead of just when he was stroking into her. She moaned and her eyes rolled back as the feeling was indescribable. In a minute more, she felt her orgasm starting as her body shook with lust and pleasure. She gripped him tighter with her legs and massaged his balls as she tightened her tail around them. She said something in her language, then growled a little as she told him she was climaxing. The rocked together and then her orgasm really hit her, she yowled loudly as she buried her face into his shoulder and she bit into it hard so she wouldn't scream out loud.

Robert was in heaven as he felt Kendra start to climax, then he was taken by surprise as she gripped him with her legs and her tail squeezed his balls bringing him within seconds of cumming himself. He continued to stroke into her as much as he could with her death grip around him as she orgasmed, then she buried her face into his shoulder and her teeth bit into him. As he felt her bite him, he began to cum himself, it felt as if he was cumming in one massive shot. His whole body stiffened as he told her he was cumming, he moaned out her name and told her he loved her.

They held each other tightly, still joined as they slowly came down from the apex of their pleasure. As they held each other, they rocked together in unison to prolong the feeling. As he held her, he felt her pussy grip and relax around his cock like it was trying to milk him of every bit of cum. As they rocked together, the feeling was indescribable. He moved his hands down to cup her ass cheeks and pulled her closer. Then he felt the base of her tail and stroked it gently as he moved his cock slightly in and out of her. He was not ready for what happened next.

Kendra could not believe how hard she had orgasmed, she was still shuddering from it. She still had her face in the junction of his shoulder and neck as she panted and licked him. She felt his hands on her rear pulling her closer, his member still moving back and forth against her pleasure node. Then she felt her mate stroke her tail making her shiver and a jolt went through her as she started to cum once again, while not as strong as the first one, this one was pure pleasure from his cock still rubbing against her node and the feeling of him massaging her rear and tail. She moaned out his name and told him in disbelief that she was climaxing once again. She pulled him to her digging her hands into his back and threw her head back moaning and yowling with pleasure.

Robert was a bit stunned when Kendra started to cum again. He felt her claws dig into his back and he held her to him until he felt her grow weak. He kissed her telling her how much he loved her and how fantastic a lover she was. He slowly lowered her to the bed and pulled his cock out of her slowly to kneel between her legs. As she laid there panting, he was aware of strong stinging pain in his shoulder and matching ones on his back, though it wasn't as bad. He looked over at his shoulder and saw her teeth marks in it and he was bleeding slightly. It wasn't that bad, her teeth were much like humans, except for the front two which were fangs. A leftover from her feline ancestors, if he could see his back, he would imagine he would see claw marks. Thankfully it didn't hurt, just stung a little, so she didn't claw him up to bad. He laughed to himself, you make love to a cat-girl, I suppose, you have to expect to get scratched a little.

He laid down next to her and hugged her to him, then kissed her. "I love you so much Kendra, you are the best in all the worlds."

She looked at him with a wain smile, "I love you also, and as soon as I get back to normal, I'll tell you just how much I do."

They laid there for a while just holding each other. Then as he turned and reached out for the water once more, he heard her gasp.

She watched as Robert reached over to get the bottle of water, good, I certainly need some, then she saw his shoulder and back. She gasped as she saw the bleeding bite marks and the long scratches on his back. Remembrance coming back to her of sinking her teeth in his shoulder to keep from screaming and clawing at his back when she climaxed the second time.

She touched his arm, "Robert, your shoulder, your back, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I did it, I'm so sorry." Tears came to her eyes as she apologized to him.

He turned back to her, she looked so upset it hurt him worse than his back and shoulder did, so he took her in his arms and kissed her, "It's all right. It doesn't hurt all that much, just stings a little. Don't be upset, it's really all right."

Her eyes filled with tears as she said, "But I hurt you, your bleeding."

He reached up wiped her tears away and kissed her, "Please don't cry Kendra, I've been hurt worse than a small bite and some scratches. See it's really not even bleeding anymore. Seeing you upset this bad hurts more love."

She hugged him trying to avoid the claw marks on his back, "I love you, I can't believe you're not mad at me."

He kissed her, then stroked her face smiling at her, "I love you kitten, and that's why I'm not mad. I love you more than... anything I know, you're my mate."

Kendra gave him a teary smile when he called her kitten, "I'm so glad I filed my nails last night. Otherwise, your back would be in ribbons."

Robert, glad to see her smile again, wiped some tears away, "You know, I really should be proud you did this to me."

She looked at him stunned, "What do you mean?"

He laughed and said, "Well, think about it, you only did it because of how good I made you feel. Think what that does to my ego."

Kendra looked at him amazement, then shook her head, "All males are alike, no matter the species."

He looked at her and started to laugh. He caught her up in a hug and said, "I love you so much Kendra. I really don't know what I would do without you in my life, I'm so happy we found each other."

