Lost Ch. 01

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Newly divorced man is lost . . . until he is found.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/20/2023
Created 06/16/2023
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Dedicated to Boxwood.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, merchandise, companies, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

Chapter One

Daniel was deathly bored.

He swirled the expensive bourbon in his cut crystal tumbler and looked around the hotel bar, paying no mind to the playoff basketball game on television that featured his home team or to the two attractive middle-aged women deep in conversation who were sitting next to him.

The last thing I need is another relationship.

He'd just exited a twenty-year marriage with his college sweetheart, a marriage that went sour as they slowly drifted apart. Sure, the divorce was expensive, but it was worth it. He felt as if he was trapped in an invisible prison and couldn't breathe. But he soon discovered that freedom, single at age forty-three, wasn't all it was cracked up to be either.

He took a moment to savor the rich aroma of the bourbon before reflecting further, wondering how he could bring new meaning to his life.

A fancy sports car? Been there and done that.

Live sports? It was no fun going alone, and his buddies had their usual litany of excuses - - too expensive, wife wouldn't let me go, had to drive my daughter to her soccer game - the list went on and on and he was tired of hearing those lame excuses for living.

Exotic vacation? See above.

He checked his watch. It was barely half past seven and it wasn't close to the time to go to his room. Sure, he had an important business meeting the next morning. That's why he was in Philadelphia instead of his home in Atlanta. He had at least three hours to burn and not a clue about how to do it.

Daniel signaled the bartender, a man in his late twenties with short cropped dark hair, to close out his bar tab.

"Early evening?" the man asked, picking up Daniel's empty glass and the hotel logoed napkin underneath it.

"Maybe not," said Daniel, though not knowing why he said it.

The bartender had seen that look of boredom, with a tinge of despair, many times before. He went back to the register to run Daniel's credit card and returned with the card and receipt. Daniel scribbled in a generous tip and handed the receipt back to the bartender. Before he could get out of his seat the bartender slipped a business card in front of him.

"Looking for something different?" he asked Daniel.

Daniel picked up the card.

Drake's. 534 Central Street, Philadelphia, PA

Daniel fingered the glossy black business card, then turned it over to see the back was blank.

"What kind of place is this?" Daniel asked, not having a clue.

"It's a bar for guys like you," he said.

"Guys like me?"

He looked into Daniel's eyes. The connection was immediate.

"Oh," Daniel said, not realizing he was lowering his eyes to the counter.

"Just tell the owner that Joey sent you."

Joey? And what kind of bar would it be? I have nothing better to do. Why not?

"Thanks," said Daniel, pocketing the business card.

* * *

It was a short Uber ride to the address on the card. There were no external markings on the brick front building other than the address in brass letters. There was ivy covering the walls halfway up and the entrance was small and tasteful. Daniel stepped out and wanting to make sure once more, pulled the card out of his pocket and checked the address. He took a deep breath and pulled on the polished brass handle. Inside it was dark, just light enough to make out shapes but not the detail of faces sitting at the bar. Daniel sensed eyes watching him as he walked towards it.

"Excuse me," said a tall, blonde woman in a low-cut black dress, intercepting Daniel before he took another step. "May I help you?"

Not knowing what to expect, and encountering a beautiful woman, needless to say Daniel was flustered. "No . . . yes," he said in a halting fashion. "Umm, Joey sent me," he finally blurted, as if he was disgorging a state secret.

The blonde took a step back to regard her latest catch. "Did he now?"

"Uh, yes . . . the Ritz . . ."

"Yes, yes, I know where," she said as if she was impatient. In truth, she was anything but impatient. She wanted to draw this part out. A fresh fish in her net, this one from Joey. Joey was a sub who served the woman for two years.

Yeah, Joey has a good eye. He's a good looking one. I'll enjoy this.

She chided herself for being short. "How can I help you?" she asked in a more charming tone.

"A drink," he said, finding the right words right away.

"That . . . we can do," she said, walking towards a twenty-foot-long bar made of some dark polished wood with brass fixtures in the same style as the front door. She ducked behind the counter. The barman, who was polishing a wine glass, moved over to make room for her.

Daniel watched her intently when she walked away. He squinted in the low light. Her hips moved with grace on a long, lean frame. She looked comfortable wearing very high heels. Her golden colored hair swished back and forth against her back.

Joey was right. This is the place for me. It feels right.

Daniel's skin prickled as he watched the blonde stand behind the bar and then signal to him with a "come hither" motion with her index finger. Daniel scampered over.

This one's an eager one.

"So what do you want?" the woman asked.

"Bourbon," he said.

Daniel watched her slender arm reach upwards to retrieve a bottle with a handwritten label. She put the bottle on the bar and looked at him.

"This is the house brand. I bottle it myself. We age it in used wine barrels."

