Lisa's Milk Problem Ch. 03 Version 02


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Amid the heightened sensitivity, a new sensation crept in--Lisa could hear the distinct sound of gulping. It was a visceral confirmation that her milk was flowing freely at last. She felt it, the warm rush of liquid filling their mouths with each squeeze, each tug, the delicate yet insistent pull that drained her and yet filled her with a profound sense of purpose. With each successive swallow, she gauged the abundance of her milk. The rhythmic sounds, both foreign and intimately familiar, were a revelation; this was no mere trickle but more than that, although not a full blown letdown.

Feeding two mouths simultaneously awakened a primordial aspect of her femininity. A deep-rooted part of Lisa responded to this nurturing act, intensified by the unspoken acknowledgment of its erotic charge. For the first time, polyamorous affections stirred within her. She felt love--complex and layered--toward all four men. Their individual attentions blended into a singular experience of being cherished, cared for, and desired.

This duality of nurturing and eroticism was compounded by a profound sense of submissiveness. In this moment, four men had taken control, each contributing to her experience in his way, guiding her through this labyrinth of sensation. And within this complex tapestry, Lisa recognized the thrilling dynamic of the interracial taboo at play. The dark, black color of their skin, their dark lips, against her pale skin, pink nipples, added a visual contrast that heightened the sense of the forbidden, and yet, it felt incredibly right.

In their hands and mouths, she relinquished control, allowing the wave of submissiveness to wash over her.

The mingling of pain from her engorgement, the relief of the pressure being addressed, and the undeniable arousal from the intensity of the attention made her grip Jason's forearms and the edges of the massage table and the Tom and Jim's hair, her knuckles going often white. A symphony of soft moans and sighs left her lips, becoming the guiding melody to which Tom and Jim fine-tuned their efforts.

The sensation of both nipples being simultaneously stimulated was an entirely new realm of pleasure for Lisa. It was a sensation that spread through her, electric and intense. Each tug and pull resonated deep within her, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. It was incredibly stimulating, incredibly arousing, and she found herself craving more. Yet, despite her mounting desire, Tom and Jim maintained a careful balance, ensuring the intensity remained therapeutic rather than sexual. They were professionals, after all, respecting the boundaries of the therapy. Still, the sensation was so potent that Lisa felt herself teetering on the edge of climax, her body responding with a primal yearning.

After a few minutes, they paused. Jim said, "You've given about two cups, maybe 20 ounces, an undertone of admiration in his voice. Lisa, filled with a sense of gratitude and awe at their skill, could only nod, feeling a deep appreciation for their expertise.

A lot of her milk was drawn, although a substantial amount was still left because of Lisa's congenital duct condition. This was still a significant feat. They decided to finally conclude the session as they did not want to over sensitize or make her nipples sore. Lisa was visibly emotionally drained too. However, as the days progressed and the memory of that evening lingered, she found herself longing for more of that unique blend of relief and pleasure.

"Thank you, all of you," Lisa breathed, her voice laced with a profound sense of gratitude. "This... it's more than I could have imagined." She gathered her belongings, her movements slow, reluctant to leave because she perhaps wanted more. Jason walked her to the door and they kissed him passionately at the door and hugged him. No more words were spoken. Their feelings for each other were understood. As she thanked them all again and stepped out into the cool evening air, she felt a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration.

Jason Tom and Jim Tyler had to rush home too, they were going to masturbate recalling tonight's experience, masturbating as many times until they passed out.

Lisa began to process the night's events, she was struck by a revelation that surprised even herself. The relief that cascaded through her during the session had been transformative, not just physically, but emotionally as well. She had been unshackled from the relentless ache of engorgement, yet there was a part of her that craved the intensity, the emotional upheaval that came with 'husband therapy.'

She pondered over Jason's role in her life. He was not just her therapist; he was the maestro of these sessions, orchestrating a symphony of sensations using the skilled mouths of other men. His presence had been a constant source of strength and guidance, steering her through the uncharted waters of her desires and vulnerabilities.

