Love and Time Know No Bounds


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It was a strange sensation. I didn't fear it. It was almost comforting. As if the room was filled with a deep warmth. And I swear I could smell something. A sweatiness. Like perfume, or the freshly bathed flesh of a young girl. I tried to focus on it, but the scent seemed to remain just out of my reach. A hint I couldn't quite lock onto.

"Whoever you are. I don't mind." I said out loud.

"I know you're not going to hurt me, so you can stay if you like."

I've no idea how you describe a feeling of love. But for just a moment, the room felt as though it was filled with it.

Sleep came easily then.

Margot came to me again the next morning.

"Hey, sunshine."

I kissed her before she had even stepped through the door.

"You'll have to hang on a minute. I'm just finishing up with one of my students."

I rushed back to my office. Trystan was still waiting on the screen.

"Okay. Time to finish up.

I'm gonna email you some homework later. Have it finished by Thursday and we'll go through it together. Let's see how many words you can define. And no cheating with Google."

Of course, he would Google. All the kids did. But he would still be learning so it didn't really matter.

"That girl is there again."

I felt a chill race up my spine and turned sharply to follow his gaze. Margot was standing in the doorway just on the edge of his camera shot.

I laughed.

"Oh. That's Margot. My ... friend."

Margot gave him a wave and he waved back.

"Okay. That's enough for today. Take a break and I'll have your work sent through to you.

Bye, Trystan."

I turned the computer off and turned back to Margot.

"He thought you were my ghost." I laughed.

We spent the day wandering the village and eating sandwiches by the pond. It'd rained overnight, but the heat of the day had dried the grass quickly and we lay sunning ourselves and giggling like schoolchildren, oblivious to the strange looks of the locals we garnered.

"I had that feeling of someone being in my room again last night."

"Your sexy ghost again?"


I think she fancies me."


"You don't mind the competition?"

"Don't see it as competition when I'm here with you."

I watched an older gentleman walking his dog.

"Does it frighten you? Thinking someone is there?"

I thought about it for a moment.

"No. Not any more. It's kinda comforting in a way."

The man's dog was taking an interest in us despite his gentle tugs on the lead to encourage him on.

"Will you do a seance with me?" I asked.

Margot laughed.

"Are you serious?"


"Don't you need an Ouija board or something for that?"


Just the letters of the alphabet and a glass. I googled it.

We can do it at the table, tonight when it gets dark. Stay over. Please?"

"Okay. On both counts."

The little Spaniel hadn't taken the hint and started barking madly at Margot.

I sat up laughing.

"Think he likes you."

The man muttered an apology and pulled his dog away with more determination. I saw him glancing back. A look on his face that said he thought it was our fault his dog was acting up.

"Locals. Even the dogs go bananas at strangers.

Shall we go back?

I'm feeling horny."

"Margot. You're always feeling horny."

I didn't put up a fight. Instead taking her hand as my bean began its incessant ache. I would have taken her right there on the grass under the gaze of the man and his yapping dog if I could.

I cut the paper into neat squares as Margot wrote the letters and numbers onto them with a marker pen.

"We need a yes and no as well."

Margot obliged, placing the papers around the table in a circle.

"You won't freak out if something happens will you?" I asked.

Margot smiled.

"I think your ghost is a lovely young woman who only wishes the best for you. I don't think we have to worry about reenacting the head-spinning scene from The Exorcist.

Linda Blair was a babe though."

"Not when she was puking up green stuff she wasn't."

Margot lit the candles around the room and sat at the table.

"So what do we do now?"

I lowered the lights and placing a glass in the centre, I took my seat.

"One finger on the glass and hold hands."

"You can do the calling out. She's your girlfriend."

I felt a little silly as I cleared my throat and called out.

"Is there anybody there?"

I struggled not to laugh.

"If you're here, give us a sign."

I jumped as something touched my leg. Margot laughed.

"That was you."

I looked under the table and saw her bare feet on the floor.

"I was just letting you know I'm here." Margot giggled.

"You're the one who believes all this weird stuff. Take it seriously."

I settled and called out again.

"Is there anybody there?"

The room remained silent and the glass steadfast under our fingers.

"Give us a sign that you're with us."

