Legacy: Equilibrium


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Lost Boy
Lost Boy

"Thomas... how... how are you doing this?" She gasped and moaned. "Oh my god..."

"Scarlett are you okay?" Monika asked.

"I am perfect." She replied her voice low and hungry. "I don't care how you are doing this, don't stop."

Scarlett switched on her phone's camera and turned it towards her. She looked gorgeous as ever. I loved the faces she made during sex. My experiment was a success as I could feel both the sisters and Scarlett at the same time. That sensation came again, it was like a balloon filling up quickly and I realized Scarlett was close to climaxing.

"Slow down," I whispered to the duo riding me. "She's getting close already."

"Wait, what is going on? I am so damn close already. Don't slow down... oh, you evil bastard!"

I waited until the balloon was ready to burst before telling the sisters to go all out. They rode me full throttle and Scarlett dropped her phone as she came. It was an epic victory for both of us. The overwhelming pleasure was just too intense and I fired my load into Keisha and Victoria. The dominos continued to fall. The sisters cried out together when cum hit their insides. I couldn't have planned it any better. The image that Tai was projecting shifted as friend Monika picked up Scarlett's phone and looked at the camera.

"I don't know who you are, but you did a class number one job on SJ. You have my thanks. She has been down in the dumps for weeks now. You sure did put a smile on her face."

The line went dead. Eleanor proudly mounted both of my cocks like an avenging angel. What followed was a poetic desecration of three of my darling family members. I didn't just wreck them, I violated them and crossed every line that came to mind. I felt it was my solemn duty to make sure they remembered tonight, they did.

Stone Gallery:

We all gathered together for breakfast the next morning. The Sisters Three were jovial and bantering about everything that had happened the night before. Eleanor flashed her breasts whenever one of my sisters asked. The rope burns were still clearly visible. She displayed them like a badge of honor for all to see. I tried to avoid eye contact when I could, but it was useless. Katarina critiqued the depth and pattern of the marks and gave me a double first on technique and execution. Violet asked what had inspired last night.

"I wanted it to be memorable."

"You succeeded," Lily added.

"I gave him a few suggestions," Victoria admitted. "I have some background in that department. I could tell you stories about golden age Hollywood and the parties I had thrown for studios and producers alike."

It didn't take much to get her sharing memories of actors and actresses long gone. I was surprised at some of the apparently clean-cut people that liked getting tied up and fucked senseless. It was nice having most of the family assembled in one place. I was asked to give a vivid play by play of violating poor Scarlett in the private jet and what it felt like to me.

"My fault," Indigo offered, and everyone looked at her. "I believe I have passed on my empathetic skills to Thomas or he is maturing."

"Wait," Tiffany said smiling. "Are you suggesting that this is the Osirin version of his voice cracking?"

"I suppose I am." Indigo replied grinning. "I have been doing research with Tia's help. There are some interesting possibilities. It is quite possible that he could manifest some rare gifts not seen in quite some time. I say might."

"You felt Scarlett climaxing?" Keisha asked.

"Yeah, it was strange. It was like a balloon that got bigger until it popped. It wasn't just her though. Whoever I focus on I can feel it. It feels amazing like last night."

"You mean when there are two or more of us." Victoria added.

"Exactly. I can feel how excited everyone is. I can manage the pace of things to get us all synced."

"That explains it," Eleanor moaned. "The last one was fucking epic."

A sudden flash of lightning illuminated the room. The deafening thunder that followed had me surrounded by several of my family. Violet was closest and shook violently. I did my best to sooth them as the storm struck. The intensity of the storm lasted far longer than I would have expected. I glanced at Sorcerer Cat and he stood, stretched, and headed for the back door. I told my family I had to follow the cat. It took a minute to free myself from the reluctant women.

"This came earlier than expected." Sorcerer Cat said yawning.

"What is going on?"

"A small test I suppose. Your Osirin side wants to see what you are made of. You don't need to do anything just stand there and take it. If you can endure they will accept you as one of their own."

"I take it that this is normal. Fine, I will take whatever they can dish out."

"Good luck Thomas."

