Lot in Life Ch. 01


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Three drinks in fifteen minutes was obviously too much for me, and I closed my eyes to quell a dizzy feeling. Karma put an cool mask over my eyes and told me to relax, that they'd return in a few minutes to 'deal with my hair', figure out my makeup, and then sort out wardrobe and uniform. I just nodded and tried not to throw up.

And fell asleep in whatever period of time passed. The next thing I knew, I was waking up, with them all gathered around. I was facing the wall, not the mirrors of the vanity, so I couldn't see what they'd done. Whatever it was would wash off though. I could see the clock by Karma's king size bed, and it was past ten o'clock now. I'd been out for a while.

"Well, Pancake, we've given you the official pledge haircut, but before we remove the towel and let you see, we want to talk about your makeup. As much as it pains us to admit it, you look pretty good with just basic makeup, and we've agreed that we'll each take turns doing up special makeup as needed. Sometimes it'll be silly, other times more, well, sexy than you're used to. But we'll be in charge. Otherwise, you'll not wear any makeup at all. We think it suits you.

I was OK with that, and actually happy to not have to wear makeup all the time. I liked my skin the way it was. And I could put up with a night here and there looking like a clown or tart.

And then they pulled off the towel and spun my chair around.

I'd started the evening with long that reached half-way down my back. They'd left me with less. Much less. In fact, they'd left me with no hair at all. They'd shaved me bald. I was stunned and had no words. I felt cold.

"Claire had the idea, and we all agreed it would work great." They all nodded.

Claire interrupted Sara, "Now I bet you're wondering how you'll be able to go back home tomorrow to your parents bald, but have no fear, we've bought you your first wig so that when we let you, you'll have a way to keep your new secret. And just think how much you're going to save on shampoo."

"From now on, your duty, as pledge, is to ensure you have no hair on your body, other than your eyebrows and eyelashes. If we catch you with any, you'll receive a punishment."

I was in shock, I think. I'd been growing my hair out for as long as I could remember. It was the part that helped me look more feminine, despite lacking the curves most women my age had. Now, looking in the mirror, I realized that I looked like a bald androgynous manikin.

Heather was supportive, in a way, "Just think, you can change your appearance with a wig so easily -- really we've done you a favour Pledge." I looked up at her with big eyes, tears about to spill out. "You should thank us."

I felt broken. "Thank you."

"Mistresses. We're mistresses of the sorority, and you shall address us as such or in other more appropriate ways as we come up with them.

"Thank you mistresses."

I managed to hold back my tears right then. I resolved that I would make them earn every tear, and not give them anything I didn't have to -- let them get their satisfaction from something other than my obvious misery.

"May I please see the wig you purchased for me Mistress?" The wig was fetched and put on my head, and, I must admit, it looked like a normal head of blonde hair. Sure it was a different, much shorter cut than I normally wore, but that was ok. I could do this.

"Thank you mistresses." I would feed them their lines and make them happy. I could do it.

Then they stood me up, in my naked hairless glory, and walked me toward the centre of the room. My throat was dry, as it often is after a nap, and the alcohol they'd fed me earlier had done its work dehydrating me.

They surrounded me, four people relishing my humiliation, knowing they had won.

"OK, you're not fat, that's a good thing. But besides being skinny, your don't have tits or an ass to speak of." Karma was cool in her delivery.

Sara continued, "But we've figured out and collected together some outfits that we'll let you wear through the summer here. We'll decide your outfits for State when we get there. We'll also have to decide on your uniform for working around the house, but that can come later."

"Heather should have your thanks, because she's the one that reminded us you didn't need any bras at all, for obvious reasons." Claire smiled at Heather, and then looked at me, "Don't you have something to say?"

"Thank you..." I noticed the stares, "...Mistress Heather?" I got nods and felt some relief . In reality, the padded bras were the only source for any curves on my upper body, and also served to cover up my always-hard little nipples. I could do this, though. I could do this. I closed my eyes and looked upward as hard as I could in an effort to stop the tears.

Heather started talking next, "Now, we want to save money where we can. We picked up some men's underwear cheap, just tightie-whities for when you're having your period, otherwise, why waste the money on undies; there's no bra to match them too." I just stared back. "Glad you're OK with that, pledge. Now try on your first outfit."

