Little Packages Ch. 08


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Even Daddy was wowed and the theatre gave her a standing ovation afterward.

Once the show was over, we were getting ready to leave as it was after midnight. I was already yawning and, while I'd had fun, was kinda resigned that sex likely wasn't going to happen this evening. That's when Susan came rolling over. She was wearing a bathrobe but still had her make-up and wig on.

"So what did you think?" she said, clearly buzzing from the performance.

"You were amazing!" I said, hugging her. "I never knew you could strip and roller skate until tonight."

"You learn all kinds of tricks in burlesque. You should try it sometime," she said.

I waved my hands in a big no gesture. I didn't even want to glance at Daddy to see his reaction.

"I'm not sure I'd be comfortable removing my clothes in front of people. Plus school and this guy eat up 90% of my time. Oh, and I can't dance," I said.

"Well, work eats up most of my time. That's why I do this. Believe it or not, this is my way of relaxing," she said. And then she reached into a pocket in the bag she was carrying and handed me a card.

"Fucking LinkedIn is the devil," she said. I looked at the card and was about to emphasize that I didn't want to do burlesque right now when I saw her full name, job title, and the production company she worked for.

"Look, I love the costume you wore today and the ones you showed me on your phone. You've got a great eye, you put a lot of little detail in and you pick things up quickly. I love cosplay, but I also do some scouting when I'm at these things, to see if there are any future costume designers we can find. There's a lot of people who love making these things, but you only find a few that take it seriously enough that they want to make it as a career. That's the real reason I invited you here this evening."

I sat stunned looking at the card. The company name was familiar and I was pretty sure they did costume work on TV shows.

"Are...are you offering me a job?" I said. It was one thing to turn down Ahmed and Michelle's offer, if she was offering me a job to work for a TV production company, that was going to be something else entirely.

"No," she said and smiled gently. "I'm a big believer in education, so you should stay in school. But if you need a job next summer, or if you're looking after you graduate, give me a call. Fair?"

I managed to gurgle out some words about that being fair. Then one of Susan's friends called out to her from the bar, she made her apologies, told me to not lose that card, and headed off.

Later, as we were taking the subway back to our hotel, Daddy was holding my hand so I didn't float away. I wasn't paying much attention to anything, my head a whirlwind of noise so thank God he was there.

"That's quite the friend you made there, Kitten," he said.

"I had no idea who she was," I said, eventually processing that he had spoken to me. "I thought she was just another cool cosplayer. This is just weird, dumb luck."

He leaned down and kissed my head.

"I'm proud of you, but sometimes you're a very silly little girl," he said, which snapped me out of my daze. I gave him a slightly hurt look.

"Many of the luckiest people I've ever met are either very rich or have worked hard and put themselves in place to take advantage of a moment when it happens. You came to this con at least hoping to meet some designers and people working in production. You've been hitting some of the tables and handing out information to your digital portfolio, right?"

I nodded my head, remembering that I did that for Susan.

"You worked hard, you prepared, and when the moment happened, you were ready, even if you didn't know it. Not luck, princess. You deserve that break," he said.

I looked at him and I could feel myself melting a bit. Another guy might have been jealous of the moment or downplayed it. "Oh, nothing will happen with that," he might say. Instead, my man was telling me that not only to enjoy the moment but that I had earned it. I burrowed into him even further.

"I love you so much, Daddy. Thank you," I said. I had enough emotions running through me I felt like I could cry, but didn't want to start bawling in front of strangers on the subway.

"I love you too, Kitten," he said. "And you still have tomorrow and Sunday at the con yet. Who knows what else might happen."

"I'm not sure anything will top this," I said.

"We'll see," he said cryptically.


I was still pretty bouncy the next morning when I got up. Not just because of last night but because today was the day Daddy was going to dress up with me.

Ever since I made him the Obi-wan Kenobi costume for Christmas, I'd been dying to see him wear it at a con. After some gentle pestering, I finally got him to agree that on Saturday we would dress up together. He has the Obi-wan costume and the lightsaber he made in Disney. I had a Rey costume and my Disney lightsaber. After we got dressed up, I cuddled up next to him and took a selfie in the mirror.

