Lindsey Ch. 02


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"So, offer my ass for whenever she wants it?"

"Not necessarily, but you did admit you loved what she did after you went willingly into bondage. She couldn't have put the hose on you if you protested or didn't want it. You did make love to her in my bed, no bondage done, and had great sex. So, you can do it either way. You have to talk to her."

"She humiliated me."

"By licking her ass? Yeah, like I'd turn down that chance. Hell, Katrina, I'd love to have taken your place. She can fuck me anywhere, anytime, anyway it pleases her. She wants a tongue in her ass or pussy or just general body worship, I'm there for her. You can just sit and watch TV, I'll take care of the rest."

Katrina turned to look at her sister.

"Gee, thanks for the generous offer, sis, but I think I'd rather have my own fantastic sex than just watch you take it for me."

Kara laughed at her sister.

"Yeah, I think that answer pretty much answers your questions from last night."

Katrina nodded as she looked back at the ceiling.

"I don't suppose you have a few slaves I can beat just to see if I can consider them the rude slave I had to deal with this morning."

Half an hour later, Katrina, sweating from the exertion of beating three slaves in a row, forcing them to scream as she took her anger out, felt much better. She and Kara went upstairs to see Lyndsey sitting, watching the dungeon action.

"What are you doing here?

"I got a text from Kara, letting me know you solved last night's issue. I was invited to visit so the air could be cleared."

Katrina nodded as she knelt by the chair.

"I had to beat a few slaves since you won't let me beat yours. I want approval as your girlfriend to do what I want with them."

"No. None of mine will have to obey multiple people. It confuses the chain of command. I will allow you can order them around, as long as you do not harm them or insist, they go against any order I gave them."

"Slave was rude."

"Slave was doing what it was told to do. That's not rudeness, that's obedience which is a good thing from my viewpoint."

"It wouldn't untie me."

"Again, Kat, we go in circles. If I bind you, you stay bind until I deem otherwise. Ask your sister how that works."

"So, you want me as a slave?"

"No, I want you as a girlfriend. I have enough slaves; I don't need more. I can even offer you a chance to dominate and beat your sister if you are nice enough. Not all the time, only when I allow it. She is, after all, my submissive until she says otherwise. If Kara wants to be kitty for you, that is her determination."

"What do I do as your girlfriend?"

Lyndsey blinked at her, silent for a minute.

"I have no idea what that even means. I thought we were already working on being friends and moving to girlfriends."

"Then you dominated me."

"Oh for.... Kat, when did you ask me not to? When we were making out on the couch, you indicated you wanted to be ordered around, why did you not tell me you had limits? When I bound you in your own pantyhose, why did you not say no or something? Instead, you held position and allowed it. You followed me around as I bound slaves for the night and when I asked if you wanted to undress me, you were dripping down your leg. At what point was I supposed to think you hated what we were doing?"

"You had me lick your ass."

"I did. I noticed you didn't hesitate. You need practice at that and pussy licking but that's not a horrible thing. If you don't want to practice, not a problem, I have two at home eager to for that job. You only have to cuddle and kiss if that's all you want."

"Why are you two even having this conversation?" Kara cut in.

They looked at her as she shook her head.

"Katrina, do you love Lyndsey?"

Katrina nodded.

"Yes, I think so. I don't remember being in love, but I really want to be with her."

"Lyndsey, you feel the same?"

"Yes. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. Relationships take work, they take communication. So far, I'm being accused of doing nasty things to her when all she had to do was tell me no. When I asked her about sexual acts, she begged to try them, now she complains I let her."

"I don't like the licking."

"Fine." Lyndsey looked at Kara, "you went to lick my ass and pussy?"

"In a heartbeat. Name the place and time."

Lyndsey looked at Katrina.

"You read a book; we'll be back in a bit."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"You want to be only cuddled, kissed, and not involved with sex. I will take Kara into the bedroom, we can do the sex thing and when we come back, you and I can go to dinner and maybe a walk in the park. You get all you wanted out of this."

"I'm supposed to just sit here, waiting for my girlfriend to have orgasms from my sister? No way!"

"No way am I going to go without sex forever. You don't want to lick, then someone else will. I'm not asking you to watch, just be aware you can't have all the orgasms while I get none. Not playing that game."

