Losing Everything F/F Ch. 16-20


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I had no cash so I kept walking on foot, trying to plan my next move as a pleasant summer breeze blew gently. When Megan had taken me to the law firm and she had made me give her all my property, she had made me sign another document with which she granted me a loan of one hundred thousand dollars that I would have to return, without interest, in three years. Even then I had wondered why she had made that gesture that I interpreted as an escape route that she was giving to me. I could not help but wondering if she was regretting it, now that she did no longer see me as a friend but as a slave, a miserable being whose sole purpose was to serve her Mistress. I would bet that she would ripped that contract, if only she could do so, after my violent reaction that day.

While I saw a girl of no more than sixteen years to take for a walk her poodle, I remembered of the many times that Megan had taken me around with my leash as a dog. I forced myself to remove those humiliating images from my mind and to stop thinking about Megan.

I had a hundred thousand dollars waiting for me and even though I would have to return them in three years, they would be more than enough for me to start a new life. I already had in mind the idea to share a house with other girls and look for an honest job that would allow me to afford to pay all the expenses.
Of course I should have had a lifestyle very different than she was used to the old Victoria Thomas, because I could not afford to squander the money, having to return an amount so important to Megan. But all this did not scare me, moreover, it could not be otherwise after spending over a month in slavery, sleeping uncomfortably in a cage and spending the rest of the day slaving away for my Mistress. Paradoxically, the only moments of "rest" that were granted to me were when I was being subjected to the humiliation of my old friend or of my former servant. In my new life I'd finally come back to do what I wanted, without anyone telling me what to do, without Megan forbidding me to do something normal like wearing clothes.

But there was one thing that had escaped the control of Megan in the recent weeks. In fact, although she had forbidden me to touch myself without her permission, I had continued to have an orgasm after another during the nights in my cage. Besides, how could I obey her order, if she'd let me have only one orgasm in more than a month? How could I resist if she teased me all day constantly keeping my pussy on fire?

Without even realizing it, I arrived in front of an ATM of my bank. With horror I saw that in my wallet there was no sign of my ATM card. After a moment of panic, I took control of myself, and I thought that was not such a serious problem. It would be enough enter into the bank and say that I lost my card, the important thing was that my id card was safe in my wallet and when the cashier would give me my money, I would have immediately seek a budget hotel where safely spend the night before start to look for my new home.

Lost in my thoughts, I had lost track of time, and my heart sank when I saw that the bank was already closed.

"Where would I spend the night?" I asked in bewilderment.

I was alone and without a dollar, wearing light clothes that certainly would not have kept me warm from the cold of the night, especially intense although it was summer, due to a strong temperature excursion. Then I thought with horror that the dark streets of a city were not the place for a pretty young girl, and I could go against something even worse than what I had suffered in recent weeks.
When discouragement and despair had now gained the upper hand on me, I heard a little voice so shrill that was impossibile not recognize it.

Roxanne Lebowski was talking animatedly on the phone while she was waiting at a bus stop and, judging by her shrill cries it was not a pleasant conversation. Although she was a short woman, and she had a sweet and cute appearance with her wavy blonde hair, she could transform herself when she was angry and I remembered exactly how big and muscled guys seemed to become small, frightened in front of her portentous outbursts.

I had met Roxanne during repetitions of Chemistry that I had been forced to follow after getting an F in two test in a row. Roxanne was so good in that matter that the professor entrusted to her the lab without fear and it was she who had to endure my incapacity on that odious subject. As she explained to me the various chemical bonds she was very kind and affectionate but she almost made me fall off my chair when she scolded me after a blunder. Despite her short-tempered, Roxanne was really a very good person and thanks to her I was able to take a B at the end of the year. As I watched her talking on the phone I saw that she dressed as usual, with petite cardigans, floral knee-length skirt, nylon and black flats.

When she finished her call, I approached her hoping that our meeting was a sign of destiny.

- Roxanne - I said shyly.

- Victoria…Thomas? What are you doing here? It's been so long since I've seen you around - she said.

- It's a long story - I answered, not knowing how to ask for her help.

