Love and Fortune Ch. 06


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Then again, magic was in play here. Maybe it didn't even matter. Maybe the closeness was just a pleasant bonus. It definitely felt nice.

Introductions, uncharacteristically calm and casual, came even as they hurried along. Lenore learned names, touched hands, exchanged glances that felt... more than friendly. There was raven-haired Alicia, tanned and athletic Moka; Shaheen, the lithe beauty with the smooth, creamy-brown skin; Aimee, with her pretty freckles and big green eyes; Yuki, whose dyed hair and face full of mischief immediately made Lenore feel she'd found a kindred spirit.

All were extremely attractive. All wore clothes that hid nothing. None showed any shyness. And she didn't get the feeling any were jealous or territorial; they seemed to just mesh, all of them. Ben might have been the undeniable center of their mutual attention, but as for the women's relationship with each other... they all looked pretty into that, too.

Was that magic, too? Little pulses from her bracelet, a feeling still new but one that grew easier to interpret the more she learned, suggested it might be.

It was good magic if it was.

She still wanted to know more. This bracelet she'd stolen, clearly so much more than a trinket only worth pawning away, held so many secrets she had yet to unlock. Ben had called it magic. Had magic led him here, too? To this group of stunningly attractive, impossibly comfortable-with-each-other women? And to her? She could guess to a degree. The magic, her new little subconscious helper, could even fill in some of the gaps. But the rest? It would have to come with time.

She was in the right place for that, though. She was with the right people. And...

Lenore shivered as thoughts of something naughtier than magical discovery invaded her brain. Her first instinct was to stomp them out. Was this the right situation to be getting turned on?

The magic told her it absolutely was. Her body agreed. And the reactions of Ben's other lovers made her realize she wasn't alone. They must have felt it, too -- no one was doing anything to hide it. All seven had a clear sexual energy between them, palpable and potent. So, then -- this could get sexy, too. Hell, it was probably part of the plan.

It felt pretty good to be part of this plan, whatever it was.

One last push across the mall's wide central court, and they were out into the parking lot. Ben led them to a gleaming limousine parked near the curb. Its doors opened as Eleni waved. Lenore didn't even question the extravagant transport; she just climbed in, free of hesitation. The others moved in around her, welcoming her with gentle touches, soothing words. She basked in it all. Trust came implicitly, and it felt good.

She settled beside Ben on one of the limo's long, lateral seats. Turning, she met his gaze, not sure what even to ask: 'Did we make it?' or 'Is this real?' or 'How soon can we fuck?' She smiled at him, biting her lip. "That was nuts," she decided on, at last.

He grinned back. "Kinda fun, though."

She found she agreed. Danger or not, the whole escapade had been kind of... thrilling. Sneaking in to steal the bracelet. Escaping the guards. Then being swept away to safety by this amazing, generous crew. It was wild how one small choice she'd made -- to pick up that bracelet -- could bring her to such an exciting new reality.

His fingertips stroked her forearm lightly. Lenore liked that, too. "Thanks," she finally bid. "I know I probably blew up your relaxing day out there, but--"

"Hey. Not a problem."

"Still. You didn't have to. And..."

Lenore trailed off. She took a second to look around. The car's interior was posh and elegant, with soft leather beneath her and ample room for their group. She realized she'd never seen anything quite like it... not outside pictures, anyway. "This is, um, amazing, by the way," she admitted. "Couldn't have predicted that this would be my getaway ride."

Ben laughed lightly. "That's not a complaint, is it?"

She shook her head insistently. "Anything but."

"Drive," Eleni told the chauffeur -- who didn't need to hear anything more. In a flash, they peeled out of the lot and drove onward, with Lenore staring out the window at the mall as it receded. With it, Lenore realized, the worries and fears of her past were fading, too. No more running. No more dumb, risky shit. Most importantly, no more going it alone. Now she had people on her side.

Wherever they were taking her, it was a relief to know it wouldn't be back where she'd come from. The magic, of course, made it all the clearer: she was already on her way to a new home.


"I think we're out of the woods," Eleni spoke up after a spell. They were on the highway now, headed back toward the mansion. "Our ride may be a bit conspicuous, but no one from the auction house will suspect it has anything to do with their little runaway thief."

