KDS Construction Pt. 03

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Part 3 Theory Proposed/Experimentation/Lab work.
13.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/11/2020
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This is a work of fiction. All characters involved in adult activities are adults, you should be too. These stories were written for free so you can read them for free. Any similarity between this and other stories is just because dirty minds think alike. Protected by copyright laws.

This part runs a little long. There is one extra sex scene that could have been moved to Part 4, but it helped move the story. I hope you don't mind a little extra sex.

This is a rewrite of a story I wrote long ago but lost in a computer crash. Many things are changed, for the better. It starts out slow and then heats up. "Part 4" is in the works. It will be the conclusion. Enjoy, rate, comment. Helpful, constructive comments have helped shape the course of this story line for the better. Thank you.


KDS Construction Part 3 Theory Proposed/Experimentation/Lab work.

I couldn't speak. It was so totally absurd, yet it made all the sense in the world. I put my coffee cup on the counter beside the sink. I walked out onto the patio. I remembered the kids laughing and playing. I remembered motherly and erotic Gina with her firm, round belly and boobs, swollen with milk. I slipped out of my robe and stood at the edge of the pool, nude. I stood there for a minute. I felt Karen and David watching me. I crouched low and launched into a shallow dive. I glided under water until my hands touched the other end of the small pool.

I surfaced into a world where I wanted Dennis to be the father of my child.


I hung by my elbows on the edge of the pool. I was trying to arrange my thoughts after having my mind blown by our house guests. I heard a splash behind me.

"Ouch! Shit!" Karen's voice behind me. I turned around to find Karen standing and holding her boobs. She walked and then swam to me. "I tried to do a pretty little dive like you did and my tits slapped the water." She got to me and the tops of her large breasts were pink. "Instead of a belly buster, I did a booby buster." She said and pouted.

The dark humor of it sank in and I started laughing. "Thank you, babe. I needed a chuckle." I hugged her and we gravitated to a kiss. "Where is David?"

"He went to intercept Freddie. I had just shucked off my clothes to join you and that bing-bong thing went off." Karen said and looked around.

"So, you are out here without clothes too. At least I've got a robe where I dove in."

"I don't give a shit. If Fred makes it out here, I'm marching right up to him, buck naked and give him a piece of my mind." Karen said with a growl in her voice. Then she laughed. Not as mad as I thought.

"We are rapidly approaching the day when Freddie starts having to call before he comes over. He's checking who stayed over. Good thing Dennis left early." I said. We held each other loosely with our heads on each other's shoulders.

"What did you think of our ideas?" Karen asked with a giggle in her voice.

"Somewhere between genius and insanity."

"Are you referring to the triple relationship thing?" Karen asked.

"No. That's just crazy." I said. "We are a long way from that."

"Are we? Are we, Sandra?" Karen said looking into my eyes with a hand on my shoulder. Then she laughed loudly.

"You are silly. Dennis put you in a good mood. I didn't think it would go that way." I said.

"I didn't either. I felt so safe with him all day. Finally, a gay man who's not going to try a jump my bones. Then by nightfall, I was ready to rape his pretty ass." Karen said. "He's a wonderful lover."

"Dennis is a nice man. I think you and he needed each other last night. Sorry we passed out." I said.

Karen kissed me and smiled. "I have you and 'what's his name' signed up for a full threesome, ASAP."

"I know. David said that he needed a little time first. He talked about regrets about how you guys fought in the past." I said.

"Back in our days, neither of us would apologize for anything." Karen said. "We've grown so much."

David came out and sat on the side of the pool and dangled his feet in the water. I swam to him. "Hey, baby. Where's your dad?"

"He left. He came to bitch and see if K slept with our 'queer friend'. I told him you two were sunbathing. He went home." David said looking down.

"What was he bitching about?" Karen asked.

"Mostly about me giving bonuses to the Mexicans. He said he never did. I told him we were making three times more money than he ever did, and those guys work hard. I reminded him to check his bank account tomorrow. He gets his cut. I read him a riot act about his crush on Karen, too."

"Baby forget about it. Slip in the water with us. We're both naked." I said. That put a smile on his face.

David stood and took off his shorts and shirt and hopped in. "Can I ask for a kiss from each of you?"

We splashed around and teased each other in the pool for a while. Karen and I tried to get David's dick hard, but we were all too silly and laughing. It was nice to see David openly kiss and pet his ex-wife. He was showing affection for her and me both. It was turning me on like crazy.

