Love and Time Know No Bounds


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I flopped as the feeling washed over me and dissipated. I always felt so relaxed after. Kind of happy and content in a way nothing else could manage. Almost spiritual. It was a sensation that hung around even after my heartbeat and breathing subsided. You are only one orgasm away from a good mood, I'd read somewhere. It was true.

I sucked my fingers clean of my fluids. Disgusting at any other time, but in the grip of ecstasy tasting myself was exquisite.

"How's that for a show?" I said out loud to my imaginary new friend.

Of course, there weren't any ghosts. Not really. Such things existed no more than vampires or werewolves prowled the village at night.

What did exist were neighbours. I snatched the kitchen blind down quickly as I went to the fridge for a cooling glass of orange squash. Another new experience. Being able to go to my kitchen naked.

I sat at the table enjoying what seemed an irresponsibility by remaining nude. I didn't have a boyfriend or any want of one. What I did desire was the feeling of arousal and cuming. I could deliver that myself. And I could do it while admiring my own body as much as watching any porn clip on my laptop or phone. Yeah. With the privacy finally having my own home afforded me, I was a sexual animal released. Perhaps I'd spend all day naked. But then I'd be tempted to frig myself silly. It'd cost me a fortune in water for all the showers I'd need when I got all sweaty. I already needed another one. Perhaps Dad had a point about the water bill after all.

Not yet though. I drank my squash deciding I really wanted to cum again before I showered. This time using my rabbit. Yeah. I liked this new freedom.


Margot arrived at seven sharp on Friday. I stood back to let her in. That throwback look of hers was still evident. This time wide pants with a tight knitwear top.

"Love your clothes. Very unique."

"Thanks. I like the retro style."

"Come through." I said closing the door


It looks amazing." She said looking around my living room.

Margot did a pirouette in my living room as she took it all in.

"I'm a teacher, not an interior designer. But I've done my best."

"A school teacher?"

"Not exactly. I do online tutorials for seven to eleven-year-olds. A sign of the times that there are so many parents out there that want to keep their children away from State schools."


School was alright."

"Not everywhere is as nice as here. And then there's the politics turning people off. All the woke nonsense. A lot of parents don't like it."


I looked at her. Genuine bemusement.

"Christ. Where have you been?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Must be great not to be touched by angry keyboard warriors. I think you're living proof social media is a really bad thing." I laughed.

"Ignorance is bliss.

Come on. Let's have a drink.

I got wine, gin or Disaronno." I said opening a cupboard.

"Oh. I don't know. What's Disaronno like?"

"Like Tiramisu in a bottle. You never had it?"

"No. But sounds nice."

"Decision made."

I pulled out the bottle and hunted for suitable glasses.

"Last time I saw this place it was a lot more dowdy. All brown and orange paint with teak furniture. And that extension wasn't there."

I looked across at my office. A small extension that had been added to the back corner of the house some time ago.

"You've been here before?"

"A long time ago. I ... knew someone who lived here.

"Wow. Small world."

"Small village."

She took her glass and tasted its contents.


Oh yeah. She liked it.


"Tastes like almonds, yeah. But there's none in it. I googled it."

Another of those curious looks as if she had no idea what I was talking about. Did she even have a laptop?

"Shit. Almost forgot."

I made the oven just in time.

"I put pizza in for us.

Not as good as Domino's but no one delivers out here."

I used a tea towel to lift the tray out onto the heatproof worktop protector.

"Smells nice."

"It's only a Margherita.

Sorry. I don't eat meat."

"That's cool with me.

Not a fan myself.

Hurts to think an animal died just so I could eat."

"Nature I suppose. But that's exactly how I feel. And we have a choice."

"Margherita it is." She grinned.

We ate the pizza with a salad I'd prepared earlier and chatted about the village. Margot was full of old knowledge.

"It was settled in the Bronze Age. About three thousand years before Christ. The river would have been good for trade. Or the Ley line drew them here."

"Oh god. Not more superstitious mumbo jumbo. Dad went on about Ley Lines the day I moved in."

She laughed.

"Who knows? But don't you feel the calmness around here?"

"That's coz everyone's old."

"Or a mystical energy?

It's said that a pendulum will swing back and forth if you stand on a Ley Line. And that dowsing rods can detect them."

"Do you believe all this stuff?"

