Late Ch. 03


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They sat down, removing a few half-finished coke cans from the kitchen table, and Terry folded her arms and leaned in.

"But seriously... you just... fluttered your eyes at her and suddenly you guys were porking?"

Fred groaned.

"Look, we... It was fun. It was a great night, I really like her. Now can we please not talk about it for one minute."

"But we never talk about your personal life!"

"That's because there is never anything important to talk about!"

"Well, you weren't going to tell me about THIS until I figured it out for myself."

She raised a scolding eyebrow at him and Fred felt himself clenching. It wasn't like that, he thought to himself.

"It's... I don't know..."

Terry's eyebrow refused to come down from its lofty perch.

"Was this... your first time?"

Fred's cheeks burned red.

"...yes," he whispered.

"... Cool," she said with a gentle smile. "You fucking deserve it."

Fred smiled. A small weight lifted off his shoulders. Although he hadn't told her everything, it was good to have Terry on his side.

"And for what it's worth... that's a hell of a way to pop your cherry dude."

Fred laughed, and Terry grinned as the toaster popped up, revealing 3 slices of toast and one perfectly untouched slice of a bread. Terry raised her eyebrow at it.

"Oh yeah," said Fred, "I forgot about that."

She clicked her tongue, and began to search for condiments.

A plate with two pieces of toast was placed in front of him, a jar of Jam slammed on the table, and Terry began lathering her one piece of toast and one piece of bread in jam.

Terry smiled sympathetically at him.

"I'm glad you actually opened up about it."

Fred felt a small tightness in his throat again.

"It means a lot," she said.

Fred felt like he had a tie on his neck that was slowly shrinking. They ate their toast in a silence that was laced with guilt for Fred at partially lying to his friend. Terry happily chomped away at her toast and bread jam sandwich.

"I actually think this might be a new way of eating this," said Terry in a bewildered voice. "The textures... I'm a genius!"

"Listen... Terry," he began

"Yeah?" she said between mouthfuls.

"When I spoke about last night."

"Shhh." She hissed as Gareth, one of Fred's housemates, walked in wearing his usual eclectic mixture of baggy ripped clothes and a beanie hat.

"No seriously, about last night..."

Terry widened her eyes at him, and she quickly plastered a smile on her face at the new entrant, making Fred's head whip round.

Gareth stopped, his ginger mop, gangly body and pasty face all eying them suspiciously.

A second of stony silence passed.

"You guys fucked didn't you," he said.

Terry's face changed into one of utter confusion, and Freddie had to hold back a laugh. Gareth never failed to live up to his reputation as the house dumbass.

"Oh, yeah Gareth, congratulations, you got us, we couldn't keep our hands off each other," chuckled Freddie.

Terry narrowed her eyes as Gareth guffawed.

"I freakin' knew it!"

"Yeah," said Freddie, "we were just discussing our marriage vows."

Terry snorted, and she couldn't help but fire a retort at Freddie's teasing.

"Oh please, you may have fucked Matherson but I'm still waaayyy out of your league," she said in an extra sassy tone.

Freddie let out a small whine noise of anger and gestured at Terry to please stop talking, but using decidedly coarser language.

Gareth chuckled.

"Look, you can lie all you want, but I called it the moment I saw you guys, and besides, I've seen Coach Matherson, and she is way out of your league bro."

Terry's eyes lit up and it looked like she was about to lamp Gareth across the mouth when Freddie politely stepped in.

"You're right Gareth, we cannot deny your incredible deductions, and now Watson, We're leaving," he said pointedly.

Terry ground her teeth.

"Fine," she growled.

She tramped out of the kitchen and Fred followed her into the hall as Gareth called after them.

"Use protection guys, don't be idiots!"

Terry ground her teeth.

"I hate that guy."

"Oh, come on," said Fred, "he's not that bad... But can you PLEASE not go telling my biggest secrets to every single person that happens to walk into the room?"

Terry took a moment and composed herself.

"I will never let you down."

"You're 1 and 0 at the moment."