The vulnerability, the care, the pleasure--it was a potent cocktail that she found unexpectedly intoxicating. The 'husband therapy' had awakened an aspect of her femininity she hadn't fully acknowledged before--a raw, aching need that pulsed within her, driving her desires to new, unexplored heights.

As she sat in the quiet of her living room, the memory of the experience wrapped around her like a seductive mist. She wanted, needed more--the gentle pull on her tender skin, the warmth of their hands, the feeling of being so utterly attended to. It was like walking through a door to discover a part of herself she had never known existed, a facet of her being that thrived on this connection and release. Her body resonated with a potent mix of sensations and emotions. There was an unmistakable heaviness deep within her lower belly, a sensation that felt like a visceral cry from her very core. Her ovaries throbbed with a dull ache, echoing a deep-seated longing, a primal scream for fulfillment. Throughout the evening, her body was in a constant state of arousal, her vagina secreting fluids as she saw flashes of every memorable moment of the suckling session, anticipating something hard and thick to fill that void and rub all her walls to soothe those aching nerves.

Unable to ignore the intense cravings that surged within her, Lisa found herself succumbing to the waves of desire. Her fingers reached inside her pyjamas easily sliding through her wet pussy folds. She exploration every inch and then alternated between delving deep inside and rubbing her inner walls and g spot and then drawing out to rub her clit. In a few seconds she came. She wasn't satisfied and went at it again. Lisa brought herself to orgasm by masturbating not once but four times in successions. Each time, she hoped to quell the insatiable hunger that had taken hold of her, but it only seemed to deepen her yearning. At the end, her chest was heaving with heavy breaths, her nerves and muscles twitching from the after-shocks, had exhausted, but her mind was not. Her exhausted body; however, overpowered her mind to drift her off to sleep.

The therapy that had started as a means to an end but had now opened a door to a realm of sensuality and connection she had never imagined possible. As she finally drifted off to sleep, her thoughts were a tangle of longing and anticipation, her body still humming with the echoes of her self-induced bliss.

The next evening, Lisa's phone buzzed as she was resting in her chair at home. It was Jason.

"Hello, Lisa," Jason's voice resonated with genuine concern. "I wanted to check in on you. How are you feeling after yesterday's session? Did it provide any relief?"

Lisa hesitated for a split second.

Lisa stood on the precipice of truth and desire. A more rational part of her whispered that she should convey her improvement, that she should thank the men for their care and say she was on the mend. But that newfound, darker craving whispered seductively, urging her to extend the journey, to dive back into those depths.

She could tell him the truth, that she felt better, less engorged. But there was a part of her, a part she didn't quite understand, that yearned for more. "Hi, Jason," she replied, a little tremor in her voice, feigning distress. "I appreciate the call. I'm still feeling quite engorged, and the pain hasn't subsided."

Lisa had lied. She was aware of the falsehood slipping from her lips, yet the thrilling pulse of arousal that coursed through her at the thought of repeating the experience overshadowed any semblance of guilt. She felt a twinge of guilt for the ruse, but it was swallowed by a greater, more pressing need--a need for the touch, the intimacy, and the indescribable pleasure of her body being the center of their universe once again. This was her secret to bear, a delicate dance on the edge of ethical boundaries, driven by an insatiable desire for more.

There was a short pause on the other end. Jason sighed softly, "I'm sorry to hear that. We genuinely hoped our combined approach would offer you some relief. We'll need to reevaluate our methods and see if there's something else we can try."

Lisa, sensing Jason's sincere disappointment, quickly added, "I truly appreciate all the effort you and the guys are putting into this. Yes, I'd appreciate if we can try something different that might help."

The following week, the group convened, brainstorming on Lisa's situation. Each man brought his unique perspective, trying to piece together an effective approach for her persistent engorgement. They meticulously examined every detail, ensuring they had a comprehensive understanding.

Lisa, though she had fabricated her continued distress, was eager to hear their suggestions, her intrigue heightened by the previous sessions. Little did they know, the attention and care she had received had stirred something deep within her, an excitement she hadn't felt in a long time.

