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Kya looked at him, then fell off the chair, Nate and the Admiral grabbing hold of her so she didn't hurt herself.

"Put her on the bed, son. She'll sleep for hours." The Admiral said, as Nate lifted her and laid her on their bed.

"You want to explain to me what the hell is going on, Admiral?" He replied, feeling quite angry now.

"We don't have all the answers, son. God, I wish we did. I find it truly remarkable that she found you, on her own, after the personal hell she has gone through. And then after the second hell the blasted FBI put her through." The Admiral said, sitting back on his chair.

"I guess you'd better start at the beginning, Sir. I'm really not getting this at all." Nate said.

"Can you get us a drink, Captain? I'd really like something, and that will make this a bit easier to come out." The Admiral asked, looking very old again, the last time Nate saw him looking this old was when he was discharged.

Once the Admiral had thrown back a couple of shots of whiskey, he looked at Nate.

"Thank you, for a lot of things, son. You gave me a family when I had none, and you've given safety and security to Kya when she was lost." The Admiral said.

"You probably don't really remember much about 484. You were the first one on board though. You pulled the Lieutenant out of the wreck and you were the first face she saw after what happened on that devil spawned flight."

"That's her?" Nate asked. Kya looked nothing like the broken woman he vaguely recalled pulling out of the Orion so long ago.

"Fifteen years, Nate. A long time. People change." The Admiral said.

"I was not going to lose her. We'd lost the other eleven crew already, and she was completely gone. No mental state to speak of. She was just dead inside. But, she was back on board, whatever trauma she experienced wasn't with her any more, except in her head, and we worked to pull her back from that trauma. She would wake screaming, so we sedated her. We tried hypnosis, deep suggestion and deep memory examination. There was something that we couldn't get to. Something deep in her psyche that was slowly killing her, and we had to stop it."

"We eventually did a medically induced personality split. We suppressed the Lieutenant, and worked to develop an alter. A personality that she could live with. Thus, we got Kya. Kya is almost the opposite to the former Lieutenant. Where Kiara was a virgin, Kya is very sexually promiscuous and active. No fear, and almost no inhibitions. She also has it deep in her that she is a concubine. We have no idea where that came from. She has a defined native language with structure and depth, but it doesn't translate to anything known to our linguists or even code breakers."

"She trusts you, son. For whatever reason, she found you again, after the damn FBI grabbed her off the streets of Alameda." The Admiral growled.

"Come again, Sir?" Nate asked.

"We had Kya stable, she was an established personality, and she was living again. She would take walks off the base, off the facilities where she was living, enjoying the sunlight. She deserved that freedom. Hell, she's not a prisoner. We had a staff member trailing her, letting her enjoy the fresh air, but keeping an eye on her, just in case she got lost or confused. What we didn't expect was a blasted Town car to rock up, and the door open, her get pulled inside, then it takes off again."

He sighed, looked over at the sleeping woman on the bed, then back to Nate.

"Six weeks. Six weeks where we had no idea where she was. No sightings, no contact, no nothing. I turned this city inside-out trying to find her. Then I get a call from a retired Captain who tells me this naked girl falls out of the sky and into his life. Thank God you got her, son. I thank God every day that she is safe with somebody like you." The Admiral said, then held out his glass, and Nate poured him another shot of whiskey.

"Any idea why the FBI wanted her, Sir?"

"No real idea, those bastards won't tell us anything. It takes me going to my boss to get them to back down. You have any idea who my boss is, Captain?" The Admiral said, looking askance at Nate.

"I didn't think you had a higher-up, Sir. You're the Fleet Admiral."

"Damn straight. I have a boss, the only real boss for the entire country. My boss is the President himself, the Commander-in-Chief." Came the growled reply. "It took direct action by him to get the FBI to back off and close the files they had opened on Flight 484. But, as you saw tonight, they did not in fact back off, they are still looking into it."

"But why, Sir? Why are they investigating?"

"Because they don't like a mystery. And damn their hides, they refuse to accept that the Navy can solve a problem in a humanitarian manner without their assistance. We fixed Kya. We got her stable, we figured out how to submerge Kiara safely so the girl could go on living. We didn't need the FBI, NSA, CIA, or any other agency. We solved it, on board the Reagan herself. I think it pissed off somebody that wants to remain hidden, and that is why we keep getting the FBI poking around. No more, son. I'm ending this tonight. I'm going to Washington and I'm going to talk to the President about this and stop this pursuit of that poor girl before they end up killing her."