"From this moment onwards."

"Onwards being...?"

Terry thought for a moment.


Fred thought about the fact he still had a belly full of spunk and half a piece of toast on his plate, but then thought, fuck it. Burger-town sounded good.

He made to walk towards the door and paused.

"Can I brush my teeth first?"


Jane power-walked from the kitchen to the bedroom and looked over the faded wooden bedframe. The sides sagged ever so slightly, and the bright light streaming in through the window lit up the dents and notches in the wood from years of gentle wear and tear. It had never been exposed to the battlefield of her sexual escapades - perhaps she should buy a new one?

Lips tightening on her shaft came to the surface of her thoughts.

She shook her head, cleared her mind and breathed. Meditate. Focus. She took in a few deep lungfuls of air, and then Freddie's face appeared in front of her. Now he was moaning. Now he was looking up into her eyes as she pressed her weight into his frail body. Ignore it, breath out.

Let it all go.

Breath in. Her fingers are sliding along his back.

Focus on the breathing.

He's begging her to fuck him.

Breath out.

Begging like a horny slut.

Jane groaned and shook her head again. What the hell was wrong with her? She turned away from the mattress that would probably need replacing as well if they were going to fuck properly on it, and spotted herself in the full-length mirror next to her door.

Her hair was messed up, her simple white polo shirt had a few frayed threads on the side, and her comfortable pyjama bottoms had a few holes around the knees.

And... she felt like a million dollars. She looked good... in fact it seemed like her figure was almost buoyant.

She snapped herself out of her own reflection and moved back to the hallway.

Admin. There was admin to do.

She grabbed the pull-up bar going into the kitchen. The first one had fallen down, so she'd had to purchase a screw in version to keep it secure.

She leapt up with ease and clamped her fists onto the bar, and began pumping out perfect pullups, slow down and quick up. She let out small, hissed breaths, and focused on the burning feeling in her arms and lats as she crushed through the reps, her back straight, movements steady. She got to fifteen and gave a few more for good measure before dropping to the ground, breathing a little heavier.

At least exercise never failed to keep her mind focused.

She walked over to a wooden table and pulled a chair back. The open kitchen and living room had a light and airy feel, with cream walls, comfortable carpets and gleaming tiles. Pictures of her family adorned a spot next to the floor-to-ceiling glass door which opened out to a balcony, giving the place a more open, homely feel. She regarded the photos. The all-American family she thought wistfully, looking at her Father, mother and sister. The similarities were obvious. Blue eyes. Blond hair, and the other similarities slightly further south, she mused, staring at her sister. They were quite alike, physically at least. Jane smiled. She should call them sometime.

Her thoughts turned to maybe opening the door for a bit of fresh air, but she decided to press on, turning her attention to the laptop and neat stacks of papers in front of her.

Membership renewals for the month and year. Plus, they needed to follow up on a few payments, and get the next away trip sorted. Her gaze honed in, her fingers beginning to type at a steady pace. Computers were not exactly her thing, but sometimes necessity demanded it. Give her a pullup bar over tax forms any day.

Dean, Jeff... No, Jeff had moved away, she'd have to cancel that. Must have been added automatically to this year's roster. Did he still have his kit?

Her mind wandered to Freddie crouching down to bat in his full Springfield kit, his ass cheeks filling out those softball pants beautifully. Her cheeks went the colour of raspberries. It had been an hour since she had texted him. Maybe he was embarrassed about last night... Had she gone in too strong? She softly stroked her inner thigh as their tryst replayed again in her head.

She couldn't stop it, it was like a giant looped screen in her mind, far more intense than any cinema experience, one where she could feel his lips suckling on her nipples, smell the boy's scent on his hair.

She guiltily pulled her mind back to the laptop.

"Come ON girl, where is your self-control?" She snapped at herself.

