Liberation, for Him or Her? Pt. 05

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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 04/07/2023
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CHAPTER 9 - Life Goes On

And so, life went on, they continued to go to the Club most weekends sometimes every other weekend. Mike had surprised her by opening himself up to things she had never thought he would go for. He amazed her on about their fourth night by eating a creampie out of her and surprised her even more by saying "it was ok", not the most ringing endorsement but he didn't hate it.

On the previous weekend when they'd played the older couple Bob & Jane, Bob had been a take charge kind of guy, the four had warmed up with each other, Bob and Jane and Mike with Bob's wife Jane, some kissing, oral and cuddling. Bob's cock could qualify as a WMD - weapon of mass destruction -- it hung down about 7 inches but when it got angry it was 10 or 11 inches erect and seriously wide. Bob surprised them when Jane had got on all fours by saying to Mike, "Help a buddy out Mike, put my cock in your lovely wife for me please."

Mike didn´t bat an eyelid and grabbed hold of Bob's monster, gave it a few strokes and steered it into Jane's cunt. "Thank you Buddy, wow your wife's pussy feels tight and so hot, I think she likes my big cock, don't you?"

Now of course, Bob had no idea of the troubles big cocks had brought to Mike's house and Mike did feel a certain tension, but he was getting over it, as time passed. It was not that he was completely comfortable with everything they were doing, it was more that they had both committed to this idea for 6 months to try to save their marriage and he had promised Jane that he was all in for 6 months.

So far, despite a bit of discomfort at some parts of what they were doing, he had genuinely been surprised at how being involved in what was out of the ordinary, was for the most part enjoyable, despite what his preconceived ideas on things may have been in the cold light of day.

"You have no idea how much she likes it Bob, my wife loves huge cocks, don't you babe?"

Jane murmured, "So good, so, so, good, keep fucking me Bob, your cock is filling my whole cunt... don't you even think of stopping. I love your big fat long sexy cock." Mike surprised himself by chuckling at how Jane sounded like someone out of control, he realised he had come a long way. There were worse things in life than sharing your wife in the right conditions, especially when a beautiful older lady of 50 was starting to suck his cock, and her tits looked fabulous.

Bob despite his 50 plus years had the stamina of a younger man, he fucked Jane on and on, and Jane was losing her mind with a series of hard orgasms, eventually she cried out, "Please cum in me Bob, I can't take any more, you are wearing me out" then after Bob had spasmed and held his cock buried in her pussy she said. "By God Bob, you are some man, you've flooded me with cum, let me turn around I want to clean your cock, I'm so horny for you, wow. Will you be able to do me again tonight? That was just the best."

While this was going on Mike was watching the action and Bob's Jane straddled his cock and buried her head in Mike's neck and was grinding hard on his cock. She was a very skilled lover, she could tightly clench her cunt around his cock, even in mid-thrust despite, not only her age but since Big Cocked Bob presumably fucked her regularly it was amazing, she could be this tight. Mike was screwing her, had enjoyed watching Jane doing her thing on a huge cock and thinking to himself, just how lucky was he that his lovely wife had this brainwave, when he was mentally "Out of the door", on the verge of leaving her for good.

Now with his horizons broadening with each new experience he thanked God that he had at least the good sense to agree to try what had seemed a desperate idea from Jane as her last throw of the dice. Love had never been their issue, they were both secure in their love and each knew they had it in spades from their spouse. It was not knowing how they could get past her cheating that almost killed the marriage, when he had no ideas how to fix it.

Appropriately it was the cheater who came up with the idea of how to mend the marriage, she's enabled him to check more or less her every move and then the idea to try the swingers Club saved them, for now at least.

Over those first 6 months they had both had a great time, tried new things and enjoyed almost all of them. Strangely they never met their first swapping couple again but the others who had made their nights so good were all played with again at least once more, especially James and Brianna and Bob and Jane. They rarely met any singles but one really hot divorcee, Tina, had rocked both their worlds and occasionally joined in with them when Bob and Jane were there.