Noon was fast approaching. We went in to dry off and think about going to lunch.

David got quiet. "Sandy, will you give me a little time with Karen? I want to try to put some things behind us for good."

"Guys, it's almost noon and we are going to lunch soon. You don't have time to get anything started." I said.

Karen giggled and hugged he. "Baby, we want to just talk some things out. Maybe some playtime later." She and David both chuckled.

I blushed. "Well, put a shirt on. If you keep your boobs out any longer, we're all jumping in the sack." I kissed them both and went to the shower. David and Karen pulled on some clothes and sat on the couch holding each other close. I heard some of it. There were some gut-wrenching apologies and lots of hugging and crying. I heard more than I wanted to, and I don't think you need to hear about it.


Karen went to her place to dress for lunch. She had run out of clothes out at our house. We went in my Grand Cherokee. It's very comfortable but I have to drive because I don't want David fucking up my seat position.

Karen came out to the car made up nice. She had her hair tied back with a scarf 1960's style. David got out and opened the back door for her. It looked like he gave her a little kiss. "Hey, Baby," She said to me as she climbed in the back. She squeezed my shoulder. "You are right about the pool and hair. I have the frizzies."

"You still look great, beautiful." I said. "Don't mention the baby thing today. We are going to talk about it again tonight. Then we'll decide if we want to talk to Dennis about it."

"Can I ask what your initial thoughts are?" Karen asked.

"On first look, it seems like a good idea. I like Dennis and Sandy has known him a long time. I think we can trust him." David said.

"My first impulse is to be in favor of it. Then comes all the scary shit about pregnancy in general." I said.

"Think about the support you would have with David and Dennis both in your corner. I'd like to be there too if you'd let me." Karen said and looked down meekly.

I didn't know what to say. I reached back between the seats and rubbed her calf. "We decided that we wanted children before we went to see the fertility doctor. I think that was the first step." I said.

"You have been trying for your own. David, can you see yourself raising someone else's child?" Karen asked.

David was quiet for a few seconds. "Kids all over the world are being raised by people who aren't their biological parents. I have faith that most of them are doing well and are happy." David said. He stared out the window.

"Geez! You two lighten up. I'm too hungry to get this serious right now." I said. They both laughed.

"Oh my God! You haven't eaten today, have you, Baby?" David asked. "We all got into the fruit and potato salad before you got up. Let's feed this girl."


We arrived at Claude's Bistro about two o'clock. It's Dennis' dad's place near the main business area and the main highway. They do good business and it was half filled in the midafternoon. A girl that I know was hosting. "Hi, Nikki. Will you let Dennis know that we are here? He's halfway expecting us." I asked grinning.

"Sure. Hi, guys. Give me a minute." She came back grinning and made air quotes. "Dennis wants you at the 'Chef's Table'." Nikki seemed to roll her eyes and giggle. She led us back to the kitchen.

Dennis greeted us with kisses for the ladies and one of those 'handshake chest bump' things that guys do these days for David. He was wearing a white chef's jacket and a bandana. "Hi, folks. I'm so glad you came out." He led us to an old booth off in a back corner of the kitchen.

"I didn't know that you had a 'chef's table', Denny" I said with a smile.

"Well, it makes it sound cool. It's just this old booth. Dad uses it as a desk or a place to nap. The staff will grab a quick meal here. The health department lady hates it, but we are getting by with it." Dennis explained.

"Where's Claude, Dennis." David asked.

"He got tired. We did a big brunch for a group of veterans and their families, then the lunch crowd hit. I told him to go home and rest. I'm running the kitchen until he feels like coming back in." Dennis said with a hint of pride in his voice. "Having you back here lets me spend more time with you." He said with a smile aimed at Karen.

Karen smiled. "This is cool back here. It's like one of those cooking shows." She said.

A cute girl brought us water glasses with a thin slice of lemon in each. She gave us the lunch menu, then turned and gave a ticket to Dennis from a table.

"One shrimp salad, grilled. One strip medium rare, baked potato, one house salad no tomato." Dennis barked to the line cooks.

"Yes, chef." One of the cooks called back, grinning over his shoulder.