I turned to look for the outfit she wanted me to try on, and I found Karma holding out a pale yellow sundress on a hanger. It didn't look bad, actually, though I didn't often wear dresses. I reached out for it, and pulled it on over my head. It slid down my body, the thing cotton feeling nice against my cool skin, and it was a relief to be wearing clothes again.

I realized quickly that the dress they'd picked up was a bit too big for me, and the thin straps held the dress just above my nipples in front. If I leaned forward at all, it would gape, and anyone nearby would be able to see straight down -- and see my lack of assets. At least it reached below my knees, and it was suited to the hot summers around here. I looked in the mirror and thought, except for missing my padded bra, that I looked pretty good, even if the hair was a wig -- it was a pretty good wig.

I remembered before they said anything, "Thank you mistresses." I'd smother them with compliance so that they got bored of me quickly. I laugh now, these many years later, at how naive I was being.

Now, so many years later, exactly, which of the clothes they would later make me wear or allow me to wear were actually tried on that night. I know that most of them, without a bra, ensured my nipples were obvious, confirmed my flatness, and even gaped when possible. I was thanking myself, though, that I had clothes. I was trying to look on the bright side of this black hole I'd fallen into.

The final outfit they made me try on that night was the one that covered the most of my skin, while in fact revealing every wrinkle, bump, and, if I'd had any left, hair on my body. It was a body stocking that covered me from head to toe, bar my face which peeked out through a round opening. It even covered my hands and feet like gloves, actually having separate toes built-in.

Before I'd tried it on, the garment had looked impossibly small, as though it was designed for a toddler. But the fabric stretched. And clung tightly. The black fabric had me hoping that it would be opaque when on, but I soon realized that wasn't the case. I looked toward a full-length mirror and realized that in addition to showing my nipples in clear relief through the fabric, it was also possible to see their darker form standing out against my white flesh; and the shadow of my belly button. And the cleft of my pussy.

"Look, you can see her ass crack, even the freckles on her shoulders. And it clings so tightly. Look how it's pulled up into her. I love it." Claire was relishing my humiliation.

"That's the last outfit for tonight Pancake," said Sara, and I was relieved, thinking that the night's ordeal would soon be over.

"Let's go downstairs, I'll meet you all down there. Listen for Jackson." Karma's word was followed, and I meekly followed along.

As we reached the bottom of the main stairs, the doorbell went off and I was horrified when Heather pushed me toward it. "I think you should go let Jackson in. From now on, you'll do things like get the door when you're around."

"Yes Mistress." I walked to the door, my head down. I opened it without seeing who was there, and didn't even feel relief that it was only Jackson.

Jackson seemed to love my outfit. "You said I'd enjoy it, and you're right. Look at that, I can see the bumps around her nipples, I can see her slit and know she's shaved down the....woah." Jackson stopped talking and walked around me looking at my head. I'd forgotten about my missing hair. And realized that with this outfit stretched tight over my bald head, it was very obvious just how naked I was under it.

"You guys shaved her head? That's awesome. She's just so bare that way. So exposed. And that outfit just shows that off. Why not just have her naked though?"

I cringed at the fear of being naked again in front of him. I'd gotten resigned to being nude in front of the girls, but this guy was something different. Anyone else was something different. Perhaps numb would be a better word to use than resigned.

Karma was the one to answer as she came downstairs, "This way she won't leave a slime trail wherever she sits down. She also has to ask for help to take it off since the zipper's in the back. She can't even go to the bathroom without our help right now. And best of all, she'll fade into the shadows when we don't want to see her."

They all laughed at that.

I was led toward the media room where Karma sat us all down. Well, everyone but me. I was told to stand beside the TV and to make sure to refill everyone's drink orders -- one of my standing jobs now -- and otherwise be quiet unless spoken to.

I couldn't even see the TV and, in fact, was reprimanded a few times for turning to look at it.

The night passed with me standing there, side-lit by the TV except when I was getting people drinks. I had nothing myself, both because nothing was offered but also so that I was spared the embarrassment of needing to go to the bathroom. When standing there, I looked out into the darkness, their faces lit-up by the TV screen.

You'd think that this would have been easier than the last time I was here. Essentially they ignored me other than snorting with laughter now and then when I caught their attention. The best part of the night, it's true, was being mostly ignored in the mostly dark room.

