Kendra's Way Pt. 03

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Kendra restores peace and balance in her life and marriage.
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/08/2016
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Kendra pushed the elevator button and then took a step back, closed her eyes and listened to the music playing through her ear buds. It was Friday, the work week was done and weatherman had promised a gorgeous weekend. She was feeling good. It had been a couple of weeks since her melt down episode with Danny and the disappointment at not getting pregnant. Since then she had been a little more doting a wife than usual, attentive to his needs and planned to continue over the weekend.

Since going off the pill a few months earlier, she would let him satisfy her orally fairly regularly when she came home from work. It was a great way for Kendra to decompress and let the work day frustrations melt away. She was pondering which of their wicked games she would subject him to that evening.

Another young couple had approached the elevator. It was the tall young college basketball player that had moved into one of the rental units on the second floor. He was accompanied by a petite little blond, with a tight little body and perky little tits to match. She dressed from head to toe in Lulu Lemon. Kendra took an instant dislike to her, judging her as superficial and ditsy...unfairly she realized, but she had pretty good instincts most of the time. They made a ridiculous couple; he was nearly seven feet tall and she barely stood five feet.

At first they seemed oblivious to Kendra, the young women poking and teasing her companion, dressed in a loose fitting hoodie and basketball shorts. With each jab to his stomach or ribs he would double over. Kendra noticed that his package, clearly unrestrained, dancing round his shorts, semi erect. That was most likely what the younger women was playing at, arousing his manhood and showing it off, as she subjected him to public embarrassment...Bitch...that was actually kind of sexy but the alpha in Kendra took over. Nobody lorded their sexual power over her, especially in her place of residence. Perhaps it was time that she was schooled.

She studied the pair of them briefly as they continued their game. Ignoring the girl Kendra reached out her hand to the young man, "You must be my new downstairs neighbour...I'm Kendra in 2804...It's a pleasure...and welcome to the building." The other woman glared daggers at an indifferent Kendra who had now captured the young man's gaze, staring deeply into his green eyes. Now that they had made eye contact she winked and followed up with a gentle smile. She then slowly allowed her eyes to gradually descend and fix upon his considerable package before looking deep into his eyes once again and smirking.

"Hi Kendra, I'm's lovely to meet you." He replied confidently and smiled back without breaking eye contact with her.

Hmmmm, she thought, this one has balls to match the cock! Let's see how confident around women the young man was "May I?" she asked. She was about to raise the ante considerably. She reached out and took hold of the shaft of his penis through his shorts, and gently squeezed. She felt him twitch but he didn't flinch...perfect. Kendra was beginning to wonder just how the power dynamic was between these two. For now, she would continue to undermine the girl.

"That is a very substantial hog you're carrying there Jeremy...No wonder your little minx is being so playful...trying to show the world what you've got...What she thinks is hers..."

"Hey fuck off Lady, you bitch!" chirped the little minx.

Kendra held her gaze with the tall young man, ignoring the girl, and slowly squeezed his now thick and very hard shaft before letting go. It had lengthened and stood out generously, his wardrobe choice did nothing to hide his excitement. The elevator chimed and the door opened. The three entered, Kendra leading, the girl hurling a string of obscenities at her.

"Stop it Amber!" barked Jeremy, and the she went instantly quiet, grabbing his left hand with both of hers and glaring at the disinterested Kendra from a position she assumed just behind Jeremy. Her back to the elevator wall and Jeremy leaned against her slightly in an effort to pin her there. Kendra made eye contact with her long enough to ensure the other woman could see her size up her man again.

Amber wanted to attack the not so little, South Asian Bitch, and claw her fucking eyes out but her better instinct cautioned her that this one was definitely a little crazy, and too damn cocky not to be dangerous. Kendra pushed the button for her floor and moved in front of the tall younger man. Reaching into his shorts with both hands, she pulled out his manhood, measuring the length and girth of him.

"Wow Jeremy, I've never seen anything my size in this colour before!" she said smiling up at him, gently stroking his cock. Amber began yelling all manner of obscenities at her and would have gone for her throat, if Jeremy had not forced her against the elevator wall even harder, and leaned firmly against her.

"Jeremy stop it!" wailed Amber, "Let me at her...You FUCKING BITCH!" she continued, squirming, trying to break free. She didn't give a fiddler's fuck how tough the other woman might be; she wanted!

The elevator chimed again as it arrived at the young couple's floor. "Jeremy, when you've finally had enough of Amber and want to come and see me...its Kendra...Unit 2804"

Jeremy turned around and picked Amber up bodily, holding on to her tightly as though she were a hysterical child and quickly exited the elevator, as she continued cursing and hurling insults and unintelligible venom at Kendra.

"Kendra...2804 Jeremy!" barked Kendra as the elevator door closed. She could hear the little minx now in tears- blaming him for what had happened!

"For Christ's sake Amber shut up...You're going to upset the neighbours. I have to live here!" she heard through the doors as the elevator started its climb to the 28th floor. She returned to her ear buds and her music and let out a mischievous chuckle to discover her phone was playing Michael Jackson's 'Bad'.