I stared at the cat. He rarely offered things like encouragement or showed any hints of empathy. He was an old school teacher. I smiled and headed outside. The gust of wind ripped the door out of my hand and sent it slamming into the wall. It took all my strength to close it behind me. It was almost torn from my hand three times. I saw an eerie blue light hovering in the garden. It resembled ball lightning and I guessed it marked where I would be tested. I knew so little of my Osirin heritage. I was anxious to pass this test and speak with the other side of my family. Would they accept him even if he did pass the test? I reached the sphere of crackling energy.

"You reek of humanity." A voice called out from the orb.

"And yet, there is something familiar." A second voice admitted. "Let him be tested."

"He is a bit young." A third voice said. "Perhaps we should put this off."

"I need answers," I cried out feeling the tug of fear. "I don't know anything about my father or his side of the family."

"Endure." A cold voice called out. "Show us what you are made of half breed."

The lightning struck without warning. My world went white. My body was engulfed in agony. I wanted to scream but I would deny them. If they wanted me to break they would need to step up their game. I felt my feet leave the ground as the second part of the test began. The tattoo on my back warned me of the mental intrusion. I was ready when they broke through the protective magic. Their psychic probes met my iron will. It was an old sci fi movie that saved me. I imagined my defenses were crafted of Krell Metal. It would take a magnitude of power that bordered on the heart of a star to defeat me. I withstood them, and they relented. The third test attacked my weakness for sex. The serpentine tongue wrapped around my cock the way a constrictor engulfs its prey. I had never experienced anything like it before. I tried to ignore it, but I failed miserably. She had me painfully erect in no time at all and when I was close to climaxing the second mental assault commenced. I cried out this time but held off the intrusion even as I climaxed.

"Impressive." The male voice said as I blinked away the spots still clinging to my vision.

"Tasty," A female voice admitted. "I see why they are so taken with him."

"He has imbibed demonic blood more than once." A second male voice remarked. "He is tainted."

"You are one to call him tainted." The first voice replied. "You have frequented that infernal club of yours."

"Enough," the female declared. "I vote in his favor."

"She is right," the second male said with a laugh. "I like his strength. I vote in his favor."

"I needn't vote then," the first male sullenly added. "What is that look for? Fine, I agree he has strength and to be honest he was far stronger than the last one we tested. I vote in his favor."

I looked up and saw two figures vanish from sight. The female remained behind. She was tall wearing a loose-fitting navy silk robe. Her ample breasts pushed open the top of the robe. I could clearly see her cleavage and she laughed.

"Males are so predictable. Get up Thomas so we can talk. I am a Bastet and take on my mother's feline aspect. You are unusual. You carry two legacies equally well. I tasted your mother's side in your semen. For what it is worth, I voted to simply accept you into the family."

"Is my father still alive? I want to meet him."

"He is quite well. He wants to see you too. But... there is a problem. You must wait for a little while until you are of age. Your father's wife is livid to learn of your existence. She demands that her son reach his majority first so that he can inherit. He is two years younger than you. Unlike human society we acknowledge any child that is worthy to enter Osirin culture. You have been tested and passed. I see no reason you don't demand meeting your father soon and take your legacy."

"There's that word again. Old Black Thom wanted me to be his heir and now this. A part of me wants my half brother to get what is due. But..."

"You are the older child." She said grinning. "I will be your patron if you wish."

"I want. I think my father would think less of me if I didn't demand it."

"I will return once things are prepared. Get some rest, I think you are going to need it."

The walk back to the house was uneventful. Everyone was gathered in the kitchen and it was obvious they had watched my ordeal. Violet suggested I take a shower and change my clothes. She emphasized this by tugging on my left sleeve which cracked and fell off. My clothing was charred to the point of being brittle. I stepped outside and stripped so I didn't make a mess for them to clean up. Lily had started a shower for me and raised an eyebrow as I stepped inside. I was about to ask her if she were okay, but she left without a word.

"What the heck was that about?" I muttered after I heard the bathroom door close.

