Louise Ch. 12


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"I heard from the genealogist." Patrick replied.

"And?" Nathan asked eagerly

"I was waiting for you so that I could call him back." Patrick replied.

A few minutes later, they had the genealogist on speakerphone.

"Jackson, its Patrick Sinclaire. I have my nephew Nathan with me."

"Hello!" Jackson said enthusiastically. "I have the most exciting news for you! It's simply amazing!"

Patrick and Nathan looked at each other and waited. Patrick knew the genealogist well, and according to him, everything was amazing and exciting. Finally, Jackson finished gushing and got down to business.

"The information that you provided was more than enough to get me started but knowing specific names were what really helped. I'll start with the maternal side of each family since ladies come first. The grandmothers of your mates are half Cherokee, and their great grandmothers were full blood Cherokee as were their mothers and grandmothers. I don't know how much you know about the Cherokee Indians so bear with me as I give you a crash course.

They are considered one of the five great tribes. Linguistically, they are part of the Iroquoian language family. They originated in the Great lakes area and then migrated south to the Carolinas, Georgia and Eastern Tennessee. Your mates' Black relatives came from Eastern Tennessee which is where they met their Indian mates."

Nathan and Patrick were fascinated.

"Anyway, the Cherokee culture is a matrilineal society meaning that the women controlled the property, and the children are born into the mother's clan where they gain hereditary status. Any advancement in the tribe was subject to the approval of the female elders. I'm sure that you're wondering what this has to do with your mate's family." Jackson said.

Nathan was leaning forward in his seat fighting not to tell the genealogist to get on with it.

"Your mates and their family were high up on the tier. Their grand mothers several generations back were both female elders of the tribe at different times of course. One's name was Ahyoka, which means bringer of happiness, and the other one on the paternal side ironically had the same name. From what I could find out about them, they were both strong empaths as well as warriors as the females of the tribe often were. That would explain the gift of empathy that the ones named Louise, Leon and Celeste seem to have.

On the father's side of the family, the origins seemed to have started in South Africa with the Zulu tribe. They had healers, which were called Sangomas who had a variety of duties, which included healing, and tending to social disharmonies. They also were proficient in divination, counteracting witches and directing rituals. Their belief was that the ancestors from the spirit world gave guidance and advice on how to protect and heal the living. There is very intensive training for this that involves learning humility and going through a purification ritual. Again, we see the gift of empathy. The name of the female relative who was one of the healers was named Khanyisile, which means Bright Light. Any questions so far?"

"No keep going." Patrick replied.

"So we now know where the gifts of empathy and their strength come from. Now, one of your mates is able to read the thoughts of vampires and communicate with them am I correct?" Jackson asked.

"That would be my mate Kevyn." Patrick replied.

"A very rare and powerful gift and one that I would take care to keep secret." Jackson replied. "Her gift seems to come from the paternal side of the family. The great grandfather, Cleveland Yancy was an entertainer of sorts; he could read people's thoughts."

"A telepath." Patrick murmured.

"And a powerful one at that. It was a gift that saved his life and the lives of his family several times. The maternal great grandfather was ungifted as far as I can tell and I'm not sure of where your mates' mother Wanda Yancy got her gift unless she was naturally intuitive and she was mildly clairvoyant. Why she wasn't gifted with empathy, I don't know. I can research more if you like. From what I can tell, the father was only slightly gifted as evidenced by what we already knew. I would also venture to say that Nathan's mate is also clairvoyant to some degree, and it has the potential to grow as strong as her other gifts. As with Patrick's mate, it is a gift that I would keep secret. Would you like me to continue my research?"

Nathan looked at Patrick and shrugged, "up to you."

"Sure, and while you're at it, can you make up one of those family tree charts and add us to it. I know that you have one for us so add the Yancy family to that one. I would also like to keep you on retainer."

"As you wish." Jackson said and hung up and then called back.

"I forgot to mention something else that may be of interest to you. I took the liberty of looking back into your family history and found that this isn't the first time that the Yancy line has intersected with the Sinclaire line."

What do you mean?" Nathan asked.

"Every few centuries it seems that someone from the Yancy line interacts with someone from your line whether it is marriage or otherwise..."

"But we've always been vampire..." Patrick said and then stopped. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that your family and the family of your mates have always been connected in some way. You and your mates aren't closely related if that's your concern. The matings that have occurred are centuries apart with the last one occurring long before you, Patrick came into being. If my calculations are correct, it will be centuries after this current generation before it happens again. It appears that the Yancy line was created specifically for the Sinclaire line. I repeat that it does not mean that there will always be matings. Those seem to be far and few in between. If you like, I can write up the Sinclaire/Yancy timeline so you can see exactly where these meetings have taken place."

"Please." Patrick replied.

"Consider it done although it will take a while."

"No hurry, you've given us much more than we asked for. Thank you." Patrick replied.

After they hung up for the second time, Patrick and Nathan looked at each other and grinned.

