Leader of the Pack Ch. 15


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Aislinn's hand came up to his face and she traced his features. Where Aislinn's face was more human than beast Cullen's was just the opposite. His nose and mouth protruded from his face too far to make kissing as Aislinn knew it possible. She was considering how to go about it when he leaned in and licked her lips. His voice was a grumble monotone not meant for speaking, "Mmmm, I coullldnn't lleet mmy betterr hallf haavve all the funn," he said.

Aislinn could see the pleasure in his eyes as he began pulling at her clothes. She was amused at his impatience. He may have been big and strong in this form but he didn't have any dexterity, finger-wise. He ended up ripping her bra off when he couldn't get the clasp. From the tone of his growl she knew the he wasn't finding the clothing dilemma at all amusing. He ripped at his own shirt and then his jeans getting them off. Considering how tightly he had grown into them there really wasn't any other way.

His gaze on her was intense. Aislinn felt drawn to him in a way she couldn't express. She knew she was about to find out what he had been holding back from her before. Her body trembled with anticipation. He growled at her and she felt his voice in her mind. On your hands and knees, came the insistent, needy, order.

She looked at him in surprised confusion.

You didn't think we relied on voices in other forms did you? He growled again. On your hands and knees.

"I've still got a lot to learn," Aislinn grinned as she obediently turned away from him and knelt on the grass next to the fallen stone. She looked back over her shoulder at him as he watched her. He was growling nearly continually. A soft insistent rumble deep in his chest with each breath. His member stood out in front of him proudly. It was a good inch or more longer than he was in his human form and it was as thick as her wrist. She wiggled her butt anxiously. She wanted to feel him insider her so badly. Then she noticed the thick knot growing at the base of his shaft. That concerned her a bit. She remembered what Rissa had said. She suddenly realized that the differences here might be more than she was necessarily prepared for.

Cullen saw some doubt filter across her face, but it had gone too far for him to stop now. The most he could do was try and temper the beast. But he was afraid his wolf was going to win this time. As she wiggled deliciously in front of him he fell to his knees behind her. Reaching out he ran a clawed hand down her striped back before taking her by the spotted hip. He reached out with his other hand and held her hips still in front of him. The only thing keeping him from letting loose all his pent up need for her was the promise to his wolf that he would get what he wanted. He didn't need to rush. Cullen leaned down to take in the scent of her sex. His tongue dove into her glistening slit to lap at the juices spilling from her. She moaned and wiggled some more, trying to back herself onto his tongue.

Aislinn's growing need for him far outweighed any fear she may have felt about his massive erection or what he intended to do to her with it. She felt a beast inside her fighting against her human common sense. And she suddenly understood what he meant when he referred to his wolf. She felt his tongue driving into her. He licked the walls inside her in a way that no human tongue could possibly do. She writhed in ecstasy as he managed to bury his tongue all the way back to her cervix and continue the onslaught on her senses. She moaned again, the sound increasing in intensity. "Cullen please," she begged when he pulled his tongue out of her and began circling her clit deftly with it. "Ahh," she cried breathlessly.

You keep making sounds like that and this is going to be much shorter than I intend, came the growl in her mind.

"mmmm," she whined and wiggled her sex against his face. She couldn't help it. He growled out loud again and sat back to regain some control. She looked back over her shoulder with a wicked grin and watched him lick her juices off his muzzle.

Her eyes flashed feral as her cat growled at him. He couldn't help but give in to that. He straightened up where he knelt behind her, grabbed hold of her hips with a strength that would leave hand print bruises on both hips. He slipped the head of his cock up and down her slit, feeling her try to push onto it, and coating the head in her slick wet heat. Aislinn fought his grip on her hips trying to push back, but he was too strong for her. He groaned his pleasure at her desire for him.

"Stop teasing," she demanded as she fought his grip.

As you wish, he said to her. His claws dug into her hips and he drove himself into her. He wasn't capable of being slow or gentle at this point. Aislinn cried out as pain and pleasure seared through her as she stretched around him. Once he was completely inside her he bent over her and wrapped his arm around her while the other arm braced him so that he wouldn't put all his weight on her.. One clawed hand gripped and dug into the flesh of her breast. Her cunt rippled and gripped at his huge cock. She couldn't believe how intense it was. Suddenly he began thrusting into her. Long hard strokes. He withdrew so far he nearly pulled out then slammed back into her with furious need. Each thrust wrenched an exquisite moan from her mouth. Cullen found himself grateful to Rafe for having managed a hybrid form that allowed for such music.

