Lori a Fresh Start and a New Love


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Her face lost the happy glow. "She's struggling. A couple of the session guys we brought in haven't gelled with her."

"That's not good. She needs people around her who encourage. She's very timid."

"Yes, she doesn't know how to express what she wants. Marty is pushing her to change the songs, make them more contemporary."

"Yeah, I bet he is. You know, I think her songs were great just the way they were, and what's more. I think they are crossover. You could market them to several different audiences."

She snuck into my arms for a hug. "I agree. I didn't want to change them. We already have a cupboard full of modern today artists. I liked her because she was different."

"Tell her we're all thinking of her. We still love her."

"I think deep down she knows that. She told me Tabs been staying in touch with her every day."

That broke my frown. She hadn't ever mentioned it.

With the album release out of the way, the marketing guru's took over, and it didn't take long before our songs were heard on the radio. We had the usual round of media to follow up with. TV, radio... We were on our way.

I guess they were shocked when I decided to take the chance and come right out of the closet. I never tried to keep it a secret, I just never publicised it.

Okay, there had been plenty of rumours over the years, but none that were substantiated. Now, with me making it very public, it generated it's own story and it got me more air time, more interviews.

It did generate questions about why Tina left the band. Were we lovers, was that what it was all about?

I quashed those rumours, but was quite happy to fly the LGBTIQA flag. It certainly drew in a new crowd. I was simply the darling of the gay crowd, at least until the novelty wore off. Fame could be such a fleeting thing.

The tour was short and sharp. Just the major centres, although we got an extra few gigs in Christchurch and we had to fit in a gig in Timaru, which was unexpected.

The tour bus was a hoot. Amber and Tab kept us on our toes. There were all sorts of word games and quizzes. They were old hands at touring.

As we headed north from Palmy, I said, "We're taking a little detour. I need to check up on my place."

As we pulled in the driveway. Amber groaned. "This is it? I was expecting something grander."

"Piss off, what do you expect for eighty grand?"

We walked around and checked everything out. My neighbour had mowed the lawns and collected the mail. I hadn't expected to be gone so long.

As we checked the place out, Tab sidled up beside me, slid her arm through mine, and said, "It's absolutely wonderful. I love it. I can see what attracted you to it." She ran her hands over some of the rock walls and fences. "You built all of these?"

"Yeah, sure did. Broke my back, but fixed my heart."

"I can sense it. Does it feel like coming home?"

"Yeah, big time. Every time I drive through that gate, I get that feeling."

The tour finished back in Auckland, with another show for the Blues club and another on the north shore. The album sales were going well. In so many ways, things couldn't have been better. Tab and I seemed to have found ourselves. God we were tight.

The label was working on a short tour of Australia; it was only going to be a month, but it was going to be hard work. Non stop, gigs every other night, full on. We were already doing the media stuff, interviews and the like. Performing wise, we had a two week window. Tab and I were relaxing in bed, a sleep in was something we seldom got. I had been working on a song, just jotting down some notes in my pad, humming away when Tabs phone vibrated away on the bedside cabinet.

She picked it up, and whatever it said made her scowl, and she started typing away furiously.

"What's going on babe?"

She sort of grimaced, and I noticed her gaze stayed focused on the phone. "No, nothing."

"It's got you angry for nothing."

She looked up at me, a mixture of guilt and nervousness etched into her features. "It's Tina. That dick she's living with. He's a dickhead."

"You stay in touch with her?"

"Yeah, sorry. She was my friend, as well, and I feel bad for what's happened."

"And you think I don't?"

"Of course not. I know how much you cared for her. It's not your fault."

"I wish I felt the same way. I should have done something, talked to her. It all seemed to happen in slow motion, and I still couldn't stop it."

"Sweets, we all felt the same way. I dunno, maybe it was meant to happen. Her album's doing great."

"Yeah, but it's shit isn't it. Please tell me it's not just me. I hate what they did with her songs. And don't get me started on the bloody outfits she wears."

"No, babe. It's not just you. Can't argue with the people though. They seem to love it."

"Yeah, nah. Good on her. So long as she's happy."

"That's the problem, she's not. She hates that arsehole Marty. I think she's got issues with Remi the drovers dog as well."

She texted away frantically as I slipped out of bed and into the shower. I was humming my new rune when Tab opened the door and her hot bod slid in with me. Her hands took the shower gel from my hands and squirted it all over us both. By the time the empty bottle hit the tiles, she was already squirming against me, our bodies slippery with the sudsy bubbles.