Lisa prepared herself with meticulous care. She selected her attire with the intention to not only feel good but also to ignite the senses. Slipping into her chosen green sundress, she observed her reflection in the mirror. The fabric hugged her curves, modest yet hinting at the sensuality of the figure beneath. The dress plunged at the neckline, offering a glimpse of her generous cleavage, a silent invitation to the feast that lay hidden underneath. The emerald hue of the garment complemented her pale skin, making it seem almost ethereal, while her honey blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, soft and inviting.

Lisa arrived.

Lisa arrived at the therapy room, the door swinging open to reveal her radiant figure. The moment she stepped in, a tangible shift occurred in the room's atmosphere. Four pairs of eyes turned towards her, each reflecting a mix of admiration and desire.

The atmosphere in the therapy room was palpable. Soft melodies played in the background, mingling with the scent of lavender and rose. She felt it was like a sacred space, a sanctuary where profound transformations occurred.

Jason, as always, took the lead. "Lisa," he began, pausing for a moment to ensure he had her full attention. "We've reached a pivotal point in our sessions. You are still in pain. The traditional methods have brought us this far, but to truly address the deeper problem which might be causing this, we believe something different needs to be tried."

Lisa, eyes wide and filled with curiosity, asked, "What do you have in mind?"

Jason cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully. "Firstly, we believe in the power of increased skin-to-skin contact. We plan to increase it further, perhaps you may lie on your back atop one of us, from head to toe. Of course, we'd keep briefs on for the sake of professionalism. Secondly, your nipple needs more than the suckling we have been doing so far. It might require additional forces and stimulations and further adjustments which we'll explore one at a time."

Jim took over the continued conversation, "I think it's time we introduce an even more aggressive suckling technique. Our therapy sessions have reached a pivotal point. The next phase we are considering is going to be more intimate and, honestly, quite intense. To address the persistent engorgement, we believe it's time to introduce more aggressive techniques. While our primary goal remains therapeutic, these methods will push the boundaries. While our primary goal remains therapeutic, these methods will push the boundaries."

Lisa's eyes widened, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty dancing in her gaze. "What exactly does this 'aggressive suckling' entail?" she asked tentatively, her voice revealing a hint of nervous anticipation.

Jason continued, "It might involve using some specialized objects to enhance the sensations. Think of them as tools to stimulate your milk ducts more effectively. Additionally, we'd be using our mouths differently - applying more pressure, maybe even introducing more of our teeth, but always under controlled conditions."

Lisa took a moment to process, her chest rising and falling a bit more rapidly. The thought of this new technique was foreign, yet the idea sent a jolt of excitement down her spine.

Lisa's pulse quickened at the prospect, her heart a symphony of fluttering beats. The blend of fear and excitement was a cocktail that she found both intoxicating and unnerving. The intimacy of the act, with four unknown strong black men, the raw vulnerability it required, was daunting. Yet the thrill of the forbidden, the taboo of indulging in such an act with Jason and the others, was an electrifying prospect that she found herself craving.

Biting her lip, she feigned a reluctance she did not feel. "I... I don't know," she murmured with practiced uncertainty, her gaze fixed on the floor. She didn't want to look like a slut who got talked into something so easily. Her response was a careful performance, the voice of a woman deliberating a step too far turning into slut, even as deep inside she badly wanted this. She fancied the sensations her nipples and her body would experience.

Tom stepped forward, his demeanor gentle and understanding. "It's all about trust, Lisa. We don't venture forward unless you're fully on board."

Lisa took a moment, appearing to wrestle with the decision she had already inwardly made. With each passing second, she felt the thrill of anticipation bubbling within her, cloaked beneath a veil of trepidation she had artfully presented. "I... I trust you all," she murmured at last, her voice a delicate whisper that carried the weight of her surrender. A gentle warmth bloomed within her, a silent acknowledgment of her readiness to traverse uncharted territories of sensation and intimacy.