Her fingers began to type, and words began to flow, but all too soon the digits softened, her mind whirred slower and slower. She was climbing up a steadily steepening hillside, scrabbling for a way to stop herself falling back down into the open arms of Freddie's embrace. The thump in her chest was becoming difficult to ignore as she picked up a pen and began tapping it steadily on the wooden surface. She could feel the swell already in her jeans. She stopped and put a hand to her temple, squeezing her skull. This was ridiculous.

She chucked the pen onto the table and it rolled off, falling quietly onto the carpet. Jane ignored it as she stood up and absent-mindedly shuffled back towards the bedroom, her feet carrying her body away from the unfinished work.

She sashayed through the doorway and folded her arms, focusing her gaze firmly on the bed.

Her imagination purred with possibilities.

Yeah... That bedframe probably wouldn't cut it. She should get a new one.


Terry leaned back thoughtfully. Her lips were pursed at the side of her face as she thought it through. It was a while before she finally spoke.

"Hulk would definitely win," she said.

"What, against the Thing? Nah, he's literally made of rocks,"

"But Hulk would just get angrier,"

The country-western background music provided a gentle atmosphere behind Fred and Terry's bickering, and a waitress suppressed a snigger as she walked past the western-style booth where nerdiness was emanating with gusto.

"Hulk is made of flesh, ergo if they were to collide, Rock beats muscle," said Fred pointedly.

"Bruce banner shot himself in the head, and Hulk spit the bullet out," Terry said. "Rocks can be destroyed by drills, but he can't be destroyed by a bullet to the brain? No contest."

She made a large, badly acted yawn and looked around the quirky, dingy interior of Burger-town, eyes roving past the various cowboy paraphernalia and odd trinkets adorning the walls as she searched for their food.

Fred saw her looking and grinned.

"Looking for your husband?"

"Huh? Oh, you mean my Future husband," she said correcting him, although not as vociferously as she usually did which Fred found odd.

Fred spotted the young waiter walking from the kitchen with a stack of burgers in one hand and a plate of wraps in another. His broad shoulders, defined features and spikey dyed blue hair that Terry had ogled over for months were all present and correct.

"There he is... shall I play the wedding march now or after we've finished?" He teased.

Terry looked a little pleased with herself and Fred narrowed his eyes.

"Hang on..."

She didn't say anything, and Fred's eyes widened.

"You SHAGGED him!"

Terry snorted.

"HA, no I didn't, and what's with all the accusations of me doing the dirty with every single boy I meet? Is there a rumour I should know about?"

She pouted her lips.

Fred eyed her suspiciously.

"I didn't shag him ... I shagged Kevin."

Fred's eyes bugged out.


She let a huge grin out as she spilled the beans.

"Yup, I slept with the team captain. Sue me."

Fred laughed.

"Okay then, explain it, I want DETAILS woman!" he said.

"Okay well, last night we were dancing, one thing led to another and... We did what you do every time you play super Mario smash bros... we button mashed the hell out of each other."

She looked super pleased.

"I mean, awesome and gross but... How come you waited until now to tell me?" he said incredulously.

"Well, I was totally going to tell you, but then you out-bombshelled my bombshell, and I thought I'd wait until it could receive the appropriate response."

Fred grinned.

"Well that's fair, it is a hell of a bombshell that deserved an appropriate reaction."


She smirked.

"The Captain and the Coach... We're really working our way up the ladder here," she said wryly.

Fred laughed out loud, making the snide waitress look over dismissively.

"It feels good to be able to talk about it with you dude," she said.

Freddie's smile slowly faded as he saw the happiness in Terry's face, and that knot of anxiety tightened in his stomach.

"I know right," he said uneasily.

They lapsed into a gentle silence, and Freddie shifted from one cheek to another. His asshole was still sore and the pressure of not being honest was starting to make a small area of his head pulse unpleasantly.

Terry's happy eyes engulfed him.

His mouth moved before his head could stop it.

"Well actually... I have another teensy-weensy little bombshell."

Terry made a concerned face.

"Oh god, this really is the day of revelations... But I'm all for it, hit me, I'm ready!"