She shrugged.

"Who knows? There are things we can't explain in this world. I've learnt not to dismiss things as easily as I used to."


I saw a sudden sadness on her face and sensed there was something she wasn't keen to talk about.

"Never mind. Perhaps I'll tell you another time."

I didn't push it. I picked up the bottle and poured us another glass of the liqueur.

"Let's go sit somewhere more comfortable."

We cuddled up on the sofa next to each other. It felt natural, even to a recluse like me.

Margot had her arm around my shoulder and I instinctively snuggled up to her and rested my head.

"You haven't told me. Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked suddenly aware how little I knew about her.


She paused before adding.

"I like girls."

My heart skipped a beat. I hadn't expected that. I wondered if I should move, but then that would be obvious, and rude.

"Oh." I managed in my shock.

"Does that bother you?"

Did it? It explained her checking my tits out the other day. I thought for a moment.

"No. Not really.

I was just surprised."


It does some people. I've been called all sorts of names for it."

That did surprise me.

"I thought we'd all passed that kind of nonsense years ago."

Perhaps when she lived in the village? A lot of older people here. They were often behind the times and less accepting. No. That must have been a long time ago if she remembered this house how she did. A small child then.

"Doesn't matter." She said.

"We can't help who we fall for, and we can't change other people's perceptions."

I sat up and smiled at her, holding my glass up.

"Well, here's to that."

I knew we were near to drunk when we clinked glasses just a little too hard.

"Amen." She said with a giggle.

"Should I rephrase my question?" I asked after swallowing back a mouthful of alcohol.

Margot laughed.

"No. I don't have a girlfriend either if that's what you were going to ask.

What about you?"

"No. Single."

"You told me that the other day. I meant why? You're a babe, and no one has snatched you up?"

"I don't ... I had a boyfriend at uni for a while. Well, two if you count the rat who fucked me for my first time and then ditched me."

I hesitated.

"But er ... I can't say I was that taken with the idea of a boyfriend. I like my own company. And I have toys if you know what I mean."

Margot went into a fit of giggles as I reddened.

"Nothing wrong with toys. They don't do the dirty on you. " I protested.

"Sorry. I wasn't laughing at you. It's just that I've never had anything like that."

"Really? You've never had a stimulator or dildo to play with?"

Margot went scarlet.

"I just made do with my hairbrush and whatever else I could find. Nicely shaped bottles in the bathroom."

She sniggered.

"And a lot of being quiet in case mum heard."

"Ha. We've all done that. The beauty of my own home. I can spend all day naked and scream when I frig myself."

I burst into giggles.

"Sorry. Too much drink.

But seriously. Get on Amazon and buy yourself something that takes batteries. You'll love it."

"I was more hoping I'd find someone to ... help me out in that respect."

I felt a stab of discomfort. Did she see me as a possibility for that? I looked her in the eye wondering how I felt about a girl having the hots for me. Strangely the discomfort dissipated and I found I quite liked the idea that someone, even if it was a girl thought I was fuckable. But no. That wasn't happening.

"Can I show you something?" I said jumping up.

"I found something in the loft."

I fetched the old sketchbook and plonked myself down on the sofa again as I handed it to her.

"I think someone lived here before who had similar interests as you."

Margot was ever so careful as she turned the pages smiling. I snuggled up to her again watching the telltale twitches of her mouth when she saw the sketches of tits.

"Wow. These aren't bad."

"The drawings? Or the girls?"

"Ha. Both.

That's Stevie Nicks. Sings Rhiannon. Obviously with some imaginative amendments. She was a babe as well. One of my favourites."

"Her, or the song?"


Beautiful voice. Beautiful face. And ..." She giggled turning the page.

"And this is Suzi Quattro."

That one was a full-sized sketch of a naked rocker holding a guitar to protect her modesty.

"I've heard of her. I assume she was a pop star."

"Yeah. One of the best in her day. Wore tight leathers."

"Not in this girl's head she didn't."


She had some big hits. Can the Can and Devil Gate Drive."

"Devil Gate. Sounds appropriate for a house built on a Ley Line."

Margot smiled but her eyes never left the sketchbook.

"See. Perhaps it's a sign. You should never dismiss things so easily."

She turned through the remaining pages, giving each picture an approving look.

"You should keep these."

"What, and put them on my bedroom wall?"

