Love at Crow Creek


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"Good plan." We both got up and got dressed. I walked him out to the truck and kissed him before he drove away.

Back in the RV I felt like pacing the floor, but there wasn't much floor to be had. I finally got ready and left, climbing in my old truck and driving right past the farmhouse. I drove to Michael's garage to see a friendly face.

I was not prepared for the welcome I received. Every guy in the place, whether employee or customer, had to shake my hand and congratulate me on my success at the finals.

Michael and I finally got away and we drove back to his place for his lunch break. He asked about the new truck and I explained that Cody had it right now.

Once we settled in at his kitchen table, I told him the sordid tale of this morning's encounter with my daddy. He fought to listen without laughing. I just shook my head and tried not to clobber him.

"It's not that funny." I grumbled.

"It's pretty funny, Rhett. Cody in his underwear. A thousand dollars! It's actually fucking hilarious." He laughed about the whole thing again.

"Shut up. I thought I was going to have to punch my own father. It's a fucking mess."

"It'll be alright, Rhett. I just know it. Your grandpa is a wiley old dog. You can't be that surprised. If he had a big problem with it, he'd never have bet with your dad. Can you imagine the conversation that led to that wager in the first place?" He started to guffaw all over again.

"Why are we friends?" I looked down at my plate.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Olsen. But do make sure you call me later and let me know what happens. I'll be dying to hear all about it." He kept grinning at me.

I dropped him off at work after the lunch break and headed home to meet up with Cody. He told me everything was totally normal at his parents place, so that was something.

We climbed into the big black truck I'd won and drove to the house. Both Daddy and Grandpa's trucks were there. I swallowed a giant knot in my throat.

"Want me to wait here?"

"I'd say yes for your own safety, but I think I'd rather have you beside me."

"What are husbands for?" Cody smiled, trying his best to soothe me.

We walked up to the house and let ourselves in. I walked into the sitting room where the two of them were talking about the cold weather front. As soon as they saw me they both stopped and looked at me and then at Cody, hovering behind me.

"You collect your winnings yet, old man?" I casually leaned on the door jam. I tried to act cool even though I wanted to throw up.

"Naw, your daddy's not good for that kind of money and you know it. Come on in and sit down, boy. You too, Cody." He nodded towards the empty couch.

Cody and I exchanged a glance and then moved to sit next to each other. I wanted to take his hand but I was flat out scared. He easily read me and understood without words.

The four of us sat in silence for what felt like an uncomfortable hour even if it was probably less than a minute. I looked between the two of them and took comfort in having Cody right there.

"Someone say something." Cody finally broke the standoff.

"I forgot to congratulate you, kid. You did good. That's a fancy truck you got there. Must have been a nice ride back from Vegas."

"Thanks Grandpa. But let's talk about the elephant in the room. I'm going be sick." I said the last part quietly.

"I wanted grandkids." My daddy finally spoke as he looked at his hat in his hands.

"We can have kids, you know. Being married to another man doesn't change that."

"You're really married?" Grandpa asked, leaning forward in his chair, clearly curious.

I nodded and finally reached over and took Cody's hand. It was as ice cold as my own.

"When did you two make that bet?" I redirected the conversation back to that topic.

"I think you were sixteen. I just had this hunch about it. Never met a good looking, successful kid like yourself that didn't have a pack of girls chasing him around."

I looked at my grandfather and shook my head at his words. That was three years ago. It had to be more than just the lack of girls. I just didn't know what or how to ask about it.

"Daddy? You obviously thought he was wrong?"

"Yeah, I hoped he was." He still didn't look up.

"Don't say shit like that, Randall! These boys are clearly worried and you say that dumb shit? You'd better not chase this boy off with that stupid talk. I won't let you treat him like that in my house." Grandpa got defensive which made my heart beat faster.

"I didn't mean it like that! I hoped he wasn't......" He waved his hand around looking for the word "gay" but refusing to say it. "I knew it would make his life harder. You know how Brenda talked about her cousin Carl all the time. I didn't want that for my son."

Carl was the cousin my mom always referred to as a nasty fag, or worse. It was kind of nice to know my father just didn't want me to suffer. I hoped that was his real main issue with all this, but I doubted it.

