Last Few Days of Summer


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Arching her back, Chari dropped both hands to the sheets and called out in the throes of another orgasm, triggering one in Will as well. With his eyes closed lights seemed to play behind his eyelids as surges of pleasure coursed through his pelvis, torso and brain. He collapsed on her as she fell to the sheets, both catching their breaths. After a few minutes of recovery, Chari stirred first causing Will to roll off her. He pulled off the condom and as he looked at her, they both broke out into grins.

"Chari, that was..."

"Can't think of the word?"

"Nope. My mind is fried. But it was...really...well...super good."

"Super good? That's all you can come up with?" she teased.

"Phenomenal. How's that?"

"Better. By the way, I tend to agree with you," she responded as she rolled over so they could hold each other in their arms. For the next ten minutes or so they didn't speak words but their bodies spoke to each other with little pats, gentle strokes and sensuous kisses. Will lay there amazed at how wonderful he felt and how much better sex with someone was than simple sexual solitaire. He realized at that moment why sex was such an all-powerful drive and why people wanted to do it again and again. And as he realized he wanted to do it again, a slight grin developed on his face.

"What are you thinking of?" she asked.

"I am amazed at how much more powerful that orgasm was compared to any I've had before. I guess it has a lot to do with you..."

"Partnered sex, when the partners are in sync, is such a powerful thing, to use your word. And," she giggled, "We were certainly in sync."


"Hey, do I feel something coming back to life, you horny little devil, you?" she teased as she grabbed his hardening cock.


"You know, I've got only a dozen condoms," she giggled.

"That might be enough," he laughed back at her before he lowered his lips to hers. Even though she was rubbing him, he did not rush things, keeping the kisses soft and warm. She was the first one to make a move towards another round of screwing by grabbing yet another condom, sitting up and rolling it onto him. After lying down on her back, she reached up and brought him to her, telling him to get on top. She splayed her legs apart and had him lie between them with his rigid member aimed at the promised land. Her hands lowered to grab his butt and slowly pull him closer and closer until his tip was teasing her folds.

"Here, let me guide it."

A few seconds later he was able to slide into her, reliving those wonderful feelings he had experienced twice already that night. This round was slower, softer and yet, more meaningful. As he drove himself in and out and she matched his strokes with pelvic thrusts of her own, he suddenly realized how amazingly close he felt to Chari, not only physically but also emotionally. He opened his eyes as she did and they stared deeply into each other's eyes. He noticed her chin rising up, lips prominent and slightly open so he lowered his head to hers and their lips met. He softened his thrusting for a few seconds as they kissed before she rolled her head away, tipped her pelvis up and urged him on by pulling at him. The soft in-and-out stroking ever so slowly increased in tempo and power, bringing from her louder cries and moans of excitement.

"Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god, keep doing that. Just like that. Yessss."

"More? Deeper? Harder? Faster?"

"Yes, all of that, please..." she answered as she wrapped her legs around his butt.

And one fleeting thought flashed through his mind: A woman was asking him, begging him, wanting him to do more, which gave him a tremendous surge of pride. He was doing it! He was having sex with a willing partner who wanted him, wanted more of what he had to offer. He wasn't a shy college nerd anymore, he was an appreciated man, a lover his partner wanted. He found himself grinning briefly in the midst of thrusting, congratulating himself on this wonderful change he had undergone in less than two weeks.

As their bodies worked together harder and faster, it seemed like to him they were somehow psychically connected. Every thrust was met with a simultaneous counterthrust. Every relaxation was similarly matched. If he picked up speed, she automatically did the same. Her arms and legs continued to hold him tighter and tighter, forcing him to drive his pelvis onto her clit, eliciting little moans with each thrust.

He didn't know how long they were there but it seemed like it had been both a long time but yet far too short when she started to call out his name, arching her back and pulling him tightly to her. Hearing her climax was like an electrical shock to him, causing him to lose control. Together they were climaxing, arms flailing, bodies rubbing, cock thrusting, muscles contracting and mouths calling out until they collapsed together, catching their breath. Will was unable to support himself with his arms and slumped down on her, arms splayed out to the side as he seemed to almost pass out for a few seconds.

As he roused, he looked down at her asking, "Too heavy?"

"No! Feels good."

He bent his head down to give her a few gentle kisses. They were tender and said so much: Thank you. Enjoyed this. You're special. And much, much more. Eventually he pulled himself up and rolled off her, disposing the condom as he stretched out beside her. She curled up to him, laid her head on his chest and let her arm slowly rub his chest and belly.

Will still couldn't believe it. Two weeks prior he was a nervous, cowardly nerd and now he'd had wonderful sex with a fantastic girl...make that a fantastic woman. And it felt so right, so good, so natural. But most of all, he felt so close to her.

As he was thinking about everything which had happened, she cleared her throat and asked, "Like your birthday dessert?"

"Chari, that was way more than dessert. That was a seven-course meal with all the trimmings. And yes, I liked it. No, on second thought, I loved it."

"Yeah, it was pretty special, I'll have to admit."

"I...I uh...I have to say I feel super close to you right now. When we were doing it, I thought we would melt together, I felt so close to you."