The Admiral got up and handed Nate the shot glass.

He then reached out and put his hand on Nate's shoulder.

"Nate Briggs, you are a good soldier, and a good man. You keep on being that for this girl and you'll be rewarded with the most love you can handle. She deserves it, and so do you. You take care of her, and let me take care of this other business. I'll have a team in the bar every day until this is sorted. You'll know them, but they'll be different every day, so as not to arouse suspicions. You let them deal with any suits that come back. Understand me?"

"Yes, Admiral, thank you." Nate said, then shook the hand of one of the few military men who had ever truly earned his respect.

He went downstairs and let the Admiral out, then watched as he got into the car, one of the other officers driving, while another car pulled up and the other officer got inside to stand watch over the outside of the bar. Nate sent Shirley home, Charlene and Kate wanted to stay, and he had no real objections, but he didn't want to tell them what he'd been told either. He really had no idea how to even begin.

He woke up in the middle of the night as Kya rolled over and clung to him with a sudden strength.

"Natanial?" She said quietly.

"Yes, Kya?" He replied.

"What happened? I was in the bar with ye, and then I woke up in bed?"

"You didn't feel well, so I helped you up to bed. You've been asleep a good long time. You got worn out, I think." He said. It was mostly the truth anyways.

"Ahh, so that's be why I still got clothing on?" She said, then got up to strip down.

Nate sat up in the bed. He was just in his shorts and enjoyed the sight of the beautiful girl who had a very different past as she pulled off her clothing and then stood, illuminated by the bright city lights coming in from the windows as she went into the bathroom to do her business, then came back out and crawled across the bed to kiss him.

Nate returned the kiss, and soon found himself wrapped in her arms as Kya showed him what he'd missed over the past few hours while she'd been asleep.


Not much changed for the next few weeks. Other than the welcome Naval security presence to which Nate happily donated coffee for the duties and beers for the officers who went-off shift, he had no incidents with FBI or other suits. The Admiral was also quiet, but every few days Nate would get a notification that things were good, just keep doing what he was doing.

The next event was a non-event, but it caused Kya great concern. She missed her period.

Nate came downstairs to find Kya in deep conversation with Shirley who was alternately patting her hand and stroking her hair. The younger woman was very concerned, but Shirley, true to her nature, didn't bat an eye.

He left them to discuss womens' things while he set about getting the bar ready to open, hauling kegs in and out to make sure the brew was ready to flow, and unloading the half-truck load that had been delivered that morning into the back room to be hooked up to the siphon systems.

He noticed that Shirley was gone for about half an hour, and when she returned, Kya then vanished for a little while, only to come back, sit down, and then she began to cry. Nate was by her side in an instant, Shirley right behind him.

"I canna be, I just canna be. Is no possible." She kept repeating over and over.

"Kya, what is wrong?" Nate asked her, then took her by the chin and made her look at him, her deep blue eyes full of tears shed and unshed.

"I ... I be carrying your child, Natanial." She finally replied after struggling with words for a few seconds.

Nate took her into his arms and held her gently as she cried. He was not too sure why she was so seemingly unhappy about this, he was overjoyed. However, he also knew to keep his emotions in control until he figured out why this new mother-to-be was not sharing his happiness.

"Shirley, could you get us some coffee, please?" He asked. Shirley nodded, and with a gentle squeeze to Kya's shoulder, was off getting a pot of fresh-brew and a couple of mugs that she put on the table, then she left them to discuss family matters.

Nate poured her a mug of coffee and did the sugar for her as her hands were still shaky. He then offered to hold it up, but she managed to drink it without spilling much, which she dabbed up with a dishcloth.

"Why are you so upset, Kya? Normally, this is a good thing to happen?" He asked.

"I know, Natianial. 'Tis a verra good thing to happen. But it canna be. I'm sterile." She managed to get out. "It must be a mistake." She looked up at Nate and he was slowly shaking his head.

"What? What be the matter now?" she asked.