"You were utterly fantastic. I love your warm soft body against me, I love how you taste, and I love making love to you," He kissed her.

She laughed, then it was her turn, "Have I told you just how much I love you? I love your cool, smooth body against mine, I love when you make me shiver when you lick me, and I love that you me feel so wanton and out of control" She returned his kissed as she caressed him.

They laid together, holding each other while they kissed and stroked each other till they had both came down from their sexual high. Robert smiled and asked, "I don't know about you kitten, but I'm a little hungry and thirsty. I've got some earth snacks and other stuff, would you like some before we go any further?"

Kendra smiled as he called her kitten once again, it made her feel good for some reason. She nodded grinning, "That sounds like a good idea love, I am a little hungry." She grinned and licked her lips, "Besides, we're going to the need the energy."

Robert grinned back as he kissed her, "I love you so much Kendra, I never realized until I met you, just how much one person could love another. The best thing that ever happened to me was when I volunteered to take this duty. If not, I never would have meet you."

Kendra smiled back, love in her eyes along with some tears, "I love you too, and I thank the Goddess She brought us together."

They kissed once more, than disentangled themselves as they went to get up. Robert smiled as he tried to move, then stopped as her tail was still wrapped around him. "You need to move you tail love."

Kendra looked down and giggled, "Sorry, it has a mind of its own sometimes." She unwrapped it from his waist and stroked his member with it giggling again. "See what I mean love?"

Robert laughed, "Why do I think that was more you, than it?"

Kendra shrugged and purred with a look of innocence on her face. Then she laughed and kissed him.

They got up and he found that his shoulder was a little sore and stiff as was his back, but it wasn't that bad that he couldn't ignore it, though it did make him wince a bit.

Kendra watched as her mate rolled out of bed and stood. She saw him wince as he flexed slightly getting out. She joined him and put her arms around him molding her body to his. She kissed him, then said, "Before we do anything, you need to let me clean and tend to that bite and the scratches on your back."

Robert shrugged it off, "It's not that bad love, like I said, I've been hurt worse in training exercises. It's just a little stiff.

Kendra sighed, "Males are all alike, no matter who they are. None of you would admit it hurt if a leg fell off. But I don't want them to get infected, I've got some of the healing salve in my belt pouch."

She smiled at him, "This is supposed to be stiff." Her tail wrapped around his cock making it instantly hard. "Not your back."

He grinned at her, "Yes dear."

She grinned back, "Now, come with me." She took hold of his member and walked him into the bathroom.

She wet one of the cloth's she found there, then gently wiped off the blood on his shoulder and back. She dried them, then said smiling, "Come with me." She once again took hold of him, and led him grinning, back out to the bedroom.

She kissed him, then let go of him as she walked over to were her clothes were. Robert smiled as he watched her... flow, over to the chair as her tail flicked back and forth gently. He sighed, "What a view!" He said to himself once again wondering what he did right to have this woman in his life and thanked whoever was responsible.

He watched as she dug around in the small pouch attached to the belt on her pants. She found the tube of salve and smiled as she walked back. He smiled once more, the view from the front was even better.

She saw him smiling and stopped looking at him with her weight on one leg and her head bent slightly to the side. "What are you smiling about my mate?"

He grinned back, "Oh, just thinking on how beautiful you are, how much I love you, and thanking whoever was responsible for bringing us together."

She smiled back, "Very good answer my love. But if you want to thank someone, you'll need to thank the Goddess Bast, I most certainly have."

She came closer and kissed him lightly, then dabbed a little of the salve on the bite marks at the junction of his neck and shoulder. She smoothed it out and kissed him, "Turn around and let me tend to your back."

He obeyed and he felt her put one hand on his shoulder as she applied the salve to the eight crisscrossed scratches on his back. Once done, she leaned forward to kiss the nape of his neck, then slightly licked it. She smiled as he shivered and moaned. "Now, what don't we eat so we can do some more." She patted his bare ass, then stroked it as she kissed his neck again.

Robert looked over his shoulder at her and grinned at her, "You keep that up, and we might not get to the eating part."

He turned to face her and put his arms around her, "I love you so much, thank you for helping. It feels much better now."

She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him, "I love you too." Then she grinned, "Now let's eat, because I've got a lot more planned for us that we have to do before dinner."

So, they walked out to the living area, and raided the fridge there. He'd stopped on the way the first day and got some things just to have on hand. He picked up some soda's, water, bottled iced teas, and a few bottles of juice. To eat, there was a few fresh apples and grapes, some microwave pizzas, plus some cheese, crackers, and nut snack bowls.

He grabbed a bottle of soda and Kendra tried a sip once he opened it, she didn't really care for it that much, none of her people like very sweet drinks. However, she thought the bottled iced tea was good, so she had that. Then he sliced up an apple, and along with some grapes, added them to the snack bowls. They didn't want to eat much as they would be having a bigger dinner with Captain Julius, Commander Geoff, and a few others in a while.