The candles flickered spookily, throwing moving shadows around the room.

Please. Speak with us.

Tell us your name."

Margot sniggered and I felt like an idiot again.

"This is silly." I said in defeat.

"Perhaps you should take your clothes off. I think your ghost just likes to see you naked."

I smirked.

"I think it might be you who likes to see me naked."

The smirk became a grin.

"I can't lie.

But I'm serious. You said she watches you in bed and when ..." she grinned.

What Margot said was true. My ghost did have a habit of being around in intimate moments. I lifted my top away, avoiding Margot's gaze.

"I feel like I'm cheating by showing my tits to someone else."

"It's in the name of science. I'll let you off. Besides. I get to look as well."

"And you get to touch."

I quivered at the thought before adding.


Fighting back a giggle, I took her hand and tried again.

"Is there anybody here?"

I waited, listening intently, searching for that feeling we weren't alone. Nothing.

"There's no one here." I said deflated.

"I am."

Margot grabbed for my leg under the table and I jumped away.

"Do you never stop?"

"Do you want me to?"

I stood, squeezing my tits between my fingers as I looked at her in the candlelight. Her eyes reflected the flickering and I could see the wetness on her lips glistening.



Margot stood and came toward me. A slow, purposeful approach.

"Perhaps your ghost will appear if we do it."

"Ooh. Voyeurism, paranormal style."

Margot smooched my lips with a gentle passion, her fingertips stroking back and forth on my upper arms until I shuddered.

"You're overdressed." She whispered.

I struggled playfully, pushing her hands away as she grappled with what remained of my clothing. I lost the battle and my shorts came down, tripping me so that I staggered about until my ankles were free of them.

"Stop it."

I was laughing to exhaustion as my panties came away and she grabbed for my pussy.


I twisted and found myself on my knees with my arse presented to her. And for a moment she went quiet. I caught my breath and looked around.

"Look what I found upstairs earlier."

"You ...

You've been in my drawers."

Margot grinned as she switched on the rabbit and I saw those little ears moving.

"Rabbits do like to burrow."

I turned forward and braced myself.

"Oh my god."

I was so wet when the buzzing toy played around my entrance, spreading my sweet nectar under Margot's watchful eyes.


A little pressure and I was opened. No resistance to it finding its way into me. I pressed back onto the toy, wanting it to fill me.

"Is it better when someone else is playing?"



It was.

Those ears brushed my bean each time she eased the rabbit into me. A rhythmic in and out that had me writhing, pressing myself back and up to meet her.

I found her mouth waiting and almost died when she kissed my tiny butt hole.


"You like that?"

"Yeah." My voice shook.

I put my face to the floor and arching my back, I gave myself to her completely as she put her tongue to it.


Margot licked my arse hole and massaged my pussy with the rabbit. Fingers tickled the tops of my thighs and vulva, and those ears played on my bean. My whole being was focused only on the steady, unrelenting climb toward the bliss of coming.

"Aw fuck. Don't stop."

I was going to heaven yet again. The afternoon has been spent in bed. We chatted, touched and kissed. Now I was on my way to ecstasy once more.

"Oh my god."

She was holding my legs wide and teasing my hole with the rabbit again. Her fingers circled on my bean, pressing and rubbing the tiny seat of of my joy where it hid beneath a hood of delicate, wet, flesh.

"Come for me, Erin."

I did. It was violent. All-encompassing. My whole body was gripped with spasms as though she had plugged me into the mains.


I was still gasping as I took the toy from her and looked beneath her neat little bush at the two enticingly beautiful little holes.

"Your turn."

Margot was a joy to play with. I loved watching her pussy swallow the rabbit, seeing her twitch and jerk with little control. Her juices flowed and covered my fingers which I could not resist sucking clean or pressing to her lips so I could watch as she tasted herself.

"Holy .... Uh."

She came with a jolt that made her tits jiggle. Pointed little tips pointing up that I just had to suck as she was gripped by her ecstasy.


Christ almighty, that was amazing."

When we snuggled down in bed after showering together, it felt so good to feel her warm body next to mine. I could feel her breathing, and where my hand lay on her shoulder against her neck, the tiny beat of her pulse. Another life. One that shared my world so completely. I was happy beyond words.