I felt Cody squeeze my hand tighter, bolstering my nerves a bit. "Mom's not here. And neither is Carl. Tell me to my face what you're thinking. Please." My voice cracked as I said the last word.

"Aw hell. I don't know Rhett. I've never dealt with anything like this and you know it. God dammit." He looked defeated as he said it and my heart sank a bit further into my feet.

"Rhett, my boy, I love ya. That's never going to change. Your happiness is all I've ever wanted since you moved in here when you were five. You're daddy is just scared, but he loves you too. Ain't that right, Randy?"

"Of course I love him. I'm just confused and worried."

"I'm a grown man, Daddy. There's nothing to worry about. I'm happier than ever. I'm in love and I've got money in the bank but I'm still me."

"I know. I do know that." He let out a huge breath and shifted his eyes between the ceiling and the floor, still having trouble looking at any of the rest of us.

"What happens now? Do we pretend everything's the same? Are we going to have this wall between us forever or what?"

"No, Rhett. Dammit. I just need time to think this all through. Can you just let me process this? You're my only child. It's a lot to take in."

"It's really not. He's still the same Rhett. He just happens to be gay. But unless you're in our bed, it doesn't affect you." Cody spoke up and blew my mind.

"Well I don't even want to think about that, Waters. Do your parents know?" My daddy snarked back at Cody.

"No, they don't. But they didn't have a fucking bet about me and my sexuality. You two did." He pointed to the two men.

"He's got you there, Randy. How about this? You go home and sleep on it. Come back for dinner tomorrow with your head screwed on straight. These two boys get to decide who they tell and when and how. End of story. Now all of you, get out of my house. The news is coming on." Grandpa reached for the TV remote to emphasize his point.

I stood first and pulled Cody up with me. I leaned over Grandpa and gave him a quick hug. I whispered a thank you into his ear and turned to look at my father. He looked a bit shellshocked, which was exactly how I felt as well.

"See you at dinner tomorrow?" I addressed him.

"Of course. I'm not missing out on steak because your grandfather is better at reading my own son than me." He stood then too.

I had Cody's hand in a deathgrip as we turned to leave through the backdoor. I heard the two men talking, but I was ready to flee so I didn't try to listen.

Outside Cody and I climbed into our truck as my daddy emerged from the house. He walked over to me and stopped about five feet away from my door.

"I hope you don't think I'm ever going to stop loving you. I'm sorry I'm not sure how to deal with all this, but I will deal with it. I hope you'll give me some time."

"I know you love me. I love you too. And like Cody said, I'm the same person I've always been. You just know more about me now than ever before. Take your time but promise me you'll come to me if you have questions. Don't get stuck in your head about this, please Daddy."

He nodded to indicate he agreed. "I'm sorry for how I've acted today. You too, Cody. You're as welcome in this family as you've always been."

"Thanks, Randy. Rhett's a great man and my best friend."

My father nodded again and then tipped his hat to both of us. He turned and walked away, heading to his own truck.

"Daddy, wait." I called after him. He stopped and turned around. I opened my door and went to him while trying to act as normal as possible. As we stood toe to toe, his eyes met mine and I saw his face start to crumble.

I reached for him and he hugged me tightly. "I hope to be as good a man as you are, son. I'm sorry." His words made me choke up.

"I'm sorry too, Daddy. I never meant to disappoint you."

"I'm the one letting everyone else down. But I'll do better. That's a promise. I'll see you at dinner tomorrow." He turned and climbed into his truck.

Cody and I rode back to the RV in silence. He looked worried and I felt like a trainwreck. I was finally able to breathe again once we were alone in our little blue metal box on wheels. Our home. Cody and me.

"Want to take a shower?"

I nodded yes to Cody's question. He got up and started the water running. He came back and pulled my boots off as I sat limply on the end of the bed.

"C'mon, get up and get naked. The shower is ready." He pulled me up to stand and helped me undress once he was nude himself. He led me to the tiny room and pulled me in after him.

Once we were under the hot water, I leaned into him and let him comfort me. We just stood there holding each other while some of the stress of the day washed away down the drain.

We dried off and lay back in our bed. Cody pulled me close and let me snuggle into him tighter. He stroked my shaggy hair and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I whispered it into his chest.