Like a slippery eel she writhed against me. She giggled as she rubbed her luscious boobies all over me. Her tummy, her fingers kneading my scalp, my hands clasping her cute little bum.

Her lips grazed mine seductively. "I think we should have stayed in bed."

It was a great start to the day. We worked with some of the girls in the garden, and I had the piano that sat in the dining room tuned so I could teach the ones that were interested in learning.

It was good therapy, not just for them, but for me as well.

It was later that night as we were preparing for bed, when Tab's phone buzzed again.

"Oh my god" Tab gasped.

Sitting up, she didn't text, she hit dial and I could hear Tina sobbing hysterically. "What's happening, babe?"

"It's Remi, he's trying to get me to have sex with some other guys he brought home."

"Jesus, where are you?"

"I'm locked in the bathroom, and he's banging on the door."

I was already scrambling out of bed when Tab said. "Call the cops, babe. What's your address?"

I heard the address, had my jeans on and was heading for the door when Tab screamed, "Wait for me."

As she stumbled down the stairs and I collected the Surf keys, Amber popped her head out of the door. "What's all the commotion?"

"It's Tina, she's in trouble. We're heading over there now."

Tab was on the phone to the police as I ran red lights and dodged late night traffic. It felt like forever. The southern motorway always seemed to be under repair, and that night was worse than ever. By the time we arrived at Remi's place, the cops were there and he was at the door trying to keep the cops from going in. There were two officers, and Remi was trying to convince them it was just a little domestic disturbance as I pushed past him before he could stop me. I rushed through the house searching for the bathroom. "Tina, where are you? It's me, Lori."

A sliver of light opened in the hall, and I rushed over. She sprang into my arms crying hysterically. "He's a fucking animal. I hate him."

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. The cops had pushed their way in as well. "Could somebody please explain what's going on?" the lead cop asked.

"It's nothing, me and the missus just had a disagreement," Remi blustered.

"Lying bastard. You were trying to get her to fuck some other guys. Fucking scum bag," Tab shrieked.

As soon as Tina saw Tab, she opened her arms wider, and the three of us circled in a tight huddle.

The cop didn't know what to say, but Tab had it under control. "We're collecting her things, and she's coming with us."

Remi, started yelling. "Like fuck she is," he glared at Tina. "You go with them and we're over, and you can kiss your record contract goodbye, as well."

"Fuck you, dickhead." I barked at him. "You can shove your contract where the sun doesn't shine."

"Tina, you go with those fucking bitches we're done, I'm warning you. Your name will be worth shit."

"Don't listen to him, babe. He's all mouth."

Tina was so out of it she couldn't speak. She just leaned against Tab, her arms around her neck sobbing.

"You should be ashamed of yourself you fucking prick. What shit have you given her?"

"I gave her nothing," he stammered falteringly as the cops suddenly appeared a little more interested.

The lead cop walked over and tried to get Tina to look him in the eye. When she couldn't, he said, "I think we better get her to a hospital." He turned to face Remi. "What has she taken?"

"Nothing, if she did I don't know nothing about it."

"I'll get her stuff," I snarled. I started going through drawers pulling out all Tina's clothes. I grabbed what I knew was hers, guitar, computer, phone.

"You take that stuff, I'll have you done for theft," Remi growled viciously.

"It can't be theft if it belongs to Tina. You'll be in jail anyway, because I reckon if I keep going, I'm gonna find more than clothes, aye mate?"I saw his eyes dart towards the kitchen, and it wasn't missed by the second cop. After a quick conflab with the other cop he started to inform Remi that they were going to search the place.

"You haven't got a warrant," Remi replied.

"Sir, we don't need one. Under New Zealand's missuse of drugs act, we can search any premises where we think there may be drugs concealed."

The ambulance arrived, along with some other cop cars.

Tab stayed with Tina in the ambulance, and I followed behind in the Surf.

At the hospital, Tina was whisked away for blood samples and an interrogation with a female police officer. Tab stayed with her the whole time, and I was left to pace the halls impatiently. It was like two hours before they let me in. Tina was again wrapped around Tab and there was no way she was letting go. Whatever she had taken was at least wearing off a little, and she could talk.