"Will, that's the difference between screwing and making love. Tonight, we made love."

"Yeah, yeah, I agree."

"That's not to say you can't have fun with a little screw now and then or a quick romp in the hay, but this, this made me feel truly close to you also."

They lay there silently, each in their own thoughts, enjoying the wonderful afterglow of a phenomenal encounter. Will found himself falling to sleep though he realized he should leave as it was getting quite late. He stirred a little only to feel Chari tighten her grip around him.

"Hey, I need to get going."

"Not so soon. This feels so good. You can go later. What's an hour or so, anyway?"

"I guess you're right. It sure does feel good here with you."

"Umm-hmm. Don't break the spell."

"OK. I won't," he paused before going on, "Uh, Chari?"


"This has been, without a doubt, the best birthday I could ever have imagined."


A few minutes later when he got up his nerve, he whispered, "You are super special to me and I, I need to tell you I think I'm falling--" he stopped once he realized her breathing was slow and regular and she had clearly fallen asleep. He told himself he'd talk with her the next day and in the meantime he'd wait an hour or so before leaving. Afterall, it felt so good to be lying there next to her.


Will woke up with Chari curled up in his arms. It seemed so peaceful, so right and so perfect to feel her there and listen to her quiet breathing. Seconds later he realized it was already morning and he had promised his folks he'd be in late but there was no mention of his staying out all night. In a slight panic, he softly whispered, "Psst, Chari. Get up."

She rolled over and faced him with a wonderful smile. "Hmmm?"

"I need to go. My folks will kill me that I didn't go home last night."

"Awww, I kinda wanted to cuddle this morning."

"I'd love to, but I've gotta get home. Maybe I can come back by this afternoon?"

"Yeah. That'd be nice. Hey, uh, I had fun last night."

"It was great. And, uh, thanks for everything. You know, showing me the ropes, telling me about girls."

"Is that all you can thank me for?" she teased with a wicked grin on her face.

"No. Sex with you was way, way better than I ever thought possible. And you've become so special to me," he responded as he reached down and they shared a warm, intimate kiss. "I better scoot. I'll come by this afternoon."

"Good. See you then. Oh, by the way, when do you leave?"

"Tuesday morning."

"OK, we can still spend a little time this afternoon and tomorrow together. OK?"

"Definitely. Gotta run. Bye." After one final kiss, he dressed before running all the way home.

As he quietly opened the door, he realized he was busted. His father was in the kitchen setting up the coffee pot.

"Morning, Will. Up early or out late?"

"Uh, out late, I guess."

"You OK?"

"Yeah. Fine."

"Much drinking?"

"No. Actually, none at all."

"Have a good time?"

"Yeah, I did. I'm pretty beat and I think I'll hit the sack. I'll skip church if that's OK."

"Sure. No problem."

Will started to climb the stairs when his dad spoke up, "Son, I know you've got a good head on your shoulders and I hope you're making good decisions."

"Dad, it was all good. No booze. No drugs. Just hung out with that girl I met. It got late and we fell asleep."

"I see. Uh, let's say we keep this between you and me. No sense in worrying your mother over this. OK?"

"Yeah. Great. And, uh, thanks, Dad. Really appreciate it."

"See you after church."


Will prepared the Sunday meal while his parents were at church. He took the meat out from the crab shells to make crab cakes, boiled some rice and cooked up a bean and mushroom dish. His mother was overjoyed and they all sat down for a relaxing meal. By late afternoon he decided to run down to visit Chari. After he excused himself, he loped down the beach to the Gunderson house.

Her car was not in the driveway and the place looked to be unoccupied. All the curtains were drawn and the storm windows looked to be closed as well. He ran further down the beach all the while reliving the night before. Images of him driving his cock into her while she was on her knees and while she lay beneath him kept flying through his mind. And the tenderness and connection with another human; he never knew sex could be so emotionally fulfilling. Eventually, he turned around and ran back towards home. The Gunderson place was still empty. He wondered what had happened to Chari particularly since she had invited him over for the afternoon, but in her absence, he kept on running back to his parent's place.


Monday morning came way too soon but Will staggered downstairs to grab some food.

"Good morning, Son. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, Dad. Thanks."

"Any plans for your last day here?"

"Yeah, another run, I guess. And I need to get back into school mode."

"When do you start?"

"Next Monday."

"Hey, Honey," his father said, turning to his wife, "Did you hear about the Gunderson place?"

"No, Sweetheart, what happened?"

Will's ears perked up but he tried to appear disinterested.

"It seems a young woman was squatting there. She had gotten in somehow and I guess someone reported her. The police contacted the Gundersons and they told them to get rid of her and they'd be right down. I heard she's in custody."

"We need to be careful about shutting our place down when we leave tomorrow."

"Yeah. Good idea. Maybe I can hire someone locally to check on the place every once in a while."

"Uh, Folks, I'm gonna go for an early run today. OK?"

"Sure, Will, go ahead. We can pack this afternoon," said his mother.

Will took off quickly and instead of turning right to run down the beach, he turned left towards town. Once he got there and caught his breath, he went to the local police station."

"May I help you, Son?"