I discovered what she was bothered by a few seconds later. I placed my head under the flow of water and I felt the water impact my scalp. I opened my eyes and saw my hair blocking the drain. I reached up and I was bald as the day I was born. I noticed that my head hair wasn't the only victim of the test by the Osirins. The electrical current I had been exposed to had burnt off arm hair, leg hair, and even pubic hair. There was nothing I could do but wait for it to grow back. I washed up and found that all my body hair was gone. I hadn't expected to lose my arm pit hair as well as eyebrows and facial hair. I was smooth all over. It would grow back, wouldn't it?

"Aw hell." I cursed.

"I will tend to you." Lily said as she plucked the clumps of hair from the drain. "You are still mightily handsome Master."

"You called me Master."

"It is what the others are addressing you as. It would be haughty for me to continue calling you Shifu. I am one of many while you are the One."

"You are precious to me." I said. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I am? You called me precious. I don't know what to say."

She began to cry, and I held her close. I heard the door open and Violet stuck her head in and laughed until she saw Lily weeping. Violet approached slowly, and I told her that Lily was happy.

"I thought she was upset about your hair. I guess the lightning did electrolysis on you. Will it grow back?"

"I hope so. It took me years to grow my hair out the way I liked it."

"Come on Lily, Master needs his rest. Help me finish changing his sheets please."

"Of course, sister," Lily said wiping away her tears.

I tossed Lily a clean towel and she dried off as she walked away. There was no need to shave for now. I regarded my new look in the bathroom mirror. I looked so strange without hair or eyebrows. A sudden flicker of power revealed an unyet discovered effect of the Osirin test. My eyes glowed under dim lights. I switched off the bathroom's lights and returned to the mirror. I could see clearly in the darkened room. My reflection was truly startling. The whites of my eyes had the same radiance as LED lights. I held up my hand and I could see how my eyes illuminated the palm.

"Great, just fucking great," I cursed. "What's next?"

I peeked into my bedroom and thankfully it was empty. I crawled under the covers and closed my eyes. I was surprisingly tired but after my ordeal what could I expect. Sleep took me and if I dreamed I didn't remember. I awoke before dawn as, yet another startling development manifested itself. When I opened my eyes, the room was lit with a dim illumination. I sat up and bit back a cry of alarm. My veins and arteries were aglow now. The eerie icy blue radiance gave my skin an almost translucent quality. I walked to the mirror and clamped a hand over my mouth. My face was lit from beneath completing the terrifying look.

"It is perfectly normal," Indigo said as she hugged me from behind. "I was afraid this might happen, so I stayed close."

"What the hell is going on?"

"The power you absorbed is working its way through your body. Don't fight it Master. Let it happen and it will resolve itself faster."

"I suppose there is a name for this in Osirin." I said, and she whispered the words in my ear. "K'Tan Daan."

Indigo and I cuddled on my bed until the glow began to fade. The room began to brighten again, and I grew alarmed until I realized it was the first light of dawn. My body was back under my control once more. I thanked Indigo, but she told me that she was happy to serve. She mentioned something about having things to do and I watched her leave. I checked three times before I went down to breakfast to make sure I wasn't glowing. It might sound silly, but I didn't want the others learning and worrying about me. I was surprised when most of my family had already left. The Sisters Three had taken off to the car dealership. Now that Victoria had ascended to Eleanor's former position she had decided to take over the business. I could have said something, but Eleanor and Victoria would have been shamed. I remained silent.

Snow and Qadira were adjusting to their life in the United States. I asked them what I could do to assist them. Snow wanted to help Violet and add dance classes to the yoga studio. Qadira on the other hand had lived in the lap of luxury and was trying to think of something to pass the time. She was leery of travel for now. The disappearance of her half sister left her cautious and more than a little paranoid. I called Tai up from the digital ether and had her list off the family holdings, primarily the businesses. When Tai was done I noticed she had left Dad's shop off the list.

"You didn't mention the shop here in town."

"I wasn't sure you'd want to have anyone else handle it. It was your... it belonged to Old Black Thom."

"What kind of shop is it?" Qadira asked.

"It's a mix or resale and antique shop. We can look if you want. I've been wanting to start it back up now that I've located most of my siblings."

"Not all," Snow said, and I felt a sense of guilt.