Aislinn's claws dug into the ground to hold her in one place throughout the intense punishment her body was taking. She had never thought to find pain so exquisite. Between the claws, his size, and the strength of each thrust she was torturously coming to her climax. Cullen felt her pushing back against him as her cunt squeezed and rippled against his shaft. His cock began to swell inside her, locking them together for the rest of the duration of their coupling. He growled loudly, knowing that he was nearing his limit and trying desperately to hold out for her.

After what seemed like forever he felt her body tense and the cries of pleasure she had been serenading him with changed to be louder and higher in pitch. The strange growling moans that had so intrigued him before were stronger, louder and strangely fitting coming from her now. Cullen grabbed her roughly by the shoulder. He pulled her up and back, so that she was on her knees with her back to his chest. He rammed up into her grunting with each thrust. Aislinn let out a cry of pleasure that Cullen thought must be echoing through the woods all the way to the cabin. Pushing her hair to the side he bent to place his mouth on the join between her neck and shoulder. She let her head fall to the side, anticipating his bite. Cullen gave a few final quick thrusts and bit down on her shoulder hard as he released into her. He held her there, one arm wrapped around her waist and the other around her chest. Her hands gripped the arm across her chest, holding on as he pumped into her. Her claws pierced his flesh and caused blood to drip from her fingertips. His mouth sucking at the wound he had created as he emptied his seed into her.

Aislinn felt a strange energy filtering up through her hands on the ground. It was as though she could feel everything. She knew how many birds and squirrels had been witness to their coupling. She could feel sadness and concern for what had happened the night before coming from the cabin. When she closed her eyes it was as though she could see everything all at once. She could feel the sunlight beating down on herself and Cullen. I can feel Cullen, she thought in awe. She could feel everything that had brought him to this point: what he had felt for her from the first day, his fight with himself ever since, how angry and hurt and worried he had been, how much he loved her. She could even feel the pleasure he was getting from making love to her. She let herself bask in his orgasm, amazed. It all soaked into her. She felt like she was swimming in his emotions. Then just as suddenly as it had all come to her it retreated back to a corner of her mind. It was still there just softer, like he was whispering to her how much he cared for her. Aislinn started breathing again. She hadn't realized that she was holding it all in.

Cullen felt the bond take hold. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could feel Aislinn's love for him. He had been told long ago about what it felt like to bond with someone. He knew that once the bond was formed he should be able to sense her moods. That was the easy explanation. But there was more here than that. He could feel Aislinn's amazement at what was happening and the pleasure she was getting from it. But he could feel why as well. It wasn't as detailed as reading her mind. But there was more than just the surface emotions she was feeling.

Cullen let his head fall back on his shoulders. He took a long deep breath as he came back to earth. He felt his wolf retreat, sated. His wolf didn't care about the emotional side of things. He had gotten what he wanted and was pleased. Cullen wrapped his arms around her waist and drug her off onto her side as he collapsed to the ground, her bottom tucked tightly against him and her head coming to rest on his shoulder.

Aislinn felt his body change, returning to his human state, with the exception of the swollen member lodged inside her. He kissed her back of her head, amused when she tried to pull away from him to turn around. "You'll have to wait a bit," he said. He grinned as he felt her arousal at the idea that he was stuck inside her like that.

Aislinn could hear the grin that she couldn't see and feel his amusement. "So why didn't this ever happen before," she asked, cuddling back against him. There was something about the idea of his penis swollen inside her that pleased her a great deal.

Cullen felt her walls squeeze down on his shaft. He chuckled. "You keep that up it'll take longer," he warned. "I never let my wolf get that involved before," he said as if that was enough explanation.

Aislinn could feel that he had been trying to protect her. "It seems as though your wolf has retreated and you're still, well…" she wiggled against him in lieu of saying that he was stuck inside her.

He laughed and hugged her to hold her still. "Don't like it?" he asked but already knew that she liked it very much.

"I didn't say that," she said and blushed. "And you are finding this way too funny."

Cullen stopped and just lay there feeling her and finding himself more content than he had ever been. But he couldn't help the curiosity about why the bond seemed so strong. "Do druids bond when they marry or whatever?"

"Huh? I don't really know about druids. That would have been something to ask my grandmother."

