Love and Time Know No Bounds


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I took a deep breath and shouted as loud as I could.

"I love Margot."

She poked me in the ribs and started her infectious giggle again.

"Stop it. People will think you're mad."

I looked around. There were only a handful of people around. Women moving from shop to shop. None of them were paying any attention to the two bonkers girls on the village bench.


Margot slept over that night. I drifted off with the warmth of her body next to mine and her sweet aroma exciting my sense of smell. I was in heaven.

Morning came and we showered together before croissants and orange juice for breakfast under the blaze of another scorching sun. This summer seemed magical, never-ending. I'd seen pictures and TV programmes about the long hot summer of nineteen seventy-six. Ancient history to me, but still vivid in my Nan and Grandad's memories. The good weather seemed more local rather than country-wide, and I felt as though we were experiencing a little of that time.

"Shall we go up to the woods?"

Margot suggested.

"We could take a picnic."

"I'll make some sandwiches. And I've got some cans of coke in the fridge."

"Great. I'll help."

I had a small cool bag we packed our food in before dressing and heading out into the warm air on a leisurely wander up the hill.

"What you got there?" I asked seeing the small bag over her shoulder.

"It's for later."

"Ooh. Secrets."

I took her hand and we began our hike up into the woods, searching out new paths as if on a mission to discover unexplored lands.

From the hills, our village looked picturesque. Something from TV. I hadn't seen it yet, but I'd been told film crews often took outside shots for period movies. Several famous programmes had been made in the area. My house might even have been on television.

From a distance, the trees looked densely packed. Closer and that wasn't the case. It was easy to wander amongst them and small clearings of grass were common. We found one that was ideal for our picnic and spread a blanket.

No wind and few insects. Just the cooing of doves and the rich whistle of songbirds. Perfect for eating and drinking. There was something quintessentially English about sitting in dappled light on a warm summer day while eating cheese and pickle sandwiches. We laid out a blanket on a patch of soft grass and emptied the bag of snacks so we could graze at leisure.

Besides the sandwiches, we had apples and some chocolate that softened now it was no longer in the cool bag.

"Can I draw you?"

I saw Margot reaching for her bag as soon as we'd finished eating.

"So that's what you've got in there."

"Yeah. You said early on you'd let me draw you."

"I did. Didn't I."

I remembered the conversation.


She pulled a sketch pad out from the bag and sat cross-legged on a patch of grass.

"Sit by that tree and lean back."

I shuffled back and did as she said. It was quite comfortable. I could stay still for a while here.

"This okay?"

She looked at me for a moment, as if considering the light or my position.

"Take your top off. I want to see your tattoo."

I sniggered and looked about. "What here?"

"Yeah. No one's about."

I clutched at my neckline considering.

"Not sure it's the tattoo you want to look at." I grinned.

"What if someone comes?"

"They won't."

I laughed.

"You're confident. But it will be me with my tits out if they do."


"Are you daring me?"


I looked around again. I'd learnt how much I liked being naked since living on my own. And here was my chance to do it outside.

"Fuck it."

I pulled my top over my head and unclipped my bra. My nipples sprung to attention as the clear countryside air hit them. I gave a shudder of excitement.

"Now lean back.

Make yourself comfortable."

I did as she asked, making sure to have my top within easy reach just in case.

Margot lifted her sketch pad and put the pencil to paper.

"Do you draw all your girlfriends?" I asked.

"You're the first. On both counts."

I absorbed that for a moment. I was her first girlfriend?

"I usually just draw from photographs and add in my imagination."

"I'm your first girlfriend?"

Had I understood that right?

"Yeah. Proper one."

"By proper, you mean ..."

"The first one I've made love to."

I smiled.

"Wow. I hadn't expected that."

"I've kissed girls before. And I masturbated with my best friend once. I just never ... had sex."

I grinned.

"You masturbated with your friend?"

"Yeah. My mum was out shopping so we lay on the bed and took our clothes off. We just did it next to each other. Curiosity more than anything. We just wanted to see what each other did.

Only girl I've ever seen cum, other than you."

"Was it nice?"

She smirked.

"Fuck yeah. I liked watching. That was the only time with my friend though. And it's nicer to do it. With you."

"Where's your best friend now? Will I get to meet her?"

"No. She moved away. I don't know where she is now.