"This is no mistake, Kya. You're pregnant. I was wondering why you were getting a bit heavier. Your waist is expanding, your breasts have already begun to grow a bit larger. My love, you are carrying a child. Our child." He said, grabbing her hands in his.

She was shaking her head, but he could see there was excitement as well as shock in her features.

He was not as quick as Shirley was though, when Kya suddenly went green and was up and into the bathroom just in time to bring up the coffee and part of her breakfast. Shirley came back out a little while later, with a very sheepish Kya behind her.

"You definitely knocked her up, Nate." Shirley said.

"What can I say, Kya got the best part of me." He quipped as he hugged his woman, getting a strong but shaky hug in return.


He took her back to the Naval base in Alameda to be properly checked out. No other doctor would he trust with her safety, and he was damn sure the Admiral would have his head if he even thought of going to a civvie facility.

While the doctor and nurse was examining her, Nate had another conversation with the Admiral. This one was not quite as pleasant as before.

"What do you mean, she might leave me?" He asked.

"This is not normal stress. And stress can trigger the personality shift. If the Lieutenant surfaces, son. She can't be awake too long, or she'll go insane." The Admiral said.

"I remember you telling her you had to put her back for now. So the Lieutenant part of her personality is a danger?"

"Sort of, Kinda. The issue here is her mental stability. She still has deep trauma from whatever occurred on that flight. We worked with her for years to develop both Kya, and to set up a defence mechanism, that if she got overwhelmed, she would revert to the Lieutenant, then come back here."

He leaned forward and put his hand on top of Nate's.

"If that happens, son - you have got to let her go. Her life may depend on it."

"How do I know she'll be safe, Sir?" He asked.

"You're asking me if I'm going to keep her safe, Captain?" The Admiral said, looking at him.

"No, Sir. I know she is safe here. How do I know she'll be safe getting from the bar to here? She already got nabbed once."

"We have a car sitting outside your place. If the Lieutenant surfaces, and needs to return for treatment, she knows what to tell the officers so they'll bring her right to this facility. Or, you tell them the Lieutenant is awake. They'll know what to do."

"That's got to be a lot of resources you're burning for this, Sir. Especially in a just in case scenario."

"For that young woman, this is all worth it." The Admiral said, then got back to his feet.

"Take care of her, son. You're doing a great job so far, and I'm sure you'll do fine. Kya loves you, and you deserve that love. Call me if you need anything." He was then off and out the doors before Kya came out, looking much relieved and relaxed than before she had gone in to see the doctors.

"Kya is eight weeks pregnant and everything looks very good and normal. Blood tests all look good, and we can see no complications." Came the report.


"I want heels." She said in the car as they were driving back home.

"Heels?" Nate asked, not quite understanding.

"Shoes with a heel, like other women wear. I think I'd like to try them, Natanial." She replied with a grin that Nate thought was as enchanting as any other expression on her face.

He took a detour and they ended up at a strip mall which had a decent shoe store. An hour later, Kya had some shoes with a heel. Only three pairs, two pairs of two inch heels in black pumps, and a shocker, a 4 inch heel in flaming red that she had tottered around in, making both him and the attendant both hover to ensure she didn't topple, and drool over how the heels accentuated her figure.

That evening, she had wanted to learn to dance, so Nate, never the most graceful of dancers himself, but always willing to give it a go, had assisted her. In the middle of the bar, he stood, dressed in his usual button-down blue shirt, comfortable black jeans, soft shoes, and waited. The patrons cleared the deck and Kya came around the corner from the back room. Dressed in a figure-hugging red gown that left little to the imagination. A deep v cut to show off her breasts, tight on her hips with a slit up each side that showed a lot of leg, and those 4 inch red heels that really made her adjust her posture.

Shirley was close to Kya, not too close, but ready to catch her if she lost balance, and Kya was a bit unsteady, but she was also determined to be just like the other women she could see who pranced around in heels and did all sorts of things.

She came up to Nate, and he held out his hand, then closed his fingers around hers as the music swelled from the jukebox.

The road is long / There are mountains in our way / But we climb a step every day

They danced close together, other patrons following suit as the old song from the 80's filled the place.