- Roxanne - I stammered - Could you do me a favor? Unfortunately for several reasons I'm here, alone in the city, with no money and nothing more than what you see me wearing. I went to the ATM to withdraw my money to pay for an hotel but I lost my card and the bank was already closed. I do not know what to do and where to spend the night - I said almost crying.

I saw her looking at me intently with her blue eyes covered by the lenses of her red-frame glasses.

- There is no problem, you can stay at my place if you want to - she said suddenly smiling.

- Thank you so much, I swear I will not create you any hassle and I'll go away tomorrow morning so as to be in the bank as soon as it opens -

- But banks are closed tomorrow - she said to me.

- What? Why? - I asked astonished.

- Tomorrow is July 4th, don't you remember? -

July 4th? It had been over two months since the death of my parents, a few day before that Megan moved into my house, almost two months since I had begged her to be her slave and I allowed her to take my place in the world. All this just to lick those feet that had deprived me of reason. My slavery had made me completely lose track of time and the only thing that helped me to distinguish one day from another was the presence of Jane who worked at Thomas Manor on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The bus arrival interrupted the awkward silence that had been created between us and I was pleased to follow the petite blonde girl without answering other questions about my recent past.

When we got off the bus, she told me that we had to walk a bit 'and she objected when I offered me to bring her shopping bags.

- I beg you, allow me to help you. You saved me today, and it is right that I help you in any way possible - I said with fervor, finally convincing her to let me carry her bags.

The apartment reflected perfectly its owner, it was very small but nice. There was only one bedroom, but the sofa in the small living room looked really comfortable. When Roxanne apologized for the lack of another bed, I reassured her and I told her that I would loved sleeping on her couch. I wonder what she would think if I told her that for two months I had spent the night locked in a cage, naked, with a pile of dirty panties and socks of another girl as a pillow.

Shortly after, I offered to cook dinner and she accepted without a fuss, saying that she was a bad cook and leaving me a bit 'puzzled because I had always had the belief that there were many similarities between chemistry and cooking. When dinner was ready, I went to call Roxanne that she was relaxing sitting on the couch with her legs stretched out on a small glass table. I could not help but look at her little nylon feet, paralyzing me for a few seconds.

- Is dinner ready? - she asked

Her shrill voice brought me back to reality and forced myself to look at her face while I answered.

- Do not you sit down? - Roxanne asked and I suddenly realized that I was standing motionless at her side after serving dinner as if I was waiting an order.

With embarrassment I sat down at the table, thinking that this was the first time in two months that I was eating like a normal person. Usually during dinner my place was under the table with Megan's feet on my face, waiting for my Mistress had finished eating dinner that I had prepared for her. Only when she had finished I was allowed to eat my cold meal but I could not do it at the table. Usually I was forced to eat while I washed the dirty dishes in order to waste less time possible and return soon to the feet of my Mistress. Other times, Megan liked to see me eat like a dog. She placed my plate on the floor and she forced me to eat without the help of my hands. At the first time, I made a mess and I was forced to lick clean the floor that I had fouled. Every time I prepared a soup, Megan giggled while she put her feet inside my bowl and I could only eat soup, sucking it from her toes.

- Is that a necklace? - Roxanne asked pointing to my collar.

- Yes, it’s a gift - I stammered, trying to remove the image of those old humiliations from my mind.

- A gift from a guy? - She asked with a mischievous smile.

From a friend - I said, gently stroking my collar, the symbol of my slavery.

Before going to sleep Roxanne gave me one of her old pajamas and she put the sheets on the couch.

- Good night - she said, handing me a pillow.

- Good night - I said, seeing her go to her room with her hot pink pajamas that made her almost look like a barbie.

I lay on the couch, moaning with pleasure when I felt how soft it was and I thought that my cage was now just a bad memory. I was about to fall asleep when something caught my attention. The black flats of Roxanne were left on the floor next to the glass table on which she had placed her feet before dinner. I turned around to the other side of the couch and I tried to sleep, but it was useless. The sight of her shoes had turned on a light inside of me. I managed to hold only two more minutes, then I stretched my arms and I took her black flats, bringing them to my face. I started sniffing strongly the foot scent and soon my tongue was moving up and down along her insoles while my hand went down between my legs and I started to fingered myself. When the orgasm erupted I fell into a deep sleep, sleeping like I had not slept since two month, Roxanne's shoes still on my face.