"I love you, honey. It actually all went better than I expected."

"Especially the part where you talked about our bed." I huffed it out, finding it amusing now.

"Seriously, though. Don't worry. He'll see that everything is the same soon enough. It seems like he's trying, right?"

"Yeah. Grandpa surprised the crap out of me. He guessed it three years ago. It's so weird."

Cody chuckled and pulled me in closer. "It's all weird, but it's going to be okay."

"I guess we don't have to worry about getting kicked off the property, at least. But we still need a plan for winter. We can't stay in here."

"Let's get through dinner tomorrow and we'll worry about that after. Right now we need to call Michael and get him to bring a pizza over."

Michael showed up after he got off work and brought the requested extra large pizza. We ate in front of the fire, pretty much in silence.

We finally told Michael everything that had happened with my family. He listened without making any jokes, which was nice, albeit unusual.

After we talked it all through, Michael changed the subject. "I think I want to move. I'm sick of this town. I can work as a mechanic anywhere."

"Is this about the girl in Missoula?" Cody asked the same thing I was going to.

"Kind of. There isn't even one girl in this town I want to date. And I want to get married someday too. Plus, this town is dead. Even if it doesn't work out with Renee, I can find someone else. It's not really about her, but it is about finding someone."

Cody and I both nodded in agreement. Having found each other had changed everything for us.

"Besides, I want to be in the mountains. I always imagined living in a log cabin in the woods in the foothills. Or way up on the side where you can see all the way to Canada or Idaho."

"I'd love to live by the mountains." Cody said it, reminding me of his old plan to leave our town and be a mountain man. He'd talked about it for years and years when we were kids.

"You guys should buy some land out that way. There's an airport so you don't have to drive to Billings all the damn time. And I'd be there." Michael jumped on the idea.

I nodded and made a mental note to bring it up to Cody later and see what he really thought. The ideas started to swirl in my head though.

Micheal left early so he could get to bed and Cody and I went back inside. It was earlier than we'd usually go to sleep, but we felt pretty zapped of energy so we got undressed and climbed under the covers together.

"What can I do to make you feel better, babe?" Cody rubbed his hand over my bare back.

"I don't know. Just having you here with me is all I need. You know that."

"I do. But I'd still like to take care of you Rhett. Today was crazy and emotional. Let me help."

"I mean, if you want to pleasure your husband, I'd be crazy to say no." I grinned into his chest as I said the flirty words, feeling a little better already.

"Oh, is that the case? Well then, let me work on that. Lay on your stomach please." He pulled back from me slightly. I rolled over and laid flat like he asked.

Cody climbed over me and sat on my thighs. He rubbed his strong hands over my shoulders, massaging some of the tension away. He explored every inch of my neck, back and arms with his capable fingers. Cody ran his fingertips over my ass, just barely grazing my skin. It felt wonderful and I relaxed further into the mattress.

I jumped slightly when his wet mouth touched my spine. He kissed and licked his way down until he was kissing my butt cheeks. When his tongue contacted my entrance I tried to spread myself open for him to have better access.

"Those videos we watched got you inspired?" I asked as he flicked the tip of his tongue over my pucker repeatedly.

We'd been watching gay porn together to figure out new things to try since neither of us had much experience. He literally had none other than with me. We both wanted to be the best lovers to each other that we could.

Ass eating was his favorite thing lately. We had done it a little before we watched the videos but we were learning how to be better. We both liked to give and receive nearly everything we tried.

His wet tongue and lips moved over my anus with newly practiced skill which felt incredible. When he added a finger to his actions, my body throbbed in response.

"I love how you taste."

"Holy fuck, Cody. You make me feel amazing."

"Just you wait, cowboy. I'm going to mount this perfect ass like you're the bull and I'm the rookie of the year. You ready for this cock?"

"Oh god, yes." It was practically a sigh.

Cody moved up and over my body, his weight on top of me an aphrodisiac in and of itself. He pushed my cheeks open and slid his lubed length through my crevice. He rubbed himself over my entrance vigorously until I was panting and pushing my hips up towards him.

