Katja Pt. 16


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Then Ariel added, "And I was buying my niece her first dress."

Helen laughed, "I was just getting some that will fit in a couple of months." She grinned, "I'm pregnant."

Suzi smiled, "Oh Helen, that's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. When are you due?"

Helen grinned again, "Were not to sure yet. It could be six months or nine or anything in the middle. I'm the first human to get pregnant, so the doctor is keeping an eye on me. We should know better next month when I see her again."

Katja nodded, "It was the same for me. We are covering new ground here."

Suzi nodded, "What would you like to drink? Or do you know what you want?"

They told her what they wanted to drink and said they let her know when she got back. Suzi nodded, "OK, I'll be right back."

Once she left, Katja asked Ariel, "Is she still seeing Niki?"

Ariel nodded, "Yes. I wonder if their going to move also? I think she's still going to school."

Suzi came back with their drinks and they ordered. Then Katja asked, "Did you and Niki become mates yet Suzi? Since I haven't been on the ship in a while, I've sort of lost track of things."

Suzi smiled, "Yes we did. We're not Mated yet. But that doesn't bother us, we will when we decide."

Katja smiled, "That's wonderful. I'm very happy for you. Are you two moving to the new town?"

"We really haven't decided yet. We've talked about it, but we probably won't. I still have school to finish and once I do, there's a lot more jobs in this area." She smiled, "We might change our minds later."

Katja nodded her understanding, "Is Niki looking for work around here? If he is, I'm sure Erik or Tony might be able to see if there's anything at their old company. If he still wanted to do that kind of work."

Suzi shrugged, "We haven't talked about it that much. I think we're just gonna wait and see what happens with me. He can go just about anywhere and get a job, I'm the one that's limited. I'd hate to have him get a job somewhere and like it, then I find I've got to go farther out to find something. So, we're just playing it by ear for now, there's no hurry just yet."

Katja nodded, "That makes sense. I've heard other people say something similar."

Suzi went and put their order in, and they talked some more, Brigette was looking all around and asking questions about different things.

Ariel laughed, then asked Katja, "You sure she isn't mine? She's more curious than you ever were."

Katja smiled, and stroked her daughters face. "Yes, she's mine. It's just that she is her father's daughter. Geoff is the one who takes after me in the curiosity department."

Helen grinned, "I've noticed that. He normally doesn't ask much of anything, he seems to collect the information from all around instead of asking. Unless he gets stuck of course."

Katja nodded, "Your right, I've seen that myself.

Brigette was listening to the conversation and sipping her chocolate milk. Her father had given her some of it to try, and now, it and juice is all she'd drink.

She set her cup down, then said, "Mommy, he does it that way so he doesn't have to bother anyone. I ask because I like to talk to people, but Geoff doesn't unless he really likes them. Otherwise he just listens to them talk or what they're thinking about."

She smiled, "Then I tell him what I learned and he tells me. Well, mostly, sometimes we keep things to ourselves if we know the other isn't interested."

Katja looked at her daughter, "Kitten do you mean you and Geoff can hear what someone is thinking about?"

Brigette cocked her head thinking, "Only if they are thinking about us, at least I think that's why." She frowned a little, "Daddy was a little upset when I did it when he was talking to Nemo. He said it was impolite. But he was thinking about me and I heard, so I thought I could help him explain to Nemo. I told him that Erin really liked him because I heard her think it when she was holding me."

She stopped and cocked her head, "I know Geoff, I just didn't get to that part yet." She grinned when she remembered something her father said to Uncle Tony when they were playing with each other. "Besides, I was talking about you, not to you."

She smiled, "Okay." She looked at her mother, "Geoff says hi. Daddy, him and uncle Tony are watching a movie about dragons."

Katja looked stunned and glanced at the others. "Kitten, do you mean you can talk to people like that and hear what they're thinking this far away?"

Brigette shook her head no, "Only with Geoff. Oh, and a little with Gesa since Geoff showed her how to do it. He can with her all the time now, but it's harder for me, if she's far away, it has to be important."

Ariel looked at her niece, "Sweets, your saying Geoff taught Gesa?"

Brigette thought for a moment. "I guess, he showed her how. Is that what you mean?"

Ariel nodded, "Can he do it with anyone else?"