Daniel having got home earlier, patiently waiting in the kitchen nook of their condominium, anticipating his Friday night and the weekend ahead. Kendra had been more playful than usual and he looked forward to seeing her. She followed a ritual when she arrived home from work, giving him cues on what to expect as soon as she came in the door.

If she asked, "Hi Honey! How was your day?" he knew without a doubt that sex was completely off the menu. He'd learned not to push her. Their sex life like most things in their marriage was completely under her control.

If she announced, "Daniel, bedroom" as she came in the door then he knew to follow her into their room and help her undress completely before she would lay across the bed. Remaining clothed he would lick and suck the folds of her gorgeous pussy, play with her thick brown nipples, and worship her ass until she was content, usually after a half an hour or so. She rarely orgasmed during these sessions, it was just quiet time with her man, and a chance to relax and decompress after work. If he did give her an orgasm, she would reward his efforts by allowing him to undress and masturbate on her breasts and then clean her up with his eager tongue. She would then suck his little white cock for a minute or two making sure that all his ejaculate was cleaned up. Kendra was meticulous about not letting Daniels semen near her pussy to the point of near obsession. She was determined not to let him impregnate her. He was too tiny physically and although highly intelligent, devoted, loyal, and a great provider, just not fearless, ruthless, or edgy enough. Kendra wanted her children to be well educated and charming, but also intimidating alpha dogs, uncompromising masters of all they associated with. She shared those qualities and wanted the same in a Sire for her children.

Sometimes as she arrived home from work, she would simply say "Pillow..." before heading into the bedroom. He would go into the living room and choosing a throw pillow would lay down with his head upon it on the hardwood floor in front of the bay window in the living room. After a minute or two she would enter wearing only her top, or a sexy bra, and a pair of four inch heels.

She would circle round him several times, smiling as he took in the site of his beautiful Kendra half naked, before squatting down on his eager mouth where she would enjoy his talents, perched like a queen upon her throne, applying pressure of her own when it pleased her to do so. Once in a while she would bring a vibrator or latex toy, and masturbate while Daniel licked her ass or her pussy. This was Kendra's game when she was feeling particularly sexy and wanted to lord it over a willing Danny. She would sometimes sit upon him motionless feeling his tongue circling her clitoris, and look out the bay window imagining someone living in any of the thousands of apartments visible from their 28th floor condominium watching her dominate her man, through binoculars purchased for that very purpose. She would sometimes offer a wink and a smile in hopes of shocking the voyeur with the knowledge that she was on to him...

On special occasions, of which she had decided was today, thanks in part to her triumph over the fair Amber, she would announce "Shower Darling!" and Danny would leap up from whatever he was doing and race for the shower, and today was no exception. He quickly shed his clothing and got down on his knees patiently waiting for his sexy wife. He listened to her preparations, full of anticipation as she did little preening things, seemingly to annoy him, for what seemed forever. He knew this was a part of the game she enjoyed so he cheerfully accepted it. What was coming was worth the wait, as this was by far his favourite game.

Finally, she joined him in the shower, also naked and placing one hand on the top of his head she cooed at him, "Close your eyes my Darling, no peeking..." and slowly began to walk around him, her rotating hand, gently patting him, offered a clue as to where she was.

The game was that she would eventually stop in front of him either slightly to the left or right of center, with her feet together. She would then tell him to go, at which point he would begin to masturbate furiously. He only had until Kendra counted to thirty to shoot his load. The idea was that if more of his semen landed on her feet than the shower floor, then he would be allowed to have sex with her. If not...well... the game was over. Semen that landed on her legs or ankles did not count. Whatever was on her feet was compared to what was on the floor and it had to be clearly more for a win. If she reached the count of thirty before he had an orgasm, the game was over, he would have to stop and endure a cold shower...the end result he never wanted.

Danny dropped a large wad of spit on the head of his penis and worked it in, lubricating his shaft and foreskin, then closed his eyes and squeezed the tip, now bullet hard in anticipation. Kendra entered the shower and noticed the drain positioned between his feet. "Hey Mister, no cheating, turn around. I see what you're doing trying to have the drain under you. Shame on you..." She smirked, admiring his guile and slowly placing her hand upon the top of his head as he quickly turned around.

Kendra began to slowly pace around her husband, hand upon his head reciting the little rhyme she had coined, " stiff...little cock... its white as snow...and...when...I...find...a's time for cum to GO!" she smiled and began her count as Danny, eyes clenched shut began to jackhammer his tiny erection.

"One...two...three..." Kendra smiled, watching her husband's face and torso already beginning to blush in preparation for orgasm. She rarely counted beyond twenty, in fact she had only reached thirty once and as it turned out Daniel had not been feeling well, and the next day came down with a vicious flu that kept him in bed for three days.

"Four...five...six" she continued, studying how his body prepared for orgasm. She marvelled at how his body now rigid, every muscle of his lean torso clearly defined, seemed to tighten as if in a coordinated effort to squeeze the seed form deep within him.