Ch 18: Independence day

The next morning Roxanne woke me early, I definitely would have continued to sleep for many more hours. Luckily her flats had slipped to the ground during
the night or I would have to start the day with an awkward conversation, explaining to Roxanne why I had slept with her shoes on my face. Relaxed, I ate my breakfast devouring my bacon and making smile Roxanne that looked at me amazed.

- You look like you haven't eaten in forever - she said.

- I can not help it, I love the bacon - I said with my mouth still full.

Roxanne had prepared breakfast so I offered me to do the dishes. On the sink there were still the dirty dishes from last night and to prove to be useful and not to be a burden, I washed even those with a broad smile on my face.

- I have to go to a party, to which I was invited. Nothing big, just a dozen friends, mostly on vacation from North Carolina, who make a barbecue to celebrate Independence Day. Do you want to come with me? - Roxanne suddenly asked.

"A party? Am I psychologically able to deal with it? Perhaps being surrounded by other people could distract me and then they would be strangers to me so there wasn't the risk of being subjected to an interrogation about my recent past"

- Why not? - I replied, smiling - Great! But we have to hurry because even if we have to be there only at lunch time, before I have to buy alcohol from a shop in the center that I know it’s open today -

- Alcohol? But how will you buy it? You are not 21 - I exclaimed.

- Don't worry, we will pick up a friend of mine who is 22 years old - she answered quietly.

Despite numerous protests I convinced Roxanne to let me make her bed while she had a shower. When I entered in her bedroom I can not deny that I sought her nylon pantyhose with my eyes along the whole room but in vain, I even bent down under the bed, but there was no sign of them. I thought that was almost impossible that Roxanne was still wearing them, though I had not been able to see her legs, hidden by pajamas, or her feet encased in winter slippers despite the heat.

I continued to put order in her room until Roxanne left the bathroom.

- But you should not bother you so much, you are not my maid - she said in her shrill voice when she saw my hard work.

Full of embarrassment I almost ran to the bathroom, I could not conceal from myself that her words had caused a thrill to my pussy. Before I could close the door, Roxanne said:

- Take this, there should be the pool so we will all be in a bathing suit. I think it should fit you, otherwise we will certainly find someone who will lend you one bikini of the right size -

When I looked at the bathroom, I noticed that the washing machine was running and I realized at that moment where Roxanne's nylon were.

"Well, at least I'd be able to see her bare feet today" I thought, already imagining Roxanne and many other girls with their bikini, relaxing on the poolside. My mouth was already watering but that does not surprise me anymore, it was now clear to me that I had a strong attraction to women and especially to their feet. When I came out of the shower, I put on my bathing suit and I realized that it fit me perfectly. I wore over my old pair of jeans and a shirt that Roxanne had given to me.

- Victoria you're done? Could I come in? I forgot my brush in the bathroom -

I opened the door and I let her in. Roxanne began to brush her hair in front of a mirror while I was brushing my teeth. I also saw my reflection in the mirror and my eyes lingered on the metal collar on my neck. I stroked it for a few seconds then with a small voice, I said:

- Roxanne you'd know how I can take it off? -

- What? Oh the necklace? -

- Yes, unfortunately I lost the key and I do not know how to open the lock -

- You lose everything - she said smiling.

- I'm very careless - I answered, embarrassed.

I think I could open it with a hairpin, I'm pretty good with manual work. But why do you want to take it off? You're so cute, it seems so natural on you - Roxanne said, touching my collar.

"It's so natural on me? Really? A slave collar seemed so natural around my neck?” I thought, struck by her words as I saw, reflected in the mirror, Roxanne continue to inspect my collar.

- So…? - She suddenly asked.

- What? - I said, confused.

- Why do you want to take it off? It was a gift from a friend, isn't it?

- She is no longer my friend - I whispered.

