Knocked Up at The Sci Fi Convention

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Nerd Sex At The Science Fiction Convention.
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It is a common fallacy that beautiful women don't go to Sci Fi and Comic conventions. You check out any genre convention and you'll find a lot of them. And they're there looking for one thing...nerds. Now, maybe not the glasses taped together and pocket protector kind of nerds, those are the common portrayal in movies and television. No, these nerds are gamers, collectors, cosplayers and the like. I went to my first Sci Fi/Comic convention while in High School. My very first convention, I met Sienna. She was a long legged beauty in a very short Red Star Trek uniform. We spent a lot of time together that weekend. I even took her to my Junior Prom. Even though we didn't stay together long, this story is based, very loosely, on my time with her.

All participants in this story are fictional and over 18. I hope you enjoy...

"Knocked Up At The Sci Fi Convention"

Chapter One

This was not my first convention. No, far from it. I had seen my share of beautiful women in far-out cosplay costumes but she took the cake. She was gorgeous. Red hair, flawless skin and a great figure. Now, when I say 'great figure', you have to understand what I mean. She was, by no means, a stick figure. She had some meat on her bones, but perfectly proportioned. Just the way I like them. She was walking across the stage in her futuristic barbarian costume. You can tell she'd spent quite a bit of time on it. The way she strutted across the stage, the way she handled her sword, the way her flaming red hair draped across her body like a fine curtain, she looked perfect up on that stage. In the end, she didn't win, but she put on a great show. After the contest, I saw her sitting by herself at a table near the concession area. I went over to introduce myself.

"Hi," I said. "I'm Nick. May I join you?"

She looks up from her fruit smoothie and gives me a dejected smile. I will say, though, even a dejected smile from her could light up a room.

"Hi Nick, I'm Sienna." She started. "You can sit down, but I may not be the best company right now."

"I know," I told her. "I saw. If it's any consolation, I thought you were robbed. You looked great up there. You move very nicely. I could tell you put a lot of work into your presentation. What can I say, the judges like what the judges like."

She looked at me again. I could see a shimmer in her green eyes that told me I'd hit a a positive way.

"I've been working on this costume for weeks." She started. "The Red Queen is one of my best pieces."

"I can tell." Was my reply. "I've seen many of these contests and, I thought, you really performed well up there. I love the way you move."

Her mood brightened a bit at that and the tension relaxed. We sat and talked for a while. She was finally in a good enough mood to step away from the smoothie cup and take a walk.

"So," she started, "care to share some stories from your universe? Tell me a little bit about Nick."

I smiled at that. "Who me?" I started. "I'm a collector. I come to these things to find new pieces for my collection. Why don't we walk over to the dealers room and see what treasures we can find. I love the hunt."

She agreed and off we went.

After a while of perusing the dealers room, we decided to grab a snack and find a place to sit down. We enjoyed some conversation for a while. In time, Sienna leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"This costume may look great," she started, "but it's not really comfortable for the long haul. Would you mind if we went up to my room so that I could change into something," she looked at me with a wry grin, "a little more comfortable?"

What, am I a fool? "Of course we can," I said.

We headed straight for the elevator and expressed it up to the sixth floor.

She touched the key card to the electric lock and in we went. Since I lived locally, I had never seen the rooms in this place before. Really nice, I must say. I followed her as she walked across the room. She was busy undoing her bustier as she walked.

"Make yourself comfy. I'll be right back."

As she walked to the bathroom, she removed the bustier and tossed it on the bed. All I could see as she disappeared in to the bathroom was her bare back, but it was sexy as hell. She had skin like porcelain and hair of finely woven silk. I picked her bustier off the bed and sniffed it. I know that sounds weird to a lot of people, but, I know that people have different smells, aromas, and, to me, what a womans tits smell like is very important. She had been wearing this a while, so it should give me a clue as to what to expect. It smelled heavenly, just the right ratio of perfume to musk. I bounced my ass on the bed a couple of times, you know, testing it out. I know I was taking a lot for granted, but, somehow, I knew we were going to need the bed before long.

The water in the sink had been running for a while. I figured she was taking off her make-up or something. I heard the water shut off and knew it was show time. It was shit or get off the pot time. I knew I had to have this woman no matter what. As she came out of the bathroom, she had a towel up to her face drying it. This was it, the perfect time. I grabbed her. The robe she was wearing slipped loose and fell to the floor. She was wearing nothing but a bra and panties. She slipped loose and turned to me with venom in her eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she screamed.

"Isn't this what you invited me up here for?" I asked. "A little barbarism?"

"I invited you up here because I thought you were a nice guy." She returned with extreme anger. "Guess I figured that wrong. Get the fuck"

I took a moment to look at her. Beautiful huge titties overflowing in a size too small bra and a beautiful tuft of red hair peeking subtly out of here panties. I had to have her. Nothing was going to stop me. I lunged for her. She moved to the left and moved past me. She jumped on the bed.

