Keep Rehearsing and Keep Performing


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Her positive conviction of needing to light a cigarette did not change when she mentally blocked and ignored that she had to quietly cough as she was getting out of bed first thing in the morning. She did not want to think about the fact that her lungs that were trying to move or remove the very same settled deposits from the strong tar laden smoke that had been forced upon her lungs continually and repeatedly throughout the day before.

Now before eating her breakfast, whilst waiting for the coffee to brew. Without much thinking, Rachel simply did what she now always did, and without hesitation she lit up a fresh Pall Mall with a glorious three-second cheek-hollowing drag. She did it no sooner had she pressed go on the coffee machine. She would repeat the deep inhale process twice more and enjoy filling her lungs with smoke as her cup filled up with hot steaming newly brewed black coffee.

She was aware that smoking those Pall Malls was almost reckless and dangerous and she knew in the scheme of things all smoking was bad. However, there was no escaping that the filterless cigarettes were definitely worse for her lungs compared to the Virginia Slims 100's. But in her weak defense and in her total addiction to nicotine, she just totally enjoyed the kick she got from inhaling the thick fug of unfiltered smoke first thing in the morning. That jolt that she felt at the bottom of her lungs when the toxic fumes inundated her body was total bliss.

She was also clever enough to know it wasn't wise to continue repeatedly putting the toxins directly into her lungs, but conversely, she was definitely not ready to stop yet. It was a double-edged sword. Rachel convinced herself that her mental health was certainly helped by filling her lungs with smoke as both them and her body wanted and needed the smoke. Yet she ignored the reality for the health of her lungs they really did not want or need to be repetitively bathed in tar and toxin laden smoke.

She determined that nothing was going to happen until things were settled with both the acting and her performance with Grant had evolved to a position that she totally desired.

Act 3 Scene 2

"It is not enough to discover the secret of a play; it's thought and feelings—the actor must be able to convert them into living terms."

It had been a long-drawn-out week for both of them. Waiting and waiting. Finally, the Friday night they were to go out together arrived. Rachel had spent the week been mentally ticking the evenings off on the calendar, it helped that in the morning she could crush out her empty pack from the day before and drop it in the bin. She reveled in the mental satisfaction of opening a fresh pack in the morning. It also helped with the counting. Grant had as promised made a reservation at nice restaurant in town that had been recommended to him. It was a retro inspired look which looked very much like Jack Rabbit Slim's restaurant, from the Pulp Fiction movie.

It wasn't the true 1940's style Grant would have wanted, but it was as close as he could get in their town. He was sure the choice would be a funny homage to Rachel's constant era of smoking practice. All of his friends at work who had been there had spoken very well of food and service. Plus, they had not mentioned it, but to him the most important thing for both of them in the cold wet February evening. It had an outside smoking section on a heated veranda.

He could hardly wait and knocked on Rachel's door a few minutes ahead of time. He stood there for interminable three seconds until the door swung open and he saw her in all her astounding beauty. Rachel was literally dressed to kill him, and what helped was she smelt delightfully aroma of the several nervous pre arrival cigarettes she had smoked which was mixed with a delightful perfume and with the door open permeating strongly off her gorgeous body.

"Hey Grant! Come on inside, its cold out there." She shivered letting him in since it was still freezing outside.

With Grant safely in the front door, he looked her up and down. "Oh Rachel. Wow! You look amazing!" he finally said, after picking up his shattered jaw from the floor. She was immediately pleased that she seemed to have scored the first points of the night.

After spending hours on the phone with Imogen during the week, thanks to her counseling and relentless insistence. Rachel had chosen a wine-red skin-tight above the knee-length skirt with an elegant but seductive slit on the side. It was completed by an off-white turtle-neck sleeveless top and four-inch high-heel nude suede shoes.

Rachel was immensely grateful for the costume lectures, that were included in her acting classes, because she would have never been able to stand or walk in those shoes otherwise.