"No. Just keep them safe. Someone expended a lot of time and love drawing these. They might look rude, but they came from a place of love. You can tell.

It wouldn't be fair to just throw them away.

Perhaps it was your ghost. You don't want to upset her."


I wasn't going to throw them." I admitted.

"I quite like that I have a little bit of history here. Even if it is a bit rude."

"Good. I like them." She said placing the sketch pad on the table.

"I like to draw myself."


"Yeah. Don't do it much these days but there was a time I drew things like those."


"Ha. Sometimes. We all fantasise.

I could draw you some time, if you like?"

I wondered if she meant nude.

"Maybe. But I'm keeping my clothes on."

Margot's eyes flitted over me and she just smiled.

"Not today though.

I should be going."

I glanced at the time. It was later than I'd thought.

"I can give you a lift."

"No, you can't. Too much drink."

That was true.

"How will you ...?"

"I'll be fine. Last bus is in fifteen minutes.

We hugged at the door and I felt her lips brush over my cheek. An unexpected tingle raced up my spine.

"Goodnight Erin. I had a lovely time."

I watched as she walked down my path, stopping to open the little gate in the hedge.


How do I contact you with no phone?"

She looked amazing when the moonlight caught her face. Like an angel bathed in heaven's glow.

"I'll find you." She said.

"That's a promise."

I'm not sure quite what happened next. A swirl of alcohol in my head. A lapse of concentration. Or the magical power of the Ley Line. But when I looked, there was no sign of Margot. The little road was clear. I went to the gate and looked up and down in confusion. How could she so completely vanish so quickly?

I went back inside and closed the door with a smile. I didn't know what it was about Margot but I liked her. She was threatening to break through my solitary existence and become someone I actually wanted to spend time with. That was a new experience for me.

I looked at the time again. Nearly eleven. How was there a bus in a tiny village at this time of night?

I went back to clean up. Not a big event. Two glasses and plates to pop in the dishwasher. I did that and went up to bed with thoughts of Margot in my head.

I was certain I wasn't a lesbian but I couldn't help thinking how nice it'd been when she'd hugged me. I could afford some thoughts about her as I eased my ache before sleep. It was only in my head and no different to getting off to videos of girls. I'd done that enough times.

I didn't use my rabbit, instead a slow sensual build with just my fingers, touching my body, imagining it was Margot's hands as my heat rose.


It was great when it happened. A delightful flood of joy that raced over me, leaving me relaxed and sleepy. I closed my eyes and drifted away.


The next time I saw Margot my heart fluttered. She was coming toward me on the little bridlepath dressed in her signature period outfit. This time it was hot pants and an off-the-shoulder peasant blouse that ruffled over her breasts.

I instantly felt that rush again. Confusing and exciting all at the same time. I couldn't help but glance at her legs. They looked great.

"You're like a woodland nymph." I greeted her with a smile.

"Always appearing from the trees when I least expect it."

She touched my elbow warmly.

"I like to surprise."

I looped her arm and carried on walking.

"Where do you live that you can just appear when I think about you?"

"You were thinking about me?"

"Yeah. Kinda."

She hugged my arm.

"Tell me more. I'm intrigued."


Only about how nice it would be to have some company on my walk."

"Well, I'm here. And so long as you don't mind me tagging along."

"I hope we're friends by now. Of course, I want you to tag along."

"Yeah. We are friends." She smiled.

That felt warming to me.

"That makes you kinda special. I don't really have friends. No one I'm close to."

"Ha. That 'I like my own company' thing."

"I'm ... re-evaluating that."

"Good. I'm glad to hear it because I like your company."

We walked along a natural trail I could only think was trodden down by animals. There were never any people here other than the occasional dog walker. Even those tended to stay around the edge near the meadows.

"Deer." Margot suggested.

"Muntjacs. You don't see them much but they're here."

It seemed as good an answer as any. Deeper amongst the ash I hadn't seen anyone other than Margot. I guess it's like the beach. People who live near it rarely go there. I was the newbie. The townie who had discovered nature. The locals had long ago taken it for granted. And most of them were too old for hikes in the woods.

Around us, graceful grey trunks rose high into the sky where they bloomed into a green canopy of delicate light green leaves. It was cooler beneath them than in the open, but there were small clearings where the sun broke through and warmed our skin.