The original intention was that after 6 months they would reassess their circumstances, but they had grown so close again, trust seemed to be fading as an issue though it was still there in Mike's mind, but yeah, life was good again for them.

Jane was waiting for Mike to say something, while things were good she hadn't wanted to bring anything to a head, remembering that her honesty about her cheating had almost lost her the marriage, so they drifted on until they had been reconciled for 8 months, almost 9.

One day after dinner, Jane finally had to ask. "Mike, things have been so good now, how do you feel about starting a family?"

Mike exhaled and thought before admitting, "To be honest, I'm still nervous."

That was neither what Jane expected to hear nor what she hoped to hear. She felt ready, she felt it would bring them ever closer together. Mike was clearly not over his concerns despite all the good things of the last 8 or 9 months and despite them having regained their close loving relationship.

"Oh" Jane said, quietly and with obvious dejection, "I thought we were good?"

"Jane, I know you have been nothing but loving, I do very occasionally look at the things you gave me to check on your movements, phone calls and texts, your emails, the whole 9 yards you gave me without being asked to. I know you are not playing any silly games, not meeting anyone. I know too that when Jack, he of the tree trunk cock, tried to get you to see him again you closed him down, almost mercilessly. Jane as far as we can be we are good."

"However, I know you managed 6 years before you cheated on me, sorry but it will be a long time before I can be truly comfortable and I told you that I would not have a family if I was still worried that you would cheat on me in the future. After all, you did say that you hope you might still be getting some huge cock inside you in 10 or 20 years' time. It's so hard to get past that Jane, I love you but it's like waiting for the other foot to fall and land squarely on my ball sack."

"Mike, can you not see that nearly losing you had made this stupid girl grow up? I'm no longer than girl with ludicrous expectations of what crazy shit you would put up with from me. I can't believe I hoped to convince you to let me have a big cock on the side for when I'd get really horny, I can't believe I asked you to let me do that once or twice a month. It's a wonder you didn't have me committed to some sanatorium for crazy ladies."

"Mike, I love you and I want to have your babies, I know you want that too. Listen, I came up with the swinging idea and we've both loved it, right? I mean you have done things I never expected you to do and you've taken to them like a duck to water."

Mike nodded yes and smiled, he couldn't quite believe some of the things he'd done, things he never expected to do in a lifetime he'd done and mostly enjoyed over those 9 months.

Jane continued, "Mike, I'm going to come up with a plan about how you can trust me in the future, especially when we are parents, I've changed and being a mother will change me more. Do you know what my ambition is?"

Mike nodded for her to continue.

"To be your wife for the rest of my life and to be a great mum to our children, Mike I'm ready and I'm so in need of it. You'll see mister, I know you are settled again so there is no real urgency but I want this and I'll hit you with my plan, you'll swallow it whole and you'll be a great dad. The best, our kids are going to be so lucky."

Chapter 10 - Jane's Plan

A week later Mike had proposed another visit to the Club but for the first time Jane was not keen and persuaded Mike to stay home this weekend. Friday night they had a nice dinner at a family restaurant, lots of mainly well-behaved kids with their parents. At the next table a family of five, with a brand new baby it looked like. During the meal the mother discretely, breast fed the baby and Jane gave knowing smiles to Mike.

Sure, there had been a few children whining from time to time, but good parenting closed it down so others could enjoy their dinner. It was a pleasant evening and it had been Jane who had picked the restaurant. Mike was not dumb, he understood where this was leading. He had a little plan going on himself but was saying nothing about it.

On Saturday Mike said he had something to do and would be away most of the afternoon. That suited Jane because she was planning to give him one of his favourite dinners and now she could surprise him with it. She was making stuffed steak with onion gravy mash, carrots and peas, wholesome tasty food that Mike loved.


Meanwhile Mike was secretly meeting with an estate agent, having a look at some houses with 3 or 4 bedrooms in areas they would consider setting up house in, near good schools. He'd mentioned nothing to Jane. He saw two that he really liked within their affordable price range and had brought home the brochures but tucked them away in his car.

Entering the condo, there was a lovely cooking smell permeating the apartment and he knew Jane was going all out to soften him up for what he knew would be her "little chat" later on.

