Katja Pt. 22


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Katja eyes burned slightly too as she felt what Brigit did, it was the same thing she felt. Then she said to the children, "Okay, why don't you three go and clean up, so we can talk for a few minutes."

They all nodded and said goodnight to their father and mother. Once they left, she smiled, "Let me know tomorrow what time you'll be back Erik, but I think I'll go over early in case you get back earlier. Aileen and myself will just visit with mother while we're waiting."

Erik nodded, "Alright kitten, I'll text you once I know for sure. We'll more than likely leave about one-thirty, after we eat, get all our stuff, and they prep the shuttles. It took us about three hours to get here, so it it'll be at least that, but maybe a little earlier, it usually is going west to east." He smiled, "That should get us back about three-thirty."

Katja nodded, then looked around to make sure they were alone, "Something I was thinking about after I got up this morning Erik, if it's going to be like the two wonderful dreams I had the past two days," She giggled, "I think we need to see about a bigger bed."

Erik laughed at that, then he nodded his agreement. "We'll go look for one this weekend over where we got the furniture from. We should have enough room for a king-sized bed."

Katja grinned, "I know, I measured the room and looked it up online. I've also already talked to Brigit about it, and we'll let you know why we need a bigger one when you two come home." Erik and Brigit laughed, then Brigit said to her grinning, "Well, if you thought the past two nights were good, you'll really be happy with tonight."

Then she said a little more seriously, "But once we're all together, we'll still have to be careful with the children, especially Aileen, she senses things more than the others because of her background."

Then the three of them were stunned when they heard, "I'm sorry mommy, I can't help it. I just hear things." Erik winced, Brigit had said her name, but he was also stunned that she heard her this far away. Though his little voice asked him why he should be, considering her background.

Brigit was also a little stunned, not that she could, but because she was a little young to do it. "I know you do sweetheart, and you're doing nothing wrong. It's part of you and something else we need to talk about I think when we get home. Now, we love you, but the three of us need to talk a little before we have stop. Okay love?"

She smiled as she heard, "Yes mommy, I understand."

The three of them looked at each other and shrugged. They talked a bit longer, then Katja said she needed to get the children ready for bed. Then she grinned, "And get them their juice and popcorn."

Erik and Brigit grinned and told her they loved her and would see them all tomorrow.

Erik shut the program down and pulled Brigit closer, "Tell me love, is that... normal? What Ai... our daughter did?" He caught himself before he said her name again.

Brigit looked thoughtful, "That she can do the mind speech, no. But it is rare with the distance she did it, she is still very young. I can, but I'm an... adult... for lack of a better term." She kissed him, "I should have realized she might be able to though with her makeup. If you remember when she found that Mrs. Wayne on Yule, she did it as quick as ... say I would be able to."

She hugged Erik's arm, she thought she knew why, but didn't want to talk about it yet. She figured it was because of her makeup and especially with Erik's. "I'll talk to her when we get home, and see if I can teach her how to control it a little better."

Erik nodded, "That makes sense love. I was a little stunned at first, but then I thought, why should I be? I hope you can, I just don't want her to think she's doing something wrong."

Brigit nodded, "I feel the same way love. Katja is right Erik, you are a wonderful father."

Erik smiled at that and held her a little closer, "Well, I don't know if I'm wonderful, it's more that I know what it's like to be without a father. So, I always said I'd be there for them, and do whatever I could to make them well adjusted and happy. Especially when it comes to our son, I grew up with no... male guidance, I guess you could say, so I try to do things with him as much as possible."

Brigit smiled, "I know love, and that's why you're wonderful, you know it's important, even with our daughters."

She kissed him, "Now, it's time for us to have some more fun, as this will be the last night we can let go completely. I can keep it from everyone here, but not the children." Erik smiled and kissed her, then he grinned as they were suddenly laying on the bed together once again, naked, caressing each other.

Erik woke up the next morning, and it was worse than it was the other day. He wondered if he should look and see if his cock was still there, or if they wore it down to nothing. But it had been wonderful, and a couple of times as they were making love, he saw Katja's face overlaid with Brigit's and he knew he was making love to both of them once again. He turned and looked at the clock, it was six-thirty and he needed to meet the others at seven. And like the other day, he needed coffee, lots and lots of coffee.