Stop talking and relax. Let me draw."

Again her past left me with more questions than answers. How did you lose touch with a best friend?

I did as I was told and didn't ask anything else. Instead, I relaxed against the tree trunk, becoming more accustomed to my nudity in a public place. It did seem as if we were miles from anywhere as I listened to the warble of a songbird and the occasional rustle of the tree canopy over my head. The sun warmed my skin and I closed my eyes against the glare for a moment. The smell of the woods and flowers lifted me, and made me part of the natural world, if only for a few minutes.

"That's a blue tit." Margot said absentmindedly at the persistent chirping song.

A moment later something magical happened. It landed on my knee. I kept still, only the joyous grin on my face giving away my awareness of the little creature as it continued its song. For me, it was the most beautiful feeling. I was at one with nature.

Its tiny feet tickled as it hopped about, looking me over. Such a tiny, delicate life. A thing of beauty. Then it was gone again, swooping off through the trees.


I felt close to nature in that instant. It was a moment where I could almost feel the supernatural energy of Ley Lines and the spirits of the woods. Magical.

"I'm done." Margot said straightening up.

I had forgotten entirely my exposure by now and felt nothing of going over to look without dressing.

I knelt to see her work.

"Wow. That's incredible.

And so quick."

I was there in sketch form. I could clearly see it was me, and she'd even captured the small bird on my leg.

"You're talented."

"Thank you.

With more time it could be more detailed, but the essence is there. I'm pleased with it."

"It's perfect as it is.

Can I keep it?"

"Of course. I drew it for you."

"Thank you."

I kissed her, lingering on her lips, wanting her to know just how much I loved her. Margot's fingers lifted to stroke my tits, just gliding around the curve of each before gently rubbing over my nipples until they became pert.


I shuddered with arousal.

"You have such beautiful titties."

Margot's voice was soft and loving. She leaned and put her lips to my nipple. A gentle suck had me gasping.

"If anyone comes by..." I said giggling as she raised a hand to fondle my other breast.


I put my face into the crock of her neck, breathing in her scent. The unmistakable smell of flowers. Just like the meadow blooming with clover and cornflowers. I tasted her sweat with my kisses, the nectar of those blooms on my tongue.

"No one ever comes up here." Margo said as she moved to dominate me.

I felt myself falling back onto the grass. Her hands were tugging at the clasp on my shorts. I put my hand down to stop her.

"Not here."

"Why not?"

I rolled my head from side to side checking for people as overwhelming desire diminished my reticence.

"Don't you want to be fucked out here under the trees and the summer sky? It's so ... sexy."

I wanted it wherever we were.

"Oh fuck.

What the hell."

My shorts slid away, over my knees and to my feet. I kicked them away as her fingers stroked over the thin piece of material protecting the last of my modesty.

"Ooh. You're nice and wet."

She pulled the garment to the side and pushed her tongue into me. I lost it.


The sun beamed down, warming my skin and I became lost in the wonderful feelings Margot's feathery kisses and caressing fingertips were creating in my groin.


I lifted my legs over her and her finger pressed at my little puckered hole. It felt amazing to have her rub that area. Her tongue licked my velvet and teased at my bean as I twitched and writhed with the ever-growing need.

"Uh. Fuck."

That finger broke my barrier with a pop. It was in my arse, moving rhythmically in time with her tongue.

"Oh, Jesus. Fuck."

"Do you like that?"

"Fuck. Yeah."

Cuming under a blue sky in the open air was incredible. An amazing experience that had me crying out with no regard for who might hear me. For a moment I was part of the natural world. An animal enjoying the physical love of another in a world where only we existed.

"Oh, Fuuck.


I was still gasping when Margot sat on my face, smothering me with beautiful, wet flesh that soaked my lips and chin. My hands went upwards, seeking her hard little nipples and my attention went only to bringing her the same delight.

She ground her wet groin to my mouth and I devoured her until she stiffened, then jerked in her ecstasy, before falling to my side.

"That was fantastic."

She gasped.

"The most natural act in the heart of nature."

I smiled.

"Some might say, fucking like beasts in the woods."

"I am an animal when I'm with you."

"You're a pervert when you're with me.

But never change. I like it."

"Shit. There's a man with a dog."