Once they finished, they went back to the bedroom, and spent the next couple hours making love. This was a learning phase for them both as they discovered what each other like and disliked. They found that the likes, far outweighed the dislikes. The last time they made love, Kendra had ridden him and they both enjoyed this very much.

By the time they had finished, they were both sweaty, tired, worn-out piles of flesh and fur. They held each other for a bit, then decided it was time to get ready. They both went into the bathroom and he had to explain operation of the modified cleansing unit. Kendra was very impressed by it and thought it was a good idea after he explained how her people were planning to market these to humans.

Kendra went first, then Robert, and once they were done, she applied more salve to the bite and claw marks. She saw when they got up, that they were streaks of blood on the bed, they had gotten a bit enthusiastic the last time they made love. She made a bit of a fuss about it, but he said to her, "Don't be so upset kitten, that hurts me worse than a bite and some scratches. I don't ever want to see you upset or unhappy.

She looked at her mate her eyes wide, "I hurt you and your more worried about how I feel?" She hugged him making sure to avoid the scratches on his back, "I love you so much, I still can't believe you're not mad at me."

He stroked her face, "I told you before, I love you, that's why I'm not mad. Then he smiled, "And besides, you warned me about your primitive side." He kissed her grinning, "And if today was any example of how our love life is going to be, it's going to happen again I'm sure."

Her eyes were glassy with tears as she kissed him back, "I guess you may be right love, I'll try to be more careful."

He smiled once more, "No, I don't want you to hold back, if it happens, it happens. Now, let's just forget about it and join the rest for dinner." He kissed her once more, "But, I need to stop by and check at our office. I'm sure if something happened, they'd get in touch with me, but, it's part of the job."

Kendra smiled and nodded her understanding, "Yes, when we get to the ship, I'll show you my quarters, and I need to check on things myself." She grinned, "And if we have time afterwards, maybe I can show you around the ship."

Robert smiled, "That sounds good to me kitten. I think I'd enjoy that." Then he grinned, "But, as long as I'm with you, I'd enjoy anything we did together." He leaned in and kissed her, then took her hand and raised to kiss it also.

He smiled, "I think we should go before I decide I'd rather just stay here with you.

Kendra smiled showing her fangs, "I do believe your right love." She hugged him and kissed his ear before whispering, "But, we still have the rest of the night." She ran her tongue around the edge of his ear as he shivered.

Robert looked longingly at the bedroom door, then sighed, "Your right love, let's go."

They stopped by the main office and he checked in at the office they were using for the marine unit. The corporal on duty there stood as they walked in. "Afternoon sir."

He smiled, "Relax Nolin, just checking in to make sure everything's okay."

Nolin nodded, "Yes sir, no problems that I know of."

Robert nodded back, "Good, I doubted there would be, Gunny would have gotten hold of me if there was. I have to go with the commander here and join their captain for dinner on the ship with some of the other VIP's. So, if anyone needs me, I'll be there."

Nolin nodded once more, "Very good sir, I'll let the Gunny know when he checks in also."

Robert smiled and nodded, "Good, enjoy yourself after your watch corporal."

Nolin smiled, "Yes sir, I most certainly will try. I promised one of the Lyonness I met at lunch I'd have dinner with her when I got off watch."

Robert smiled, "Well, have a good time then." Then he and Kendra walked out and headed over to the ship.

Kendra greeted one of her people at base of the ramp and exchanged a few words with him asking how things were much like Robert did with his man. Then she led him to her quarters.

They walked in and she turned to him and smiled, "Welcome to my little part of the ship Robert."

He smiled as looked around. It was a nice set of quarters suitable to her rank as second in command of the ship. "Very nice love, it has mine beat by a mile."

Kendra smiled, "I'm glad you like it, let me give you a quick tour."

She led him around and showed it to him. It was divided up into a set of rooms consisting of an office/ working area, a dining and living area, bathroom, and of course her sleeping quarters.

Robert looked around as she showed him everything, she had quite a few hangings and paintings on the walls. Some were scenes of other places she'd been and others were, well, what he would call abstract paintings, then there were a few others he had no name for. Then he saw shelves and cases for statues and... bric-a-brac, that was the only thing he could think to call the items. He smiled, all in all, the whole affect was to make the place seem very homey and comfortable.

He turned to her, and smiled, "This is very nice Kendra, it feels... comfortable. It reminds me of you in a way, which I guess makes sense."

She laughed, "You could say that. These are all things I've picked up over the years in our travels, some from our planet and others I've been to." She gazed around smiling, "Each piece reminds me of some place, thing or person I've met."

Robert nodded, "I understand, my quarters at my home base is similar. Granted my quarters there are nowhere near as nice as this, but I have some things in it from places I've been to also."