Cullen instantly regretted asking. He could feel her sadness welling up. He wrapped himself around her and changed the subject. "I'm in a lot of trouble you know?"

Aislinn could feel that he was trying to change the subject. He didn't want to mar what had just happened between them. She decided that she agreed and let him move on. "Oh, then why are you so amused by the idea? I just realized that we're going to have an awfully hard time lying to each other," she joked.

He smiled. "Do you intend to lie to me?"

"No, but we've built such a wonderful relationship on misunderstandings at this point. I'd hate to completely change the dynamic now," Aislinn said sarcastically.

"Too late. It appears as though you will know each and every time I say something stupid what I actually meant. No more excuses." He squeezed her tight.

She nuzzled against his arm. "So what happened to needing to set up a ceremony and now not being a good time?"

"Well, it kinda got away from me," he said honestly. "Maybe I made my wolf wait too long. Or maybe I just wanted you so badly I couldn't help myself."

Aislinn could feel the truth in what he was saying and was near tears of happiness that he really wanted her that badly. He hugged her closer and they lay there for a while just feeling how much they loved each other.

Cullen was still lodged firmly inside Aislinn when they heard the footsteps coming. He started growling a loud warning, praying that they wouldn't get caught quite this red handed.

"I don't think that's going to work," Aislinn said and felt Cullen's confusion and ego. She giggled.

"Are you really that full of yourself? What am I saying I can feel that you're that full of yourself." The footsteps were getting closer and Cullen increased his volume. "It's Keith," Aislinn said. "Last I checked he didn't care about your warnings. Why are you so concerned about it? Are we in that much trouble?"

Cullen grumbled. Now he was mostly annoyed at the interruption. "Trouble isn't the right word. But the elders won't be happy. Don't worry. I'll deal with it. How did you know it was Keith?"

"Yeah, how did you know it was me?" came a far too amused voice from directly behind them.

"Hard to explain. Go away," she said, voicing Cullen's feeling for the intrusion.

"I feel so unloved," Keith said. "You do know what this looks like don't you?" He walked around the two of them and then sat down on the toppled stone.

Aislinn growled at him and did her best to maneuver into a less exposed position.

"Hey," Keith said in mock offense. "You're just lucky I came looking for you myself instead of sending an omega. I at least have the common courtesy to ask if this is going to be announced or if it's going to be hushed up until more appropriate arrangements can be made. Then again if I'm not wanted I can just head right back up to the cabin and-"

"Don't bother to finish," Cullen interrupted. "You're such a pain."

Keith smiled down at his friend. "Congratulations," he said in the most earnest tone Aislinn had ever heard out of the man.

"You have to be the most impossible person I have ever met," Aislinn said in exasperation. "You shift from bad standup comic to overbearing know it all to sentimental all in one breath. Is there a persona you don't make use of?"

Cullen started to laugh. "I was going to suggest that you get to know Sarah and Keith a bit better but you certainly seem to have Keith pegged."

Keith raised his eyebrows. "And here I was trying to be nice. I guess I've learned my lesson. Be warned, kitten, you're fair game now."

Aislinn grumbled. "Is this really the time and place and situation for friendly banter?"

Cullen could sense her annoyance at the intrusion on their moment. A look at Keith and his friend stood up to make a polite exit. At least he knew when each different persona was appropriate. "I just needed to see if we would be headed back to the den before the funeral. I have to point out that there are quite a few people still missing. And I really should establish if this is to be public knowledge."

Cullen thought about it a moment. He didn't want to offend Aislinn by suggesting that they keep it a secret. But he thought that as far as the pack went, with everything that had happened the day before this wasn't the best way of handling his mating. Whatever his motivations had been. He was still the alpha and there was protocol to follow.

Aislinn nuzzled against him. "It'd probably be better to save the announcement for later," she said for him.

Cullen smiled and hugged her. She had caught his entire thought process. "Just make sure that people stay clear of the stones for a couple hours would ya?" he said to Keith.

Keith nodded. He started to walk off again, but stopped. "I suppose I should offer to make it official for you if you want."