Eleni could tell her assurance hit home. The thief in question was visibly relaxed in her seat. In fact, Lenore had been at a certain ease since Ben had first flagged her down. Eleni realized that was likely the magic at work, reassuring their newest companion that she'd landed in a safe space. The reaction was no surprise at all. The magic always reassured her, too.

Lenore was close by Ben even now. Not quite cuddling, but with her knee and forearm touching his. Touching for comfort... or just to touch? Eleni reckoned both could be true.

The pale girl had been observing her bracelet with close care for a while now. Since she'd first picked it up, Lenore hadn't quite gotten a long enough moment to really study it. Now, though, she had all the time she needed. The slim beads, the wooden charm in the center, and the markings etched therein... the craftsmanship looked unique. And the wood felt warm against her wrist. Alive, almost.

"This thing really does have power, doesn't it?" she asked aloud. "Magic. I've never believed in that kind of thing before, but I've gotta say, I'm not even gonna pretend to question it now. Not after today."

"How much do you know about this bracelet?" Ben prompted. "You said you got it at an auction gallery. And I'm guessing you didn't take it just because you liked the look of it. You heard it calling out to you somehow. Am I right?"

Lenore nodded emphatically. "That's right. Like it was pulling at me. When I looked at it, I got this wave of assurance. And I think it helped me get away, too, once I put it on. The security guards saw me take it. I shouldn't have been able to get out of there. But the magic... you said it's magic, right? It intervened."

"Helped you get really, really lucky," Aimee guessed, leaning forward curiously. "Helped you dodge and weave and avoid those goons."

"Exactly," Lenore answered. "Wow. You guys must know a lot about this."

"Hardly a lot," Ben demurred. "More like figuring out everything as we go. But we know enough."

"Helps to be open-minded," Alicia offered. "We catch a lot of windfalls. Little things at just the right times. Perfect breaks that land in just the right places and do just the right things. It's all been positive so far."

"That's what this does, then," Lenore surmised, nodding at her bracelet. "Things fall in place. Things... feel right, and go right. Oh, this could be a lot of fun."

"It is," Eleni said. "Ben could attest to that. After all, it's why we're all here with him -- his bracelet. His magic." She beamed proudly at Ben, who blushed a little under her gaze, knowing what she was about to explain. "Let's just say we're all a part of his own lucky streak."

"Lucky streak, huh?" A sly expression crept across Lenore's features as she turned back to Ben. "Your lucky charm got you a harem?"

"You could say it did," he replied, not unaware of how fast the discussion had turned back to sexy stuff. "Long story."

"Call us partners in his power," Shaheen offered. "And we're all on board with the bracelet magic -- I mean, in case you thought we were mindless slaves or something. We're anything but that. We like everything about this. The perks? Very good."

"Yeah, I... think I get that," Lenore mused. "So there's magic enough for all of you to share?"

"Enough for a whole lot more than that, I think," Moka declared, her tone and look bold. "I think the magic wants to spread."

"Spread?" Lenore's voice raised slightly, interested.

"Just our theory," Yuki chimed in, her tone thoughtful. "We're kind of in the middle of a big expansion plan."

Expansion plan? Lenore wondered why a group of seven hot people riding around in a limo would need any sort of expansion. "More, then?"

"Always," Ben calmly confirmed. "It's a part of this power. The more I connect with, the stronger it gets. The power. Our good fortune. All of it. I think we're still just beginning. Still learning a lot. But..." He thumbed the charm on Lenore's bracelet. "I never thought we'd meet someone else with a bracelet."

Lenore watched his fingers, thinking of his touch elsewhere on her body. She hoped to enjoy plenty of it soon. She also noted, more practically, how different his own bracelet looked. She had no idea if those differences meant anything, but it seemed like another subject they should broach sooner rather than later.

"They aren't entirely alike," she spoke up. "My beads are smaller. And the inscription on the charm is different."

"But yours seems to be working mostly like mine," Ben surmised. "You found me. Same way I found the others." He gestured around to the women -- not without some pride. "Maybe no two bracelets are alike. Maybe yours can do things mine can't, or vice versa. We'll see. Either way, we've got the makings of a partnership. I think the magic wants us to put our heads together, and I'm happy for it."

Lenore nodded at that. Partnership; she liked that notion. "Any ideas how we start?"

"Getting to know each other's probably a pretty good start," Moka said, smiling. "Lenore, where did you come from? How'd you end up stealing a bracelet from an auction gallery?"