He kissed Brigit's neck and she smiled as she turned to face him. "Good morning my mate, I love you Brigit."

She smiled and kissed him back, "Ummm... good morning my love, I love you too Erik. You were absolutely wonderful last night, even I'm a bit tired this morning."

Erik smiled, "That was kind of interesting last night, was that really Katja?"

She smiled, "Yes love, that was our mate. I wanted her to be with us for a while instead of just dreaming about it. It was more like when I used to join with her in the beginning, but she was still at the house also because of the children. It was easy to do it because of how close the two of us are, we can both sense each other because we've joined so many times."

Erik smiled and pulled Brigit to him, "Thank you my mate, I love you so much Brigit."

Brigit shivered as Erik called her by her name once again. She kissed him back, "I love you too Erik, but we better stop if you're going to meet the others so we can leave on time."

He smiled once again and nodded. He sighed, "I guess I should get dressed." She smiled and kissed him once again.

Erik went and got cleaned up and dressed, then came back out to the bedroom. He smiled, Brigit was still snuggled under the blanket so he came over and leaned over to kissed her once again, then asked, "Are you still going to be here when I get back love? Or are you just going to meet us at home?"

She smiled, and stroked his face, "I'll guess I'll meet you at home, but I will miss you until then."

Erik smiled back, "Alright, and I'll miss you too. I love you Brigit, I can't wait till later love."

"I love you too." Then she bit her lower lip and pulled the covers down exposing her breasts, "Something to remember me by until we're together again."

Erik grinned and bent down to kiss and lick a nipple. "Something for you to remember also."

She grinned back at him, "Go, before I decide to stop time and have my way with you again." She giggled, "The One frowns on that."

Erik laughed and kissed her once again, "Yes dear." He smiled to himself as he walked out of the room to go and meet the others.

Brigit smiled and hugged herself, 'I love him so much.' Then she sighed and got out of bed, waved her hand over herself and she was once again dressed. She walked to the doorway and phased through and stood in her house in the Ether once again. She smiled as she once again drew a mug of nectar and sat down smiling remembering the last few days. She sighed once again; she was going to miss being able to let go completely. But she'd still be able to do things with her mates tonight like they normally did, and last night was fun when she had Katja join with her. She really did miss that, Katja was such a loving, excepting mate. Brigit sighed as she took another drink, she still had a hard time believing what the three of them had, and will have even more now.

Erik met the others outside the building and they went to get breakfast. Once finished, they drank some more coffee and talked a little, then came back to the base and after everyone went to get their things from their rooms, they met once again in the conference room to talk over everything from the last few days. They spent the rest of the morning going over everything making sure they hadn't missed anything. Then Mika gave them the final readings on the airfield, he told them he ran everything through the computer and there would be no problems with both ships using the main airfield, with the proviso that they landed on opposite sides of the tarmac. Which wasn't a problem since they'd need the space anyhow.

They talked about the rest, but it was more just to make sure they covered everything since no decision could, or would be made until the Avianne's and Kannite's came out of hyperspace and they were able to actually communicate with them at length to see what they were doing. Everyone agreed that was the most logical plan, they mostly knew now what the base here would need, but not what they wanted to do, or how.

Erik and uncle Geoff thanked them all, including Nicholas, Jeff and their people for their help with everything. They had lunch once again there instead of going out, then after they finished, the shuttle crews began prepping both of the shuttles so they could head home.

While the crews were doing that, the rest went back to their rooms to get the rest of their things, then they went to airfield. They said goodbye to the people from the base and New Tygris, then they all boarded the shuttles and once they had clearance from the local air traffic controller's they finally headed home. Everyone was very happy as they made their way home early and they were all talking together about different things to pass the time. Erik and Tony were sitting together and Erik smiled asking him, "Ariel and the kids meeting you the same as mine are?"

Tony grinned and nodded, "Yeah, she said she was, along with Allie, Victoria, Helen and whoever else. The timing is great as we'll get in just after the learning center lets out."