"We are adorable," I said. I immediately put the picture up on Instagram. I didn't put too many pics of Daddy up just because I didn't want to deal with crap about his age. But this was too good not to.

"I think you're carrying the adorable part, but I'm happy to shine in your reflected loveliness," he said.

"You underestimate the appeal of a sexy older man," I said. "There are many girls who thought Obi-wan was the hot one in the series."

"That would be Ewan McGregor's Obi-wan and not Alec Guinness's, right?" he asked as we headed out of the room.

I hit him with my best mysterious smile and left it at that.

Saturday's at a comic con were concentrated madness. Daddy told me that once upon a time that made sense. Cons were three days, and people had to work Fridays, so naturally everyone came out on Saturdays. But now with huge cons like this, they stretched over four days and every day was sold out.

"So why is Saturday so much crazier?" I said as we were trying to move through the syrupy mob. "This is much busier and harder to get around than the last two days."

My very wise Daddy shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but I do know they go crazy on Saturdays."

It was a fun day with the two of us in cosplay but still felt...weird. Part of it was that, yes, we were getting asked to pose for photos a lot. Daddy had to deal with a lot of Darth Vaders wanting to duel with him, just as I had to deal with a bunch of Kylo Rens either wanting to duel or flirt with me. The flirting was worse because many were giving off creepy vibes and annoying Daddy.

But also, Daddy just I couldn't put my finger on it, but he just seemed weird. He said it wasn't the costume, but I didn't know what else it could be.

It got to the point that around 2 pm, I told Daddy I wanted to change. He looked relieved. He went back into his civilian clothing, I hopped into my Burnside Batgirl costume. After that, things eased up.

The rest of the day at the con was much better. We'd each gotten to see and do what we wanted over the last two days. Today, now that we were finished dealing with all the people wanting to photograph us, we could just wander and take things in. When the crowds got too much we'd dive into a panel, even if it was something we were only passingly interested in. The only thing I steered him away from was the cosplay area, which he thankfully didn't read much into. I wanted to keep his good mood going.

At the end of the day, I was ready to head back to the hotel, but Daddy reminded me of the cosplay competition.

"You know you want to see it," he said.

"I doooo," I whined. "But it's been days since I've been properly fucked. Promise me once this is over there is takeout and fucking waiting for me back at the room."

"Sounds like a date," he said. Like any guy is going to say no to takeout and sex.

What felt like half the con piled into the main hall and some had been lining up for hours, so we didn't have the best seats. That was fine as everything was displayed on a big screen. And for a couple of hours, I watched a parade of really good cosplayers go across the stage and display their work. There was more than bragging rights going on at the event. There was money and the chance to compete at a national event.

"Your costumes are better than a lot of the ones I've seen up there," he said over the noise. "Why didn't you enter?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I thought about it, but I had so much going on this year that I didn't think my stuff would be good enough. Some of those people have focussed all year on that one costume. I get bored doing that. I need a bunch of projects to keep me busy."

"Well, you should enter next year," he said.

"Eh, maybe. I just like making them. I'm not comfortable going up on stage like that and showing off," I said.

Daddy laughed.

"You have been photographed probably over a thousand times in the last three days. I'm not sure I believe that."

"Well, it's one thing to pose in front of one person, especially if you're with a group. Getting up on stage in front of thousands of people is something else. And for all the cheering happening, you better believe there are plenty of people criticizing the costume or that person's appearance," I said.

Daddy nodded. "Fair enough. I hadn't considered that."

"You're on me to do this and you mentioned last night I should try burlesque. Trying to show off your hot, young babe girlfriend," I said, teasing him. But he looked serious.

"No, it's not that. I'm reminded there were things I didn't do when I was your age that I wished I had tried. But I didn't have the money, or chickened out, or got distracted so it didn't happen. I look at you and the sky's the limit. You're 20 and you can do anything you want.