She had planned this evening with Imogen, and she had persuaded Rachel to look on it as a performance. She had also applied a little makeup, with a hint of glitter on her shoulders as not to forget any detail of her appearance. Rachel wasn't very tall, rather petite actually, but her outfit made great work at showing her every curve. Her breasts in a laced bra in particular pressed alluringly against the fabric of her top and Grant was blown away by how incredibly sexy she looked.

He had always known Rachel was a very beautiful girl, but this was the first time he had seen her scrubbed up. Most of their occasions she was in leggings and comfortable tops. It was not until that moment he had never appreciated her full figure. She was stunning.

"Are you ready?" Grant asked a pointless question, seeing as she was standing there holding her handbag.

"Let me get my coat and my cigarettes and I'm ready!" she joyfully announced as she shuffled in her heels towards the kitchen counter picking up the stacked pile of her keys, cigarettes, and lighter.

"You better not forget them!" Grant chuckled.


Grant had to concentrate very hard to keep his eyes on the road instead of bare legs of beautiful rather sexy creature sitting next to him in his truck. The drive wasn't particularly long, but he got to enjoy the forced space aroma of her most recent smoke and perfume mixing together under his nose.

They walked around the corner to the restaurant where they were quickly seated at their table. It was course in the outside smoking section underneath the heaters. His attention was so fully glued on her that he never noted the stares from other male guests, many of which were determining if they were a couple or father and daughter. Rachel surely did notice the glances from the other diners. She did get that uncomfortable thinking she was having the whole establishment's attention just on her.

Grant quickly ordered a drink as a distraction before choosing from the menu: a glass of white wine for Rachel and a scotch neat for him. Rachel was quite nervous and although she had smoked a calming Pall Mall just before Grant had picked her up. Even with that nicotine load in her system her heart was pumping in overdrive, she felt the need for another cigarette and soon.

'Getting me here to smoke in public with him is still the official reason why I'm here, so why wait?' she thought as she extracted a newly opened soft pack of Virginia Slims 100's from her purse and tapped one all-white cigarette out. The beautiful brunette sitting in front of Grant connected a dancing flame from her lighter to the tobacco tip of the 100-millimeter-long cigarette that delicately hung from her red-painted lips. It caught, and her cheeks hollowed deeply inside out. That vigorous first drag soon evolved into an eagerly powerful double-pump, as Rachel summoned as much smoke as she could into her ever nicotine hungry body. Her chest rose visibly to make room for the delightful load of rich smoke and Grant saw a smile of pleasure appear on her face.

He was in heaven. As she accidently bathed him in a bit of her exhale as she turned her face to look at him. He couldn't believe that he was sitting at a restaurant table with such a gorgeous girl. Yes, Penny was cute, and he had loved her full heartedly, but frankly Rachel was at another level. She was well above his station, on a completely different network. That evening, dressed as beautifully and thoughtfully as she was, she could have passed for a supermodel.

Grant had been happy every single day he had spent with Penny, and her death had left him shattered and heart broken. But since he met Rachel, little by little she had taken Penny's place in his thoughts, and that night as he sat across the table from her, watching as she smoked with elegance and undeniable passion her cigarette, he was in awe.

"I'm sorry to repeat myself, but God, Rachel, you look incredible tonight!" Grant said sincerely letting his guard fall. "You have made me the luckiest guy on Earth when you accepted to come on a date with me!"

Whilst exhaling another long plume towards the fan on the ceiling, hearing his compliment and confession Rachel smiled lovingly but with a teasingly wicked sparkle in her eyes.

"Wait a moment! Is that what this is? A date? I thought this was another training session. "How to smoke in a different setting?" she teased as she manicured her cigarette in the small metallic ashtray on the table.

"Touché!" he smiled. "I freaked out when I asked you and invented the first cover story that popped in my mind. I hope you don't mind this being a date?"

She left his question hang while she stared at him and took another deep and powerful drag, which she sexily snap-inhaled showing him a creamy white ball of smoke hover between her pink lips before disappearing down her throat. As she held the large deposit buried in her lungs she replied: "Of course not. I'm delighted that you finally asked me out!" Then finally exhaled.

At last, they both could relax. All pretense was gone they could concentrate on putting their energy and attention on having a good time rather than keeping up a façade.