The weeks passed with me held in a state of confusion. Margot came to me two, sometimes three times a week. Always the same pattern. We made love, shared our evenings in each other's arms and talked nonsense. We slept in my bed and in the morning, after breakfast, she would make an excuse and leave.

She stayed away when I worked, but in the evenings and weekends, she would just appear on my doorstep unannounced.

Every time I tried to enquire about her life I was met with deflection. I still had no idea how to contact her or where she lived. When we were together I was in her thrall. She held me under a spell that stopped me from insisting on answers in case I drove her away.

When I was alone, the questions returned. Who was she? Where did she go when she wasn't with me? Was there someone else who she was hiding from me? A lover? Or parents who didn't approve of her life choices? She certainly didn't seem as comfortable with her sexuality when it came to talking about other people's views. Almost as if she'd been given a hard time for it.

It made no sense to me. And each time I tried to ask, she avoided answering with any detail. A kiss, a touch, always a change of subject. Always a swerving avoidance of answering me.

What was also in my mind was the future. There was no doubt in my mind that we were in a relationship. It wasn't some passing flirtation or experiment with the same sex before moving on to a guy.

I'd come to terms with myself. I knew why I hadn't been successful in making a connection with the lads I'd called boyfriends. I even realised now that it had always been girls I noticed in movies and magazines. It'd been the girls at uni I'd looked at.

Sure, I could appreciate a good-looking man. But there had always been a detachment in my emotional response. I didn't mind seeing a nice cock being sucked in a porn video. But I'd come to the conclusion that it was the girl's lips and facial expressions I was really watching as I got off.

Margot had made me look into myself and discover my true nature. More than that, she'd become the one I wanted. And I wanted to tell the world.

In my house, on our walks, it all felt a little like hiding. The time was coming when I felt I should tell my Mum and Dad I wouldn't be giving them grandchildren. That task really was going to fall to Brandon and Olivia now.

"Hear the river?"

Margot was standing at the bottom of my garden in just a thin wraparound dress. It hadn't escaped my notice that the sun passed through it like an X-ray. I could see the outline of her body. So svelte. It made my mouth water.

"When the shrubs die down in the winter you can see it from here. At the moment it's tranquil. A gentle flow. January, February when the rains run off the hills, it becomes an angry raging torrent."

I could hear it. Little more than a gentle trickle. There was something inherently soothing about the sound of water.

I lifted a bare leg into the air from my sun-lounger and caressed my thigh in the sun.

"We won't be out here in the winter. We'll be snuggled up in a duvet by the fire."

I loved the summer. But winter had its charm. A real fire, the smell of burning wood and the crackle of heated sap. And that I would do that wrapped in a comforting duvet while pressed against Margot's naked body almost made me wish for snow right now.

Margot turned back to look at me. I could feel her eyes on my bare flesh in the yellow bikini I was wearing.

"You look like Jane Fonda."

"I hope not. She's like a hundred or something."

"I meant when she was young. Ever seen Barbarella?"

"No. What's that? Some ancient movie?"

"It's in colour if that's what you mean. You should watch it. It's fun. And Jane Fonda is naked a lot.

Makes me all tingly and hot."

"Really? Do I have competition?"

"No. She's a hundred or something." She grinned.

"We can watch it together then." I said putting my hand up to beckon her.

"Come here."

Margot's dress flowed out around her as she came up the small lawn to take my hand and sit next to me.

"You only seem to watch old movies or listen to music my granny dances to.

You're weird." I giggled.

"I like old stuff. The seventies were so colourful and fun. Now it's all ... dull and boring. And there's all that woke stuff you talked about."

"Woke isn't all bad. It's made life for gays better. They didn't like lesbians as much back in that decade."

"True. But that's when brave feminists were pushing back the boundaries so you could be yourself today."

"Ha. Sounds like you'd have liked to have been alive then."

"I had a badge. My mum hated it. It said We don't need balls to play. I think it was something to do with girls playing football but I always thought it kinda said I was as good as any boy."

I let my eyes drop to her cleavage in the loose dress. It seemed to hang from pert nipples that I could just make out through the material.

"You look better than any boy I've ever known."