"Uh, yes Ma'am. Do you have someone named Charity in your custody?"

"Nope. No one by that name."

"Oh. I heard someone was arrested for being in the Gunderson place and I, uh..."

"Oh, we had someone, but with another name. She's been released. The Gundersons checked the place out and said it had never been so clean and they refused to press charges as long as she left town."

"Where'd she go?"

"To pick up her car and she's being escorted by the sheriff out of the county."

"Where's her car?"

"Larry's Auto and Towing. It's right down Water Street three or four blocks. You can't miss it."

"Thanks," he said happily and turned towards the door.

"Son, if I can say something..."


"Be careful. I'm a mother and I'll tell you she's not the kind of person a teen needs to get involved with."

"I'm not a teen, but, thanks anyway. I just wanted to tell her 'Good-bye'."

He tore out of the station and started to run down Water Street. Halfway down the street, he saw the Beetle covered with bumper stickers turn out of Larry's and drive towards him, tailed closely by a squad car with its lights flashing. He stopped and waved wildly at the Beetle as it approached. It slowed and right as it stopped, she rolled down the window. He called out, "Do you have an address or phone num---"

A brief siren blast from the patrol car interrupted him and she jumped nervously. She shook her head 'No', told him to take care and blew him a little kiss. He watched sadly as she rolled up the window before driving down the street and out of his life.


As he sipped the last of his whiskey, Will wondered what had happened to Charity, or whatever her name was, those thirty years prior. One time he tried to get more information from the police department where she had been held but their records were spotty and alluded to the fact she had probably used a false name. With nothing to go on, he gave up trying to track her down. Several years after that summer he met and eventually married Tracy, a wonderful and beautiful lady who was the mother to his amazing kids. He knew he would have never been able to approach Tracy without the confidence he learned during those two weeks with Charity. He raised his glass in a silent toast wishing her all the best where ever she was. He killed the lights, went upstairs and crawled into bed next to his lovely wife.


The next morning as Dr. Michelle Sylt smartly drove her BMW to her Bay Area office, she tuned the car radio to the local NPR station.

"Good Morning. It is Monday, September the nineteenth. Fall begins on Thursday so enjoy these last few days of summer. In today's headlines..."

Michelle shut off the radio as her memory raced back to that sandy beach in the South and her time with Will thirty years before. She remembered teaching him how to be self-confident, how to deal with women and how to make love. She also recalled how, as she was falling asleep that night, he started to tell her he was falling in love with her. While she truly liked him, enjoyed being with him and ended up having great sex with him, she knew his 'love' was only a manifestation of his recent surges of the so-called love hormones which course through someone during and after rewarding sex.

As she neared her office, the thought struck her not only was it his birthday but this was his fiftieth. 'Time sure had flown by,' she mused to herself. Several years before, she had googled him to find he was a successful engineer in Centerton and apparently married with two kids. Photos showed him to be as handsome as ever and his wife was beautiful with the aura of a loving, mature woman. Michelle would have loved to talk with him and tell him about herself, but she knew professionally how often such reconnections can go wrong. She let the idea drop preferring to keep those two weeks tucked fondly away in her memory.

Michelle would have told him their time together thirty years before was a life-changing event for her as well as for him. Once she had been escorted from the little community and was driving west, she realized in addition to those wonderful days and that one night together, she had enjoyed helping him, teaching him and watching his confidence grow. Before she had driven across two states, she decided to quit the carefree bohemian life to go back to school for advanced training. After working two jobs to earn money and three years of PhD work, she became a successful clinical psychologist treating people primarily with anxiety disorders and phobias. And on that Monday morning in September, she smiled to herself and sent him a silent 'Happy Birthday' as well as a 'Thank You' for giving her life a new focus all those years ago.


Trionyx - Summer 2022

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LovesDancingLovesDancingabout 2 months ago

Definitely a story I'm going to read over and over again.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

After all of the great writing, it seems a shame that a fun reunion could not happen in a BRIEF encounter of two adults. Surely your imagination can produce that sequel...we hope!!

Cal59Cal593 months ago

Outstanding, thanks

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That was the best story , it was fantastic , I will watch for your name on other stories...

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Definitely the best story I've ever read on here. A very tender story of an encounter between two people and the memories it left them with. I did not expect these emotions when I opened this website today.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Very well written. Technically and artistically. One of the better stories that I have read on Lit in over 20 years of reading. Also great ending, the reader is not left in the air. BT

UniqueUserName02UniqueUserName024 months ago

definitely worth the 5 star rating. Love how the whole story line was tied up with a neat "little bow" in the end.

RachelPostRachelPost4 months ago

Wow, what a very touching story. I liked how you wrapped things up at the end.

sg1010sg10104 months ago

Another EXCELLENT Creation!


+ + + + + & * * * * *

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This would have been a great read 50 years ago. Or a great read for my four sons 10 years ago. Or a great read for their sons fifteen years from now. Wisdom is the worst education of all. It's simply realizing how stupid you once were.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wonderful. I enjoyed it very much.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

wonderful story

Ghostrider45Ghostrider456 months ago

You are a magnificent writer and I've enjoyed all your stories so far. This has to be my favorite.

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