"Cool it! Just call it back." Dennis said smiling. The young man repeated the order back. Dennis came and sat beside Karen in the booth. "They will put on a show for these pretty ladies. He picked up that 'Yes chef' shit watching Ramsey on TV"

"That's a spiffy chef coat, buddy. That looks like some TV shit there too." David said to raise a laugh.

Dennis laughed. "I guess so. They are practical and Dad uses a uniform service. You can have whatever you want, folks. We are pushing the lunch specials this time of day. Whatever you guys want, it's on me." Dennis said.

"Bullshit! We'll pay our way. You don't need to do that." David said with a slight blush of embarrassment.

"Come on, Dave. Let me do this. I had a great time yesterday." Dennis stood and looked over the cooking line. "I tell you what, pay for your drinks and tip Stephanie and we'll have a deal. I think I'll eat with you, if it's OK."

"Well, duh! Of course, it's OK, Silly." I said. David ordered for the table, like a gentleman. We had told him our preferences. To counter Dennis' generosity, he ordered a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to go with he and Denny's steaks and a bottle of Riesling to pair with our seafood salads. Dennis got to sit more than I thought he would. Conversation was light. David talked about fixing up the 'chef's table' area and making it a place where business people could have a fancy lunch with clients. Some rails or a partial barrier might satisfy the health code. Then David worked in that he needed Dennis to come over the next night for a design job he had for him.

Karen and Dennis flirted, but less than you might think. Maybe they both knew that it was more recreational than romantic. Still, they dropped "encore" confirmations. Good for them, even if I wanted her in our bed too. I'm not sure how much the wine cost, but David gave Stephanie a hundred and she was pleased to "Keep the change."


We went in Karen's apartment when we got back there. She and I didn't use the restroom at the restaurant. The wine had us buzzing and bursting to piss. I went in her bathroom first. I came out to see her and David standing and kissing. When she heard me, she tried to dance away from David. He held her laughing, stopping her from going.

"Let me go, Davey. I'm about to wet my pants." Karen said giggling. He let her go.

I gladly took over the duties of kissing David. "You invited Dennis over. Have you decided something?"

"Not totally. We've got until then to talk about it. Even then, we would need to discuss it with him." David said and kissed me very passionately.

The wine had me a little buzzed. David's hot kiss made me think that he might have some ideas. He and I hadn't had a roll in the hay since our quickie the day before. Kissing both of us must have been inspiring. Karen came back from the bathroom without her slacks or shoes, just panties and blouse. She looked so sexy. "Well, make yourself at home, K." I said.

"Since I am, I think I will." She said with a grin. Karen joined our hug. "I think you two should do the same and get comfortable." She kissed us each in turn and gave my ass a firm rub and squeeze.

"It's a nice afternoon. Would you two like to cap off this weekend with a nice..." I tried to ask the obvious, but Karen shut me up with big kiss and her tongue in my mouth. She rubbed my crotch and made me tingle all over. I released David and ran my fingers along the crotch of her panties. Her pussy was swollen, and I could feel wetness. Karen and I embraced and kissed more passionately.

David sat in an overstuffed chair, facing the sofa. "I'll let you ladies warm things up. I'll watch from here for a few minutes."

Karen and I went to the sofa. She covered it with a blanket. "I've seen how wet you get." She said giggling and blushing.

I patted her ass and said, "Really? You are wet already."

Karen blushed red. She sat on the sofa and pulled my shirt up. She kissed my belly and started sliding my slacks down and off. I pulled off my shirt and unhooked my bra. When I looked back at David, he had a bulge in his pants. And he smiled at me. I wiggled my butt at him. Karen pulled me to her and nibbled at my tits. "It's hard to believe that you like my little tits. You are so busty and beautiful." I leaned down and kissed her.

"Sandy, you are a beautiful young woman. I love your hot little body. Forget David and run away with me, please." Karen said laughed.

I chuckled and went to my knees between Karen's legs. The crotch of her blue panties was wet with a dark spot. I leaned in and smelled her. For an instant, I was shocked. Along with the sweet mellow musk of her pussy, I smelled a little bit of fresh pee. For a second, I was repulsed. Then it was captivating. I kissed her crotch through her panties. I slipped them down and off of her long legs. The crotch of the panties was wet with goo. I couldn't help myself from sniffing the panties. Karen was laying back, watching me and smiling. I dropped the garment and began exploring her labial folds with my fingers. In the light of day, I could see her beautiful pink pussy so much better. Spreading her lips revealed a brighter pink color and wet goo flowing out. It pulled me in. I took a soft lick just under her clit. She flinched, so I pressed my tongue into her cleft with more force. I tasted her cream with a faint salinity from urine. It was the hottest thing I ever did. It was hard to believe. I tasted pussy for the first time the week before. Now I loved it.

