Love at Crow Creek


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I was so glad when everyone finally started eating as it gave me a break from smiling politely. Most everyone brought a dish to share and the tables groaned under the weight of the spread. Cody grabbed my hand under the table as we waited for the rolls to be passed around. I squeezed it as a silent thank you to him.

Everyone started to leave while Michael stayed to help us clean. The whole party went off without any issues and every guest left stuffed with premium beef and delicious sides.

The three of us did as much to help as Grandpa could tolerate until he kicked us out. I hugged him and thanked him and promised to come back tomorrow to do more cleaning. He waved me off like it was no big deal but I could see the pride in his eyes.

Back at the RV, Michael started a fire while Cody and I changed out of our party clothes. We grabbed cold Cokes and joined him around the fire pit. We told him about our idea to go on a road trip to Missoula and he promised to request some days off in the next few weeks.

Right before Thanksgiving the three of us drove across the state to visit Renee and check out the area. We talked the whole way about all of us moving together. We were all excited. It felt like old times.

After we checked into the hotel, we gave Michael the truck to use to go and meet up with Renee. It would be his first time meeting her in person. Cody and I took advantage of the hot tub in our hotel suite while we were alone.

Later, Michael brought Renee back to the hotel and the four of us went out to eat at a fancy Italian place. We all sounded like country bumpkins as we commented about how we didn't have anything like this back home. It was a great time and we laughed a lot.

Renee was beautiful and sweet. We totally understood why Michael was infatuated with her. She didn't even blink an eye at me and Cody being married to each other. I guess that's the difference an open minded college town can make.

The next day we dropped Michael off at Renee's while Cody and I drove out to see several plots of land for sale. One was flat and clearly meant for farming.

The second one was in the mountains but completely covered in forest. It would be a ton of work to clear enough to build a house, let alone everything else we wanted.

The final piece of property we visited was the largest and most expensive, but totally worth it. It was close to 200 acres on the edge of the mountains. It had forest and open areas as well as a creek. We were told that up the creek there was a waterfall.

Cody looked like a kid on Christmas. His whole body was vibrating and glowing with excitement. That was all it took for me. We drove back to the realtor's office and wrote an offer.

While we drove back home the next day, everyone was quiet and tired. We were each thinking about the future and the possibilities that lay ahead.

My phone rang through the truck's Bluetooth. I answered it by touching a button on the steering wheel. It was the realtor. I could tell Cody was holding his breath.

The realtor told us that the property had gotten several offers but based on our plans for it, ours was the one they accepted. Another buyer wanted to clear the land for cattle and another wanted to parcel it out into smaller lots.

We planned to build a home and an adventure business while leaving most of it wild and untouched. The owner loved the idea and was pleased to know it wouldn't be changed all that much.

Cody asked if the creek had a name. Our realtor said that it ran through an adjacent property and they called it something or another, but it didn't have any real name. I could tell that was the answer Cody wanted.

We arranged a trip back in a few weeks to sign everything in person and to see about getting a manufactured home set up for us until we could build our permanent place.

During that trip, we rented a house in town for all three of us to live while we established our new lives in the area. Michael had driven his own truck and stayed for a few extra days to interview at a car dealership to be an apprentice mechanic.

Cody and I went back home to celebrate Christmas with our families and pack up the RV and close it down for the long winter. Michael called to let us know he'd gotten the job and the three of us moved across the state right after the new year.

Our new land was covered in snow so Cody and I rented snow machines to explore more of the property. We found the spot we wanted to build our house. We also marked out where the temporary house would sit since building our ranch house was at least a year away.

"I think we should name it Crow Creek." Cody suggested while we stood by the edge of the water.

"Why Crow Creek? I saw ravens on the property, not crows."

"It's our initials. RO and CW just slightly rearranged. Crow Creek and we should call the business Crow Creek Ranch or something like that."

"I love it. It's perfect." As I said it Cody launched himself and tackled me into the snow. He kissed me while holding me down.