He was delighted with dinner, they shared a good red wine with it and were feeling well fed and mellow after dinner. Jane made her move, "Baby, let's have an early night, I want you to make love to me and then I want to talk about my plan I told you I would come up with." Mike smiled at her, looking forward to what was to come but smiling inside too because he had read her perfectly.

"You go on up honey and get ready, I'll be there in two minutes, I'm just going to check my car I think I forgot to lock it, I'll be there in 2 minutes." Mike went to the car and retrieved the two property brochures and tucked them away for now in the dining room, he wanted to be prepared if Jane had come up with a plan he could live with.

An hour later they had made sweet love, taken their time and enjoyed each other. Recovering from her bliss, Jane sat up and from under her pillow produced a paper with the words "My Plan" written large. Mike said, "Wait a minute honey, I'm going down to get a drink of water, shall I bring you one?"

A couple of minutes later Mike was back with 2 glasses of water and some sheets of paper which he placed on his bedside locker facing down. Jane looked at him, he could see a slight look of concern on her face and reassured her that it was nothing to worry about but indicated that she should go first.

"OK Mike, you know what this is, you've known I'd spring this on you for a few weeks now. I'm sorry I cheated on you Mike, you know I am, you know how my stupidity almost shattered out marriage and I know I broke your heart. You also know that I understand that I said some foolish things about a lifetime of enjoying big cocks on the side if you'd let me. God when did I turn crazy?"

"Mike you must see that I have changed, you have helped me so much after I almost lost you, now I don't think we've ever been better together, yet I understand the doubts that I planted in you with my ravings about having children and then going back to being a big cock slut.

I know now how whacky that was, how no man would ever live with that, certainly not my man. I think that with your help and unceasing love plus the widening of our sex life, way beyond what I thought you'd be comfortable with, you've been amazing and I think that I've grown up."

"I came up with the swinging plan and you have to admit it has done wonders for us, it's saved us I think, it was a Hail Mary and it worked. Fair to say we've really enjoyed it. Think on this Mike, with Big Bob you've seen me enjoy his massive cock whilst you have had a time with Bob's Jane and she is really great with you, I can see it. Mike, you haven't had the slightest angst when I've enjoyed Bob's WMD and an occasional twirl around the dance floor with Bob or someone like him is enough for me and they are a pretty great couple to play with."

"So, I know that I am getting everything I need, except a family, I know your concerns but I'm telling you that everything has changed in my head, that need I had, it's not important to me anymore, I've grown up and pulled my head out of my selfish ass. Like before, I found it easier to write it than to explain it, so have look at my idea. Please open your heart to what I want to promise you and how I've taken steps to reassure you."

Jane passed the written plan to Mike, he could see it was headed "Jane's Family Plan":

Dear Mike,

I'm so sorry for what I did to us, I hope in some small way I've made things up to you as best as I can over the last 9 months. My love for you has deepened by how you've responded, and we've gone from almost parting to our best love ever.

You have been my magnificent and generous husband; you've opened yourself to things I never expected to enjoy with you. With this plan I hope you will open yourself once more to the idea of having a family with me, it's my dream, nothing has ever been so important for me, I think it will add even greater strength to our love and commitment to each other.

This plan rescinds forever all my dumb spoken plans that I tried to foist on you. I renounce every word of them, I will never mention them again and I swear to you I will never again cheat on you.

So trust is the issue to be addressed and my plan is to give you a way to trust me again:

• From tonight I will go off birth control, if you agree with what follows.

• Until I become pregnant and for as long after that as you wish, I will be exclusive to you. I don't demand that you remain exclusive to me, I gave up that right.

• We have become used to and excited by playing sexually with others, in the future, we will return to that only at your instigation, I will never request another lover as long as we are married.

• Thinking ahead, I suggest we ringfence some of our savings only to be used for vacations, I thought that if we wanted a short break from our family life, we could get either of our parents to act as sitters and we could enjoy some time at an adult only resort. This is just an idea for a safety valve, not something I need.