She shook her head, "I don't know, I think he was able to do it with Gesa because they're going to be like you and mommy are with daddy and uncle Tony."

Katja almost choked on her tea, "Kitten, do you mean that Gesa and Geoff know they are going to be together when they are older?"

She nodded yes as she sipped on chocolate milk. Then she said, "I think that's why Gesa was so upset when Geoff said he thought Erin's hair was nice." Then she smiled, "I tried to tell her too, but she wouldn't hear me."

Katja asked, "Do you know how he found out and was able to show Gesa?"

Brigette nodded, "The nice lady showed him how."

Katja looked confused, "The nice lady?"

She nodded, "Yes, the one that's teaching Lucy, Briast."

Katja smiled finally understanding, "Briast is teaching both of you then?"

Brigette smiled, "Sometimes. She taught Geoff how to talk to Gesa like me and him do, because they always missed each other." She took another drink of her milk, "And She tells us stories and other things sometimes. And then ask's us things too."

Katja gave a sigh of relief, this explained a lot. Especially how the two of them were smarter and seemed older even compared to Lyonness children."

"Kitten, does She sometimes join with you then?"

Brigette shrugged, "I guess, I'm not real sure what you mean, when she wants to know something, she does it with us, then she knows. Is that what you mean mommy?"

Katja smiled, "Yes kitten, that's it exactly."

Brigette smiled, she learned a new word, she really liked learning things.

Katja looked at Ariel and Helen, they had the same surprised look on their faces too. Then Suzi brought their lunch and Katja decided to drop the matter until she could talk with Erik.

Brigette wasn't to sure why her mother had asked all this. She was a little concerned thinking that maybe her mother was upset like her father had been. She picked up a quarter of her grilled cheese sandwich and took a bite. She smiled, it was very good. Then she asked her mother, "Mommy, is what we're doing wrong?"

Katja smiled and stroke her daughter's hair, "No love, absolutely not. If Briast wants to teach you, that's a good thing. Don't worry yourself."

Brigette smiled and purred, then started back in on her sandwich.

After they finished, they said goodbye to Suzi and headed home. Once they got there, they carried all the bags in and saw Erik, Geoff and Tony on the couch. As Brigette had told them, they were watching a children's movie about training dragons. Katja grinned, it looked like her mate and Tony were enjoying it as much as Geoff was.

Ariel grinned, then asked, "Enjoying the movie guys?"

Tony grinned and nodded, "As a matter of fact, yes. It's funny."

The girls all look at each then all said, "Males."

Erik laughed, "Hey there's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself and having fun, Fun's important."

Katja grinned and walked over to kiss, first Erik, then Geoff. Then she asked, "Is it almost over? I've got some clothes for Geoff to try on."

Erik nodded, "About twenty minutes, why don't you join us. Tony's right, it really is funny kitten."

They piled up the bags and join the males of the family on the couch. Though she tried not to, Katja laughed at one scene and Erik said, "See, what did we tell you."

Katja hugged his arm and kissed him. Geoff grinned as he watched them. He remembered what his dad had said as he told his mom that he loved her. He watched as his mom smiled. He thought to his father was right, he'd have to try it with Gesa if he needed too.

Once the movie was over, the girls did agree that it was funny. Katja smiled, "Come with me Geoff, I got you the jeans like you asked for and some shirts. Let's make sure they fit."

Geoff nodded grinning as he followed her, then he said, "Uncle Tony got me two new shirts also."

Katja grinned, "More like the first one?"

Geoff nodded, "They're really nice, I'll show you."

They went into the bedroom, and she took the jeans and shirts out. Then with a smile, she said. "I also got you some shirts like daddy and uncle Tony wears." She showed him the black T-shirts and he grinned from ear to ear.

He tried the jeans on and they fit a little loose, but that was good as they'd fit for a while. Then he put on one of the T-shirts, and smiled as he looked in the mirror.

Katja grinned. He really did look like Erik dressed like that, he looked so cute. Then she smiled as she saw the picture taped to the closet door. "Did daddy put your picture up?"

Geoff nodded grinning, "Yes, and I can see it from my bed. Then we talked about why Gesa got like she did and what I could do about it."

She grinned, "My, my, you three were certainly busy while I was gone."

Geoff grinned nodding, "I helped him and uncle Tony in the garage, we hung the picture, we talked and then daddy made us lunch. After that we watched the movie."