"I love you! This is going to be amazing. I can't wait to build our life together here." His blue eyes sparkled with pure excitement.

Before I knew it, it was time to go back on tour. Having an airport less than an hour from the land we'd bought was such a nice change. I could easily come and go every weekend without everyone wasting an entire day traveling back and forth.

The bull riding season had completely changed. The main tour sponsor changed and everything was going to be different. At first the changes pissed me off but I quickly realized it made my life so much easier.

Instead of touring from January until the summer hiatus and then going back from the end of August through the finals the first week in November, the season was shortened to January through the end of May. It was like a half a season after the upheaval.

I had grown up with the old schedule and it's what I expected to do as I turned pro. It was how my first season had gone. The new schedule was so short but it meant I'd be home so much more and away from Cody so much less.

There were still extra events in the summer and fall that I could go to, but they weren't part of the PBR schedule for the championship. The changes felt so weird but I knew I'd be happier in the end.

Cody was happy from the second he knew I wasn't upset about it. I would still get to travel and compete, but I'd be home most of the year in the grand scheme of things. He was on cloud nine.

During the first newly scheduled season we stayed in the rental with Michael. I was glad Cody wouldn't be alone when he didn't come with me on tour. He usually came along every other weekend.

He got a job on a ranch to keep busy while we waited to get started building on our property. Michael and Renee were kind of on again off again all winter and spring.

In April we were able to get plumbing and electric established on our land and had a manufactured home delivered to the prearranged location. Michael moved in with us so we could get rid of the rental.

My second season on tour was an incredible success again. I won three regular season events and in May I competed at the championship in Texas. I came in fourteenth at the event and tenth overall for the season. My winnings paid for the house we wanted to build and then some.

I was glad to be home for the construction so Cody didn't have to deal with everything on his own. Meanwhile Michael met an older woman named Vickie. She was divorced and had a kid. We tried to be supportive but we were all only twenty so it seemed like a lot to Cody and I.

Before the mountain froze over for the winter, the house was done and Cody and I moved in. Michael stayed in the manufactured home and started paying us rent as he planned to stay there for a while.

Vickie came and went and Cody and I silently rejoiced. He took a few months off from dating and in the spring he met the love of his life, Cara. Cara was the female version of Michael and all three of us adored her.

As my third season on tour rolled by, Cody and I worked to build the foundations of our adventure business and Cara moved in with Michael.

We built a stable with a riding arena as our first project. Cara had an Aunt Marie that was a retired barrel racer and overall horsewoman. She became our main adviser regarding the horse portion of our camp.

Camp Crow Creek opened two and a half years after we moved to Missoula. We had camping trips, hiking excursions and horseback riding to start.

We opened the first week in June, just after the finals so I could be home for the whole season. We hired Cara and Marie to run tours along with Cody and I. It was hectic that first year, but all of the guests had amazing adventures and promised to be back next summer.

We also opened a Christmas tree lot that first year with mountain style cut-your-own trees. You could also buy a precut tree that Cody and I would cut to order.

Before we opened for our second season, we had so many guests booked that we decided to hire Michael full time to do maintenance on the vehicles and buildings and to help run tours.

In the autumn of our second year in business my grandpa had a stroke and passed away. Cody, Michael, Cara and I all went back home for the funeral.

My daddy looked so lost. His father was gone. His son was on the other side of the state. Grandpa's ranch was more than he wanted to deal with on his own. He was broken and I felt like I had to fix it somehow.

Luckily Cody's parents purchased the ranch as it was right next to their property, so it became one larger property easily. It gave both Daddy and I some extra money and freedom from all the responsibility.

We invited Daddy to come visit us in Missoula for the holidays and he reluctantly accepted. It was the best thing that ever happened to him, but we didn't know it yet.

That Thanksgiving Daddy met Marie and sparks flew. In less than a month my daddy moved to Missoula and started helping run the Christmas tree business.