Fred leaned over the table and checked either side in case anyone was nearby. No-one was sitting close, and the waiters were gathered over near the kitchens.

He couldn't believe he was going to do this.

His mouth opened.

"Coach Matherson... Doesn't have a vagina," he said under his breath.

Terry's face of concern turned to one of confusion.

"Wait... what?"

Fred's heart was thumping, and he tried to whisper as quietly as possible.

"She... She doesn't have a vagina. She has... a penis."

Terry didn't know how to respond. She had never heard anything like this from Fred. The news in the morning was one thing, but this was just confusing.

"Are you... fucking with me? Like is this a setup? If so, please, please tell me now," she said earnestly, "because I don't like when people are making fun of something personal, and I told you about me and Kevin in confidence."

Fred took an agitated breath.

"Look," he said, still whispering imploringly, "I'm not joking... she has a dick, and we had sex. I had sex with Jane... she has a dick. I lost my virginity, to a woman with a penis."

Terry looked at him, astonishment slapped across her features.

"How?" she said weakly.

Freddie shrugged.

"I don't know. No-one knows, except me and her. It was my first time and... I don't know if that makes me gay or not, but... I enjoyed it."

He stared at her dumbfounded expression earnestly.

"I like her."

He waited anxiously for her response.

Terry took a few moments to steady herself and take in everything she'd just heard.

"Well dude... It doesn't change anything, I mean... you still enjoyed it right?"

Fred let out a breath and nodded.

"Exactly, so... so what's the problem? You like her, she likes you, dick, no dick, whatever."

A small smile crept into her mouth.

"Holy shit, the bitch thing makes a lot more sense now."

Fred's eyes peeled and he gave her a dangerous stare.

"Seriously? Shut it asshole."

Terry grinned.

"And not that it's a competition or anything but... at seven inches, I'm pretty sure Kevin's is bigger," she said smugly.

Freddie let out a slightly embarrassed chuckle.

"No comment."

Terry's jaw dropped.

"No fucking way."

Freddie scrunched his eyes shut.

Terry began guffawing so loud that everyone in the diner flicked their eyes over to their table.

Fred looked back at all the questioning faces.

"Kill me," he muttered, wanting to sink into his seat and disappear.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

this makes no sense you stressed the danger of their relationship getting out in the other part but casually reveal it in a public location w/

a friend in this part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why would he ever reveal the coach’s secret like that? Even to his best friend is unacceptable especially so soon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Precum for virgin anal lube with Mr. Monster Johnson?

Jizz still sloshing around in his stomach the next morning?

After the Monster Mash from the previous night he is "slightly" sore, but only when sitting down?



WeezyfWeezyfalmost 3 years ago

The text message was kind of weird. She texted him with “hey” instead of hey little bitch like she usually calls him. Also she asked him something and wondered if he wanted to meet. Is her domination only in person? She couldnt even comfort him when he was confused about what he went trough and what he was feeling.. instead she just roughly fucked him again. I mean she couldve told him its fine that you liked it, i liked it as well and stuff like that

aTskindaguyaTskindaguyabout 3 years ago

Damn 5/5 but dude seriously needs to learn to keep his mouth shut

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Why would his friend automatically assume coach m. penetrated him instead of the obvious other way around just because she has a dick?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Mostly Like it

I mostly like the story, but she could stand to love him more and humiliate/dom him less. 3.5 right now

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
First comment ever

Please continue this story! Late chapter 2 is the best story in this site and this is a worthy sequel! I absolutely love the mommy calling and how she is not trying to fem him. She is a trans Dommy Mommy he is a man sub and it is to perfect! Please keep writing stories this way! It is so rare to find great stories where the characters have so much depth and chemistry plus the naughty stuff is first their! Thank you for the great work and please don’t stop!

WombatCombatWombatCombatover 3 years ago

Super looking forward for where this might go.

Something about the inner thoughts of driving with a leather coat and your so stuck with me for a few days after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
5 stars

i can't believe you came back and added to this series! great addition. your stories have always been some of my favorites. glad to see you writing again

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