Roxanne seem to understand that I did not want to talk about that topic, and she made no further questions but instead she took the hairpin and began to work on the lock. I saw her very focused and she snorted several times. When I thought that she would have failed, I heard a little click and the collar almost slide off my neck.

- Yippee! - Roxanne shouted triumphantly.

"Yippee" I thought in my turn, while the symbol of my slavery was removed. That was really the Independence Day.

- Why yesterday did you take the bus if you have a car? - I asked to Roxanne suddenly, while the small car sped through the city at a speed a bit 'too excessive for my taste.

- A couple of days ago the car had a strange problem and my neighbor, who is a mechanical, offered to have a look at it. He sent me a message while we were on the bus saying that the car was ready and that he had parked it in the usual place -

- I understand - I said without asking more questions, too busy not to show her my fear while the car took a curve at high speed like if we were in an F1 race.

Her friend Courtney was already waiting us in front of her house. She was a black girl with an impressive body. When Roxanne got out from the car to greet her, I found funny the enormous difference in height between the two girls but I was not doing a better figure in comparison with Courtney. We introduced ourselves while I watched her from the bottom up, which is quite unusual for me that I was quite high and that I did not feel so small even close to the boys. My eyes fell for an instant at her feet. Courtney was wearing silver flip flops and she had her toes glazed with red. I had to force myself to keep my mouth closed while I was already drooling at the sight of those huge feet, at least 9.5, imagining her big toes in my mouth.
When we stopped in front of the liquor store, I realized to be very close to Thomas Manor. After a little hesitation I told Roxanne that I had a thing to do and that I would be come back in a few minutes, she asked no questions as she followed Courtney in the shop.

A few seconds later I was at the entrance gate of Thomas Manor. It was not possible to take a look inside so it was impossible for me to know if Megan was in the house.

"My house" I thought regretfully realizing that I could no longer set foot in that place that meant so much to me and that gave me so many memories. There was no going back, Thomas Manor now belonged to that orphan girl who was so was amazed by the size of the estate when she saw it for the first time, a young girl who would never have imagined that one day would have subtracted that immense house to her best friend, who so happily showed her one room after another, becoming the absolute Mistress of Thomas Manor.

I stood looking at the black gate for almost a minute, then I shoved my hands in the backpack that Roxanne had lent me and I pulled out my collar. After looking for a last time the metal band that for almost two months was around my neck, I put the collar inside the mailbox and I went back to the car where Roxanne and Courtney were already waiting for me.

Dave, the owner of the house, welcomed us warmly and introduced us to his friends that came from North Carolina, who were already almost everyone in the pool. Our group was made up of twelve people, seven boys and five girls. The two female guests of Dave were Rita and Pamela and both had brown hair. While we were changing clothes to stay in a bathing suit, Roxanne told me that one of the other guys had to be the brother of Pamela but she had not idea who he was. We discovered it shortly after, it was in fact Pamela that presented to us his brother Fred, who by the look had to be the youngest of the group. Fred had red hair and many freckles on his nose, I could not help but notice that he looked me and Roxanne with great interest.

When we were in a bathing suit, I did not lose time to lower my gaze to see for the first time Roxanne's bare feet which were really nice despite minor imperfections to her toes that do not allow her to bear a comparison with Megan or Charlotte. Needless to say, I would have thrown myself the same at her feet to worship them and sucking her toes that were painted with a shining yellow.

For a moment I glimpsed farther Courtney near one of the guys, I think his name was Robert, and I could not help but smile, seeing that even him was overtopped by that ebony goddess.

- Come on, let's dive into the pool - Roxanne told me and I follow the petite girl, watching her delicate soles as she walked.

Alcohol flowed freely but I did not drink nothing for fear of doing something stupid and embarrassing, even when I was sober I was barely able to hold off my instincts. Around four in the afternoon they were all drunk, and while the boys almost killed themselves jumping into the pool from the first floor balcony, the girls told each other their past sexual experiences without fear to reveal the most intimate and embarrassing details. I never had a relationship with a man so I walked away saying that I had to use the bathroom.