In the spring Michael and Cara got engaged. They married just a few months later, right before the opening of the ranch for the busy summer season.

That summer we bought another manufactured home and rented it to Daddy and Marie who were on the path to getting married themselves.

Now all six of us were working together to run and grow the adventure business. My daddy blossomed under the new challenges and the happiness of having a partner and lover by his side.

We all fell into a wonderful routine with common goals and all of us in love. No one was surprised when Cara announced that she was expecting. Michael was so excited to be a dad. It was all incredible to watch.

We were now twenty four and further along in our business than we expected. We had happiness, success and family in spades. But I could tell Cody was hoping for more.

"You want a baby, don't you?" I asked him one night as we cuddled up in bed. We'd been to Michael and Cara's for dinner and Cody and Cara had gone off to the nursery while Michael and I cleaned up.

"Kind of. Yeah. What about you? Are you ready to think about it?"

"I am. We can't just get pregnant, so we should start looking into it. It could take a while, as you know."

"Really? I'd love to adopt. We could also look into fostering." Cody sounded excited and hopeful.

"Okay. We can get the process started as soon as you want. I can't wait to see you holding Michael and Cara's baby in a few months." I kissed his head as I held him close against my chest.

Over the next few months, as we awaited the birth of our niece, we applied to adopt and to be foster parents. I swear Cody nested right along with Cara. He did everything he could to support our friends while thinking ahead to our own future baby.

Cara gave birth to a seven and half pound baby girl. Both mom and baby were healthy and happy and Michael was the most attentive husband and father you could ask for. Lauren Marie Gomez came home to the ranch at two days old.

Marie and my daddy, me and Cody and Michael's dad doted on that little girl from the second she was born. Mike was so happy to be a grandpa. He came and visited the ranch and his granddaughter for a long weekend every month.

Between the end of the summer season and the Christmas tree business, we got a phone call one evening. Cody answered and put it on speaker.

"Cody? Rhett? You both there?" The voice from the other end of the call said.

"Yes, we're both here." I spoke because Cody was looking pale. It was the Montana state foster care agency we'd applied through.

After introducing herself the lady from the agency finally got to the point. "We have a sibling pair that we'd like to place with you if you're willing. There's a two and half year old and a seven month old."

The next fifteen minutes is a complete blur. What I can remember is that we had two days to get ready to foster two babies.

We bought two cribs, two car seats and a million other things. Cody kept reminding himself and me that they were foster kids and they might not stay. But we still went all in as if they were ours.

The social worker came into the house to do a final inspection an hour before the babies were being dropped off. She didn't smile and we were both terrified as she moved through our house without speaking. She finally came to the conclusion that everything was perfect and then she left without any emotions expressed at all.

The woman that brought the children a short time later was thankfully human in comparison. She carried in the toddler while I took the carrier with the baby into the house.

She introduced us to the babies. The two and a half year old was a girl named Brilee. She quickly pointed out that everyone had been calling her Brie since she was removed from her mother's care. The seven month old boy was named Arson but everyone called him Arnie for now.

We were given some general background about them and their situation. The babies had been neglected and were both underweight. They're neighbor, who babysat them, had called CPS after their mom didn't come for them after three days.

As it turns out, she was using meth and had overdosed in a meth house she frequented with her current boyfriend. She'd been left for dead but had survived against all odds. She was now in jail and wouldn't be able to take care of her kids for at least six months, possibly longer.

Before the woman from the agency left, Cody's mom showed up, ready to help us. Jennifer Waters had driven over as soon as she'd heard we'd been selected to foster. She moved into the guest room, ready to be a grandma in every way.

Satisfied that the babies were in good hands, the agency worker left and the three of us started the exhausting work of childcare.

Jennifer helped us figure out feeding and bathing and all the basics we'd barely experienced with baby Lauren. Brie was quiet but she immediately clung to Cody.

Seeing my husband standing in our kitchen with a little girl on his hip while his mom showed him how to prepare her dinner was mind blowing in the best way. Cody had never looked more handsome and sexy than he did at that innocent moment.