"Come on now." I pleaded. "You know you want this as much as I do."

She looked at me again. "I don't think anyone wants this as much as you do." was her reply.

I reached for her again. She kicked at me.

"You'd better leave now before I scream."

"Are you kidding?" I replied. "These walls are thick and everyone is down at the convention. Who's going to hear you?"

"Get out now." she yelled.

Yeah, I don't think so. As quick as I could, I grabbed at an ankle. I connected. It took her by surprise. While she was worrying about one ankle, I grabbed the other ankle and pulled forward. She tumbled to the bed and I was on her. She was kicking and screaming but I was able to pin her with my body and grab her wrists. She struggled. As she did, I could feel my dick get harder. I could tell by how wide her eyes got that she could feel it, as well. She tried to wriggle out from under me. No dice. I had her now. I lunged for her throat and started kissing her on the neck. She got a wrist loose and tried to swing at me. I caught her hand and pinned it under my knee. With my free hand, I struggled to undo her bra. Fortunately, it was a front hook and I've had a good amount of practice with those. Her bra sprang open. Oh my God, the most marvelous tits I'd ever seen. I looked closely at her nipples. There was milk dripping from it. An added bonus.

"Ah, a lactating bimbo at that." I said out loud.

Suddenly, she stopped fighting and started laughing. I sat up straight, looking at her quizzically.

"What?" I asked.

She looked at me, a smile on her face. "Lactating bimbo? Nobody says bimbo anymore. Slut....whore...either of those would work, but Bimbo? And lactating? Somehow, not the sexiest word."

I looked at her. "Okay," I said. "But up to that point, how was it?"

"It was fun," she said. "I guess it's just hard to accept you as a cold blooded rapist."

"Well," I replied, "I guess that's a good thing. Wouldn't you be a bit worried if I was that good at it naturally?"

She thought for a second and then responded. "Fair point, I guess. Now let's finish this." She said with an evil glint in her eye.

I nodded and started back in on her neck.

I nibbled my way across her neck and down to her nipple. She relaxed so she could enjoy it more and that made things a lot easier. You see, this is a little game we played every year. Not the whole rapist thing, but the role playing. The sci fi convention is the perfect place. The costumes, the environment. We met at this convention two years ago. Last year, we conceived our daughter here. This year, if our plan holds, we'll conceive a second child here. It's kind of our thing.

I sucked her nipple deep into my mouth. The squirt of milk I got was spectacular. I loved her milk. I squeezed her large nipple between my thumb and fore finger. Milk shot out like a firehose. She moaned and arched her back in pleasure. I could tell she was enjoying this as much as I was. I switched nipples so I could get more. The other kept dripping. Lack of milk was definitely not a problem she had. I kissed down her belly to her belly button. Her belly button ring was shiny and new. She had gotten pierced specifically for this costume. I was glad. I really enjoyed it. I flicked my tongue around her belly button. With any luck, within a few months, it will be popping out again as her tummy grew.

I pulled her pretty pink panties down her long legs and threw them on the floor. With gusto, I spread her legs and dug into her pussy with my tongue. She weaved her fingers into my hair and moaned with satisfaction. As her passion mounted, her pussy lips spread like the petals of a flower and came to life. Her juices flowed and her clit engorged. Her body had no problem letting you know she was enjoying herself. She moaned louder, I knew she was getting close. I ran my tongue around her clit at break neck speed. Her ass was moving, grinding the bed. Her fingers were pulling my hair and her pussy juices were flowing like fine wine. Her milk was squirting like a fountain onto her chest. I knew this was it. She pulled my face into her folds as her orgasm over took her. She was very vocal in her satisfaction. 'Thank God' everyone was down at the convention. She was screaming now, but in a good way.

As soon as she started cumming, I moved into position, with my hard cock right at the entrance to her pussy. I shoved it in. No use in being gentile now. I plowed into her. She gasped as I entered her. I started hammering her right away. I didn't want to give her any time to breathe. I pounded her pussy for everything I was worth. She was moaning and urging me on. "Fuck me harder", was all she could get out. So I did. I slammed her repeatedly. I felt that familiar tingle deep in my balls. I knew I was getting close.

"I gonna cum, you slut."

"Oh yes, that works much better." she replied. "Cum inside me. Give me all you've got. Give me another baby." She repeated this. It was almost like a montra for her at this point.