I didn't really appreciate it though, because what was on the screen was a video of the entire time I spent in Karma's room, from my arrival, through falling asleep and having my head shaved, to trying on and off all the outfits. The camera must have been on a shelf in her room, and while not exciting in terms of artistic composition, had no trouble capturing my humiliation in its wide angle lens. I admit I cried silently as I listened to them talk about what they were seeing, about what it was like to do it, about how foolish I looked.

Jackson found it 'cool' and 'hilarious' and was disappointed when told he couldn't show it to his buddies at the gym. I was relieved, then, with the hope that, indeed, if I stuck it through, my shame would remain private amongst the six of us.

When the movie was over, I was ordered to clean up and wait by the front door. I stood there, having wiped my face off, quickly, with the cloth I was using to dry the glasses. I didn't cry again that night, at least not while they could see me.

I was relieved when Karma and the rest appeared and she bid them goodnight. They all looked at me, and though they politely said goodbye to me, their contempt was obvious. But at least they left. "Goodbye Mistresses and...?" I didn't know what to call Jackson. "Sir?"

That got a nod from Karma and, I was hopeful, a small smile of approval. At least I'd be going home soon too.

Alas, that wasn't to be.

"Come along, I didn't tell you before, but I arranged with your mother for you to spend the rest of the weekend sleeping over here." She led me upstairs and I wondered if I'd been sleeping in the same bed they'd put me in last time I was here. It would offer me some much needed privacy.

"My folks are away through the rest of the summer, and apart from the cleaning lady, gardener, and pool service, I have the run of the place this summer. You'll probably get to sleep here, with your sorority sister, a few times over the next few months. I shivered at the prospect. But I can't be bothered with making up a spare bed. Instead you get to sleep on the floor in my room, in case I need anything in the night."

She was taking away another piece of my dignity, but I could survive a night sleeping on the thick carpet in her room. She even pointed at an old blanket I could use, though there was no pillow. "Now, let me get that zipper for you. Before you go to sleep, make sure you hand wash the outfit; you can put it on this towel to dry after you do so. Then have a a shower, and you can go to sleep."

She didn't bother waiting for a reply, instead walking toward her bathroom and closing the door behind her.

It was odd walking around in that large unfamiliar house in the dark that night. I didn't turn on lights, instead relying on the moonlight that filtered through the windows. I stood naked in the laundry room as I washed the body stocking in the large, deep metal sink. I read the label, and realized it had originated at a local theatre shop.

I went back up to Karma's room to find her sleeping under a thick duvet. I closed the door to her bathroom, had a quick shower in the near darkness, wiped down the shower, and silently found my way to my 'bed' on the floor. It was midnight when I lay down, and the last time I saw the red lights of the clock it was four in the morning. Eventually exhaustion must have taken me.

I dreamed that my lot in life was different -- that I was surrounded by friends and wealthy -- but this turned to a nightmare when I looked down and saw I was naked, and all my friends were pointing and laughing.


This was the start of an ordeal with many notable experiences mixed with common day debasements and the odd positive moment. I'll share some of these brief episodes with you in the future, and hopefully they can serve some positive purpose.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This is an extreme story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
great story

I really admire your writing. looking for a follow up on this.one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
More please!

Loving this, really well-written stuff. I am really looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Nice story

It's some heavy stuff, but I kinda like it. I know this is selfish but I would appreciate it if the boy wasn't included too much (or not at all) in future episodes. That's just a suggestion though, do your thing and don't listen too much to me.

naykedanonymousnaykedanonymousover 12 years agoAuthor
Thank you for the feedback!

I really appreciate having constructive feedback. Thank you.

I set this as a challenge to myself, as I primarily write only exhibitionist/voyeur/fun willing participant sorta stuff. I found it quite difficult, as this is very far from any associations I have with sex/nudity, and from my own beliefs about cruelty like this. The next chapter is much less depressing and inhumane (to me), though the situation remains the same.

nayked <3

mel_pomenemel_pomeneover 12 years ago
Pretty heavy stuff.

But, when one takes into consideration the caveat at the start of this piece, a very well-written and fascinating tale.

I look forward to reading more of this fantasy; thank you for sharing it with us.

Five stars, as much for honesty as anything else!

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