He looked around and asked quietly, "Did you all figure out about... you know."

Erik smiled, "Yes, the three of us and the kids talked last night after Ariel, Helen and Allie left. Our other mate will meet us at home and then we'll explain everything to the kids. Actually, we're also using your idea about the cousin if anyone sees anything, but we're not all that worried about it."

Tony smiled nodding, "Yeah, I doubt you'd need to be. If your place was like ours, in town, it might be, but you really don't have any neighbors close enough to worry about it."

Erik nodded, "That was our thought also. We figure it might take us a while to get the kids used to the idea, but as you said, their smarter than all of us. We figure once everyone gets more used to the idea, and not just us, if you know what I mean, we'll be a little more open about it all, at least with all the family I mean."

Then about a quarter after three, they got near the town and had to wait a bit to get clearance to land from the local air traffic controllers and the people from New Lyonn who also tracked any shuttles coming in and out. They finally landed, then disembarked once the shuttle was secured. They all smiled as they walked towards the hanger and saw all the family members that were waiting for them by the hanger door.

As soon as they got close, all the kids ran to out greet them. Erik stooped down and laughed as he hugged the three of them, then smiled as he got a hug from Gesa after she hugged her father. He stood up and then it was Katja's turn, "I missed you so much kitten, I'm so glad to be home."

Katja had tears in her eyes as she hugged him back kissing him over and over, "I missed you also love, I love you too. Now please, let's go home." Then she grinned and kissed him, "Then once there, you can make me a cup of tea love."

Erik smiled as he kissed her back, "I think that's a wonderful idea kitten." He waved goodbye to the others, and they all walked over to Katja's SUV. Erik smiled as the kids told him what they did while he was gone as they headed for home, then Aileen asked, "Daddy, when is our other mommy coming?"

Erik smiled, "Soon kitten, mommy will meet us at home." All the of them all start talking about it excitedly as Erik looked at Katja and took her hand. She smiled and squeezed his hand back. They were soon home, and Katja parked next to Erik's car. He smiled as he opened the back up and got his backpack and suitcase, then they walked into the house. Then they smiled as they heard the patter of numerous cat paws as they all ran up to welcome him home also. Erik laughed and stooped down as Cleo jumped up into his arms and he hugged her while she licked his cheek purring loudly. Then he was greeted by the Cesare and then the kittens. He laughed again as they were all purring so loud, they could probably hear them outside.

Once the feline greetings were over, he put his backpack and suitcase in the bedroom and came back out. He sighed in pleasure as he sat down on the couch and Katja curled up to him while Brigitte and Geoff went in to get cleaned up and changed quickly so they could be ready when their other mother showed up. Aileen sat cross-legged on the floor with Niall in her lap smiling as she stroked him making him purr even louder as she waited for her other mommy also.

Katja hugged his arm, and laid her head against his shoulder. "I missed you so much my mate, it was so lonely here without you." Then she pouted, "And I had to make my own tea."

Erik smiled as he kissed her, "I know love, I missed you too and I didn't get my morning smile." He grinned, "And people kept asking why I was in such a bad mood."

She grinned and hugged his arm a little tighter like she was afraid he'd leave again. Then Brigitte and Geoff came running out with Neffi and Marcus following them, and they joined Aileen on the floor to wait on their other mother.

Then like what normally happened later, a smiling Brigit materialized sitting on the other side of Erik hugging his other arm. She was welcomed with excited calls of mommy as the children jumped up on the couch and she laughed smiling as she was hugged and kissed by the three of them.

Tears formed in her eyes as the children hugged her and told her that they loved her. Her tears rolled down her face freely as she returned the hugs and told them that she loved them also, and she was so happy to be here with them.

Erik and Katja smiled as they both had tears running down their faces also as they watched. Then Katja stood and held her arms open, "Welcome home dear one, we love you."

Brigit stood and hugged Katja, "Thank you dear one, and I love all of you also."