"I'll be damned." Patrick muttered.

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DoctimeDoctimeover 10 years ago

I haven't read any other comments yet. I presume that probably most of your female readers have spotted it. I am just proud of myself as, I am seldom clairvoyant.

vickivalevickivaleover 11 years ago
I'll be damned is right

This story just got VERY interesting. I take a break from this story to read Thorne but OH MY!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I agree with ScorpMoon, in some aspect and disagree in others.

Yes, the Sinclaires are or used to be Rapist Vampires, but thru the love of good women they have changed. And before Patrick's father died he changed too. But that was due to Jesse killing himself. Tragic but love has always been tragic. But Barb on the other hand although could be a good person choses not to be. Anytime a small child (Celeste) does not trust you then it shows you are just pure evil. Most children are shy but not with their families...Celeste knows her Aunt Barb is not right. She reminds me of my sister ( the oldest child is 10 years older than I am, and between us there is 5 boys and I have a brother a year younger than me) who always felt we were abused as children because we never had the new clothes or fancy things everyone else had. My mother had 8 children before she was 26 years old. My mom worked part time and my father was in and out of the hospital with different ailments all while we were growing up so she basically raised us alone. She has given her children everything and they wanted for nothing and now her oldest age 42 is in prison for drugs, her youngest has 4 children and he barely completed high school and has finally gotten a part time job just to pay his child support and lives at home at the age of 24, and the middle child age 31 had to marry and leave home inorder to get her life together . I commend her for it and is doing well. I have never felt the abuse, I always felt the love, but I guess I am like Louise. I love my sister just as Louise loves Barb, but we know what they are about and leave them to it. Kalamazoo707 you are a terrific writer and this series of stories has touched me and that says something for your ability to write a good story! Thank You! 5 stars!

MadameblaqueMadameblaqueover 11 years ago

Rooting for Juliette and Hans. If barb is pregnant, maybe she will change??great chapter!!!

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmalmost 12 years ago
Who's Bab's baby daddy?

Now if I remember right, didn't Thorne and his boy hit with Babs?

So it could be either, right? Do they do vampire baby daddy DNA tests

on the Maury Povich Show?

She can't be redeemed and this kid is going to kick her greedy ass in more ways than one!!! Trust that !!!!

Both the Sinclair and the Yancy clans need to put her on their watch list and keep it moving. That bitch is radioactive to be sure.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I was thinking the same thing...

She might be pregnant. If so I was hoping that she could be redeemed by being of some help to Thorn's brother. That would endear her to him. I don't mind that she is a bitch. Hey, Erica Kane, Alexis Carrington, and Amanda Woodward are of few of my favorite tv characters. I just wish that she wasn't so jealous hearted and selfish, especially towards her family. Mean is one thing but I despise the emotion of jealousy. I think it shows that you are weak. She just needs a strong male who adores her but who will still put her in her place. Kinda like Linda (I think) and her husband.

Awe and I was kinda hoping that Juliette was for Joseph, although I don't quite know what his deal yet.

Iread2relaxIread2relaxalmost 12 years ago

I kinda like rooting for the underdog. Barb is so far under and she doesn't even know it. Or maybe she does. I'd love to she her happy, but then again I'm still rootng for Poor Hank (COTA). So pay me no mind. Great chapter, btw , 5 stars.

ScorpMoonScorpMoonalmost 12 years ago
Falon, I agree :-)

I also see potential for Barb to turn around. I mean if the author can redeem Ethan, Martin, and Patrick who are all rapists, but sympathetic characters because they found their mates, even when Ethan and Martin brutally raped their own mates, then BARB can be redeemed. At least she's not a rapist. It was hard to read and root for Ethan, Martin, and Patrick considering Patrick almost raped his student, but was stopped because his brothers were there to help him.

Naw, I'm not about to side with the Sinclair's who have a history of brutally raping women, then making them forget by erasing their memories. SOme of the readers must be under the same amnesia because Nathan's daddy raped his own mom. If I were Barb, and found out that her inlaws were rapists, reformed even, while looking down on Barb's goals, then I'd remind them of how deplorable their family history is and they have NO RIGHT to look down on her. Look at the tragic story in the Veronica/Vanessa story when one of the twins were kidnapped because one of the Sinclair, either Ethan or Patrick, raped a mate of the kidnapper. The kidnapper was so distraught that he couldn't protect his mate and his mate ended up committing suicide because of it. That made me cry because it was so tragic, then reading the happy ending of the twins without much punishment or consequences left me a bit underwhelmed. I couldn't celebrate or hold the Sinclair's in high regard afterwards. It's irritating that this family is so snobbish considering their horrific past. Nah, I'm not looking at them with rose colored glasses no matter how sexy, loving, and loyal the Sinclair men are to their mates now. This is what I like about Thorne and Barb. No phoniness.

Sure Barb is an opportunist, and that makes her look shallow, but she wants what her sisters want in addition, love of a sexy rich man who will take care of her. And looking down on Barb, who is at least honest with what she wants, even though it's unpopular for some, is such hypocrisy.

