Kicker, Fran, and Molly


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"I love it, Frannie. I love tossing you around and fucking you. You're perfect."

"I'm going to get stronger soon, Susie. Then we can see who tosses whom."

"Whom?" She started laughing. "Maybe we should see about switching back."

We crept out of the room, down the hall. Listened for a minute. Didn't hear anything. I knocked softly on the door. I cracked it open and peered inside. They were in bed, naked, asleep. I woke Molly up, touching her shoulder. She slipped out of bed. SusieQ took her place. Molly and I sneaked back down to our bedroom.

"Well?" Molly asked with some hesitation.

"I had a great time, Molly. How about you?"

"Me, too. Kicker always had a knack with me. But how are we after us both having a good time?"

"Okay, I think. What do you think?"

"I think I'm still a slut at heart. But I'm a slut that loves you best."

"Molly, Kicker is in love with you. You know that. I don't want a lot of drama later on. I expect that we'll both want to branch out from here, right?"

"You mean Betsy. If you do that, can I have Marty, and maybe one of his harem, too."

"Boy, you are a slut!"

"I never denied it. But if you're not good with this, I'll stop right now."

"Yeah, full of Kicker's cum." I smiled.

"That's undeniable. So full," she sighed. We fell asleep.

In the morning she was on top of me, with me inside her when I woke up. Hard and fucked in my sleep. Amazing. She came at the same time I did. We cleaned up and went to get the kids up. Kicker already had breakfast cooking for them. He was handy to have around, for sure.

We four got the three kids off to school. Lucky for us they all went to the same place.

When we were all back at the house, we had a discussion.

Kicker said, "Are we okay, Fran, Susie?"

A simultaneous "Yes." Smiles all around.

"Well," he said, "it's a new, old day."

Things went smoothly for several weeks. Mostly Molly and I were together, and Kicker and SusieQ. Maybe twice a week we switched. The kids seemed to understand that sometimes we were in different rooms at night. I did get stronger, working out. One night, SusieQ tried to pick me up, and instead I picked her up. I tossed her on the bed. I flexed and she spread her legs for me.

"I'm all yours Fran." She rubbed herself. I took her hard, then flipped her and took her from behind. She just kept having orgasms. I came so hard that I got dizzy.

We were in a heap on the bed. "Oh, Frannie. How did that happen? You don't seem so much different."

"I'm just getting stronger. I had some fat. Now not so much. BUT, I do like the other way, too. Maybe we should always wrestle for dominance. Who wins depends on who wants it most."

"Nah. Waste too much energy that we need for fucking. We'll work it out."

How we worked it out was when Kicker was in San Diego to visit his sister. That left three of us. The two of them just used me. Molly really got into that this time, more than before. And so did I. I decided that being double teamed was great. Double-Dom was what they called it.

When Kicker came back, we were all drinking beer before going upstairs when Molly asked if we should have Jeff and Twyla over the next night for a cook-out. Everyone agreed.

The cook-out was wonderful, with all the kids, good food, a keg, and wine for Twyla. Toward dark, Jeff cornered me off by the pool.

"What's going on with your four? Something, I know. We weren't here five minutes before Twyla told me that she thought you were all sleeping together."

"We are, sort of. I was off hurt, Kicker was here, some jerk was after Molly at work and maybe getting through to her. I thought about it. I went to see Marty. And, we decided to open up, with just Kicker and SusieQ for now. This cook out was partly for you and Twyla to see that. Without, you know, a big announcement. I'm shocked she sussed it so quickly. We weren't sure about you guys. You have an in, if you want it."

"I'll talk to her about it. I suspect she'll get all the gory details from Molly and SusieQ."

Later I saw the three of them in an intense discussion at the fountain. The three guys stayed far away. The evening went on, without any obvious resolution.

The next day, I called Peter, Mona's husband. We met at Starbuck's for coffee. We walked out by a lake.