They had a wonderful time. They were in no hurry, so the first round of drinks was followed by a second with a small starter, the second drink loosened both of them up. They shared a bottle of wine over the main as they ate excellent food and asked the waitress to bring them a round of cocktails for desert afterwards.

They talked and talked, giggled, and laughed and told stories to each other enjoying every second of their time together. It was special. Thanks to the combination of alcohol and her relaxed nature the rate of her lighting cigarettes just flowed. Even for Rachel she smoked at a noticeable increased pace. As if she was out with Imogen. All of which delighted Grant, as if he had needed even more reasons to feel desperately attracted to her. She truly loved her cigarettes.

Rachel was aware of what her smoking was doing to Grant, but she really did not care. It was rather enjoyable for both of them. She had been dreaming of getting together with Grant for so long. Now that he had finally asked her out on a date and had proved that he wasn't only spending time with her out of kindness, and a quirky, if a little strange interest in her smoking. But because he was attracted to her too. After sharing a bottle of wine and a cocktail, all she wanted to do was throw herself at him.

She could tell that he enjoyed watching her smoke and to ram home that point, she used all the tricks she knew to make it a show impossible for him to resist. She purposedly smoked with passion letting her eyes and face tell him how much she was enjoying inundating her lungs with all that glorious smoke. Yes, it was filled with all the nasty toxins, and pollutants. But right now, it was the nicotine her body now constantly and almost continuously craved.

She didn't need to act it, because she knew she was hooked and had already given in. She was a smoker. By feeding her body with cigarettes was indeed incredible pleasurable to her. She was now actually turned on by her own teasing pleasure of Grant as she French inhaled yet another cloud of smoke.

But there was something else. After spending so much time reviewing over and over again all those smoking scenes from those classic movies, she understood the art. The ability to play with the smoke. To ooze sensuality and uttermost elegance entangled with the view of a stunning woman smoking a cigarette. It was an ingrained message in those movies was used repeatedly and that she now clearly wanted to cement in Grant's head. As evening progressed, she could sense how her drinks made her loosen up and her in true sexual desire build and build. She had never in her life felt anything like it and as she sat across the table from Grant, squirming with passion and gazing into his eyes. Whilst keeping that focus, she smoked continuously at an accelerating pace. Eating, drinking, and lighting up. fueling her own feelings in the process.

They spent a marvelous evening eating and drinking, and when as they finished the last of the cocktails, before ordering another Grant decided that they should leave the restaurant. They were both delighted that they had finally gone out together, but they were far from willing to part from each other. Rachel felt tingles all over her body when Grant took her spare hand as they walked back to his truck, as they walked slowly as Rachel finished yet another cigarette. Between the exhales she could not stop turning, looking and Grant and with excitement smiling lovingly at him.

If it had been doubly difficult for Grant to concentrate on the road on the way there, it was nothing compared to now. The slit in the skirt had opened up revealing more bare leg teasing more of her slim thighs. The cab of the truck was filled with the delightful but potent aroma of fresh smoke particulates from her hair and body that easily permeated and filled the small space between them. To many they would gag. To Grant he inhaled the aroma.

Emboldened by the alcohol in her drinks, Rachel teased him, brushing her hand against his body. Somehow, Grant managed to drive back safely and parked on his driveway, jumped out and went around to open her door before wrapping his arm around her small waist and walking her around the fence and up to her front door. They both seemed calm but inside both of them was a raging desire. Grant stood back one step as not to crowd her out as she unlocked the door. With a gently push it swung it open and then turned to face him. Standing very close to him, he could see her cheeks were flashing and as she tipsily batted her eyelashes.

"Grant, would you like a night cap?" she purred with a sultry whisper as she smiled looking deep into his eyes.

Grant nodded "There's nothing I would like more!" he replied immediately, unable to refrain his enthusiasm.

It was the undisputable signal he had dreamed of for weeks. Rachel fished around in her purse, time felt to go on forever both of them waiting for the key to be found, eventually she found her key and opened the door. After a moment of hesitation, he quickly grabbed her hand forcing her to turn and face him again. With grin she gently squeaked in excitement she had no time to say a word before Grant pulled her towards his body and passionately kissed her.