Erik watched with a wide smile on his face, Brigit was wearing her "mom clothes" again, a pair of jeans and an emerald green silk shirt this time. Then he stood and held both his mates as all three of them cried tears of joy, finally being together as they should.

Erik, Katja, and Brigit sat back down on the couch with Erik between them. Then Aileen climbed up into Brigit's lap, Brigitte did the same to Erik, and Geoff smiled from ear to ear as he climbed into Katja's. Erik smiled as he hugged his daughter, then said, "Well, now that the greetings are over and our family is all together," Which elicited another happy response from the children. "We all need to talk a little and explain some things about how we're going to do this."

He held Brigitte a little tighter making her purr, "Mommy will be here with us as much as she wants and can. This way we're just one big happy family."

Brigit smiled as she hugged Aileen making her smile and purr also. "Daddy's right dear ones, I'll be here, just like this, as much as I can. But you do have to remember, I can't be here all the time, I do have other responsibilities to all the other people that follow me. And I also need to go back to the Ether sometimes to... rejuvenate or renew myself. That's kind of like when you go to sleep, it does the same thing for me."

Geoff cocked his head as Katja held him, and asked, "What's the... Ether mommy?"

Brigit smiled, "That's my other home Geoff, it's where my house is." She thought how to explain it to the three of them so they could understand it easier. "The Ether... is the place where... everything connects to everything else, and also too other... realms and planes. Do you understand my son?"

Then smiling, she reached over and caressed Brigitte's face as Erik held her, "And you also my daughter?

Geoff smiled, "I think so." Then Brigitte smiled, "So do I mommy."

Brigit smiled once more, "Good. Once we all get accustomed to us being a family here, I'll take the three of you there to visit and see my house."

"Isn't that where you took me and we saw Aunt Bast and Briast mommy?" Aileen asked grinning.

Brigit smiled and hugged her daughter, "Yes love, that's the place. But we didn't go to my house."

Erik smiled, then said to the three of them, "Okay, like mommy said, she'll be here as much as possible. Now... most of your aunts and uncles, know something about this, and we know the three of you are very excited about it all. That's understandable, but you shouldn't talk about it to anyone for now, maybe later you'll be able to, but for right now we're just going to keep it between us until we get used to it all. Do you all understand what I mean?"

They nodded, and Erik smiled, "Good. Once we get used to being a family, then we'll be able to be more open about with the rest of our family."

"Geoff, I know Gesa already knows some about it, you and I have talked about that. But I think this goes a little farther than what she knows about and we'll tell you when you can tell her all of it."

Geoff smiled and nodded, "Alright daddy, I won't. But Gesa will keep it to herself if I ask her to." Then he giggled, "She just asked why I'm so happy all of a sudden. She could feel me."

Katja smiled and hugged her son, "We know Geoff, but like daddy said, this is new to us also. So, we're still trying to figure everything out."

Then Erik hugged his daughter, and kissed the top of her head, "The same goes for you and Bryan kitten. That is if he knows."

Brigitte purred and laid against her daddy's chest as he held her. "He sort of knows daddy, but not like Gesa does. I won't until you say I can."

Brigit smiled at the three children. "It shouldn't take to long dear ones. Your father and I have talked about it and we think we have an answer, but we've haven't talk to mommy about it yet. Once we do, we'll let you all know."

Aileen cocked her head and smiled up at her, "Mommy, does grandfather know?"

Brigit hugged her, "Yes dear, your grandfather knows. We couldn't do it unless he said it was okay for us to. He's very happy for us all sweetness."

Aileen grinned hearing that and hugged her mother, then said, "Thank you Grandfather."

They were all a bit surprised when the One answered her back. Well, except for Aileen that is. "Your welcome granddaughter. Everything is now as it should be, I love you dear one. And I also love you all."

Aileen grinned, "We love you too Grandfather, thank you for letting us be all together."

Then they all felt a huge lurch once again. Erik laughed as he hugged his daughter, "Well, it's certainly nice to know when we do something right." He was hugged by both his mates and the children.

Then Erik heard a chuckle, "That's because you do it right so often. Enjoy your lives together my son. Very soon, all will be revealed to you, and you will know everything."