"Did you know, the Ash is known as the tree of life?" Margot said.

"Ancient cultures believed it had magical powers to heal and drive away evil spirits."

"A tree expert as well as birds. You're a regular fountain of knowledge aren't you."

"I told you. I grew up around here. I've heard all sorts of stories from older people. Knowledge that's slowly being forgotten."

She scoped up a small handful of freshly fallen leaves.

"Put these under your pillow when you go to sleep. It's said you'll have prophetic dreams about a future lover."

She pressed them into my hand.

"You're serious aren't you?" I laughed.

"Nothing to lose have you?"

"I know, but it's superstitious nonsense."

"How do you know if you don't test it scientifically?"

I put the leaves in my pocket and forgot about them as we kept walking.

"Any other magical things about trees you know?"

"Ha. Only one.

Years ago, mothers would give ash soap to their babies to ward off disease."

"They used to think witches existed. And salt kept away ghosts and evil spirits."

"Well don't go throwing salt around or you might lose your friendly ghost."

"I haven't had any weird things happen the last few days. Perhaps she's gone of her own accord."

I saw a break in the shrubbery and a worn slope in the earth.

@Let's go this way" I turned to go down the steep slope, holding the undergrowth to the side.

I suddenly realised Margot wasn't following me. I stopped and looked back.

"You coming?"

Margot looked ashen.

"What's wrong?

It's just the lake down there."

"I know. I don't ... I don't like the lake. Can we go a different way? Please?"


She didn't answer me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay. Let's stick to the trees."

She instantly brightened again and I dismissed it as I clambered back up.

"Onwards and upwards."

She grabbed my arm as we carried on along our original path.

We spent another evening at my home, this time with the bottle of wine helping us get giggly.

"Listen to this." I said linking my phone to a Bluetooth speaker.

Margot recognised the tune at the very first note.

"Rhiannon. Fleetwood Mac."

"You said it was a favourite."

She jumped up and started dancing. A gentle sway with the music filling her head.

"Don't you think Stevie has a beautiful voice?"

"She does. I added this to my playlist. A good choice.

I listened to a few Fleetwood Mac songs yesterday."

She smiled and came and sat with me again.

"So you do have a good musical taste."

"But was it the music, or the pretty face that first caught your attention?"

"She's straight. Shagging Lindsey Buckingham. He's great as well. Just not as cute."

The tune came to an end and was replaced by Suzi Quattro singing Devil Gate Drive.

"You have been busy."

"Research. And I got the idea you kinda like seventies music."

She was thoughtful for a moment.

"Bright and colourful times. The music reflects that."

"And the clothes." I said looking down at her wide-bottomed jeans.

"And the clothes." She grinned as I glanced at the time.

"You've missed your bus."

The hands on the clock had just ticked past eleven.

"The spare room is made up. Why don't you sleep over?"

"You don't mind?"


And I'm not having you run off again. Especially with no way home."

"I can get a taxi."

"Well, you're not.

You're my friend and you're sleeping over. That's final."

"Thank you."

"Come on. I'll show you your room.

And I have a new toothbrush in the cupboard under the sink you can use."

Wrapped in my bathrobe, I looked in on Margot after I came out of the bathroom. She was in bed with the quilt just managing to cover her breasts as she sat up. I could see the line of her cleavage and the smooth skin of her arms and shoulders. Youthful.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes. It's cosy in here."

"Not the biggest room, but neither is mine. Enough space for a wardrobe when I get around to buying one." I said as I looked at her clothes stacked neatly on a fold-up chair.

"It's fine for putting up a guest overnight."

"Remember. You have to put the leaves of the Ash under your pillow before you go to sleep."

"Oh god. I'd forgotten all about those.

Under my pillow and I'll dream about my future lover, right?"

"Right. Don't forget. And in the morning you can tell me all about the man you're going to marry."

"Marry? Oh god. I hope not."

"Of course. It might not be a man."

Once again, it crossed my mind that she might have more than friendship in mind. I struggled with how to answer.

"More than likely, I'll dream about cats. All the best lonely spinsters have cats."

I picked up the top I'd been wearing earlier when I went back to my room. Pressed into the pocket were the leaves Margot had given me.

I sniffed them expecting to have some pungent scent invading my nostrils all night but they smelt of nothing much.
