Little Packages Ch. 07


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I saw Michelle come out of the house with a smile. She'd seen the car and assumed Kitten was with me. Then she saw it was just me. Then she saw the look on my face. The smile vanished.

"I guess you're not happy about the job offer," she said.

"What on Earth are you thinking of offering her that job? You want her to quit school?" I said, walking towards her.

There was probably a tactic to take when trying to discuss something with Michelle. Confrontational wasn't it.

"You're pissed with me? You're getting everything you could ever want. She's going to drop out of school, go to work with us, make money, and stay home with you. She'll probably be married and knocked up inside a year. You should be fucking thanking me!" she yelled back.

"I don't want her to be married and knocked up inside a year. I want her to go to school and get her degree. And you're now fucking that up with this bullshit job offer," I yelled back.

Ahmed had heard the yelling and came out of the house. He saw the two of us closing in on each other, had a deeply alarmed look on his face, and came running out between the two of us.

"Michelle! Ben! Both of you, enough!" he said. It was as angry as I'd ever heard him sound.

"You think because you have a cane I won't kick your ass?" she fired back.

I took another step closer. I didn't yell, but they could both hear me.

"You know what I've been through," I said. "Do you think I'm even a tiny bit scared of you?"

"Ben, please. We're friends here. Please," he said to me.

I paused and shook my head. For ages, Meg was worried I was going to go to town on someone with my cane because I had temper issues after the accident. I thought she was exaggerating things. Then I realized just how hard I was clutching the cane and how volatile the situation was. I took a deep breath and deliberately relaxed my grip on the cane. I took a step back and leaned against my car.

"Why on Earth did you offer her that job?" I said, in a calmer voice. "You know she's been stressed and upset about having to leave me and go back to Montreal. And then you throw this thing at her. And in the short term, it looks great. But it costs her something she's dreamed about for years. She will grow to resent giving up chasing that dream in the coming years. So that's awesome. Well done. Thanks for throwing a metric tonne of unnecessary drama into our lives."

Michelle looked like she was about to go off again when Ahmed continued to be a peacemaker.

"Ben, it's a sincere offer. She's great at her job. The costumes she makes get a huge response. With planning we think we can grow that side of our business and she'll be a huge part of that," he said.

Now that the anger was easing up a bit, I began thinking more clearly and certain things began clicking into place. Little things that Kitten had told me about what it was like working for them. Bit and pieces of knowledge from my previous life working for the government. You meet just about every kind of human in government, good or bad. Suddenly, I had an idea what was going on here. And my anger that they were randomly messing up our lives became something colder.

Kitten had called them hustlers at the beginning of the summer. Maybe she'd forgotten about that. She had started to look at them as friends who paid her, instead of employers that treated her well. But employers almost always looked after themselves first.

Hell, who was I to judge Kitten? I'd been so grateful they'd given her the job that I hadn't looked twice or complained.

"Ok," I said. "So she's still going to make the same amount of money after she quits school and comes to work for you, right? No pay cut at all?"

Both of them looked a bit startled by the shift. I'd gone from rage about her quitting school to negotiating about salary. But they were using good cop/bad cop on me so some turnabout seemed fair.

"Well, there may have to be some small reduction in her pay," he said.

"Of course," I said. "Because the federal student grant money you've been using to top up her salary comes to an end when the summer is over. Also, if she's not a student, it's hard to tap into that fund. Naturally, you told her about that when you made the offer, right Michelle?"

"I...may not have told her yet," she said. At least she had the decency to look a little embarrassed.

"Ah. And naturally, you have an extensive plan on how to break into the cosplay market, because it's a crowded field. I assume it goes beyond 'stick it on Etsy and hope for the best.' I used to work with the provincial government. I've seen lots of business plans over the years. You don't mind if I take a look at your plans, right? I might be able to think of a few things to add."

Again, sheepish looks. God damn it.

"Ben, we're excited about the prospects. Her work gets a huge response when people see it or when we sell it online. We did well at the last con. We think this could work," he said.