I felt him still for a moment and then the pressure of his tip against me. I relaxed as he entered me, a little at a time. I groaned from the sensation and wiggled to show him my enjoyment.

"That's it, take that dick, my love." Cody whispered his praise as he pushed himself in further.

"I love it!"

He chuckled as he gave me the last few inches. Fully inside of me, he waited until my body was ready for more. He knew exactly how to read my every need just like I could read him.

My husband moved within me slowly in long, deep strokes. He whispered words of love as he took his time. My whole body was buzzing, my own cock pulsing underneath me. The feeling was exquisite.

I pushed my hips up towards him to meet his steady thrusts. I could tell he was getting close to his own climax. His breathing and thrusting both got faster and harder.

I slid my hand under my body and grabbed my straining member. Cody's thrusts pushed my length through my fist, making my body tighten everywhere with pleasure.

"Rhett! Oh my god, I'm coming!" Cody shouted through clenched teeth as he thrust harder than ever. He stilled for a moment and then I felt the rush of his seed filling me. He started to collapse against me as my own orgasm rocked my world.

My beautiful man rolled off my back and pulled me in to be his little spoon. His sweat dampened chest against my back and his hot breath on my neck felt completely perfect.

"That was incredible, as usual. I love you, Cody."

"I love you, Rhett. I can't get enough of you." He laughed lightly as he kissed my neck.

I rolled into him so I could kiss his lips. I slid my tongue into his mouth as we continued our love making in yet another way.

"I can't believe how wonderful life is with you by my side. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you for marrying me and loving me the way you do." I felt really emotional after the long day.

"I would marry you again and again if I could."

"Okay. We'll get married every year if you want." I'd give Cody anything he desired.

"Yeah? Maybe we'll travel and get married all over the world." His smile melted my heart.

"Absolutely. And Michael can be at the next one since he wasn't in Vegas with us."

"Speaking of Michael, what do you think about him moving to Missoula?" Cody changed the subject to one I had every intention of discussing with him after the chat around the fire earlier.

"I think it's great. I want him to find the same kind of happiness we have and that's not happening here. What did you think about his suggestion that we move out that way too?"

"I'd go anywhere with you Rhett. And I'd love to be near him and an airport like he mentioned. That fucking drive to Billings sucks."

I chuckled at his honesty and agreed with him completely. "I think we should visit Missoula with him and check it out in person. I wouldn't mind buying some land in the mountains. Maybe we could open an adventure camp like we used to talk about."

"Really?" Cody's voice couldn't hide his genuine excitement.

"Of course. We always wanted to visit a place like that when we were kids. Maybe we'll make our own and have guests come to have the experiences we wished we had."

"Oh my god, that would be so awesome! We could have hiking, horseback riding, camping.... The possibilities are nearly endless."

"Let's talk to Michael at the party tomorrow and see when he can get away for a few days. We'll drive over and explore while he meets up with Renee."

"Best. Husband. Ever." He grabbed me and kissed me hard. I smiled and laughed into his mouth. His excitement was beautiful and contagious. After about another half hour of talking we finally fell asleep happy and full of ideas about our future together.

The next afternoon Cody and I girded our loins and drove the new truck up to Grandpa's house. I parked it right where all the guests could see it as they pulled in. We went inside to help set up.

Cody and I moved furniture around and set up extra tables in the living room, dining room and kitchen. We expected around twenty five people.

The first to arrive was my daddy. I could tell he was trying his very best to act normal. He dressed up in his nicest western shirt, new jeans and one of his old bull riding buckles.

He brought his "famous" scalloped potatoes and put them in the oven to bake. I watched as he and Cody worked on cleaning up the kitchen counters while I seasoned the giant pile of steaks Grandpa was going to make on the grill.

Over the next half hour the house filled with people. I couldn't do much else other than talk to everyone and accept their congratulations. They all raved about the truck and my fancy rookie of the year buckle. It was gold and silver with several small sapphires set in it.

Michael and his dad showed up just as my mom and stepdad arrived. My daddy's buddies and a few of the old timers Grandpa got coffee with came in as the food started hitting the table.

A few of my high school friends and bull riding buddies showed up with Skip. He told me Cash was out of town but he sent his best. Cody's parents were the last expected guests to arrive.