I felt David move alongside me for a better view. He helped me lift Karen's legs and open her pussy up wide. "Her pussy is very pretty, isn't it baby? Spread her open. Look at her tiny inner lips." He watched me lick and suck. David moved behind me and began working his stiff cock into my wet pussy.

I was on my knees licking Karen. David was slipping his cock up my hole from behind me. It was bliss. All of my apprehensions about taboos and labels faded into memory. It seemed silly to worry about straight, lesbian or bisexual terms. I was loving what I was doing and the people I was doing it with.

I wanted another thing to happen. I raised myself off of Karen's pussy and sat beside her on the couch. I guided her to sit up. "Dave baby, come here for us." He got on his feet and stepped so that his big cock was presented to us. It was slick and wet with my juices and fully hard. I cradled it in my hand and spoke to Karen. "Here, baby. I want to see you to take this in your pretty mouth."

Karen grinned. She came close to taking it in her mouth, but instead, kissed it quickly. "Hello, old friend. It's been a long time. I hope Sandy has been taking good care of you." She said to David's dick. We all got a good laugh from it, but it emphasized the line we were about to cross.

"It's alright K. You can if you want to." I held the cock up to her mouth and watched as she opened up and took the pointed head in. She and David both moaned. I held my breath. The sight of her sucking his cock just inches from my face was mind blowing. Lust overpowered any other feelings in me. I was rubbing my clit with my free hand. Karen was able to get about half of it in her mouth, which is more than I can.

She let it pop out of her mouth and held it over for me. I took a turn sucking David's cock. Karen took it back for a few seconds, then stood up. She took off her blouse and bra and rubbed her boobs. "I need the two of you to come to my bedroom." She said and walked in there.

I stood and kissed David. "Is all of this OK, sir knight?" I asked.

"Of course, my princess. Do you think that you are the only one that has been wanting this? I'm about to fuck the hell out of both of you." David said and smiled confidently.

Karen was already on her back in bed. David turned and kissed me. He slipped onto the bed and kissed Karen and stroked her big boobs. I stood near the bed. My pussy was practically dripping but I wanted to see it happen. David gave me a quick look as I started rubbing myself. He directed all of his attention back to Karen. They locked eyes, but mine were locked on his cock. He rolled his hips forward. His big pointed cock head paused for a second at the mouth of her pussy and then it slipped in. I moaned for this fantasy to be fulfilled. David took a long time to push all the way in. Karen moaned loudly and seemed to quiver all over. I leaned over and kissed her and gripped one of her boobs. She reached up to my pussy and slipped two fingers all the way up to my cervix. She poked me in time with David's fucking action. I watched his cock stabbing her cunt. He was pounding her hard and she was whimpering with every thrust.

Karen dropped her hand away from my pussy and David pulled out of her. Karen rolled to the side and David took my hand. He guided me to lie in her place. As soon as my back hit the bed, he was in me. Karen rolled up to me and kissed and petted me as David began assaulting my pussy with his oversized dick. I was afraid for him to pound me like he did Karen. I relaxed and let it happen for a few minutes. It got really good. Karen's attentions were helping.

"I have an idea." Karen said. "Hop off, Davey. You can use a stretch. OK, Sandy. Turn your cute little butt toward the side." She lay beside me. We were side by side on the bed with our butts right on the edge. "Ok, big boy. You can do us both. Take turns on us, Davey."

David chuckled and walked his cock back into me. Even with him just pulling out, it was a rush to feel him stretch me open. He fucked me gently for a couple of minutes then moved over to Karen. He went in fast and Karen gasped. David settled into a sweet gentle pace with her. We all smiled at each other. David came back to me. "I love you Sandy." He said as he pumped it in me. He moved back to Karen. When he got back going, "I'm so happy that you are part of our lives." He said before moving back to me. He winked at me. He pushed my legs up and jammed his cock into my G-spot. He fucked me into a quivering orgasm. David pulled out and moved back to Karen. David gave me a wink and nodded at Karen.