Jennifer was a total godsend. She only had Cody, but she had run a daycare for several decades. She told us how to do everything without stepping on our toes. She was absolutely brilliant.

Arnie was fussy the first few days and Brie was too quiet, but Jennifer encouraged us to let them adjust at their own speed. During our first visit from the agency, we got sparkling reviews about the condition and happiness of the children.

Both had gained weight and were sleeping on pretty regular schedules. Arnie giggled during most of the visit which made Cody and I smile like idiots the whole time. Brie kept running to the shelf and bringing back toy after toy. She was a normal toddler.

After three weeks, Jennifer headed back across the state. She assured us she was just a phone or video call away. We also had Daddy and Marie, who came over for dinner most nights.

My daddy loved them immediately. When he fell asleep in front of the TV with both babies in his arms, I found myself unable to stop my tears. He'd wanted grandkids and he thought me being gay would mean it wouldn't happen.

He'd long since accepted me and Cody and we'd grown into a better relationship than ever before. He'd moved here to be with us and had found Marie, his true love. And now he cuddled with my foster babies on my couch in my beautiful home I'd built with my husband.

Cody pulled me into our bedroom and hugged me tightly while the feelings overwhelmed me. His soft lips met mine, kissing me, reassuring me, and allowing me to sort through it all.

Cara and Cody spent days together with the three kids while Michael, Daddy and I worked the ranch with Marie overseeing pretty much everything. She was a natural leader. We officially hired Marie to be the ranch manager before I went back on tour that year.

I came home every weekend and Cody came with the kids on tour for any events on the west side of the country. The four of us traveled like a well oiled machine. We always had fun in the hotel rooms and the pool area. Seeing Cody with the kids in the arena while I rode was sheer perfection.

Brie and Arnie had been with us for six months. Brie was three now and had a big smile, a wickedly loud scream and blonde curls that bounced around her cute face.

Arnie was just over a year old and getting more mobile and hilarious by the day. His golden curls hung about his ears while he giggled at everything. They were both beautiful, happy and healthy.

During our last update, the kids mother was near the end of her jail sentence and was clean. She planned to petition the state for custody of the kids once she got out. Every day we focused on the babies and at night we clung to one another awaiting word.

We heard when she got released. And then we heard again when she was arrested less than two weeks later for prostitution. And a month after that we were surprised to find out she'd relinquished all her parental rights. We immediately made our wishes to adopt them known. We continued to hold our breath.

With three little kids underfoot, Cody and Cara made lunch for all of us, which had become our regular routine. I scooped up Andy, which is what we were now calling Arnie or Arson. He screamed in delight as I boosted him over my head.

Finally seated at the table, us six adults and three children, dug into the lunch spread before us. And then the phone rang. Cody jumped up to grab his cell. He answered it and I stood to join him in the kitchen.

It was the state. Our application was approved. We had a court date to officially adopt our babies. Cody couldn't even talk as I tried my best to explain to everyone what had been said.

Within seconds the house was completely in an uproar. Everyone hugged and cried and laughed and rejoiced. I saw my daddy hugging my soon to be daughter with tears running down his face. Michael and Cara hugged their own little girl as the excitement started to settle.

Two months later, all dressed up, my family of four sat at a table as the judge reviewed the case. Behind us, the gallery was full. Daddy and Marie. Cara, Michael, Lauren and Mike Gomez. Jennifer and Adam Waters. Cash Harding. They were all silent as they waited with us.

As the adoption was finalized, we legally changed both kids' names as well. Brie Rose Olsen-Waters and Andrew Randall Olsen-Waters were ours. Our kids. Cody's and my babies. It was unbelievable.

We watched as the three of them grew up together like me, Cody and Michael had. Granny Marie taught all three of them to ride. My Daddy took them fishing. The Waters came to visit, staying in town at a hotel, as often as they could. Life was full and busy everyday.