Tom noticed the subtle change in her demeanor, the faint blush on her cheeks, and the almost imperceptible parting of her lips.

A faint blush colored her cheeks as she finally met Jason's gaze. "I want to... but I need you all to promise that if it becomes too much, we stop."

"Always," Jason responded firmly, his commitment evident. The others nodded in agreement, their faces a testament to their unwavering support.

But beneath the surface of their professional demeanor, a different kind of longing simmered. For Tom, Jim, Tyler, and even Jason, Lisa was more than just a client seeking relief from her physical discomfort; she had become an object of intense desire. Her alluring beauty, the voluptuous form of her breasts, and her captivating presence had kindled a fire within them, a primal urge that went beyond the mere act of therapy.

Each man harbored his own secret yearning to possess her, to claim a part of her that was both nurturing and wildly sensual. The thought of her soft, full breasts and the tantalizing nipples that crowned them was a constant temptation, a siren call to their most basic instincts. They were enthralled by the prospect of once again touching her, feeling the weight and warmth of her flesh in their hands and mouths. In their eyes, Lisa was the ultimate prize, a testament to their deepest, most carnal desires.

As they prepared to begin the session, each man struggled to maintain a semblance of control, to hide the hunger that gnawed at them. They knew they must tread carefully, balancing their professional responsibilities with the unspoken competition that drove them. Lisa, their beautiful, desirable MILF, was the focus of their collective longing, the prize they all secretly coveted.

The air was thick with anticipation as they each took their positions around her, their gazes lingering just a moment too long, betraying their true intentions. The session that lay ahead promised to be more than just therapeutic--it was an opportunity to satiate desires long held at bay.

[To be continued...]

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Perhaps Jason himself initiating the sucking of the breasts whil Lisa feels Jason's 11 inch cock rubbing against her legs before she rubs the cock head against her wetting cunt which drives Jason crazy until he pushes the engorged cock to start fucking her harder for creating the temptations over all the sessions.

Finally Lisa smiles as she encourages Jason to take over ownership of her sexually body as she becomes a bitch in hell seeking to be dominated by Jason's viral body. This continues over two days she took sick leave from work to forever give up herself to him until pregnancy achieved

weweywewey4 months agoAuthor

Ch. 04 and Ch. 05 were submitted to Literotica admin months ago. Revised and resumbitted them myself and also had an editor help me. Not sure what's going on with the admins. They are rejecting many stories. This is a recent problem for many authors. I read about that on many forums. I wish there was an alternate website that was at least half as popular as Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What will daughter Paige do when she sees what Mom is doing about her engorged nipples?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wonderful series, really looking forward to the upcoming chapters.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Just a thought, three men tried to help Lisa with her milk problem and she told them it wasn't enough to rectify her pain in her breasts while secretly loving the intimacy between them. And the men probably felt the ethical barriers inherent in trying to resolve her milk problem without ending up taking unplanned liberities with her.

Jason talked to another black woman in the hospital about Lisa's engorged nipples causing her so much pain in the breasts. He talked about his two black friends and how he got them to participate in her suckling of her nipples to cause more milk to come out. Jason fears fear as the black nurse insists on stopping at Lisa's house to evaluate her.

She tells Jason that Lisa is a submissive and that she is a dominatrix. Jason tells her to go ahead and try.

After a few calls, the nurse sets up appointment with Lisa at her home. Lisa puts on the same green dress to show off her cleavage.

The nurse undresses herself and pulls over the green dress over Lisa's head to show fully the engorged breasts in which she starts touching the sensitive nipples before inserting her tongue inside Lisa's mouth as both women start kissing each other. Intimately as the nurse takes action to dominate Lisa as her slave by stating that Lisa will participate into feeding black babies brought into her house by their mothers.

Lisa is put hard to work feeding black babies to pay reparations for racism as the nurse tells her she will give her to Jason forevermore and that she will be the godmother of Lisa's black breed.

muskyboymuskyboy7 months ago

Too slow paced for me.

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