"But you have no plan on how to make it work," I said. Fact, not question.


"No, we don't have one of your 'plans'," Michelle said. "But I like to think after all these years building what we have, we might have fucking clue what we're doing."

I stopped leaning against the car and started walking towards them again. Calmer, this time.

"Do you know how many people make cosplay online? I literally can't count. There's so much competition. You need every edge you can get. Like maybe a degree from a respected fashion school with a reputation of having its students work in movie and tv productions.

"Her dream is to walk through a comic con one day and see a little girl run past her in a costume she designed. Not made and sold to her. That she created for a movie, and this kid spent hours doing what she did as a kid...studying it, sketching it, and fumbling around trying to recreate it. All because she saw something on the screen she fell in love with.

"That's what you're taking from her. In your scenario, she works for you and in five years she's made you some money and she's getting ready to make her 300th Harley Quinn costume. Maybe she has a couple of kids at home to deal with afterwards. It's an ok life.

"Or your plan doesn't work and in six months she gets laid off. Or has to go back to doing wedding photos and feels like an idiot for dropping out of school because now she's stuck with a job she hates," I said.

Ahmed had the grace to look a little sheepish. Michelle did not.

"I had to make my choices. It's part of growing up. We're helping her out. She should feel grateful. You could be a little fucking grateful too. After another two years at school, she might find a guy her age and dump your ass.

"But no, she'll probably graduate, be in debt, and still end up coming back here to work for us. She'll get married and have babies because she's that nuts for you. That Hollywood dream of hers is already dead."

The anger-fueled energy I had for this confrontation was all but gone at this point. I wasn't going to convince them that what they did was a bad idea. On the other hand, I think I knew how to convince her to go back to school. So the trip here wasn't a complete waste of time.

I sighed and looked at my watch. If she woke up at her usual time, I had maybe 45 minutes. That should be enough time for a run into town to get bagels before she woke up. If I hurried. Warm bagels were always a good peace offering.

"Are we done now?" Michelle said. I'd found her brashness and general cutting humour to be amusing since we met her. Being on the receiving end of it made me appreciate that she could also be extraordinarily unpleasant.

"Does she still have the job?" I asked.

That seemed to throw them. "Yes," Ahmed said. "Of course."

"If she decides this is what she wants to do, I have her back 100%. You will make this work. If you do anything to mess this up, I will be unpleasant to deal with. Fair?" I said.

Michelle looked like she wanted to tell me to go fuck myself, but Ahmed nodded his head. "Ok," he said. She had a look on her face that indicated the two of them were going to have an unpleasant conversation after I left.

Good. I was having a shitty morning. I couldn't whack something with my cane, I could at least spread the emotional misery around. I got in my car without saying another word. I half expected a final parting shot from Michelle, but we'd both said our piece.

Now I just hoped I could get bagels in time.


I came home, quietly opened the door, and made my way towards the kitchen in what I thought was stealth mode so I didn't wake up Kitten. When I turned the corner, there was a very cranky-looking little girl in a Batgirl nightshirt waiting for me.

So much for that plan.

"Please tell me that you didn't go and yell at Michelle and Ahmed and you're now trying to buy me off with bagels," she said.

Busted. Kitten had picked up a little trick from Meg over the last few months. Meg explained to her that in court she rarely asked a question if she didn't already know the answer. It was always much worse when you caught someone lying.

So clearly she already knew, because Michelle probably sent a text. I placed the bagels on the island close to her and hoped the smell might distract her. I pulled out a couple and went to get some cream cheese for me and strawberry jam for her. I didn't fancy another fight, but I was hungry and there was no way I was doing it on an empty stomach.

"I may, on the way to get some of these bagels, stopped in to have a chat with them," I said.

"I am so mad with you right now, Daddy," she said. The bagel was not wooing her yet. "I am prepared to come and live with you, take things to the next step, and you blow it off. Then you go and pick a fight with my boss, and maybe cost me this job. What is wrong with you?"