Margot leaned in and kissed my thigh. I tingled all over. Nothing else in the world made me as excited as the touch of her soft lips on my flesh.

"Careful. This garden isn't secluded and there's old people next door."

I glanced backwards at the windows of the other cottages that overlooked my garden. Net curtains that could hide watching eyes.

"Don't care."

She kissed my belly and I squirmed. Her fingers slipped under the gusset of my bikini bottom.

"Oh fuck."

Those fingers moving softly over delicate folds of hot flesh made me forget where we were. I closed my eyes and let a foot drop to the patio to give her easier access.

"I love how your pussy feels.

So soft and silky."


People can see." I protested again with no conviction.

"Does that excite you?"

My head looked from side to side as my lips were gently parted and she started to ease a finger into me.

"Don't you ever just sit and masturbate, wondering if your ghost is watching you? Admiring your beautiful, perfect body? Watching your titties jiggle as you cum?"


It was true. I did do that. I did get a buzz from it. The fear of those first few times had been replaced with a wish to please whoever the ghostly female was. I'd never seen her. Only Tystan knew what she looked like but I instinctively knew she was young and beautiful.


Those fingers were sending me wild.

"But I don't actually believe in ghosts. I do believe in Mrs Swanson next door though."

I pushed her hand away and sat up as I got control of my urges.

"Let's go inside and continue this before we give my neighbour a heart attack."

Holding her hand I led Margot through the doors and drew the curtains over without closing them. I stroked her hair and moved it away from her face as I looked into her eyes.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered.

My fingers found the clasp holding her dress and with a flick, it fell to her ankles.

We walked into the village before closing time. I needed milk and we had an urge for some sugary snacks. Something to munch on while I was subjected to Margot's old Jane Fonda movie. It was on Amazon as a rental. I'd be able to compare myself and see if I really did look like Jane Fonda in her prime.

"You like these?"

I picked up some Wagon Wheels. A pack of six.


Have they got any ice pops?" She asked looking around.

"They can be fun when it's hot."

We both giggled like two silly school girls. Our thoughts well into the realms of how we could use a frozen stick of fruit juice other than as a snack.

I found a box of Mr Freeze ones and dropped them in the basket before picking up a bottle of milk from the fridge.

"Ice cold on hot body parts." I whispered.


I saw the woman behind the counter looking at us funny. She averted her eyes as soon as I made eye contact. Seems in a quaint village like Ash Hollow the whole equal rights thing had passed them by. There was still some latent homophobia lingering on. Were we that obvious?

I took the basket to the counter and lifted it up.

"We'll have two lottery tickets as well, please."

"Two. One for you and your ... friend."

I felt a burst of anger at her smirk but held it back.

"That'll be twenty-three pounds and forty-seven pence please."

I paid with my card and pushed the things into a bag.

"Let's get out of here." I said to Margot holding the woman's stare.

"What the fuck is wrong with people?" I almost screamed outside.

"Do I suddenly have dyke written on my back or something?

Christ. This village is like something from the nineteen-fifties."

Margot took my free hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Sometimes people don't understand."

"Oh come on. She looked right through you like you didn't exist. There's no excuse for that behaviour in this day and age."

"Do you love me?" She asked.

"Yes. You know that by now surely?"

"Then that's all that matters. Sod 'em."

We wandered on past the remaining shops and went to sit on the green.

Margot watched the ducks.

"I don't like water. Not ... lakes and ponds."

It seemed a little strange but then we all had irrational fears. For me it was spiders.

"Note to self. No beach holidays. Or cruises. Or the Lake District.

Christ, where are we going to holiday?"


I burst out laughing.

"No bloody chance. Holiday camps are for people like the woman in the shop, stuck in the past."

I looked over Margot's dress again. Like all her clothes it had that vintage look. As though it belonged to a time when families flocked to Pontins and Butlins instead of taking a flight to Spain.

"Flying okay?" I asked to check.

"I think so. I've never been on a plane."

"Oh Jesus, stop.

I'm beginning to feel like your mother rather than your girlfriend."

I saw her look down with a smile expanding across her face.


"Oh, nothing. I just like hearing you describe me as your girlfriend."

"Well, that's what you are. Despite the disapproval of stuffy people like that woman in the shop, and I don't care who knows it."
