Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 19


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Goldie laughed. "You know, for a stiff, anti-social male totally inexperienced with women, you are somehow the most romantic man I've ever known."

"Really?" said Harry, trying to unpack the compliment.

"You always know how to say the right thing. It's such an incredible turn-on," said Goldie. And she pressed her lips against him, and Harry was again in heaven.

Getting back was far harder than getting out. The wind and the current was against them. They had to tack diagonally. It took them nearly two hours to cover the same distance which took 15 minutes. But Goldie was with him, laughing and teasing and talking the entire time. It was simply wonderful.


That afternoon they found a chess table, under the palm trees. "Play me, Harry?" she said.

"Me, against you? Goldie, I don't think...."

"It's all right. Just spot me a few pieces."

Goldie sat down on the board, and with a laugh, started to perform surgery. She removed Harry's queen and bishops. Then when Harry beat her, the next game she also took out the rooks. When he beat her again, he expected her to get angry, but she just laughed and took out all his capital pieces, leaving him with just his king and pawns. Then, after a hard fought game, she beat him.

"You're amazing," said Harry, staring at her in the late afternoon sun.

"What do you mean?" Goldie asked.

"Most people... most Normals... wouldn't want to play chess against one of my kind. They'd be offended if I offered to take off so many pieces. But you... you had fun with it. You make fun out of everything."

And then she was in his arms. "I make fun out of everything involving you, Harry. It's always so easy when you're around, Harry. But you made one mistake. There is no 'your kind'. Your kind is my kind, because you belong in a group of one, and that group is called MINE." And she kissed him passionately.

That evening they watched the sun set, hand in hand, and Harry realized that life didn't get any better than this. He looked over at the woman at his side. What had he done to deserve her? She was so wonderful, so perfect, so loving. It was like a dream come true.

"Harry, you're supposed to be looking at the sunset," she said, pointing to the pink, orange, and yellows in the sky. She turned to him. "What are you thinking, Harry?"

Harry, his voice choked up, shook his head, and held her tight.


The next day was to be their last full day in Hawaii. Harry wished it could go on forever. But they had to get back. They still had The Foundation to deal with. They still had to find Claire. But first they would see Goldie's mother. Rather than being nervous about it, Harry was actually looking forward to it.

That morning they hiked up to a dormant volcano. Harry, walking behind Goldie, was treated to the beautiful sight of her well rounded ass clenching and unclenching the entire way up. But it was a steep climb, and he was huffing and puffing as they reached the summit.

"What's wrong, Harry? A life of watching the stock market doesn't give you the stamina to climb volcanoes?" Goldie said mockingly, as he slowly caught up to her. When he recovered his breath, he smiled back at her.

When they got to the summit, the view was incredible. They could see for miles and miles. But then Goldie started walking close to the edge. "Careful!" Harry cried, grabbing her by the waist.

"Why Harry," said Goldie. "Are you still worried I'm going to leave you?" Her smile, and her eyes, made Harry laugh, and kiss her.


That afternoon, Goldie said, "Look Harry! The human life forms have mounted four footed animals. We should emulate them, and study them more closely!"

She was still making fun of his habit of looking at Normals as other forms of life. But by now Harry found it endearing. He smiled and rubbed her hair, and agreed to go horseback riding.

There was something iconic about seeing Goldie on a horse. She was wearing tight white pants, and a tight blue blouse, and a black helmet, and was riding a white stallion. She looked simply gorgeous. Harry, who had been taking images of their trip on and off, insisted she stop and pose for several more.

"Another prospect for the living room wall, Harry?" she said, smiling as she stuck out her chest."

Harry kept taking images. "You're so gorgeous. I never want this to end."

Her eyes grew serious, but only for a moment. "Harry, stop worrying. I'm not going anywhere."


After a wonderful dinner, they watched the sun setting together, their last in Hawaii.

"What's bothering you, Harry?" Goldie asked.

"I... I...."


"I'm wondering what happens when your programming wears off," said Harry.

"When my programming wears off," said Goldie. "You mean, of course, if my programming wears off. In fact, we don't know for sure that it hasn't already worn off, do we?"

"No," said Harry. "We don't."

"You worry that one morning I'm going to wake up with a headache, like I pretended to a few months ago, and fall out of love with you. Is that right, Harry?"

"Yes," said Harry.

She took him in her arms. "Harry... my dearest, dearest Harry... that's never going to happen."

"Why not?"

She looked into his eyes. "If it does happen--if--what will happen is that instead of loving you with 110% percent of my mind and body, I will only love you with 105% of my mind and body. Because I know, for an absolutely certainty, that 99% of my love for you is organic and pure."