No one moved although Kara liked the idea of licking Mistress to satisfaction. She didn't even worry if she would be allowed, only that Mistress be happy.

"Fine, but can I lick without being bound?"

"No problem. You wanted bound and got bound. If you don't want, you don't get. Seems like that is the way it's been, so no different going forward."

Katrina didn't remember asking to be dominated or bound but something in the back of her mind said she did and loved it. She was, she admitted to them both, worried she would love it so much, she'd forget about girlfriend status and demand to be submissive status like her sister or even slave status. She didn't want to go that route.

Lyndsey looked down at the kneeling girlfriend and smiled. Kat knew the peace, the calm, the safety of being with this sexy woman. Her mind opened to the suggestions in place, and she smiled back.

"Fine, you can bind me nightly, and use me as you want. If I fail to have mind blowing orgasms, we need to talk."

"You will fail simply because I won't allow it. Same as Kara. She goes without until I let her. She has one if I allow it. She can have one now if I approve."

Kara was all for it. She stood eagerly waiting for her sister to let her Mistress approve. She was disappointed when her sister didn't approve.

"We're pretty close as sisters but not interested in seeing her that way."

Lyndsey laughed.

"Yet the first time I dominated your sister, she ran a gauntlet of orgasms. You were watching, getting so excited, you carried me into a bedroom to have some of your own. Kat, stop doing the denying thing. You will be present when I do things with all of my possessions, I will even let you help, it's part of being me and part of you being my girlfriend. I will not do things behind your back, as I expect you will not behind mine. So, you need to see, understand, and put your denying behind."

"I am so going to have to get used to this. Can we leave now?"

"Dinner and the park?"

Kat nodded, still kneeling before her. Lyndsey told her to get a top on and she stood, walking down the hallway. Lyndsey looked at Kara, who shrugged.

"We keep clothes at each other's places. I'll have a slave wash this blouse since her maids would only gossip."

Kat came back, another blouse on and the two left for dinner and a walk. They walked through the park, arms around each other, just enjoying the togetherness.

By the middle of the week, Lyndsey was called into an office upstairs, wondering why they wanted to see her. She asked her supervisor who seemed clueless about the order, so she gathered she wasn't in trouble for her work. She had two incentives in her pay for drugs found workable, so she was doing what she was paid to do.

She was led into a room where she saw a man seated at a conference table. She discreetly set her phone to record as she entered. He pointed to an empty chair nearby, the large red-haired man sitting at the very end.

"You're Lyndsey Trail?"

"If you don't recognize me, Mister Smart, you didn't do enough research."

He nodded. He was told she was intelligent, but could she guess why he was meeting her here?

"I would guess it's about your daughters, or at least one in particular."

"What are your plans for her? Blackmail? Robbing her blind? What?"

Lyndsey looked at him before shaking her head.

"What makes you think I'm doing anything?"

"She's straight, she's not gay. Suddenly she's all happy over you. Makes no sense, so obviously, you're doing something to her. No one just does that without a reason."

She smiled as she stood up.

"Let's keep this simple. Check with her. I went to Kara's house to talk to Kara about an area she wanted to discuss. Katrina was there where we met. She suggested we do workouts together since they're so similar. You can check with Kara for the truth. I'm not the one who suggested loser buy dinner as we competed in the workouts. She paid by the way, it that's important."

She pushed the chair back under the table.

"I am not the one who went to a gay bar, grabbed my hand to go on the dance floor to make her sister jealous. She also took me outside, where she wanted hugs before letting me go back inside. Again, verify with Kara. I don't know about her boyfriends, but she has been doing the leading of when we date and where we go."

She walked to the end of the table, looking back at the man known as the Viking for his perchance to raid and conquer businesses.

"I am not the one seeking me out for social times such as meals, walks in the park, working out together or sending me texts or voicemails. Check the technology. I send two texts; she sends six as a normal ratio."

She got to the door before looking at him still sitting there.

"If that's a problem, tell her to stop. If her letting me know she wants to be my girlfriend is the problem, tell her to stop. I like her enough that I don't care what you like. If she wants to have me go away, she knows how to speak her own mind."