• Equally I am open to it if you decide in the future to return to the Club occasionally and as getting babysitters allow.

• I am vowing to you that I am yours and only yours from tonight for the rest of our lives, unless you decide otherwise. My need to be a mother has replaced all other wishes.

• Words are easy, actions a little harder so to show my commitment, I've engaged a lawyer, he has drawn up a post-nuptial contract that is massively in your favour, essentially if I ever cheated, you can throw me away with my clothes and one thousand to set up somewhere. Mike all you have to do is read it and sign it and it will be legal.

• I'm hoping the post-nup will reassure you, because I sure as hell don't want to be thrown out and more or less penniless.

• It also confirms that should I cheat after we have become parents, that I will not contest custody, assuming you want it. Mike, I swear to you that I could not live without any children we have, that is why I hope all this gives you enough to trust me. I so much want to have your babies and I can't wait to get started.

Mike, please believe I've changed, please trust me. I've put my birth control tablets in your top drawer beside you. If you have faith in me, please get rid of them now.

I love you and I swear I'll never hurt you again.


Reading it, Mike was filled with emotion, he genuinely had concerns but he'd also recognised that he only ever known she had cheated because she couldn't live the lies anymore and had confessed what she had done.

He was certain that she had not lied to him since and he had been rebuilding his trust, he had observed the changes. He had seen her heart break almost as clearly as his own when he said he was leaving and now, for better or worse, he was ready to trust her.

Mike leaned over and kissed her forehead, then rising from the bed he took the pills and ceremoniously flush each of them in the bathroom. He returned to see her gently weeping with relief. Mike passed her a tissue and said you'll need to dry your eyes to study these, handing her the property brochures, he asked Jane, "Would either of these do to raise our family?"

Jane's shock was only matched by her delight, she thought she was the one doing the plotting tonight. Neither could keep a grin off their face.

"Maybe we should start practicing making babies," Mike suggested.


As they say in the best stories... and they all lived happily ever after.

Yes "all", because the next 4 years brought them Kirsty, Ally (Alexander) and Bill. They did move to one of the houses that Mike looked at, it just seemed right.

In their retirement years later, they often looked back at how things had gone, Jane had nearly broken them, but it had been her plans that had first saved them as a couple, then gave them the road to having their family.

The past was definitely confined to the past, long since forgiven, never quite forgotten. Jane remained a beautiful lady as she approached her 70th birthday, over the years of raising their family, she'd developed a real sense of humour.

Just short of her birthday, Mike said, "Honey, let's do something special, what would you like for your birthday?"

Jane put on her best deadpan expression and said, "about 11 fat inches" before dissolving into gales of laughter.

Mike smilingly replied, "I wonder is Big Bob's cock still working?"

For some people, rushing to divorce is the answer, for at times there is nothing to fight for, for others, what they have is worth the effort, sometimes it works, sometimes not. Jane had been the one who broke things, she was the one, with Mike's love and tolerance, who had saved what she'd broken, she glued what she'd broken back together again.

Sure, if you looked at it from various angles, there were cracks, Mike had never fully lost the pain of her cheating, though he'd long since got past it, but their marriage held together, the bonding of the broken pieces strongly put them back together for life. Looking back, they had a long and wonderful marriage and had raised a great family together.

From a selfish, entitled young woman, Jane had become the epitome of a faithful wife, even the swinging that had worked so well for them and saved them, was long behind them. She'd also been and remained a marvellous mother. Mike ultimately felt blessed that he had not rushed to throw their marriage away when it had seemed his only course.

They'd made it, there is nothing funny 'bout peace love and understanding, it makes lives better, it worked for Mike and Jane.

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Psychman24Psychman24about 1 month ago

I don't get the obsession with needing a huge cock and a "mind-blowing fuck" all the time. Especially from women who claim that they are in a loving marriage and actually are having good sex with orgasms already! Its just that I want the great feeling that a big cock gives me. Wow, greedy much? So you have a great life already but you just want more so let me cheat now and then. Unreal! In the real world here on planet earth none of us gets everything we want in life or in marriage. Every marriage is filled with compromises and every spouse has flaws. So your husband has an average cock, maybe you are a bit overweight or your fits are smaller than average, deal with it! There are real problems in the world, and this doesn't qualify. From now on in every story that has a wife wanting a big cock on the side, I want the husband to say, "that's ok honey I'm going out with a woman with huge tits, its just something I need."