"Those percentages don't quite add up-"

"Harry! Kiss me, and stop worrying."

Harry obeyed, and they enjoyed the sunset together.


That night, their last night in Hawaii, it was Goldie's turn to be hesitant.

"What is it, Goldie?"

"It's our last night here, Harry."

"I know," said Harry. "So?"

"I... I was wondering if you could... indulge me. With a... fantasy...." She bit her lip.

"Whatever you want, Goldie, the answer is always yes," said Harry.

"Oh Harry, my dear Harry," said Goldie, caressing his face with her hands. "You promise you won't think less of me?"

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I... you know I can't have children, dear Harry."

"I know," said Harry.


"Goldie, just say it," said Harry, holding her tightly, his eyes full of concern.

"I'd like it, just once, if you could... pretend."


"Pretend you're... impregnating me," said Goldie. "Just this once."

He saw the vulnerability in her eyes, and her need. He nodded.

They removed their clothes and made love.

As they kissed and touched, Harry took one of her hands and wrapped it around his organ. He was already firmly erect.

"Do you feel this, Goldie?" he said, in between kisses.

"Yes," she whispered.

"I'm going to put in you, Goldie. I'm going to put it in you, and give you a baby. Would you like that?"

"Yes, oh yes, Harry," she breathed.

He moved her hands lower, so she cupped his balls. "Play with them," he whispered. He felt her fingers gently stroking him. "Do you know what these are, Goldie?" he whispered.

"Your testicles, Harry."

"Do you know what's in them, Goldie?"

"It's... your sperm."

"Do you know where it's going, Goldie?"

"Inside me," she said, and Harry saw the flare of excitement in her eyes.

"That's right, Goldie," said Harry. "I'm going to pump you full of it, and make a baby inside of you. Do you want that, Goldie?"

"Yes, Harry, please!" said Goldie.

"Are you sure, Goldie?" he asked, giving her a wicked smile.

Goldie smacked him on the ass. "Of course I am, Harry! Put it in me, already!"

Harry's smiled broadened as he moved on top of her, spread her legs, and slowly mounted her. Goldie watched, open mouthed, as she saw his length slowly slide into her. She gasped once she was wonderfully impaled.

Unlike other times, where Harry would try to draw things out, he had a different goal here. He started thrusting rapidly, with long, hard strokes. Goldie moaned as he pulled in and out of her.

"I'm going to put a baby into you," Harry said.

"Yes, Harry," Goldie panted.

"I'm going to fill you up with my sperm," said Harry.

"I'm ovulating, Harry. I'm at my peak right now," said Goldie.

"I know," Harry said, as he thrusted faster and faster. He whispered in her ear. "I'm going to fertilize your egg. You're going to grow big with my baby."

"Oh Harry!"

"You're going to blow up like a balloon, with my child, my child that I'm going to put into you right now."

"Oh yes!"

"And in nine months you're going to give birth to our beautiful baby!"

"Oh yes, Harry! Yes, yes, yes!"

And Harry, feeling the buildup, cried out as his penis twitched, and he exploded inside of her, pulsing once, twice, three, four, five times. Goldie, feeling it happen, cried out as well, a giant smile on her face.

As he lay on top of her, feeling remnants dripping out of him, she whispered, "Thank you, Harry. Thank you so much...."

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

Surely the smartest person in the world can think of a way to reverse her condition? 5*

JusteenKJusteenKabout 1 year ago

My goodness, that was bittersweet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wonderful story, 10 stars! Hopefully, with all things the Foundation, and others put her through, she can finally get a permanent name change-MOMMY to her twins!!

IbeSteveIbeSteveabout 1 year ago

What no kidnapping. Not using compression guns. Just kidding. Loved the chapter

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 year ago

I loved their interactions, banter and Goldie's surprises for Harry; she is so incredibly spontaneous and vivacious. Can't wait to see him meet Goldie's mom. 5

des911des911about 1 year ago

I love this story. The best part is the interaction between the two characters - the most intelligent man in the world and a woman who is so much smarter than him in many ways. He is easily duped and she saves the day. The dialogue is brilliant.

But, you are certainly taking us on a roller coaster ride. Each chapter is like an episode from a 1970's adventure series in which the world is saved, yet again. How many groups are trying to take over the world? How many evil geniuses are out there? I'm waiting for a white Persian cat to make an appearance. The "baddies" don't come across as coherent but, maybe, you have a plan.

I'm trusting that you can bring this all home safely.

Great story and thank you

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

It makes me wish I could go to Hawaii once again!


Bronco56Bronco56about 1 year ago

Another great chapter of love. 5stars

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