"Your job is safe," I said, taking a bite. Christ these were good bagels.

"Michelle is furious with you right now. She used the word 'asshole' about a half dozen times when she called."

"Yes, but she didn't take back the job offer, did she?"

"No, she said it was still there if I wanted it. But I should consider myself lucky to still have it. Are you trying to fuck this up, Daddy? Don't you want me to stay here?" Kitten asked, fuming.

If nothing else, I could admire the balls on Michelle. She ratted me out to my girlfriend and was trying to gaslight her all at the same time. I cut the other bagel, put some of the jam on it, laid it on a plate, and placed it in front of her. At least she looked like she was now tempted to eat some of it.

"I went over there this morning because I was furious. I could understand why they wanted someone as smart and creative as you are to work for them. But they have university degrees, so I didn't understand why they would want you to sacrifice your education. Then I got there and it made sense to me," I said.

"They're being good friends by trying to give me a job so I can stay here with you?" she said.

"No. Because they need you more than you need them. If they tie you to them and their business right now, they can probably grow it on the back of your creativity and talent. But if you go back to school, you're likely never going to go and work for them. You'll graduate and if you want to start a cosplay business, you'll do it on your own and at their expense," I said.

She took a bite of her bagel to give her time to process that. Then she made that little face I love when she ate something delicious. She shook her head.

"I can't do what they do. I'm not smart enough."

I took a chance and reached out my hand and touched her face. She didn't back away. Progress.

"Of course you can. If you want to. If that's what your dream is, then you absolutely can. They have the equipment, we can get that. I might not have a business degree, but I'm not an idiot. The two of us can put something together. If that's what you want. But..."

"But I have to go back to school and finish my degree. Because there are about a million people making costumes online and I need to have an edge," she said, the reality sinking in.


She looked so unhappy. I hated killing her plans like this. She picked up her plate with the bagel on it and walked out of the kitchen. I followed and she headed out onto the deck. She sat down in her favourite chair and let the sun shine on her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth. I didn't say anything or press the point until she was ready.

"It's weird being me sometimes, y'know? I'm not smart like you or Meg, but I'm not dumb either. I just have to work harder to get what I want. I always have. And it's so tiring sometimes. I just want to relax and not have to study so hard to get what I want. I met you and I can relax, just a little bit because I know you're there. I can be silly and you love it. I can be ditzy and you'll catch me. I don't have to worry," she said.

"Always," I said, meaning it. She smiled and it was the first one I'd seen since the restaurant last night.

"So this was perfect. I'd be with you. I'd have a job. Yeah, I'd be working hard, but I'd have you at the end of the day, and that would be all I needed. Maybe we'd start taking the next steps. You know I want a family..."

"You may have mentioned to me, loudly, a time or two," I said, trying to tease some lightness into the situation. Thankfully she laughed.

"Asshole," she said, but with a smile and less maliciousness than she would have 10 minutes ago. "But they were just taking advantage of my naivete, weren't they? Right from the beginning, they just saw me as someone to take advantage of."

"No, I don't know if that was the case from the beginning. They genuinely like you, but I think they saw an opportunity and jumped at it," I said.

"She apologized for forgetting to mention the salary cut. Did that come up during your 'chat'?"

"Yes. And they didn't forget."

"Yeah, I thought as much. Wait until I quit school, commit to them, and then mention it, right?"


She was quiet for a minute. "I am such an idiot. A sucker."

I pulled a chair over so I was next to her and put my arm around her. She leaned into it.

"You aren't and you have the biggest heart of just about anyone I know. I love that you wanted to do this. And if I was a worse person I would let you do it. But I love your dreams. I love that you want to make costumes. I love that you want to design something that a little girl will see and inspire her to make for herself. That's amazing," I said.

"It's silly," she said.

I took her head and gently turned it so she could look at me in the face.

"It's one of the best dreams I've ever heard. I will do everything I can to help you achieve it. I swear," I said.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed a little, but it wasn't the broken-hearted tears of last night. I mentally breathed a huge sigh of relief. She was going to do the right thing and go back to school. The right thing that would make us miserable for weeks, if not months. So yay us.