I snatched my shirt up and looked about desperately until her manic laughter broke through my panic.


"Sorry. Couldn't resist it."

I found my underwear and pulled on my panties before clipping my bra and spinning it around my torso to pull it into place. The moment had passed and I was feeling self-conscious. If someone did appear, I'd die of embarrassment.

"I can't believe I'm your first girl.

I thought you were the experienced one." I said as I carried on dressing.

Margot lay on the grass watching me.

"I had a fairly sheltered upbringing. People in ... People I know, my parents ... they're not so accepting of gays.

I was expected to find a nice boy, settle down and have children.

Hubby out to work. Me at home looking after two kids and cooking dinner."

"Not what you want?"

I already knew the answer but I wanted to hear her say it.

"No. What I want is a beautiful girl who makes me laugh and gives me butterflies in my stomach."

"Know anyone like that?"

"Only one girl."

I dropped my top over my head and I was decent again.

"What's she like?"

Margot lay back with her hands behind her head and stretched her long legs out. She seemed in much less of a hurry to pull her shorts back on. I didn't encourage her. I enjoyed looking at her pussy and the neat little bush of coarse hair that sat just above it like a flag directing my eyes.

"Oh, she's so pretty. A couple of years older than me, fair-haired, blue eyes, and the most amazing smile. Soft lips that I can't stop kissing. Lips that make me giddy when they venture down my body."

Her fingers went to her slit, softly stroking it as her words teased that hidden little bean which never seemed satisfied.

"And she has a cute little tattoo of a lotus flower between her tits."

"She sounds fantastic."

"She is."

"Is it someone you want to spend the rest of your life with?"

"Life? I was thinking eternity."

"Good answer."

Margot sat up and finally reached out for her shorts. It seemed more of a struggle to get them over the boots that were still on her feet than it had been to get them off. Amazing what the urgency to cum could achieve.

"We should head back." I said.

"We can watch a Netflix movie and get drunk."

"Sounds good to me."

"But I get to choose this one. Not some cartoony thing from pre-history."

"You didn't like Jane Fonda in Barbarella?"

She sounded hurt.

"Jane Fonda was ... nice.

The movie was crap."

"You got something better in mind?"

"How about Wonder Woman?

No nudity, but Gal Gadot is hot."

It felt natural to admit I looked at girls and found them sexy. For so long I had reasoned it as admiration or curiosity. I hadn't realised they were turning me on as no man ever did. Margot had shown me my true self.


I heard the car drawing up and glanced through the window.

"Hey. You're about to meet some of my family." I announced excitedly as I ran for the door.


Two familiar faces greeted me as I stepped outside.

"Nan. Grandad. I didn't know you were coming."

"We were out and thought we'd take a chance." Nan said giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Wanted to see the new house. You don't mind do you?"

"Don't be silly. Come in. I have a friend here I want you to meet."

I hooked Grandads arm and led them through.

"Looks lovely." Nan said glancing around.

"Reminds me of when we were young.

And that smell?


"Must be the garden. The doors are open."

They'd lived in the village as children in a cottage not unlike this one. That was before my time. Now they had a bungalow in a quiet cul-de-sac nearer the main town.

"It's very modern, but you can still feel the history." Nan went on.

Grandad looked around approvingly.

"It's lovely Erin."

Margot was still on the sofa with her feet curled under her. She stayed quiet, just watching us curiously.

"Can I make you coffee?" I asked releasing Grandad from my grip.

"That'd be lovely."

"Make yourselves at home."

I turned to Margot deciding I should get the introductions out of the way before putting the kettle on. I was excited that someone from my family was finally getting to meet her. I wouldn't go into details just yet. That was something I should tell Mum and Dad first.


This is Jan and Peter.

My grandparents." I said introducing her.

"Mum's side of the family."

I was met with a silence I hadn't expected. I turned to Nan and Grandad expecting something. Anything. They both looked at me strangely and I felt like they already knew Margot was more than a friend. Their silence annoyed me.

"Well, say hello."

Again, just that confused look. I felt my blood boiling. I wanted them to accept her and it hurt me that they weren't going to.

"You could at least be polite." I said with disappointment at their attitude.

Grandad drew himself up straight. He had that look he had when he was about to say something important. I braced myself for an onslaught. A lecture. What came was totally unexpected.