Katja nodded, "Well then, I guess you were very busy. C'mon let's go show dad how good you look. Then we can try on some of the other things. Geoff grinned an took her hand dragging her out to the living room.

"Daddy, uncle Tony, look what mommy got me."

Erik grinned as his son stopped in from to him smiling. "Don't you look good kid. You look normal now. Doesn't he Tony?

Tony grinned at his nephew. He nodded, "Yep, he most certainly does. You can never go wrong with jeans and a black T-shirt. And the ones I got you will look good with those jeans also."

Erik nodded, "Sure will."

Geoff grinned as turned to aunt Ariel and Helen as they added their approval also. Then Erik turned to Brigette, "Well? Do I get the see the dress aunt Ariel got you kitten?"

Brigette grinned nodding, "It's so pretty daddy, you'll love it."

Ariel smiled, "Come with me sweets, lets show them how nice you look in a proper dress." Brigette grinned and followed her into the bedroom.

While they were waiting, Katja said, "Suzi said hi. We stopped there for lunch."

Erik nodded, "That's good, did she say whether they were moving?"

Katja nodded, "They're not sure yet. She's finishing up school and she said there was more job opportunities here. So, they may not move for now."

Then she added, "Andre said they'd be opening the new store in about six months. He's going to run that one, and his partner will be running the one here. He asked me to tell you thanks for the contact, they already found an empty shop."

Erik nodded, "Good, I was hoping they'd do that. Originally, there were thinking about closing up the shop here and move everything. Once the new town out in Arizona is going, they should think about there to."

Then Ariel came out smiling, "Allow me to present the cutest niece in the world." Brigette giggled as she walked out. Erik grinned as she walked over to them, "Kitten, you're beautiful. I love your dress. It's so pretty."

Brigette hugged her father, "Thank you daddy. I love you."

"I love you to kitten." Then he looked at Ariel, "Nice work sister."

Ariel grinned, "It was easy. She'll look good in whatever she wears."

Brigette smiled, "I love the dress, it's so soft and feels nice." Then she grinned, "I also like the color, mommy has one the same color."

Erik grinned, "I know, I was there when she brought it."

The rest told her how nice it was, then they went to get changed back into their everyday clothes. Then Katja smiled, "We'll wash everything tomorrow and then you can wear them."

The kids played in their room after they got changed, then Helen said, "Well it's been fun, but I need to get home."

Erik and Katja walked her out and gave her a hug, she waved as she took off. Then they started to walk into the house, but Katja stopped him, "Let's stay out here for a few minutes, we need to talk."

Erik nodded and they sat down on the bench. "What's the matter love?"

Katja looked at him, "Nothing the matter really, I just found out a few things today. You know how the children can still do the mind speech, but did you know they can do it over distances?"

Erik look at her, "What kind of distances you talking about?"

"Well, when we were eating today, we were talking about the differences in the children. You know, Geoff likes to listen mostly and take things in and Brigette likes to ask questions. Well, Brigette said to us, "He does it that way so he doesn't have to bother anyone. I ask because I like to talk to people, but Geoff doesn't unless he really likes them. Otherwise he just listens to them talk or what they're thinking about. Then I tell him what I learned and he tells me. Well, mostly, sometimes we keep things to ourselves if we know the other isn't interested."

Katja looked at Erik, "So I asked her, do you mean you and Geoff can hear what someone is thinking about?"

"She looked at me, "Only if they are thinking about us, at least I think that's why."

"Then she frowned a little and told me, "Daddy was upset when I did it when he was talking to Nemo, he said it was impolite. But he was thinking about me so I thought I could help him explain to Nemo. I told him that Erin really liked him because I heard her think it."

Katja looked at Erik, "Then she did the most remarkable thing, she stopped and cocked her head, then said, "I know Geoff, I just didn't get to that part yet. Besides, I was talking about you, not to you." Then she giggled."

Erik was a little stunned, he had told Tony that joking around with him. He looked at Katja and asked, "Then what happened?"

Katja looked at him again, "She smiled and said, "Okay." Then she looked at me and said, "Geoff says hi. Daddy, him and uncle Tony are watching a movie about dragons."

"Then, I asked her, do you mean you can talk to people like that and hear what they're thinking this far away?"