When the doctors gave her the all clear to go home, Tab and I helped her into the Surf and we headed for home.

The whole way, Tina sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I was so stupid." Over and over she cried until her body couldn't sustain another tear. Tab said nothing, just held her and stroked her back.

At home, Tab made coffee, Amber came out, and seeing how distraught Tina was, she put away all her anger and gave her a hug. I felt useless, because Tina wouldn't even look at me. Every time I caught her eye, she looked away. It took an age of Tab holding her and comforting her before she would look at me. "I'm sorry, Lori. You were right. I feel like such a fool. You told me, and I never listened."

Finally, she was in my arms and I held her. I squeezed her so hard I felt her ribs. "There's nothing to be sorry for. The guy's an arsehole. Sometimes you gotta fuck a few before you understand."

She started crying again. "I fucked everything up. The band, the music. It's all my fault. I screwed you guys when I told them we didn't have anybody else chasing us."

"Chill, babe, we don't care about that shit. I've done worse. Just ask Tab. It's a vicious beast. We can get through this."

"But how can I go back?"

"You don't have to."

"Yeah I do, they have a tour organised. I'm under contract."

"Babe, if you're sick, they can't force you to do shit. Luckily, we have all the paperwork we need from the hospital."

We rocked slowly as her eyes started to fade. "I need to go to bed."

Tab nodded at me and said, "I'll take her up, okay?"

I gave Tina a kiss on the forehead, and Tab helped her up. She was that gone she could barely walk.

"Jesus, she's out of it," Amber whispered angrily.

"Yeah, fuck knows what she's been taking, but she's flying high. That arsehole was trying to get her to fuck some other dudes. Dunno what the fuck that was about, but shit, what a pig."

"Yeah, I heard lots of nasty shit about him. He's fucked, though. There's some mean dudes chasing his arse."

"Maybe that's what it was about. Maybe he was trading her for cash?"

"Wouldn't put it past him. He's so low he could crawl under snakes."

Amber poured herself a glass of wine, "Want one?" she asked.

"Oh hell yeah. What a crazy night."

We sat in the lounge, relaxing. "What do you think will happen?" she asked.

"I dunno, guess it depends on what the cops find at Remi's place, and what's in Tina's blood results."

"You think she might get charged?"

"Na, she had nothing on her. The place is Remi's, so anything they find he would have to prove they aren't his. Her defence has to be, she didn't know."

"Do you think that's what happened?"

"Nah, she's been using ever since she met him, but it's gotta be her defence, or she's gonna get screwed."

"She might get diversion being her first offence."

"Yeah... never thought of that. It's a possibility. The cops have been talking about focusing more on suppliers than users, so... maybe."

The wine was great; it took the edge off nicely. Amber decided we needed another. "Do you think if she dumps Remi in the crapper, Marty will support her?"

"I expect nothing but the worst from that man. I was prepared to work with him because I knew what he was like. Tina went in blind... well, we warned her. But you know what that's like. Who's the last people you listen to... parents and friends who know better."

"Amen to that, Cuz."

"I got plenty of good advice; problem was, I was hooked and all I could think of was my next fix. Totally ignored the advice. Including yours. I'm sorry for that, Amber."

"Hah, water under the bridge, not your fault you're a dumb bitch."

We both laughed lightly. She could get away with it, not just because she was my friend, but because she was right."

After the bottle was gone, Amber said, "Tab's been gone a while. They must be having a right old heart to heart." She sighed. Sorry, Cuz, but I'm hitting the sack as well."

After she left, I put away the glasses and walked up to check on Tab and Tina. When I opened the door, I could hear the snoring. Tab and Tina were snuggled up in bed with Tina's head resting on Tab's shoulder, and there was a huge wet spot on Tab's PJs, where Tina had been drooling.

Wow, she was really out of it. Still, a good nights sleep would do wonders for her. I decided to leave them. If I climbed in, I would waked them both.

The sofa wasn't exactly comfy, but exhaustion took over. It's amazing how high emotions and tension can suck the very life out of you.

As I lay back in the dark, I had to take stock. The next day we had a meeting with the label to finalise the Aussie trip. We had to stop in and sign some records at the record store on Queen street. On top of that was what to do with Tina. We could hardly just throw her back into the wolves' cage. A lot would depend on how hooked she was.