Lyndsey left, sending the siblings a text of what happened, attaching the audio / video from her phone as she waited for the elevator. She went to work with no more interruptions.

Lyndsey had a quiet time at home, putting both slaves through some paces. At the Smart mansion, things were going differently. The siblings came in to see the parents reading in the study. They stood before their father.

"You have questions for us?"

"No, not really."

"Not really? Great, dad, just great. So, your bullshit is over?"

"Do not talk to me in that tone of voice, Kara."

"Yeah, Kara, dad passed the bullshit meter when he accused my girlfriend of blackmailing me."

"I did no such thing."

Kara removed her phone, playing the audio back."

"Sounds like it to us. By the way, she loses her job because of you, you take on both of us. My sister finally finds someone who makes her happy, makes her excited over mundane relationship things, and you try to get her to go away? Not kosher."

"You do not talk to me with that tone, young lady."

"Yeah, Kara, leave it to me."

Katrina moved closer to her dad.

"I might even be in love for the first time in my life and you want to destroy all the happiness I feel. This is not the first time you've interfered with a relationship of ours, but, dad, this is the last time. You can change your will tonight if you want, I don't really give a fuck. I do give a fuck I'm happy, an empty spot in me feeling filled. You destroy her and I will take her in."

"Or I will. Either way, until we make the decision, she stays in our lives. That's us, not you, not mom."

"Grandchildren would be nice." Their mom said, "That won't happen with her."

"It's called artificial insemination, mom. We don't need a guy to spurt into us anymore, just an eye dropper." Kara retorted.

The sisters turned as one, walking out to the shock of their parents.

"We need to find something to make this girl go away."

"Already called Reggie, dear, and gave him the details. If there is anything she has as a secret, he'll find it and I will take pleasure in destroying her."

"Do not make it too obvious. You and Kara don't do discreet very well."

He looked at his wife and smiled.

Whatever Lyndsey Trail was up to, whatever she was doing, it would be found, and she would be forced to break up with Katrina. There were already three very eligible men who would be good for her, all lined up and ready. All were wealthy, successful, and if past women were right, fertile. Any would be better for Katrina than a lesbian.

Tiny tits kept sighing as she knelt before the table, working on her computer with both screens showing the information. Mistress came up behind her, leaning over to play with her tiny tits while breathing in her ear. Arousal went up.

"What are you sighing over? I thought you were halfway done last night."

"I was, but this morning, instead of going through step three, I can't even get past step two. Last night and yesterday it worked perfectly. It's got interference I can't figure out."

"Do we need to unplug the refrigerator?" Lyndsey joked.

"That wouldn't penetrate the shield. This is more focused."

"Can you use that red and green light thing to track it?"

Kat stood nearby, naked except for the waist belt with her hands cuffed to it. She wore it all night, still frustrated she couldn't play with herself after Miss Lyndsey fell asleep. She was amused at seeing tiny tits getting all aroused at Mistress playing with her, while they carried on a normal conversation.

"No, but if I used those sensors..." the voice went off as the submissive crawled to a box to rummage through it. Kara almost laughed, Mistress being nice enough to allow tiny tits to do some needed work this weekend. It just seemed a bit surreal to her since all her experience was with her sister who had her slaves doting on her and nothing else. Then again, all in this house were devoted to their Owner or Mistress.

Tiny tits grabbed some grey pads, like speakers, and went around, placing them in windows around the house. Then she knelt back down to peruse a program. A diagram of the house appeared, the gray pads showing as green dots on the screen. Kat moved closer to watch, Mistress reaching over to lightly scratch Kat's back, goosebumps arriving as her pussy reacted to more stimulation.

"Odd, the interference is coming from the woods, about twenty feet behind that rose bush by the oak tree."

Lyndsey placed a hand over the submissive's' mouth, looking at Kat. She came over to whisper for her to get dressed as Mistress undid the wrist cuffs. In five minutes, Kat was back to see Lyndsey holding a small crowbar, standing by the back door.

"My phone is on, time to visit."

She yanked the backdoor open, running full speed across the forty feet of yard to the woods beyond, Kat right behind her. They were on the two men while they were still trying to gather up their listening equipment. One man told them to go away, the crowbar connecting fully with his groin. He dropped. The second man lay on the ground, Kat on top as she picked up a rock.