"Peter, the police came by my house to tell me that they believed that Harry Baxter was the one who ran me down. They had a warrant, but he was in the wind. They warned me to keep up security."

"Man, that's the pits. I never thought the guy would do that. He seemed like just a pussy hound. A good one, though."

"Yeah. Well, I just thought I'd let you know. In case you wanted to beef up security. He might have gone rogue."

"Fran, thanks. I don't believe that will be necessary. Harry's just a piece of trash. You can relax."

I nodded at him. Message received. Sort of what I expected.

Marty's acquisition in Virginia was ready for occupancy the next week. We were all invited. The stuff had been moved from Maryland. The ten acre 'farm' was sold, and would soon be a development.

The party for Marty was a real blast. At the time Jeff and Twyla were not decided about whether to join the four of us in our switching games. Marty and Betsy were curious. I had informed Betsy that Molly and I had opened up, but just with Kicker and SusieQ, for then. She said she'd be patient. Now she wanted to know about Jeff and Twyla. I told her it was on hold.

The whole party was a raging success. There were sixteen kids, or seventeen, maybe. Marty had the five women there, of course. They were like an old married sextet, in a way. There was a pond, fishing, some canoes. Lots of music and dancing. In the middle of the festivities I saw Twyla, Molly, SusieQ and Betsy in a long discussion at a picnic table.

About thirty minutes later Molly and Betsy found me inside. Betsy just took my hand and led me down toward her room. Molly smiled, turned and left.

I spent three hours with Betsy. It was fantastic. We meshed right away. No power games, no fumbling around. It was just as good as I had imagined it would be. When we emerged, the party was winding down. Kicker was running around with our kids and SusieQ's. Molly was sitting on a sofa with Marty. I looked over. She gave him a kiss. I made an assumption from that. SusieQ emerged from a room, and then......Jeff and Twyla came out of that room.

"Jesus help me, what will become of all of us?" I said it lightly, but meant it.

Marty said, "You can never tell." It was just after Christmas. We all stayed over, since there had been drink, and there was room for the kids. There was a gigantic kids sleepover room.

Molly and I went to a bedroom. Kicker and SusieQ did the same, as did Jeff and Twyla. I have no idea who slept with Marty. As far as Molly and me, no switching. We did get it on. The atmosphere was drenched in sex the whole day.

After, Molly asked, "How was it with Betsy?"

"Oh, just so so." I paused. "No, babe, it was fantastic. How was Marty?"

"He's very accomplished. If I hadn't met you, I might be one of his women."

"Molly, I wonder where this is all going. I mean, the sex here, amongst all of us, isn't, you know, 'just sex.' There's a big element of caring involved. Things could get mixed up."

"One thing won't get mixed up. You're my main man. Any time you doubt that, just say the word, and I'll be only yours." She had tears saying that. I took her word for it.


Things were good in our neighborhood. Jeff and Twyla became involved in the swapping, and we started to have the odd threesome, or foursome, with various combinations. Molly and I made it a rule to sleep together at least three nights a week, at our house.

We would all visit Marty's new place, as well. About once a month he'd throw a party. I would see Betsy then. Molly sometimes went with Marty, and other times with Jeff. She saved Kicker for home. Twyla was often with Kicker then, and sometimes Marty. The other women Marty had there were not really involved in all that, as far as I knew. Until the pandemic.

When COVID-19 became all of our main concern, in February, Marty and I had a talk. He was of the opinion that we could all have a 'pod.' At his 'ranch,' as he was calling it. The season was over. He and Jeff both retired. Marty was able to afford all the land and buildings because he had followed some sage advice and rode a tech stock into the stratosphere. So had I, among other things. Jeff was a multi-millionaire. Kicker was okay. He had paid back the forty thousand. But one of us would have carried him, no matter what. So, no money worries.

We had a meeting. Testing was arranged, for COVID and STD's. I had a plan for home schooling all the kids. Molly was a big part of that. We all agreed to give it a try. I felt like some hippie, but I also thought it was the safest thing, for a while.