She poured him two fingers.

He took a sip. It was damn good.

"That'll do," he said, sounding calm and collected, which he wasn't.

She leaned over with her elbows on the bar. He had a clear view of her significant cleavage.

"But that's not what you really wanted, is it?"

This is the best part. Baiting the hook.

Her question took away his façade of calmness.

"I'm not sure what I want," he said, spelling out his life story in a single phrase.

"Of course you don't. But I do," she said, spelling out his future in a single phrase.

"Let's step outside and have a cigarette," she said.

"I don't smoke," said Daniel.

She tilted her head slightly sideways. Her face said "Really?"

"Of course," he said, getting up. The woman got out from behind the bar.

"My name's Briana. Briana Drake. My friends call me Bree." Then she patted his bottom on her way past. "You're not a friend yet," she said over her shoulder.

Not knowing what else to do he dutifully followed her to the door marked "Emergency Exit" at the rear of the bar. She pushed it open but the alarm didn't sound.

"The sign's just to keep the riff raff out," she said, holding the door open for him. He stepped into a narrow alley between two buildings. There were a number of cigarette butts on the ground.

She leaned back against the ivy-covered brick wall. She opened a small clutch purse and pulled out a crumpled pack of cigarettes. She put a cigarette in her mouth and handed him the lighter. She leaned over to allow him to light her cigarette.

He accepted one from her and lit it. He coughed. She laughed.

He's hooked. Almost too easy.

She took another puff and let it out slowly. "Divorced?"

He shook his head.

She's good.

He coughed again, this time out of nervousness. "Did you want me to tell you what I do?"

She paused for a moment. "Not really, unless it's important to you."

He thought about it for a moment and realized it wasn't. "Never mind."

She laughed. "Thought so."

"So what do you really want to know?" he asked.

She took a long drag on her cigarette and let out a large plume of smoke, exhaling upwards. Daniel watched the smoke dissipate before returning his focus to her.

She must be ten years younger than me, and far too attractive to be with someone like me. I wonder what she sees in me?

"I see someone who's lost. Someone who is looking for meaning in his life. Am I right?"

Daniel stood there feeling somewhat frightened.

How can she see so easily through me? I feel like there's a clear pane of glass covering my soul.

"You know you are," he said.

She took one last puff and crushed the cigarette under the sole of her shoe. Daniel was mesmerized by the movement of her foot and the elegant line of her bare calf and ankle.

"So what do you see in me?" she asked.

Briana could see the internal struggle in his mind - - to say something intelligent, yet inoffensive.

He finally spoke up. "A beautiful woman."

"Underneath that," she said quickly. "You can do better than that."

"Mysterious . . . intelligent . . . perceptive," he said, looking at her.

"Better," she said. "Tell me more."

Daniel dug deeper. This was not the usual conversation with a woman, even with his wife when he was married.

"Aggressive . . . controlling . . ."

Daniel stubbed out his cigarette, having taken just one puff.

Briana smiled. "Now we're getting somewhere. So why don't you describe yourself?"

"Middle aged . . . bored . . . and if I have to be honest, you captured it perfectly when you said I was lost. I don't even know why I'm here."

"You know why you're here with me in this alley." She unbuttoned another button of her blouse. Her bra and the tops of her creamy white breasts were clearly visible.

"You're here because you want me. Isn't that so?"

He's on the hook. He's barely putting up a fight.

Daniel was unashamed to be staring at Briana's cleavage.

"Yes," he said, while keeping his focus on her breasts.

She's gotten me to tell her more about myself in five minutes than I've told my ex in twenty years. What's next?

"Let me show you what you want and how badly you want it."

She grasped his wrist with one hand and used the other to bend his index finger backwards. He felt a stretch in his forearm. She bent it back a bit more and it started to ache. They locked eyes. His were wide open. Hers showed determination.

She let go. He gave a big sigh of relief, flexing his finger. She unbuttoned one of her three remaining buttons on her blouse. He could see her bra covered breasts. He couldn't help himself as he started sporting an erection. She noticed.

"Would you like to see more?"

"Yes," he admitted.

She repeated the finger bending, but this time further back and longer. Beads of sweat started forming on his brow. He ignored the pain. She let go and undid the last two buttons of her blouse. She pulled her blouse open. Daniel's penis was unabashedly throbbing in his pants.

"Let's see what you'll do to see my breasts. You do want to see them, don't you?"

"You know I do."

"I do. But it gives me pleasure to hear you say it."

This time Daniel offered his hand without being asked. Briana bent his finger back, this time bringing him to his knees. He was panting heavily before she released it.

She looked down and watched his eyes as she released the front clasp of her bra. The cups fell aside, and her bare breasts were exposed. She felt a wetness between her legs as she witnessed his lustful stare.