"One chance, Reggie. Piss me off and you eat this rock."

"You know these guys?"

"PI's who work for my dad." Kat said without looking away, "One chance."

"It's pretty sophisticated equipment, good luck seeing what's on it." He sneered.

"It's an XP-22, model 14." Came a voice from behind them, tiny tits fully dressed as she walked over to it. "Yep, this is what was causing the electronic interference. Can I kill them for screwing up my livelihood?"

"No, I'm calling Kara. I'm thinking she will find ways to show how pissed she is." Kat said as she removed her phone. Reggie wet himself for all to see. No one blamed him, Kara in a good mood wasn't fun to deal with, Kara pissed off, well, so far none ever claimed to enjoy the hours of agony they suffered. Sometimes without all their body parts still attached.

"Hey, sis."

"Kara, we just found Reggie and friend in the back yard doing snooping. Apparently, they are to record all, what was it doing, Reggie?"

"Please, your father will be very upset."

"Don't worry about dad, Reggie," came the voice from the phone, "by the time I'm done he won't even pay your life support bill. Can you guys get them here or do I need to bring a van there?"

Reggie decided to talk. Kara Smart had about much humor as her dad.

"It does an audio of the entire house, plus visual through the windows."

"Hey, Reggie, did you forget you had infrared on this? You can track all warm bodies anywhere in the house. Hey, does that mean you have cameras on the windows?"

"No, no, we didn't do that."

The light brown skinned girl with the afro, started fiddling with the equipment.

"Cool. Great shot of someone."

She showed Lyndsey a shot of slave as she entered from the garage with the cleaning supplies in her hand. Kat leaned away to look, Reggie hoping she was distracted but the rock hit him anyway.

By the time he woke, he was in darkness, he and his co-private investigator bound inside bondage bags, sealed tight inside wood boxes. Any screams could not be heard more than a few feet away. He found daylight when he was turned loose in the dungeon, four naked slaves attacking before he got his bearings.

Upstairs, Kara was viewing the action as she looked at her sister.

"What did they actually get on that thing?"

"Any and all action from four this morning until tiny tits located them. If dad sees it, he will go insane. The cameras didn't penetrate the thick drapes but two windows were clear for shots."

"Yeah, and it's not a wild guess to know Mistress was the target."

Lyndsey stood up.

"Can someone get your dad to meet with me privately? We can't live with him hiring people to spy on us at home or work or at the club or anyplace else."

"Leave dad to us."

"I want a shot; your Mistress has spoken."

"Did she just pull the Mistress chain?"

"Yeah, she did. You want to tell her to screw herself?"

"Not me, I like being her girlfriend."

An hour later Lyndsey walked into a hotel room to see the Viking sitting at a table, looking pissed off. She wondered if he would break her neck as he set a drink on the table.

"Guess we got started on the wrong foot." Lyndsey said as a greeting.

"You will not live long enough to use a foot. Whatever my daughter does to Reggie, I will have done to you in spades."

"Good for you."

Lyndsey sat at the table, calmly looking at him. He didn't react, nor did she expect him to.

"I did a check on you, Lyndsey Trail. You're quite the survivor."

"Until I die, yeah. Is that your big threat?"

"No, you're not good enough for my daughter. Leave her and all this goes away. You seem to have a problem understanding that."

"You seem to have a problem understanding all she has to do is ask me to leave. I do so, and all this goes away."

He walked to his briefcase, removing a file, tossing it on the table.

"Your father was a psychotic killer, your mother a whore and drug pusher. Your grandparents on either side not much better. If they all weren't dead, you'd have your own criminal empire. As it was, you did so much in the foster homes, you were listed as incorrigible in less than two years. Must be proud of that record."

"I get bored easily."

"At least you don't deny any of it."

"No reason. You paid good money to have that unsealed. I could point out it was illegally gotten but who would care?"

"You did go to college on a full scholarship. I must admit I was surprised considering your background. Now you do drug work."

"Research for a pharmaceutical company. I like finding new drugs who help those with mental problems."

"Like your family. As to my family, you get lost, and they know nothing. You stay and I will make sure they know the consequences of dating you. My wealth can make any kind of evidence appear or disappear."