That's how it went, all through the winter and spring. Once in a while one of us would go check on the houses. The security was still there.

The sex? It was varied. There were more women than men -- four guys, eight women. It turned out to be quite pleasant for the guys. Anyway, Marty took the big load with his harem. The home schooling was run by Molly and me, with Twyla's help. Kicker and Marty and Jeff made a big effort to turn the acres into a working farm. Chickens, goats, vegies. There were a few fruit trees, but that was for fall.

Molly and I kept to our vow to sleep together at least three nights a week. Betsy and I had Thursdays. Molly often joined us, though not always. The others had their patterns. Molly and Kicker were closer as well.

I can't say that there haven't been tensions. Sexual tensions have emerged, but then settled. Mostly the tensions have been among the men. Not always, though. No fights. Few arguments, but some. What usually settles things is more sex. I call it Molly's solution.

Now, we've all had the vaccine. It came around in March, 2021. No one was reluctant. Molly and I had kept the school open all summer, with a lighter schedule. And here we are. What about this school year? We had an adult group meeting. Twelve of us.

We all decided to stay for the year, with vacations as needed if they were safe. Molly and I went to the beach for two weeks. We stayed in a house on the bay, ran to the ocean to swim in the morning. Nobody else but us. That's an advantage of the ranch -- built in safe kid sitting. It was a reconnection of sorts. When the two weeks were over, we decided not to change anything. The thought was that we could move back home, with the kids. We didn't. We're sill at the 'ranch.' We still sleep together three or more nights. We're still married.

As for the kids, they seem to have adapted. The bed switching doesn't seem unusual to them. They all did really well academically. They got more attention that they would at an ordinary school. I was really into the teaching, setting up curricula for different ages.

So, we just have to see what the future holds. One thing, both Molly and SusieQ are pregnant. Molly by me. SusieQ by Kicker. He's ecstatic. He's going to make a good father. Already has, in a way.

Betsy is also pregnant.

The end.

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NoBullAlNoBullAl6 days ago

Another typical teenager fantasy story!!

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

Loved the plot, but it wasn’t written in a style I love to read, quite bullet point at times,

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0355 months ago

Terrible, could have been so much more than a school boy fantasy.

SeaChangerSeaChanger5 months ago

Well, I'm glad I'm not a part of that group. Strange how this author starts out with great writing, plot and character development and then trashes the whole thing ... like this story. No parents, kids, cousins, neighbors or co-workers, just a bunch of cheatrrs.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This “story” is a long, meandering description of multiple sexual encounters with no discernible plot. Ho hum…

katibkatib6 months ago

The author spent a lot of time on this rambling tale, but what was the point? Best part was learning that Baxter ended up in the trash.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Like Nitpiks comment,plain rubbish,disappointed in your story.You set the story up then spent/wasted 2 1/2 chapters on their collage experenses when a couple of paragraphs would have got the background across instead of getting on with the story???mind you the story was not much either,just dragged on..1star..JZK...

vanyevanye10 months ago

Pretty decent, but I do agree with Miket0422 - why did he never check the security system? It feels like you planned to go the cheaters route, then changed your mind but didn't rewrite to address that .

NitpicNitpic11 months ago

Just rubbish.

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

He knows Molly is pregnant by him how? She's spending 3-4 nights a week fucking 3 other guys.

Since he was committed to staying with Molly I get where he felt he had to open the marriage.

Still a lot of shady behavior on her part that he never addressed. Going for drinks with the guy from work, supposedly for Mona's benefit but, didn't tell Fran? Why?

Giving Kicker $40 grand, all checks made to cash, didn't tell him?

While he's in the hospital she gives Kicker a handjob and lets him & Susie have the master bedroom. Again, why?

He already had a home security system. Then the Army had him upgrade and add to it. If he could do all his banking on a laptop while in the hospital why didn't he check the home security system at the same time?

Ok story, not necessarily my cup of tea. Lots of holes left unresolved

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Thanks for your writing.

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