Lenore tensed a little at that. She'd known it was coming, of course; a newcomer had to justify herself, especially considering how sketchy her origins probably seemed. "Well, this wasn't the plan, for one," she started. "To end up here, surrounded by gorgeous people in a limo. Or learning about magic. My plan was a little more... haphazard. A lot stupider, that's for sure." She sighed hastily. "I was on the run. Had to get away from my dad. He..."

A pause. She caught her breath. The others all looked at her expectantly. She could see sympathy in their eyes; none seemed to be judging her or casting suspicion. They wanted to hear her story. They weren't going to be quick to condemn -- which was a huge weight off her shoulders.

"He's an abusing bastard," she stated firmly. "A beater. Look at him wrong, and he hits you. Make noise he doesn't like? He beats you harder. Didn't like it at all when I got my ears pierced. Or my hair dyed. Or started dressing how I actually wanted. Shit got so bad, I had to go. Even that felt like a dumb move, too. It wasn't like I knew where I was going, but... anything would've been better."

Ben's hand was resting on her knee. She welcomed it, reaching down to take it. He squeezed in response -- a simple, comforting gesture. "Sorry you had to deal with that, Lenore," he said.

"We've got you now," Shaheen promised. "That asshole won't find you. He won't lay a finger on you ever again."

Lenore believed it. Surrounded by her new companions, feeling their collective protectiveness and support, she knew her life had changed forever. It was more than a great relief -- it was like a breath of fresh air she'd never expected to be so grateful for. "God, you don't even know what a relief that is. Not to mention what a one-in-a-million chance it was that I got lucky enough to wind up here. If I hadn't thought to go to that gallery... if I hadn't seen that bracelet..."

"It was fate," Aimee offered.

"Could have been." Lenore chuckled ruefully. "Didn't feel like it at first. I just knew I needed cash. Enough to get me somewhere far away, where I could figure things out. I saw an ad for the auction gallery in a newspaper on the street -- they were hosting an estate sale. Seemed like a good opportunity. Sneak in, swipe some pricy stuff that'd be easy to pawn. Get cash. Then get lost and find somewhere better.

"Wouldn't even be the first time I'd stolen. I've been kind of a kleptomaniac since I was a kid. Stuff always seemed to... call out to me, somehow. Made me feel good to take it. I mean, I never got anything handed to me. Life just dealt me a shitty hand, you know?" She glanced at the others. "Anyway, when I saw that bracelet, I didn't even think it looked valuable. More... weird, like something from an old story. Not like I knew what it might be worth. I just knew I wanted it, and nobody seemed to be paying it much attention, so..."

"You put it on," Ben finished. "And then everything came clear?"

"Right. It felt like someone took my hand and guided it, honestly. Next thing I knew, I was running over to the mall, because I just knew that'd be the safest place to head." She laughed slightly, almost a little incredulous as she recounted it all. "I could hear it in my mind. Like a whisper. 'Go that way.' But... not even words. Just ideas that I understand immediately. Do you feel those kinds of things?"

"Exactly those kinds of things," Ben confirmed. "Like the magic is in tune with your mind. It guides you. Puts thoughts in your head. Makes you braver, or more confident. Like you can get what you want. Because you can now. That's what the magic does."

"It makes life sooo easy," Yuki asserted. "I've only started out with it, but it's been a blast. Cloud nine, constantly. Feels good. Makes you want to... hm, how to put it..."

"Fuck?" Lenore blurted.

She hadn't even meant to say it. It should have made her blush beet-red. But in that moment, with Ben's hand on her thigh and the atmosphere in the limousine thick with possibility, it didn't feel remotely out of place. Her instincts, apparently, had been correct. She saw knowing smiles, nods of agreement.

"Yep," Yuki confirmed. "Something like that."

Eleni glanced out the window. "We're not far from home now," she observed. "Ben, when we get there, I propose you take the time to show our guest around the premises. Make her feel at ease."

Ben smiled. "And?"

"And from there?" The blonde's eyes sparkled. "Whatever comes naturally. I get the feeling you two will be able to learn a lot together. We won't get in your way. At least, not until you want to report back to us."

That sounded fun. A little tremor of excitement ran through Lenore as she understood what Eleni was implying. Time alone with Ben... to learn, yes, but also to explore. And lots could definitely be explored.