So I did what I could to obey her wishes. I felt my dick start to twitch as I shot my cum into her. I buried my cock as deep as I could. I heard her inhale deeply as I emptied my nuts into her. I painted her with all the life giving seed I could muster. Hopefully, lightning can strike twice and my sperm can find and attack one of her very fertile eggs. I loved it when she was pregnant and really want her that way again. Luckily, we'll have several times this weekend to try to achieve that goal

As I finished cumming, we both relaxed a little. I lie there, on top of her, our juices dribbling out of her hole around my flagging cock. We were spent. We lie there holding each other for a while, just enjoying this time post coital.

"I suppose we should clean up a little." I said.

"Not yet." she replied. "Just a few more minutes. This is heavenly."

I complied with her request. I leaned in to suck on her nipple a little. I hated to see her milk go to waste like that. She whimpered as I suckled. Not a bad whimper, mind you. A satisfied little mewl. After a few sucks, I rolled off of here.

"I had an idea." I said to her.

"I'm surprised you could get enough blood flow to your brain during all that," She didn't move as she spoke. "let alone have enough for an idea. She giggled.

"Yeah." I said ignoring that last comment. "I've been thinking for a while now."

"Yes?" She questioned.

"Well, we met here two years ago. I knocked you up here last year and hopefully again this year."

"Yes," she said.

"Maybe next year, we could get married here." I proposed.

She propped up on an elbow and looked at me. "How many times do I have to say 'yes' to you? Yes, yes, yes?

"There is one problem, though." she started. "Here we are, lying here naked, covered in all sorts of bodily fluids, my pussy hanging wide open having just been freshly fucked and you ask me to marry you?" She spoke with surprising volume.

"What's your point?" I asked.

She looked at me and fell back to the bed in exasperation. How are we ever going to be able to tell this version of the story to our family and friends?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Kinda hard to keep track of but I still loved it. You could have a great idea for a series based around the sci-fi conventions. There are so many between the Sci Fi and the horror, etc that material would be endless.

coolstrangeravenuecoolstrangeravenueabout 2 months ago

I really like this story's plot and angle, and while the storytelling style just isn't one that's for me, I'm following because I'd like to see what follows. As I think about this story, I hope other people who like this style find it, but it's always hard for me to connect with the characters when their journey involves them (all of the characters involved) having inherent knowledge something I don't find out until later.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Story bounced around in tone, but you brought it through that well, in the end.

Maybe should have gotten married earlier....

There are a lot of unknowns here, does she hit other conventions with her legs open, there are months and months that other men cannot get her more pregnant. Although, he does seem to have at least been aroound her when she was pregnant previously, as well as causing it....

Fun and sexy

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 2 months ago

Stick with one tense. You start off properly in past tense, since you ARE telling a story about something that happened in the past. Then, "She looks?" Why not, "She looked?" "gives me?" Why not "gave me?"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I'm so happy when I click on what I'm fearing is a cuck story and find someone just put one in the wrong category. I wish they wouldn't make it so easy to put stuff wrong.

16GaDouble16GaDoubleabout 2 months ago

So what if it wasn't the typical Loving Wives story (and yes, it maybe should have gone into Romance), but I liked it very much, and I awarded all five of 'em to ya'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Fun to read but there was another way to write it.

Whack doodle has valid comment.

LOVE slap-hapy-papy #9

26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

Good story, but I’m not sure I can believe that Sci-fi nerds can get beautiful women.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I agree that it didn't fit the category at all.

The fake rape scene came out of nowhere and was really off-putting.

The story was also quite choppy. We go from one kind of story to another kind of story to a third kind of story without any transition.

There's enough here that I think you can do a lot better. But this is not a great work.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaineabout 2 months ago

Was this role playing? If so ok. I don’t condone rape tho.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Nice sweet story.

I liked her humorous reactions and comebacks to his comments, just a suggestion, try more of that.

The Sci-fi and nerd genre is ripe for that kind of stuff, after all the Big Bang Theory did well with it.

And now that you've started, please continue. I would not mind if you back filled the story on the meeting and the second year (I assume they did see each other between the first and second years).

muskyboymuskyboy2 months ago

Very nice, thanks! 5/5

bluerubberonebluerubberone2 months ago

Per Literal definition of the category is defined as below.... as the name is meant to be ironic in nature and that has not changed in its 30 years of the site's existence. I love preggo stories, but you killed it for me because I was expecting something else entirely and it ruined the story for me, so I can't leave a good rating.

"Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more. [44.1k]"

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


WhackdoodleWhackdoodle2 months ago

1 star. Not because it was a bad story but because the author made too many mistakes.

We, the readers, are omniscient. We know all and see all, especially as lot when we can read inner monologues. You can’t lie to us. Sure you can omit a few elements here and there but you can’t lie.

He lied when he said he had never been there before. He lied when he said he never saw the barbarian before. He lied when he said it was time to “do it or get off the pot”. And she lied when she repeatedly yelled at him.

You can lie to yourself, your spouse or to your family but you can’t lie to god.

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