The rape/tragic hero angle of the Sinclair men is a lot harder to swallow than a golddigger who has the same opportunity to change through having love, security, and a man who is not going to let her walk all over him. That is what Thorne is. He saw right through her and during sex, he put her in her place. I hope Barb doesn't lose her baby, but starts to change and have redemption with her edge still. It's going to be awesome. This is the first story I've been so involved in where I'm intrigued and interested in the outcome.

Kalamazoo, you have me caught up :-). I've never written such lengthy responses for any of my favorite books outside this site, nor good stories on this site. Please don't turn Barb into a villian because at heart, I think Thorne and Barb's love story can be just as fantastic as the Sinclair men. You are awesome!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Barb is a person that I would not like to know...

Someone mentioned that she should be pregnant, hoping that she can be redeemed. Well, I have met some truly selfish people in real life and a child will not make a selfish person unselfish. A individual has to do that on their own. There are too many children born to selfish people who just suffer their existence. Barb and Thorne..., maybe that can work. Maybe they have to go thru a loss to find their way. Thorne has a lot on his plate, and his brother is still an interesting character. I have read your stories and I see how characters have redeemed themselves, but Barb does not like herself, how is she going to find the love she craves? Barb is painful. I know you can get us to a destination with her, I just have to wait and see. Gene makes me tired. Where do folks come up with wanting something for nothing? Apparently he is not a total incompetent, he can create profitable ideas, he just seems to have no work ethic and wants a quick billion. LOL Not really sure where that will go either. I like how Celeste stares at Barb. I bet Celeste senses her little cousin and is wondering if they will meet in this life or the afterlife. Just my thoughts. I want Juliette's children to meet Thorne's brother and is it Justin? I think they will be helpful to one another. Barb could be a serious badass, but I really want her to find her happiness, but I think she is like Gene, she doesn't like herself and she also wants something for nothing. That does not bode well for a chick that is preggers. Hmmmmm. If Hans could renounce his mate, what's up with Thorne? I guess Thorne is drawn to her and likes her, but he is so caught up in his own melodrama that he will not allow himself to see it. Let's face it Barb is not nice, but you know what? Guys like bitchy women, don't ask me why? LOL The nice chick that is good for them, they actually pass over. Strange to me, simply because I have learned as I get older, I am not trying to argue my way from Monday to Friday. But this is your story and I cannot wait!!!!! You are a FANTASTIC STORY TELLER!!!!

MimiRoseMimiRosealmost 12 years ago
Barb's knowledge of vampires

I wish people would realize one thing: Barb is very capable to turn evil. I can see Gene being redeemable. But Barb? Nope. Then you add in the fact that Thorne, a sworn enemy of the Sinclaires, is her destined mate. I doubt Thorne will be sitting at the Sinclaire dinner table any time soon. So yeah, if Barb turns out to be an evil-bitch vampire killer, get over it and get use to it. I think once Barb is informed by the existence of vampires that she will bring doom and danger to the Sinclaires and the Yancys. I am surprised that the vamps did not glamour Barb yet. I can't wait until she meets Mama Sinclaire. She is a demure and classy lady, but she ain't going to take any shit from nobody.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please do a stand alone Bars series.

Hey long time reader here. I like Barb I know I'm part of a very small percentage of people that like Barb , but she is an interesting character. I hope she is preggers the. It'll give her a chance for a real change of heart arc. I mean think about it if she is pregnant then she would be birthing a half vampire right which means she would have to reconcile with Thorne or get close to Katrine to be able to know how to raise a baby that's half human and half vampire. Personally if she has a baby I think it would be interesting if she isolates herself from her family and finds Thorne from there she could have a whole redemption arc that would stand alone. She could start over new with a clean slate. I believe if Ethan can do 360 then so could Barb, because let's be serious because if you were to try to make Barb likable this far into the story I think most of your readers would still hate her. I do hope you decide to do a Barb and Thorne stand alone story. I really do like Barb even if she has. Itch tendencies. lol

- Falon

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 12 years ago

Per usual this chapter was amazing!! Wow, I almost missed the new chapter.

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707almost 12 years agoAuthor
category switch

I don't think that I did it, but if I did;it was accidental. Next ch. Will b in interracial. Sorry for the confusion

Tastee323Tastee323almost 12 years ago
Loved It

Loved It twice!!!! Why did you switch it to NonHuman in the middle of series. I almost missed it, but I didn't....5 stars. More soon

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707almost 12 years agoAuthor
EmeraldTaurus & Anon

EmeraldTaurus, even though the two families have interacted for centuries, very few of those were actual matings.The last mating was at least 600 years before Kevyn and Patrick. All of the interactions after that were in some other capacity and they didn't occur often.

Anon, Yes Gene is short and all of the Sinclaires' are tall. of the Yancy men, Leon is the tallest at over 6'2 or so.

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