All we have is here and now / All our life out there to find

He held her and gently spun her, then pulled her back, Kya was laughing and breathing hard as she followed his lead.

Time goes by, no time to cry / Life's you and I, a life today

She rested her head on his shoulder, hand in hand, they gently swayed to the music as the chorus echoed through the space, now filled with dancing couples on the floor for this one moment when a casual bar became a place filled with romance, just for a moment.

Love lift us up where we belong / Where the eagles cry / On a mountain high

They stopped when the music faded, and Kya stepped back smiling at him. Nate kissed her and she returned the kiss, arms tight around him as the people in the bar slowly began to applaud and then cheer.

The moment was gone, comfortable as it was, she leaned down and stepped out of the high heels, then walked bare-footed to slip on her comfortable flat shoes, and with a smile to Nate, slipped back upstairs to change.

He turned, and the bar was full of noise and activity, but the mood was happy, he knew it, and everybody else knew it. This was right, and it was good.


That evening, they made love with a passion not felt since the first night.

Nate was careful not to put too much weight on her stomach, but Kya seemed not to care, pulling him to her with a growl and wrapping her legs around his waist to pull him as deep into her as she could.

They ended up with him on his back, her on top, his cock buried as deep in her as it could go, and her grinding her pelvis on him hard enough to make him wince as he stroked and caressed her breasts, ribs, and face. She kissed his fingers as he caressed her cheek, then that same hand stroked her breasts and pinched a nipple, making her gasp, and he felt that around his cock as her pussy quivered.

He could see the flush in her skin as she was getting close to an orgasm, and he was determined to bring her to one this night, to hold her as she finally came and to make her know that she was loved and cared for, by him.

Even as Kya slowed down to prevent herself going over the edge, Nate slipped a hand between them and rubbed her clit as she worked her hips, making her gasp, look at him, and then press down to get more of that stimulation. He bucked up into her as his fingers worked on her, bringing her closer to her peak.

Kya moaned and leaned forward, covering his face in kisses as she rocked back and forth on him. He slowed his own breathing so that he could pull back from his own explosion, and worked his magic on her until he finally got her to the point, and with a firm kiss, twist of her nipple, and hard thrust, she was there.

Kya's eyes went wide, and he felt the ripples deep in her belly, rolling through her pussy as her body hit it's orgasm. He held her tightly, still fucking into her as her pussy gripped and released, gripped and released, her only sound a long low moan that was almost guttural as the air escaped from her lungs, barely modulated while her body exploded around the thick cock buried in her pussy.

She lay on top of him, unmoving for a while, Nate had cum during her orgasm, not really able to stop himself, but he just held her, gently stroking her back and brushing hair from her face as she lay on hi, eyes closed. Not asleep, but not awake either.

She finally stirred, then he gently rolled so that she slid onto her side, and was asleep. This was the first time that she had not done her normal routine afterwards of cleaning them both, so Nate did the honours. He cleaned her up, as best he could, then took care of his own business.

He woke up later, cuddled up to her, one hand protectively wrapped around her stomach, to find her staring at him in the dim light.

"Natanial?" she whispered.

"Mmm, yeah?" He replied sleepily.

"Was I good?" She asked.

He kissed her in reply. "You were perfect." She smiled and went back to sleep, holding his arm against her stomach as she spooned against him.


"You get the hell away from her!" Nate growled, grabbing Donovan's arm and pulling him away from Kya, spilling the diamonds on the floor as she looked on stunned. Even as Donovan tried to protest, he was grabbed by the two Naval security officers and pulled away. The FBI man was not in a suit, but dressed in normal clothes, which was probably why he had slipped past the watch of the Navy guys. It didn't matter, the damage was done.

"Kya? Kya look at me. Not at the jewels, look at me!" He said, making her look at him, but he could see that her focus was not on him any more. Her vision slowly cleared and she looked at him. Nates' heart broke as he clued in quickly what had happened.

"Captain Briggs? What am I doing here?" She asked him. The Lieutenant was awake.

Nate sighed, hung his head, then held out his hand. "Come with me, Lieutenant, we need to get you to Alameda." She followed him, not quite sure what was going on, but he was speaking words that made sense, even as the shadows were coming closer to her, he was a physical beacon.