Aislinn's mind drifted to the 'acknowledgement' part of the ceremony that Rissa had mentioned and then to Cullen's talk about lack of witnesses. He felt her unease at the suggestion. "No. Not yet. But thanks," he said. With that Keith headed back up to the cabin.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Don't listen to the people who say this is unrealistic. First off, it's fucking a fantasy porn story? Second off, knowing that she previously loved him, because of their well established mate connection, them mating by accident is totally not crazy? Like the person you love more than anything, and anyone in the world, has just asked you to marry them. Do not tell me you wouldn't jump up and down and cry and say yes yes yes. Anyways, I love this story, and I come back to just read it regularly. I think this is my fourth time through. For a story about rutting werewolves and stuff it captures the feeling I had when reading a lot of fantasy novels as a teen, and that always makes me enjoy a story more. Plus you actually do quite well with follow throughs. I'd suggest a bit of editing to clean up some spelling and grammar issues, but other than that, this entire series is a wonderful ride.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I kinna lost interest that she gave in SO EASILY adter what he put her through( the torture rape n death of her granny) are all the consequences of his cowardness n his insinuation that he wanted her to leave n that shes just a conquest.

The plot n the battle werent described adequately

Won't be reading the rest of the story... seems anticimac n pointless


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What a shame

The story was good but this chapter was bad. It became a Hollywood film. The girl lost her grandmother, was raped, tortured and lost her possibility to go back to her parents. But because he smiles at her and said Some nice things, she loves him forever and starts having sex with him at the same place her grandmother died.

evonnaevonnaover 8 years ago
Go Milis...

...even though it came out all polite and shy, at least someone is trying to tell Aislinn what an ungrateful, silly, drama-queeny, selfish little brat she's being..... it's about time... everyone keeps mentioning all the deaths and sacrifices of the pack members, and she keeps completely lacking any acknowledgment or compassion or care for any of that.... behaving like a self-obsessed teenage drama queen..... hope she'll be told again :) xxx

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eabout 10 years ago

Why didn't they give the grandma one of those healing salves?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I get the author's point of view. Nothing like tragedy to clear misconceptions and bring lovers together. Great series, love it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I wish they had waited to mate. She was just sexual assaulted, her grandma died, and he lost several members of his family, and all they can think about is getting it on? Really?

PrincessJezebelPrincessJezebelover 12 years ago
Best so far!

This is my favorite chapter so far! I've been yelling at Cullen and Aislinn to just talk to each other for the last couple of chapters--they must have finally heard me! :) It's wonderful to see them together, mated, and actually able to understand each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Took em long enough

IsanaIsanaover 12 years ago
To the commenter below me:

Well, what do you know. It probably does. Realizing the implications of that question made me reevaluate myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
wait a second

does this make me a furry?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I just love keith, and i no im late reading this but im so in love with this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Nice choice

I love that you made Aislynn into a mere-cat! She wasn't born like the others, so it was a great choice to keep her as something seperate while still allowing her to become a were. Plus, Cullen obviously enjoyed her post-coital purring.

Keep up the great stories!!!

DigitalneoDigitalneoalmost 14 years ago
Some small questions/ fandom

This reminds me so much of another series here (Just Being Wolfy) I believe. I'm still in the process of reading the series and am loving it.

Then I saw the Anonymous post above about why she wasn't a wolf as well. Altho his/her post is rather jerk-ish, I'm also curious about her form:

1) Why the amber eyes instead of silver? Wouldn't silver/blue catlike be more exotic than wolf eyes a Lycan likely sees all the time?

2) Author preference on spots/stripes?

3) Why look so human-like in hybrid form?

4) I can understand were-cat since that was Rafe's preference, but I also dislike her being so small in form. Is it atleast proportional to her human size in both animal and hybrid form?

As I said, I'm still reading and maybe some of these things will be answered. These were just my initial thoughts thus far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Why did NOT you make her a wolf as well? Why? Why? Why? yukk...

raven616raven616over 14 years ago

I have read 15 chapter without having a break. I loved your other vampire story and this wolf one is amazing too.

There wasn't any moment I felt like...this is so stupid. You are truelly good writer. THANK YOU.

I will continue to read the rest of this....is past midnight here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
language confusion

Great story loving it so far but - you said Cullen had a scots accent -but the Gaelic he is using is Irish Gaelic not Scots. Just a little thing.

BTW love the name -reminds me of cuchulain, which means the hound of Ulster pronounced Coo--hull-in

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
it's great really ..

but you can still keep going at least a little longer..more chapters would be great I love this story so much..

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I hope there is another chapter

Please please please....

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
one of the best there is

I can't believe that it's over, is it really??? I have enjoyed reading about Ashlinn and Cullen you are one of my favorites and i want to say thanks for writing such an amazing story, keep it up.

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