"It's not that I think I'm holding you back, because I don't think I am. I just want to encourage you to do and try....everything. Burlesque, or competing in these events, or travelling or whatever. I never want you to be afraid to try something if you want to," he said.

I honestly didn't know whether to cry or throw him on the floor and start ripping off his clothes until security tossed us. Instead, I put my arms around him and gave him a big kiss, which caused a few ewwws from around us, but I did not care.

"Tell you what," I said after I came up for air. "You make a list of things you want to do, and I'll make a list of things I want to do and we'll work on it together, ok? It's not that I don't want to do burlesque or whatever, I just want to do things with you. I'm not missing a damn thing as long as I have you."

He smiled, took my hand and kissed it.

"It's a deal, Kitten."

The rest of the show passed in a blur, with my head on his shoulder. The winning costume was someone dressed up in an elaborate Robotech suit. It was technically impressive, but a little blunt force for me. There was no elegance to it at all.

I was explaining all of this to Daddy as we were walking out. I wasn't paying much attention to where we were going as he knew the way. That's when he suddenly paused and moaned.

"Are you ok, Daddy?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, my knee just twinged. I must have pushed a bit too hard the last few days. Just let me sit for a second," he said, gesturing towards a chair in one of the areas where cosplayers hung out, although there was no one around at the moment. He sat down and I fussed over him for a few minutes.

"I should have been nagging you more to take care of yourself. You always try to do too much on these things," I said.

"Yes princess," he said, in a slightly condescending tone. I gave him a light tap on the back of the head, and he laughed. Then his face got serious.

"This is the scene of the crime, did you notice?" he asked.

I wasn't sure what he meant and then I looked around and he was right. It was the spot where I'd been a year ago. When I had been horsing around, not paying attention and knocked him over.

"You're right," I said, with a goofy look on my face. "So, any regrets?"

"I've thought about that moment a lot," he said. "I'm not one for fate, magic, or higher powers, but I've wondered what life would be like now if I'd been...three seconds faster or slower that day. If you fell in front of me, or behind me, but not slamming into me. What my life would be like now. What yours would be like."

I mussed his hair and kissed him on the cheek.

"Mine would be worse, I think. Not just because the last year has been the best in my life, but because I could see certain trends getting ready to creep back in. I was being bullied a bit, so maybe I started drinking or doing drugs again. Maybe I don't have the strength to get through school when it got hard. But you would have been fine. You were bouncing back," I said.

He shook his head and looked sad for a moment.

"No, Kitten. I was starting to try and bounce back. And you've seen in the last year that I've had moments when I slipped and got into a bad headspace. How far would I have slipped without you there to catch me? My life would have been worse without you. It would have been harder. And I'm not sure I would have made it without you. So whatever high force was going on that day that brought us together, I'm forever grateful for it," he said.

The next few minutes get deeply fuzzy and the only reason I can remember any of it was some cosplayers coming around a corner with their phones out and saw that something was going on in our little corner of the world. Between video and memory, I've managed to piece together that this is what happened.

Daddy slipped out of the chair, his knee miraculously healed. He somewhat awkwardly got on one knee and in his hand was a little box with a diamond ring in it. The video was too far away to capture what he said, but that much I managed to remember.

"I never want to find out what life would be like without you, Kitten. Will you marry me?" he said.

Keep in mind I'm standing in a convention center, in a Batgirl costume, at the end of a long day at a comic con. This is the moment my boyfriend, who I love so much I can't process it sometimes, chooses to ask me to marry him.

Whenever I tell the story, people often think he's an idiot for doing it that way. I just get a goofy smile on my face. Maybe it wasn't elegant or flashy, but it was him, and it worked for me.

Plus there was the whole bit where I kept him waiting for what felt like hours, but the video shows was about five seconds, but give me a break, it was a lot to process.

When my brain began working again, I noticed the beginnings of a worried look creeping on his face, and that's when my brain kicked into overdrive.

"Oh my God, yes!" I screamed and then tackled him to the ground.

This all began when I accidentally knocked him to the ground, so it seemed fitting a year later I deliberately tackled him at the same spot.