"No, there are two more to be found. It's like a genetic scavenger hunt, no disrespect intended."

"None taken," they said together.

"I guess if you wanted to run it until I track down the last two..."

"I'd love to." Qadira said her eyes lighting up. "I know how important it is to you. I won't let you down. I know a lot about antiques. The king taught me about how to spot forgeries and special items."

"Do you want to look?" I asked, and she looked eager and then Snow laid a hand on hers and she said she had tasks to do. "Strange, that is the same word Indigo used. Are you two working together?"

"We all are, it's a surprise." Snow said a little too loud. "I mean... we are both busy."

I returned to my food and didn't raise the subject again. Something was going on and it was obvious to me that I was involved. Since the shop had been brought up I decided to spend time there and give them the run of the house. I changed into jeans and a button up shirt. I grabbed a light jacket and headed for the garage. Indigo met me on the way to the garage and handed me a set of car keys. I stepped into the six-car garage and pressed the button on the key fob. The lights for a car in the back flashed. My view was blocked by two cars. One was the car right in front of me in the front row and the middle car in the back row. I walked around the closest car and caught a hint of the front grill of the car I had unlocked. I recognized the vehicle instantly.

"No fucking way!" I cried out as I rushed over to the jet-black Bugatti. "It looks like I am taking the long way to the shop today."

It took everything I had to keep it under the speed limit. My face hurt from the perpetual smile I wore for the rest of the day. I had to find a way to get access to a race track. The shop was dark as I unlocked the front door and keyed in the alarm code. I reached for the light switch and my hand stopped. It looked like hundreds of fire flies were buzzing around various items in the shop. I walked to the nearest shelf and moved things around until a small statuette of an earth mother was revealed. I remember when my dad acquired this in a poker game in a small village near Tai Pei. The Brit he had won it off swore that it had been blessed by the goddess herself. I turned the statue around in my hand staring at the glowing runes the color of molten gold that adorned her fat belly. There was a warmth to the idol and any fear I had felt faded away like a shadow exposed to the sun.

"He said you were special. I guess he was right."

I spent the next few hours locating the glowing items and examining them. While there were different colors all of them had one thing in common, they were all well hidden behind other objects. Had dad placed them like this for a reason? It was likely. He didn't do things for no logical reason. I fought the urge to gather them together and ogle their beauty. I did allow myself to handle them, but I put them back where I found them. Each came from a different culture and none of them were similar except that they were magical in nature. I wondered if he could see the runes or if he learned about their nature in some other way. I would go over his ledgers again and see if there were any notes on these objects. My stomach rumbled, and I realized it was after one in the afternoon. I placed a baseball cap over my bald head.

"I guess its time for a bite."

I set the alarm and locked the store behind me. I walked over to the pizza parlor and found Bob behind the counter. He took a break and while I ate he asked me when was the next game night. He had so much fun and missed the old gang. I agreed to set it up. He worked so many hours keeping the business up and running. I could see that something, perhaps a couple of somethings bothering him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Are you sick? I mean... your hair... your eyebrows... is it cancer?"

"I was sick," I said being honest. "I am fine now, really, I've never felt better."

The conversation shifted to competition with corporate food chains. I asked him if he wanted a partner. I could invest in his business and suddenly he raced off and returned with what looked like a presentation. He unrolled a map of the city and I saw six locations that were marked in blue. I had never seen him so animated. He told me these other spots were in financial trouble. With the right amount of money, we, as in he and I, could snatch them up for cheap and reopen them as franchises.

"Why are they failing?" I asked.

Bob launched into a detailed analysis of each business and it appeared the three of them were going under due to poor management. The other three were from external interference. I looked at the details on those influences. Tai chimed in and I gladly let her dig into the subject. Bob and I returned to the subject of game night. I hinted that we could work out MILF bridge night and our gaming time on the same night. Bob liked the idea of that. I knew he would. The idea formed in my mind almost perfect for execution. If I wired the room the ladies played bridge in for video and audio it would make the board game far more interesting. Bob had to return to running things and I had to return home in anticipation of whatever the girls were up to.

Lost Boy
Lost Boy