The sensation was electrifying for both, and Rachel kissed him back hard as she almost felt tears welling up in her eyes. Without their lips separating, they shuffled backwards into the house and Grant managed somehow to close the door behind him with his foot all whilst still kissing. Eventually the kiss broke, they kicked their shoes and pulled each other towards the sofa where they collapsed in a passionate embrace.

His passion was enough for Rachel to believe him, and she soon abandoned herself in his strong arms, adoring the feeling of him embracing her and holding her so close to him. Her heart was thumping loudly and madly, she was panting hard from the growing excitement and an overpowering lust was building inside her.

"Oh my God Rachel!" Grant said as he paused his kissing to take a breath. "You are the most beautiful women in the world!"

Rachel didn't respond but lifted her head and planted her mouth on his again and resumed kissing, biting his lower lip, and entangling her tongue with his. While using his right elbow to slightly support himself and not to crush her delicate frame under his full weight. Grant massaged with his left hand her abdomen and felt her arching in pleasure, pushing her pelvis against him. He then reached under her top and began fondling with her soft, perfect breasts. Rachel squealed of delight between kisses.

"Grant, I want you! I can't stand it anymore. I want you now!" she panted and moaned throwing her head back as he hands squeezed her pert buttocks.

Grant was about to explode himself, his cock so hard against his clothing that he was almost in pain. But he had dreamed of this moment for so long that he had no intention of rushing. He wanted to savor and enjoy every single tiny second of it. He wanted it to be as wonderful as it could possibly be. He sat up and helped Rachel get free from her top while she frenetically unbuttoned his shirt. With one hand unclicked her bra, she smiled as the straps glided down her arms, before it fell to the floor freeing her breasts. He could almost not believe his own eye as he stared at her.

He gently pushed he back on the sofa, as he begun to kiss, fondle and lick her naked body. He sucked and nibbled on her already erect nipples and Rachel agonized and screamed loudly in a pleasure she didn't know existed. She was a virgin, she had always got so close, but turned the guys away.

The two guys that closest were teenagers whose primary goal had been to get as quickly as possible into her panties, come and sleep. She was more interested at the time in love. She was loving where Grant's fingers and tongue were at that moment in time, and it was driving her insane with a slow and meticulous torture. She was very much aware and surprised that her juices were flowing like Niagara Falls as he was stimulating every inch of her body.

Finally, he untied her skirt and pulled it hurriedly away and immediately noticed the clearly expensive and sexy purple laced panties that Rachel had on. Lying on her back below him, almost entirely naked she was so amazingly stunning that he almost lost it. Instead, he resumed teasing her kissing and licking her body, moving in circles marching slowly but inexorably towards her now completely wet and waiting pussy.

"Oh my God...keep going. You are a such a fucking tease!" She panted "As I'm fucking coming already!!" Rachel suddenly screamed loudly as her body started shaking, but he didn't stop. Grant who instead returned to kiss her with love until her spasms subsided enough for him to regain his tortuous lovemaking.

"Please Grant, now...I. Need.!" Rachel begged him as whilst kissing her stomach he slipped both his thumbs into the narrow purple elastic and slowly pulled her panties away. They briefly stuck against her wet sex. A quick tug released them. Revealing her beautiful pink pussy which was obviously already dripping with desire.

But he wanted the moment to last and forcing himself to resist against his own will, he buried his face between her legs, tormenting her labia and bulging clitoris with his tongue. Rachel was again screaming and panting hard, pushing with her hands down on his firm shoulders pushing his head hard against her pelvis. Her hips slowly twisting and turning as if she contradictorily tried to free herself from his manly grip.

With his tongue deep within her, his stubble bristling and tickling her thighs, it was only a matter of minutes, she came again, even harder than before. She again screamed out loud. Waves of pleasure rushed through her and made her entire body twinge uncontrollably. She couldn't understand nor believe that she could feel so much pleasure, but Grant wasn't allowing her to rest, instead continuing to stimulate her and building up a never-ending desire.