I was still on top of him and somehow my glove managed to get removed, the Claddagh ring was carefully removed and put on another finger and the engagement ring slid on, fitting perfectly. The next thing I knew a small horde of people, mostly girls around my age, came running over to congratulate us and then showing us the video. It was absolute madness for the next 20 minutes, with people congratulating us. Daddy looked dazed but thrilled I'd said yes.

Eventually, we made it back to the hotel room and I desperately wanted to jump him, but I desperately needed a shower first. Being the clever man he is, Daddy suggested that we both shower together.

Before getting in, I very carefully took off my new ring and placed it on the end table by the bed. I got a quizzical look.

"I know the odds of it slipping off my finger and going down the drain in the first hour of getting it are slim, but you're nuts if you think I'm even remotely taking that chance," I said, quickly removing the rest of the cosplay. Daddy gave me a hand, eager for me to get out of the clothing as well.

We were in the shower, making out and soaping each other up. I was eager to finish getting clean and get to the main event, but Daddy was in a teasing mood, and kept finding new ways to rub his soapy hands over my body under the pretence of "missing a spot."

"Are you ok?" He asked, rubbing his hands over my breasts while nibbling on my neck.

"Keep doing that and I'm going to be a lot better than ok. I'll be explosively ok," I said, giggling.

He slowly turned me around and my breasts pushed into his stomach. I wrapped my arms around his neck and got up on my toes to kiss him when he gently stopped me with his hand.

"No, I mean, that was a lot to absorb in the last hour. Are you ok? If you have second thoughts and want to change your mind..." he started, when I pushed past his hand and kissed him as hard as I could. For the next minute, there were no sounds in the shower except one of us moaning.

"Stop overthinking things. I said yes. I love you and we're going to get married. Now take your fiancé to bed and fuck her silly," I said. Then I realized I just referred to myself as his fiancé for the first time and started giggling like a lunatic.

We eventually managed to scramble back into the bedroom, but I wouldn't let him touch me any further until I got my engagement ring back on. I looked at it for what must have been the 1000th time. It wasn't a huge rock, but it was a nice size, with a nice clasp holding the diamond in place. I suspected he got help picking it out, but that was a question for another time.

I rolled onto my back and opened my legs, kicking my feet slowly in the air

"All yours, Daddy," I said.

He wasted no time diving between my legs and began licking my pussy. There was going to be time for a leisurely, loving fuck at some point, but right now was not going to be it. I gave a small cry as his mouth made contact with my pussy and his tongue began flicking across my clit.

I reached down and ran my fingers through his hair. Some dim part of my brain kicked in and I didn't wrap my leg around his head. "Bad form to kill your fiancé within a few hours of getting engaged" ran through my head, and I giggled.

"Something funny, princess?" Daddy asked when coming up for air.

"Just your beard ticking," I said. Then I planted my legs on the bed, pushed my hips upwards, and pushed down on his head. He took the hint.

"Such a bossy little girl," he said before diving back in.

"You... oh my fucking God! You love it," I managed to get out before settling into a steady stream of moaning and babbling as his tongue worked its magic on my clit. At the best of times, my ability to hold back when he was determined to get me off was pathetic. But I had enough electricity from this evening's excitement running through my body to power this hotel.

"Oh Fuck, Daddy! I'm cumming!" I screamed out, and I was dimly aware he'd stopped flicking my clit with his tongue and was just focused on holding on as my hips spasmed.

When I came back to reality, I could see he was getting ready to start fucking me, which ordinarily I'd be all about, but I needed some personal time with his cock in my mouth first. I gently pushed him to the side, and he fell on the bed and rolled onto his back. I quickly shifted position. I didn't want to waste time getting between his legs and starting to suck so I just straddled his chest, leaned down and took his cock in my mouth. I got a delightful groaning noise as a reward.

Ever since I figured out how to deepthroat Daddy it was hard not to want to do it all the time. But I learned a few other things that my fiancé likes, and rather than just shoving his cock down my throat I just focused on worshipping the head, running my tongue across it, bobbing up and down a few times, and then running my hands across his balls and down towards his ass.