"Only with Geoff. Oh, and a little with Gesa since Geoff showed her how to do it. He can talk with her all the time now and far away, but it's harder for me if she's far away, it has to be important."

Then Ariel asked her, "Sweets, your saying Geoff taught Gesa?" And Brigette answered her, "I guess, he showed her how. Is that what you mean?"

"Then Ariel asked her, "Can he do it with anyone else?" Brigette shook her head saying, "I don't know, I think he was able to do it with Gesa because they're going to be like you and mommy are with daddy and uncle Tony."

Katja looked at him again, "I asked her, "Do you mean that Gesa and Geoff know they are going to be together when they are older? She nodded yes, then said to us, "I think that's why Gesa was so upset when Geoff said he thought Erin's hair was nice."

Katja looked at Erik, and took his hand, "So I asked her, do you know how he found out and was able to show Gesa?"

"Brigette nodded and told me, "The nice lady showed him how. The one that's teaching Lucy, Briast."

"Then I asked her, "Briast is teaching both of you then also?" Brigette smiled and said, "Sometimes. She taught Geoff how to talk to Gesa because they always missed each other and were sad. And She tells us stories and other things sometimes. And then She ask's us things too."

"So, I asked her, does She sometimes join with you then? She shrugged, "I guess, I'm not real sure what you mean, when she wants to know something, she does it with us, then she knows. Is that what you mean mommy?"

Katja sighed, then leaned against Erik saying, "This explains a lot. Especially how the two of them are smarter and seem older even compared to other Lyonness children."

Erik couldn't believe this, not that Briast was teaching them, just that they could do it. He hugged his mate, "What could Briast be learning from them? That she can't learn from Lucy, I mean."

Then they both felt the presence of the Goddess. Her lilting voice said, "As you've been told, I am a young Goddess, I have to learn about them all. I teach my priestess, and she teaches me. Your son and daughter are very young, as I am, everything is new to them, so I learn from them also. Every creature see's, feels and understands differently."

Erik nodded, "Yes Goddess, I see. That makes perfect sense. So, I assume that they learn from you also, but is that wise, since they are so young? Like the ability to speak to others over a distance."

Briast answered, "Yes, but the ability is and has always been there, you and your mate do it. I'm really just giving them back what they were supposed to be able to do."

Katja asked, "Do you mean everyone, human and Lyonness were supposed to be able to do this?"

"Yes, when the One created the different peoples, they were different in aspect, but some things were similar, the mind speech being one of these. But this was lost, as where other things, long ago as you see it. To Us, it is but a moment. There was a... disagreement... between the Gods on what the different peoples should know and understand once the One turned the peoples over to them. You both have ancient stories about these disagreements, though it was changed by the people recording it to match their current view of things."

Erik sat there listening to this, then said, "The stories of a great flood being one of them I suppose and similar things?"

"Yes, that is a good example Erik. They were told by the One to take their disagreements to uninhabited worlds so the Ones creations would not be harmed by it, though it's my understanding that some were."

Erik thought to himself, "I wonder just how many of the old myths and whatever are true like that. The stories like the tower of Babel came to mind, possible the mind speech was the universal language at the time.

Then he grinned as Briast said, "Yes, you are close to the truth and most of them are Erik. But as you've been asked, please don't think overlong on this."

Then Erik and Katja both grinned, as the Goddess actually giggled, then said, "I also have been told not to tell about some things, as you have."

Erik nodded, "I guess it's just one of the things we all have to do, since I suppose the older Gods think we are young also." Then he grinned again, "Goddess don't take this the wrong way, but it was nice to see you can giggle."

Briast laughed, "That is something, I've learned from our children and my priestess. It might be unseemly to the older ones, but I find it a useful expression."

Then Briast said, "So, don't be concerned on how fast your children are progressing. I am only letting them learn as fast as is safe. They will learn much more, as will others that come after, but only as they are physically and mentally ready to learn it. I am as concerned about them as you are."

Katja smiled, "Thank you Goddess, that does help. We were just worried that they would advance faster with some things then they should, cultural mores being what they are."

They sensed that Briast smiled, "Yes, I understand that. The more cultures and species there are, the more they different. Since you both understand this already, I see no need to keep certain Truths from you. However, I ask that you do not tell others this as you've been bade."