TLHianhinTLHianhinabout 1 month ago

I stopped reading when they decided to swing. It was almost uncharacteristic of the protagonist. Almost too easy to finish a story that way when it initially had great potential for a good read. Like the author was stuck and took the easy way out. Rather tame in the end.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It’s quite ridiculous to say their relationship was a marriage, it died when she cheated, what they had from then on was roommates with benefits, the swinging was her giving her pet a treat and like a good lapdog he lapped up the largesse (and the creampies).

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

He is a wimpy cuck. A non-man. A coward. Submissive. She is a cock whore. A slut. Keeping her only allowed her to cheating on him, and he hid it, but did cheat. Once a cheater ....

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

So let's get this straight. She vids. her cheating, tells him she needs a big cock, then she basically takes him to swing...correct. All of a sudden she convinces him that she won't cheat after she has a baby or two. WTF... what was she thinking by showing him the VID? Cake and eat it too? I can process "it is just sex", can you? Sounds like "Trust me hubby"? I can only assume she is as stupid as a stone... Sorry I really love most of your stories and actually understand the basis of this tale, however your Female M/C is a brick.

B3ndoverB3ndover9 months ago

Nope. The way she broke it to him and her stating she would never stop would be an instant deal bringer. I didn’t like the ending

Hornydevil47Hornydevil4711 months ago

Anony below, you are so boring. Once a cheater always a cheater is used over and over again. Try something original. Mel B known as Hornydevil47.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Once a cheater always a cheater. What did he do to know she didn't cheat. Come one now, That ship has sailed. She hide it from him for months. Now she's hide it from him for year. Are the kids even his?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

what the f is wrong with lit authors are they collectively pussy or what

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You either are or are not enough. Clearly, the Mike was not enough. RAAC? Not with a woman like this...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Way more tolerance than I would have been, however I admire Jane's solution and desire for a family. One has to wonder if she didn't like seeing her husband with attractive sexy women? Now to your prose. I, by my 5/5, loved the story. The telling was very good but the best part was Mike's character development. The portrayal of his vacillation moments made you believe that he truly loved her and struggled to reconcile his feelings. I personally, would have destroyed her and Jack would have had 10 inches of strained baby food between his legs. Your tale made for better reading.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 1 year ago

This is the way life should be.

IBTVoyeurIBTVoyeurabout 1 year ago

I enjoyed very much. Thank you.

1959richard21959richard2about 1 year ago

Entertaining and interesting story.

Suspension of belief failed in this chapter.

You got a happy ending. That's enough I guess 🤷. I'm






BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 year ago

He should have definitely divorced her why because she should destroyed his ego by telling basically wasn't enough for her and yet here we are. I can't believe any real would have allowed or done this idea it should have finished them off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I wish I had never started reading this one! A really rare one star from me.🌟

mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

Sorry, but your explanations of your story have no content. She cheated on him and he is a cuckold. You know the example with the broken and repaired vase, right? They will never have what they had again and he will always be reminded of her cheating if he is a sane man. But where there is no trust, there is no future. Idiots let themselves be blinded and believe they can trust!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What's the matter limp dick. Couldn't take any criticism so you go full pussy and delete comments. Don't write a shitty wimp story and maybe you won't get negative comments. Delete away pussy boy.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

A total train wreck start to finish. Silly and implausible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story glad Mike held strong for the most part. Enjoyed it!

SaltySurpriseSaltySurpriseabout 1 year ago

There was a lot to like about this story some I wasn't so much but very limited. The main one was after she fucked big bob and he fucked her afterwards she would not feel him. I know what that feel like as I fuck my wife after she had a large cock. She was (how should I say this ) not as tight as she normally is. So here is my question how could he allow such a thing to happen after what she did and said.

That being said loved the whole process of her in reconciling


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