"We could do that?" she asked. "Nobody's gonna feel left out if--"

"Shush," Shaheen told her, winking. "You're not hurting any of us, doll. Trust us -- we're with Ben, but we're not possessive. We all get our time with him. And we get time with each other, too. You? Stick around here, and you can have all that, too. You'll learn how we roll. No jealousy, no worries, just fun. Always. Just leave it to the magic."

"And for now?" Eleni picked back up. "Consider yourself under Ben's protection. Ben, as you may have noticed, is very fond of new company. And you, Lenore? You're an extra-special case. I imagine some bonding time will suit you both, and do us all some good. My suggestion would be that the rest of us entertain ourselves in the meantime. Ah, and we're coming upon the estate now..."

The car rolled past a high wall and onto a long, curving drive. Lenore watched the landscape passing by with keen interest, admiring the wide expanse of well-kept lawns, the verdant gardens and lush trees. The view opened up, and she was awed by the sight of the sprawling, multi-winged building they approached.

If this was home now, she was never going back.


Aimee and Alicia took their shopping bags upstairs. Eleni showed Yuki to the wine cellar, while Shaheen and Moka disappeared into the kitchen. Within moments, Ben found himself alone with Lenore -- and they opted first for a walk around the gardens.

Eleni had gardeners on staff for the upkeep, so there was an orderly beauty to the hedges, shrubs, and vines. Flowers blossomed in colorful profusion; trees rustled in the light breeze. As the pair meandered together, Ben listened with genuine interest and sympathy as Lenore described her past in greater detail.

"I never had many friends," she confessed. "People never seemed to want to get to know me, much less understand me. My family was pretty cold. Dad always treated me like an inconvenience." She sighed. "I never planned on finding anybody I could be open with. Anybody I could let in."

"I get it," he affirmed. "Believe me, I used to be where you were. Not half as bad as you had it, but isolated, yes. Never got out, or had any great friends. When I wasn't working a job I didn't care about, I spent all my time on video games and worthless stuff to pass the time. And that was just a few days ago." He looked down at his wrist. "My cousin sent me my bracelet, if you were wondering how I got it. It was a gift. She got it in Kenya... from a shaman, if you'll believe that."

"A shaman? Oh, man." Lenore laughed. "What kind of world did I wander into? Magic, harems... and shamanic blessings? I do believe it, by the way." Then she asked a different question. "What's your cousin's name?"

"Isabelle. I call her Belle. She's always been a huge source of support to me, even though we don't live near each other. I'm sure she'd love you."

"Wish I had someone like that," Lenore admitted. "Family I could lean on."

"Hey." Ben took her hand. "Family doesn't have to be blood. It can be anyone you really care about. You? Me? We're... kind of bound together here by more than just coincidence, it feels like. Don't you agree?"

She nodded. "Yeah. That's true. Maybe family's exactly what we are." A slight squeeze of his hand. "You'll have me?"

"I'll definitely have you." The comment came naturally; he knew it to be true. Not just because Lenore was attractive, though she certainly was. Sexy and intriguing. He also sensed something deeply strong within her; the magic responded to her character, too. She'd endured hardship, but she hadn't been broken. And fate seemed to have chosen her, too.

"You can count on us," he added. "We'll be your family. Your home. In fact, I'm hoping you'll want us to have you as more than just a friend."

They paused beside a bench. Lenore turned to him, her face close. She tilted her head upward; her pale eyes, curious and alluring, never broke away from his. "God, I hoped you'd say that," she murmured. And she kissed him.

She pressed in tight, and the sensation of her lips against his was electric. A sudden desire rushed through his body -- an awareness of just how badly his mind and body wanted this girl. Their two bracelets reacted too, pulsing in time with the rhythm of their passion as their lips touched, tasting each other for the first time.

"Wow," he muttered, slightly breathless when he pulled away.

"Something about that was... extra amazing, wasn't it?" Lenore asked playfully. "Guess that's part of the power, too."

"Seems to be."

It had definitely felt like more than a usual kiss. And there'd been more than usual desire in it, too. Meeting a fellow magic-wielder's lips had felt... charged, like his body was being called upon to awaken and respond. Lenore obviously felt it too. As they stared at one another, her eyes seemed to deepen -- her pupils dilated, her face flushed.

"Can we do more of that?" she asked.