"Seven...eight...nine..." she counted.

"Aaaaahh!" moaned Danny, his chin dropping to his chest. His body tightened, and shoulders hunched as he began to ejaculate, the first spurt landing squarely on Kendra's right knee. The second missed her left knee and landed on the floor behind her. His orgasm continued not as powerfully but with substantially more fluid, the next three landing intact on her left foot. The next two were on her right foot and the last two dribbled on the floor in front of her toes.

He opened his eyes and surveying the results, looked up at her with the brightest of grins.

"Well done Baby!" She announced cupping his jaw with both hands, "My little freak! Looks like we move to round two."

Danny lay down on the cold floor completely prostrate before her and lovingly licked his semen from her golden brown feet, as Kendra looked adoringly down on her little husband. He was considerably shorter and finer boned than her, but took great care of his body and she admired the sinew of his well-muscled back. Her favourite body part on him had always been his taught butt. She had playfully sunk her teeth into those cheeks many times over the years.

He carefully cleaned her feet and ankles and then rising to his knees, licked her shins and knees until every vestige of his seed had been consumed. Standing now, he looked up into her eyes and offered a loving smile and embraced her before the two moved into the bedroom.

She lay on her back, spread across the comforter as Danny went to work on her pussy with his hungry mouth. She quickly began to respond and moisten for him, as he worked his practiced tongue. Her pussy seemed to soften more and open up more quickly to his tongue now, ever since the Caribbean adventure last month. He slid a middle finger into her vagina for her pleasure and decided two would be better. Kendra pushed back on his hand moaning as he penetrated her.

She began thinking of the tall well-endowed young man she had just encountered in the elevator and added two of her own fingers to Daniel's efforts, pulling and squeezing the sheath of her clitoris.

The more she thought about it, the more she delighted in the trampy little girl friend's reaction as she recalled the events... She began to fantasize that she had the power to take any man she wanted for her pleasure, whether his woman was present or not. Between her fingers, Hubby's tongue and her own erotic thoughts, she could feel a climax looming...It rolled over her in wave after crashing wave, her moans of pleasure rising deep from inside her heaving chest. As she started to cum, she had grabbed Danny's hair with both hands and crushed his face into her pelvis, wrapping her muscular long legs around his back and shoulders. He simply went limp, holding his breath and waited for her crushing grip to relax.

"Okay Danny, condom." She instructed, sitting up on the side of the bed after a minute, still feeling the aftershocks.

He quickly opened a Slim Fit condom from Kendra's nightstand and began to roll it on his rampant penis. Fully erect his penis was barely four inches in length and less than inch in girth. Usually he was able to stretch the base of the condom over his testicles and tightly wrap them into knot at the base of his cock. Since returning from the Caribbean, Kendra enjoyed taking his full length, including his shrink-wrapped testicle into her eager pussy. He loved the way it felt to be completely inside her in this way when he was on top. He would arch his back, thrusting into her while Kendra with two fingers on either side of the base of his nutsack, held him captive with one hand and worked her clit with the other.

For some reason it just wasn't working as well for Kendra this evening. She made the mental decision that penetrative sex with Danny just too frustrating after having experienced much larger meatier men. She decided to send Danny out in the morning for a larger toy that he could use...maybe a strap on dildo. She decided that Danny would have to be content with her ass from now on, although she was rarely in the mood for that, even with his small member.

She rolled him off her and climbing on top removed the condom and began to lovingly suck her husband's cock. She decided to continue until he could no longer sustain an erection which could take a while with Daniel. Although he but little, he was mighty!

Kendra rarely displayed her fellatio skills to her husband, but never disappointed him when she did. She would work his shaft furiously and gently in alternating rhythm and always took him deep in her throat when he orgasmed, holding him until his member would stop twitching, before continuing her piston like pumping of his shaft. Danny came twice before finally losing his erection, after twenty minutes of Kendra's efforts.

They played together for a while longer before making dinner and settling in for an evening watching Netflix, sharing a bottle of wine. Later as they laid in bed together, Kendra's thoughts returned to the young couple in the elevator and she dozed off wondering when Jeremy would darken her door...

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BullwipBullwipover 7 years agoAuthor
The story so far.....

Some readers may notice a bit of a gap in the telling of Kendra’s story so far. This excerpt is actually the fourth in the series. There is a missing chapter that included a scene involving Daniel submitting to a session of bondage and humiliation at the hands of Kendra that was deemed to exceed the content guidelines by the Literotica moderators.

Rather than revise and resubmit, and in full acknowledgement of the moderator’s right to enforce content rules, I made the artistic decision to simply omit the piece from the series, allowing the readers to imagine the content and fill in the gap left in the wake of ‘the lost chapter’ in their own way. The plot content is not essential in the ark of the story, save to show the strength and commitment the couple share, in spite of their highly unconventional marriage.

I apologize to the readers of the series as well as the moderators for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused. I would also encourage you the reader to enjoy each subsequent chapter as Danny and Kendra have an interesting year ahead of them…

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