She stayed like that for a few minutes, then pulled back, sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"I'm such a baby," she said. "And I ruined your birthday. I shouldn't have brought it up in the car. I was going to wait until this morning, but it kinda...slipped out."

"I got a super cool walking stick, two orgasms, and dinner with a beautiful woman. Best birthday in ages," I said. "But yeah, in the future, no life-changing discussion while I'm driving, ok?"

She nodded, took a deep breath, and let it out.

"So what now? I mean, do I ever go back to work after all of this? Would they even take me back?"

"I think you go back. Be the bigger little girl," I said, which made her giggle. "Say you appreciate the offer but you've thought about it a lot and you think it's better to go back to school and finish your degree."

"Michelle will be pissed," Kitten said.

"Yes, but if she's anything other than understanding, you let me know. And if she makes you feel like shit a few days down the line, just leave. Remember, they need you more than you need them. Don't be arrogant about it, but don't let anyone diminish your worth."

"Ok, Daddy."

"You've been cranky anytime I've mentioned school in the fall, but you've spoken to Gillian and everything is set, right?" I asked.

She looked a little uncomfortable but nodded her head. I wondered if she had dropped out how she was going to explain that to Gillian. It would have been a shitty thing to do. If she had been determined to go through with dropping out, Gillian was one of the two, last resort pressure points I was considering using.

The other was her mom. I was relieved I didn't have to do it.

"Yeah, she found a place and she promises it'll be better than the last one. I might need to go to Montreal in a few weeks to find some furniture and whatnot. Do you think you can come and help?" she asked.

"Of course," I said.

She sighed.

"I know it was a dream and silly, but the idea of being with you all the time, it was a nice fantasy to live in for a while," she said.

"I know. And I'm sorry to do it. I really am. But I'll help make this school year easier, including spending a few nights in Montreal in September if you think it won't be a distraction," I said.

Her face brightened and she nodded her head. Good, that was easy enough to do. Then she got a serious look on her face.

"I don't like to threaten Daddy, but I expect you to support whatever I decide after I graduate. If I decide I just want to come back here and be with you, then understand I've thought about it and that's what I want," she said.

"And that's fine," I said. "I will. But don't be afraid to dream big. If you want to go out to Hollywood and try and break in as a costume designer, I will come down there with you and we will both live in some shitty little apartment while you find work. Deal?"

Ok," she said, shaking her head like I was a lunatic. Then she leaned in and kissed me. After the last 16 hours of drama, it was the best thing in the world.

"Sorry about teasing you about, you know, anal sex and then not delivering. But I'm still kinda all over the place right now and..."

I put a finger to her lips.

"When you're ready, you let me know and we'll take it from there. At least we won't be doing it while trying to get me hard for the third time in 12 hours," I said.

She laughed and got up. I knew she was going for another bagel as she could never have just one. She was at the doorway, turned to look at me, and pulled her nightshirt so I could see her bare ass.

"Trust me, Daddy. This would have gotten you hard again," she cooed, and then gave herself a little slap. Then she giggled and ran into the house before I could do anything. And, sure enough, I could feel my cock stirring.

"Damn she's good," I muttered.


(Friday, Labour Day Weekend)

It was Kitten's last weekend before heading to school in Montreal and she had been all over the place emotionally the last few days. She was sad to be leaving, cranky that I thought this was a good idea, but also excited to get back to classes and happy that Gillian was arriving on Saturday. She was going to spend a couple of days here, and then we would all head up to Montreal on Monday to move them in.

There had been a lot of drama. She was being brattier than normal. I'd tolerated it because it had been a rough month. Not just because I was 'forcing' her back to school, but Michelle and Ahmed did quite the passive-aggressive number on her. They said they understood why she was going to go back to school, but then increased her workload and criticized her results more. They were also suddenly too busy to drop her home at the end of the day, meaning I had to go and pick her up. It was no big deal, but it felt petty.