The storms raging in my head sucked me down into a deep sleep. It was the noise in the kitchen, and the smell of toast cooking and coffee brewing that woke me.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I walked into the kitchen to find a couple of the girls, Rhonda and Callie, hard at it preparing breakfast.

"Hey girls, any chance of coffee?"

"Yeah, sweet as. What happened, did you and Tab have a fight?" Rhonda asked.

"No fight, we had to rescue a friend, and she's sleeping it off."

"Sweet, any chance of a piano lesson today?"

"Later, yeah. My day's pretty busy, but when I get back we could fit in a lesson."

"Choice, I've been practising my scales," she announced proudly.

"Good for you, guess we'll see how much time you've been putting in."

"Heaps, Auntie, my fingers are bruised." She gave me a hug as she pushed a cup of steaming coffee in front of me.

"Could you make two more of those please, Honey? I'll take them up to Tab and Tina."

"Oh, shit. Tina's back?"

"For a couple of days. She needs some space, so please don't hassle her."

"Yeah, nah. No worries, we'll be chilled as."

I carried the cups up to the bedroom and walked in slowly. I have to say, I wasn't expecting to find them locked in a steamy sensuous kiss. They both jumped when I walked in. "I brought coffee, I figured you'd still be asleep."

Tab gave me a guilty glance. "Thanks babe. Where did you sleep?"

Passing her, the cup, I replied, "The sofa, Amber and I had a few drinks to calm the nerves. You were both sound asleep, so decided not to wake you."

Tina's eyes were puffy and red, but not as red as her cheeks. Passing her cup, I asked, "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Better thank you. Sorry I took your bed."

"You needed it more than me. Callie and Rhonda have some toast cooking. I'm going back to get mine. I'll throw some in for you as well."

"Thanks, sweets." Tab whispered. I closed the door as I walked out. 'Stay calm.' I whispered to myself. 'What the fuck was that all about? At least they still had their PJs on. Well, Tina had mine on...'

I busied myself cooking the toast. Amber wandered out with her daughters and a couple of the other girls. "How was Tina this morning?"

"Not sure, entirely. Better. At least she's landed, although she did look a little shaky."

"Lori, I've gotta take the girls in for a doctors checkup this morning. Do you mind if I skip the Aussie trip meeting?"

"Nah, no biggie. You'll have to live with my decision though?"

"Yeah, all good."

Tab and Tina came down soon after, Tina wearing my clothes. They both looked as guilty as fuck, and Tina couldn't hold my eye. Amber asked how she was, and the conversation started to flow. The girls all drifted away, and Amber and I were left with cleaning up. Tab and Tina moved into the lounge and were deep in discussion.

"Fucking deep for this early in the morning." Amber noted.

"Yeah, think I'll leave them to it." I went up for a shower, and was just towelling off when Tab walked in and sat on the end of the bed. "Hey, sweets."

"Hey to you, as well. Don't forget we have that meeting with the label to discuss the Aussie trip."

"Yeah, about that." She replied. "Tina just got a call she has to go into the police station this morning. If you're okay with it, I was going to go with her."

"Yeah, no worries, Amber pulled out as well, so you are gonna have to live with my decision."

"Yeah, okay." She gave me a guilty stare. "Aren't you going to ask about this morning?"

"No, I was hoping you would tell me."

"Fair enough. It was just a kiss. Nothing more."


"When I woke up, she was crying again. I just wanted to console her. Somehow it turned into a kiss."

"Would it have been just a kiss if I hadn't walked in?"

She grimaced, swallowed a large lump of something, and replied, "I don't know, Lori, I have to say I'm attracted to her is some weird way. I like her."

Nodding, I knew what she was saying. With Tina, it wasn't physical beauty. That's not entirely true. She is attractive. It's her inner beauty that sucks you in. I certainly understood how Tab was enticed into her sticky web.

"Not sure what to say after that," I replied. "I do understand, because I feel the same way about her. It goes deeper than like though."

"Yeah..." Tab mumbled. "I understand."

She slipped into my arms and her mouth collided with mine. Her kiss was fierce, fuelled by guilt and love. Our tongues dallied, played and slithered sensually together. Her cotton Tee was saturated as her body crushed against me, her nipples hard and erect.

Her hands snatched away the towel I had been using, and her hands clutched my bum cheeks as she mashed her body against me.

Swept up in emotion, my hands clasped her head and I intensified the kiss. She swivelled, pushing me back on the bed, and dived between my legs.