Daniel realized the pants of his $1,000 suit were resting on the broken asphalt of the alley. Loose stones were digging into his knees.

She bent over so her breasts hung heavily oh so close to his face. If he had stuck out his tongue he could have licked them. He suppressed the impulse.

"Wanting me is better than having me," she said to his disbelieving ears. "Do you believe me?"

Is this a trick question?

"No," said Daniel, thinking that would be the end of it.

Briana laughed. "Of course you don't. But men always think with their penis. Yours is telling me something different. Let me see it. Now."

Did I hear her right? Here? Outside in a public alley?

"Now?" he asked.

"Could I have been clearer?"

Daniel was a respected middle-aged businessman wearing an expensive suit, not a pervert wearing a trench coat and no pants. Yet he was kneeling in a semi-public place and considering taking his penis out for a woman he'd just met.

This is the moment of truth. Once he does this he's mine.

Daniel looked around, then slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, lowering his boxer shorts and freeing his burgeoning erection. Briana squeezed her thighs together, relishing her new prize.

Daniel looked up at her with puppy dog eyes. She rolled one of her erect nipples between her fingers.

"Jack off into your hand."

Daniel knew better than to ask her a question. He had already taken the first step down a long dark and untraveled road. Would he dare take another? His listened to his penis's cry for relief. His right hand grasped his pulsing shaft and started to stroke it. Briana reached under her skirt and started to finger her sopping wet cunt.

Daniel's eyes went between Briana's breasts and the motion under her skirt as he jacked off, feeling the rawest of emotions - - lust and want swirled together in a heady cocktail. His hand moved faster as he watched her play with herself under her skirt. Even though he couldn't see her pussy, the thought of her fingers with perfectly manicured bright red nails moving through her slick golden blonde pubic hairs was enough to inflame his desire to dizzying heights.

He couldn't hold off the orgasm bubbling up between his legs so he let go, closing his eyes, and letting his cum spurt out into his outstretched palm. It was the most powerful orgasm of his life and left him gasping and wheezing to draw a breath.

Briana too was feeding off Daniel's energy. She wanted to cum with him, and as his cock erupted she too felt a highly charged climax that reduced her knees to rubber. She put her hand on his shoulder to steady herself.

Briana savored the moment and the victory.

Then she demanded a show of fealty.

"Lick it up."

Daniel was still panting hard and his ability to resist her had evaporated into the cool night air. He regarded the puddle of cum in his palm before he willingly lapped it up.

It was his first taste of submission.

It was delicious.

* * *

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NEthingGozeNEthingGoze11 months ago

as enticing as Bree herself, nice opening

Long2bLockedLong2bLockedabout 1 year ago

I love this start. I agree with some others that it’s a bit fast but it’s extremely well written. I look forward to more. It’s difficult to balance a realistic story with something exciting and arousing to read. I’m more than willing to give up a little realism for a good female domination story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I agree with whackdoodle 100%. Just too automatic. How is he suddenly a super-sub? Good story idea but insta-sub hurts it.

frankjohnson2448frankjohnson2448about 1 year ago

Remarkable. Totally enjoyable. Thanks. I am looking forward to future chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow!! This is the first story I have read of yours! What a great start for a series. I can’t wait to read some of your other stories!!

justlongtobejustlongtobeabout 1 year ago

Wow.....I wanna be lost too

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love that she had him lick up his mess! Such a yummy treat and hopefully he can clean his mess from other fun places too!

Grogu269Grogu269about 1 year ago

You know right where to grab a guy......

browndeerbibrowndeerbiabout 1 year ago

Thank you for the start of a wonderful story line.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Interesting premise.

Too short.

All buildup for future chapters.

Four stars.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 1 year ago

He’s bored, not submissive. It was too fast, too easy and too…neatly packaged.

Here a man: Successful in business, a failure in relationships. Wealthy. Looks after himself. He isn’t going to start smoking just because a blonde gives him a cigarette. Not only does it stink, you pay to get lung cancer and you become addicted to it….not something he would do. Might as well start a heroin or meth addiction.

He has all the qualities attractive young women would go for so why pretend them at he’s a loser in love. He literally says he doesn’t want a relationship; but he’s bored.

Don’t make him to be an idiot at the same time.

cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

Good boys always clean up their goo.

Looking forward to his journey as her submissive. Bravo!

joefeltonjoefeltonabout 1 year ago

nice buildup of the excitement!! Love to have her ball busting him in future chapters.

MigbirdMigbirdabout 1 year ago

Almost hypnotic; intensely tumescent and only the first piece of Lost. I’m hooked.

pcman1950pcman1950about 1 year ago

Keep it up; keep him down!

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Lost Ch. 02 Next Part
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