"What are talking about? Who's Margot?"

I blinked in disbelief. Had I heard that right? What did they mean who was she?

"A friend." I stuck with it.

I wasn't quite ready for the conversation I'd have to have soon. Not until I'd had it with Mum and Dad.

Grandad still looked at me strangely.

"Perhaps she's outside." He said.


She's sitting right there." I snapped.

I looked at Margot. She looked hurt. No. Frightened. That confused me even more.

"Erin. Are you okay?" Nan asked.

"Of course I'm okay."

Again I looked at Margot. She remained silent.

"Sorry. I don't know what's going on." I muttered.

Nan touched me on the shoulder.

"There's no one there dear."

She sounded concerned. I flustered. Looking from one to the other.

"What the fuck are you talking about?


Grandad rolled his eyes.

"It's not funny Erin.

You heard the name and your imagination..."

"Oh don't give me that." I snapped.

Margot stood up and touched my arm.

"I'd better go.

I'm sorry."

"What? Why? Why should you go? And what have you to be sorry about?

Stay right where you are. I'm not having this."

Margot just shook her head and backed toward the door.

"You'll understand in a minute.

I'm so sorry."

I stared in disbelief. Why was she crying?

"Erin. Come and sit down. There's something wrong with you." Grandad insisted.

"Jan. call her mother."

"Don't touch me."

I snatched my arm away.

"There's nothing wrong with me."

My heart pounded in my ears. Adrenaline flowed through my veins ready for the flight or fight response. Neither was fitting and I stood shaking. My knees were so weak I thought they might collapse at any moment.

"You're seeing things."


"Erin." Grandads voice sharped.

"There's no one here. I think you should see a doctor."

Margot was vanishing through the door. I had no idea what was happening but I was gripped by a fear I'd never see her again. I couldn't handle that.

"Margot. Wait."

Grandad had hold of me and I struggled.

"Let go."

"Come and sit down. We'll get your Mum here and decide what to do then."

"I don't want my Mother. I want Margot. And I want you to stop talking shit."

Nan stood behind him with the same concerned look, but she didn't make a move to call my parents.

"Peter. Stop." She said sharply, stepping in front of him.

She took a breath and spoke calmly.

"What does Margot look like?"

"You saw her."

"Just humour me. Tell me what she looked like."

"I don't know. Same height as me, slim. Dark brown hair, green eyes. You saw her. Don't say you didn't."

"Long or short hair? Straight or curly?"

I shook my head. What was she talking about?

"Shoulder length. Straight. You saw her. Don't say you didn't."

"How was she dressed?"

I shrugged.

"Old clothes. Old fashioned I mean. She likes retro."

"How retro? What decade?"

"I don't know. The seventies I think. She introduced me to the music from that era. Fleetwood Mac and Suzi Quattro."

There was a glance between them. Shock. Something they weren't telling me.


"So who has seen this Margot? Tell me someone who can say she's real." Grandad insisted.

"I ..."

I thought for a moment. There was no one. I started to question myself.

"I don't know. You're the first I ..."

Nan intervened again.

"Why don't you get some rest?

We'll leave you alone for a while. Then you can tell us how you feel."

She was pulling Grandad toward the door. He looked reluctant to leave. I let them go, happy to see the back of them for now.

I was left alone with a world that had fallen to ruin around me. I couldn't quite process what had happened. All I truly knew was that Margot had gone and once more I was frustrated and frightened that I had no way of contacting her. Why oh why hadn't I at least taken down her address or home number?

Nan came back on her own a little later. I rubbed the tears from my eyes as I stepped away from the door to let her in.

"Are you here to tell me I'm mad again?"

Nan smiled reassuringly as she went through to the living area.


I just want to talk to you."

Her face was white as we sat at the table.

"I'm not as ... closed as Peter. He sees things as more... black and white. That's why I came on my own. I want to tell you something I couldn't say before without starting an argument."

I looked at her questioningly.


I don't understand any of this."

She took a breath and clasped her hands in front of herself over the table.

"There was a girl called Margot. A long time ago. Before you were born. She lived in this house. You described her exactly."

"I don't follow."

I wasn't interested in this nonsense.

"She died, Erin.

In an accident. I don't know if you heard the name, if you invented an imaginary friend ... or if there is something more to it. But I thought you should know."
